Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 02, 1911, Image 5
SATtlRDAT, 8BPT. 2„ l«t LOCAL During thobeorsh to Fair ilaccn this ai thcr I . .-glu Swine Preeders'.asefflatioc "hold its annua! meetlnjaiid at t ojin'ue, time ?ive a fine aha- at the ’air grounds. More ttyin SOdllno ewlce' will be shown by the lllferent live stock raisers over thitato who, belong to this organization and ft promises, to be one of the rqi attractions of the fair. Srnoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Ver Best Smokers”, S and ‘Pitman’s Best Smok- ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. AT THE^ftONT Ton have to be o|\ your guard It you ar ecaught'napping, it invites diraster. WA^JjJS BUSINESS COI_L«Oa IATE3 ARE NEVeN • iLEEPY HEADS. They are sought alter by men of affairs. Ton find them in leading • positions of trust. Our DIPLOMA is an open sesame to position and preferment. Our specialty li to fit you for business i to make the pay-roll larger; to In crease the salary of the “big man.'' “'il. Enter At Any Time. -Waycross Business College HEayerose. Ga. R. F. Zelglar, Pres ‘ » 1 MAJOR MCGEE FOR MAYOR The Herald fa authorized to announ ce that Mr. F. If. McGee will he a candidate fjer Mayor of Waycroaa, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. Official announcement of hie plat form will he published later. It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and,' have the Itwrong one given you. Fcr this [ lessen we urge you in buying to bo carcfci to get the genuine— BLack-BgHT Liver Medicine MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan to colorod people with good security. . L. J. Burch, Specialist 7 2m Redding Bldg. Waycross, Ga. j Mr. ahd Mrs. Vill H. Stevens ahd chlldreu returns yesterday from their two weeks’ tip through Virgin ia and ojher. poilts. They had a pleasant time,'though up to the time Charleston 3t<^m struck their vicinity the weather vas very hot and dry. Mr. Stevens alvertised Way- cross and Ware county wherever he vent and was yeti supplied with lit erature. He yas surprised to And so many that lad hear of Ware Co., and intended to come down here this fall. Crops were practically burnt up and at timeT the air was almost suffo cating. The general belief seemed to be that many \yould find Tiomes in South Georgia this fall. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Reed and Gilmore Streets. Osgood F. Cook, Pastor. Services tomorrow at 11 a. m., and* 7:30 p. m. The evening hour has been changed from 8 o’clock to 7:30 o’clock. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be administered In the morning after a short talk by the pastor and and at night as usual the sermon by the pastor will bo preceded by a song service. As the people re turn from their vacations they are encouraged to return to their places in thp church and service of God. Strangers and visitors will be well received and welcomed. The Sunday school will meet at 3:30 p. m. All of the members of the Baraca class are specially urged to be present tomorrow as a matter of unu.;ual importance will be brought to their attention. Prof. E. A. Pound has returned to the city and will have charge of the Bible class and visi tors class again, much to the delight of those who hear his lecture*. The stewards will meet on Monday at 7:30 p. m., and the meeting will be followed at 8 o’clock by the third quarterly conference which includes all of the official members, who are expected to be present. T TH AT THE MAJESTIO., Film No. V "Oaolene Engagement’, tiie story lover who is frowned upon by stern parent, is in a quandary, gets and on;ui?ement to drive old man? efir. Gasolene % supply ts exhausted rr.atiy miles from’ home and clever young man'Succeeds In having his ri val, a minister, perform ceremony that unites him to^girl, holding 'fill comers at bay |n a cellar. That love will find a way is humorously exem r plifled in this case. An uproarously funny comedy that will produce hear- tv guffaws instead of smiles. This is a feature “Imp? picture. Film No. 2. J "A Kind Hearted Brother.” A powerful dramatic story produced by the Great Northern Pic ture Company. in the way of vaudeville wo will offer “The Klein Brothers." The smallest buck and wing dancers, in the world. If you like real dancing don’t miss this act. Mr. W. H. Crumb returned last nlghi from Chicago, where lie spent some weeks with his family. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Regular -services at the Presbyter ian church tomorrow, both morning and evening by the pastor, Rev. R. Brown. Special music. The pub lic cprdially invited to attend both services. AT TRINITY CHURCH. At Trinity Church Sunday* a. m., Rev. Whitley Langston .the Presiding Elder of the Waycross District, will preach. At the evening hour Rev. J. Thrashpr will preach. The Love Feast will.be held at 10 a. ni. The Sunday -school will meet at 3:30 inj stead of 4 o'clock, as formerly. The public is cordially invited to all of these services. / Buster Browns’ school shoes.—Dick- ins. Judge T. A. Parker will speak at both mobning and evenihg Kour at First Baptist church tomorrow. Mr. T# R. Henderson, of Blackshear, was a guest of the Virdie yesterday. The city gang will level the ground and put everything in shape for Barn hill's Zoo next week. A band stand will be erected, and the place will be made one of much Interest to the people and visitors to Waycross. Let all the citizens of the city help this worthy enterprise. ■ Dr. H. K. Roberson has returned from a pleasant northern trip, to look often his extensive business interests in Waycross. *r. # and Mrs. Robert H. Givin has moved to Bainbrldge, Mr. Robert Lee Henry has conclud ed his visit to Richmond, Va., and returned to the-home at 50 Tebeau street Mr. and Mrs.’ 4 Joe B. Drane wit j their interesting little family are vis- iting.in St. Lous, Mo. Postmaster Stark Grier, of Dublin, epent last night in the city, a guest of LaGrande. Messrs W. M. Wiggins and Turner, of Waynesville, Ga.,. isitors to the city today. r. T. H. Calhoun, en route to his home at Beach from Savannah, spent last night in the city, a guest of tho Phoenix. . I Mr. A. B. Coe, who is now selling good roads machinery, has just re- rned from a very successful trip to Cuthljert, Dawson and other points. Miss Carrie .Strickland and little Mids Cecelia Shriver returned last night from a visit to Rev. and Mrs. :. Cook at Lumber City. Ga. Mr. Willie Baxter, of Blackshear, was In the cit^ today, Mr. Georgfi F. Diclcson, of Fitzger ald, train master of the A. B. & A., spent last night in Waycross.' Mrs. W. F. Eaton requests all tho singers of Central Baptist choir to meet tonight at Tabernacle afi 7:45. TRINITY CHURCH—Woman’s For eign missionary Society will meet Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. L Thrasher, the president of the Society has returned to the city and desires the pleasure of meeting every lady of the Society at this hour. “Crawfords’* fall shoos.—DIckins. Announcement Extraordinary Sleeping Car Service Between Way- cross and Atlanta, via: A. B. & A. R. R. Effective with first car leaving Way- cross 8:00 p. m., Monday September The A. B. & A. have secured to rthis service elegantly appointed electric-lighted sleeping cars, equip ped with all modern conveniences One. Big Advantage You may secure your sleeping car space at the ticket office, Union Sta tion, at any time prior to your trip, diagrams are kept contlnuosuly open. TheA. B. & A. Railroad represents the “Standard of Excellence in Service." Schedule of Sleeping ' Car Line. Leave Waycross 8:00 p.m. Arrive Atlanta, 6:40 a.m. ; Leave Atlanta 10:15 p.m. Arrive Waycross 8:45 a.m TRAVEL “THE RIGHT WAY." W. H. Leahy, O. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. R. E. Camp, T. A., Waycroaa, Ga. ., NO. REASON FOR DOUBT- A Statement of Facta Backed By ..A dfl Strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers' from constipation. In every case where we fall we supply the mod !clne free. Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, effec tive, dependable and safe bowel reg ulator, stren^hnor and tonic. They re-establish nature's functions in a quiet, easy way. They do not cause any inconvenience, griping or nau sea. They are so pleasant to take nnd wefrk so easily that they may be taken by anyone'at any time. They j thoroughly tone up the whole system j to healthy activity. ' Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable j and ideal for the use of children, old j folks and delicate persons. We can-1 ot too highly recommend them to j all suffore*! from any form of consti pation and its attendant evils, j Three aUes, 10c, 25c and 50c. Re-> member, you can obtain Rexall Rem- j edies only in this community at our store—Tho Rexall 3tor‘o. The S**1h‘ Pharmacy. At We. N. Gramling, Jr., has returned ■ after a thoroughly enjoyable visit to | St. Simon. Mrs. Radford T. Hitch is spending several weeks at Braddock Heights, Md. Mrs. C. E. Broach and children are visiting friends at Nahunta for a few days. Fall goods arriving daily.—DIckins Stores. L. J. COOLER, President J. W. BELLINGER, Ceshler. Many People Would Save If They Knew HOW The “HOW” is satisfactorily solved in our Savings Department. $1.00 opens an account, as your balance grows, so will-your interest in the account. In this department we pay4 per cent Interest compounded quarterly. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS WE PAY 4 PER CENT COMPOUNDED QU AR I'FRLY, FOR MON- EY LEFT IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 KLEIN BROS. AT THE MAJE8TIC, mmm. turn Ijejncmsoniii* jump ooooooooooo O H LESTER MARVIL ° Formerly Lott, Fain & Co O FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND O EMBALMERS. Telephone 600 Day or Nght Private Chapel and Morgue aat© oooooooooc- o BYCK ELECTRIC ° SUPPLY. CO ° All K.-.JS of Electrical Worlc O and Supplies. ’ O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. O 20 Lott Street. Phone 299. O OOOOOOOOOO o o o o O OOOOOOOOOO o oooo^-ooooo o O WL HINSON & CO <> o UNDERTAKERS O O AND . O o EMBALMERS. O O Phone 91 and 153. O © OOOOOOOOOO 9 OOOOOOOOOOO O WILSON o O BENNETT ° o & LAMBDIN o O Attorney, A Counselor, At Law O o OOOOOOOOOO o © OOOOOOOOOO © O BenJ. J. Park, Harry D. Reed O o PARKS & REED <> O ATTORNEYS AT LAW. O O Southern Hotel Building. O O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. O o OOOOOOOOOO o OOOOOOOOOOO O ANDREW B ESTES O ATTORNEY AT LAW O Room 27, Southern Hotel Bldg. O Wnycrcas, Oa. oOOOOOOOOOO oOOOOOOOOOO O CL BEDDING O ATTORNEY AT LAW. O Upstairs Redding Block. O WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA ©OOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooo o O ’ DR LEWIS ° » JONATHAN BURCH <> O PRACTICE LIMITED TO O O Eye, Ear. Noaa, Throat and O O Chronic Diseases. O O Residence 1C6 Plant Are. O O Office Redding Building. O O Office Hour,: 1 to 12 a. m. O O 2 to 6 p. m. colored people. O </ C OOOOOOOOO 6 o OOOOOOOOOO © O JOHN S WALKER <> O Attorney and Counselor At O O Law. O O Office up-stairs Southern O O Hotel. ^ O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. O oooooooooooo oooooooooooo O DEEN& BURNETT ° O ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE O On Room 308 La Grand* Bldg. O O Waycroaa, Git. O o OOOOOOOOOO o © o o o <> o'o o o o o O T J CARSWELL O PH. G., M. 0. O Dlsaaaaa of Children; O Olaaaaaa of Woman; O Objterlea. O Residence 168 Plant Are. O Phone 616. O Office In Walker Building O Phone FSS. coooooooooo © O O O O O o 0,0 O O O' o. W J GASSETT O CONTRACTOR A BUILDER O Readanca 48 Margaret Street O O ' Phone 103 Waycroaa,Ga...O‘ © OOOOOOOOOO 9 0OOOOOOOOOO O J B BAOLEY M D O PHYSICIAN, A SURGEON O Office n Southern Building O OFFICE H0UR8. O 0-11 A. M. 3-4 P. M. 708 P. U. © OOOOOOOOOO WAVCROSS COUNCIL NO. *1. Jr. O. U. A M * Mvete every Monday err tins In Kel Kea’a Hall. I.nn-HItch butldlng at f m. -i vi.l-iajt wether* cordially laetwd to meet rttb ha 4*-fed £o.-IUM. . U C*rl Collins. © OOOOOOOOOO © ©oooooooooo ©jo G R LOVELACE ° * A FLEMING MD °<> dentist-. <> O Office over Gem Pharmacy 0.0 Office in Bedding Block, Over OjR«e-8*«tT O • Io Southern Building. O O Star Clothing Store O)' © o OO O O O O O •© j © O o' O OOOOOOO©: Pro tram mo lor tonight -Yt •; • ■ -0 : . wV-'-., . .. • . 1 Coimcilcv. H; ' ©00 000© ©OOOOOOOOO© ©0000 ©i ©0000©