Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 02, 1911, Image 8

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    M6PT. 8.-W1.
And Labor's voice is beard In cheer.
Tben hey the picnic, i» tbe call! >
. ’And sports come on with le&p and
The while we bear a voice—"Play
' When merry Labor ' Day cornea
Wbat merry tales tbe women tell—
The portly ones we scarce would
know *: n
As willowy Jane and alettder Nell,
ID those.dear days so long ago!
Wbat roysterlng yarns th% men - spin
When Labor Day
Comes Round
By Earle Marble.
With all tbe Brass, so lush In June,
In haymows stored or stacked a-
And July’s harvesting In tune
for such a glowing, bounteous
With all the hot, midsummer; days
Garnered alike In weeks gone-.by—
We wait the while tbe soft wind plays
Through orchard boughs whose
yield is nigh.
While pitching quoits on springy
The other fellows' girls about—
When merry Labor Day comes
We pack our baskets—or the wife
And children do, with hearts
All heaping full—and seek the life
That Nature whispers us Is right.
We are all boys and girls again.
Although our “brows with age are
We are not women now, nor men-'
When merry Labor Day comes
And thus with sport the day goes by,
The toll of all the year forgot;
For cheaper 'tls to laugh than cry—
For man as well as little tot.
God bless the holiday that comes
Into our lives with such a bound!
When Labor's noise no longer hums,
And merry Labor Day comes round.
And while we wait our play-day
The holiday of all the year—
When Labor’s noise no longer hums,
petitioners pray’
by wholesale or retail; .to compound
medicines; to fill prescriptions:-to
manufacture syrups and; medicines;_
.and to do any and all thing's for the
Meets ST — Uctdar
evening at 8:09 In
iff fel Castle HaT ?lant ev*.
Members gw requested
1* attend, aed vial tins
■ - NSfV' XelrttS -W twwf - S*
■««n« Invitee to m*e« with <s
CHA8. E. CAwON. G. C
I II MHttt.K J» *. • 3. * H « »
rmi» o .... W
•^C, Call On
t R K. rw, Tick* A fast
... ...... .*..$?*»
fn **«*a.v> Schtd«:M. Pull****
fc M *■ tl *• M
- - V--, * . ■ - ... 4 *' v |
.. ...
CENTRAL BAPTI8T TABERNACLE. I it;- ef Savannah In «uch a manner as
Bunday, 11 a. m., sermon by pastor, to make everyone of us proud of our
subject "Hungering for Christ." At slater city, and almost envious of the
the evening hour a special program j unparalled opportunities she plssess-
has boon arranged and invitations ex . for expansion in population, wealth
tended to Labor unions and all friends und commerce.
of labor to attend our Labor Day ser- If-Savannah can forget her faction-
vice. There will be special music by ®i politics and pull together as she
city band and church choir, also a! hag done during last few years, her
solo by our brother Chu Hin Lee, fol-? future will be radiant with promise
lowed by a sermon on the subject ^nnd her barns overflowed .with plenty.
“Jesus Christ and the Workingman." a glance over this great paper shows
that The MornlAg News has not tel-
Mary and Pendleton Streets.
Tbe itev. Wm. Hirst Helghain, Rector
Twelfth Bundny after Trinity.* Sep-
tember 3.
Holy Rucharlst, 7:30 a. m.
Litany and Holy Eucharist, 11 a. m.
Bunday 8chool, 4 p. m.
Evening Prayer, K p. m.
Program for Mr. Daniel's orgaTl re
cital at the night service:
1. Prayer- Lemalre.
2. Funeral March Ureig.
3. "A Thought" .... Rudolph fltbl.
4. Nocturne Chonlu.
5. Meditation Caliaerts.
Ladles purposing to attend this re
cital nre respectfully requested to
wear a head covering.
A Toast.
By Harry Irving Greene.
Here’s a toast to every man,
Of every race, and creed and clan,
By hin manhood strong and free,
Digs from the earth, wrests from the
Labor Day
And whose arm and mnid,
Leaves to his fellows—all mankind,
His herltage—hls work.
flshly confined Itself to its own city,
hut has also dilated upon and encoui
aged the progress of the surrounding
territory so Important to Its develop
The Herald rejoices with our sister,
Savannah, on her wonderful progress,
recognizing that Savannah and Way-
cross are closely linked, and con
gratulates both the city and The Mor
ning News on tbe splendid enterprise
that has made such an issue possible.
savannah morning
The "Greater Savannah” Issue of
The Morning News published today is
a 68 page paper, a splendid example
of high-class conservative newspaper
enterprise and Is a credit to Savannah
and Georgia. The pages are decorat
ed with photographs and cuts showing
the beauty of this city and the enter
prise of her people as proven by the
tip todato structures nnd commodious
buslnes blocks.
The various articles are conserva
tive in character and depict the pres
ent and future prosresa and proaper- Brunswick and return will be $1.00.
So, here’s to the man who digs the
And here’s to the man who makes the
And here’s to the man who mints the
And here’s to the man—good luck to
By his strength of arm and mind,
Leaves to his fellows-- all mankind,
His heritage—his work.
On account of the excellent accoT
odatlons and service at various re
sorts near Brunswick, we have decld
ed to Inaugurate new Sunday mi’
Ice, until further notice between
Wnycross and Brunswick. Special
train will leave Waycross at 6:40 r
m., arriving Brunswick 8:45 a. m ;
returning leave Brunswick 8:10 y. m,
arriving Waycross 10:10 p. ra. VWs
new train will afTord connections at
Waycross In both directions enabling
Sunday excursionists to leave their
homes early In the morning, spend
s full day at seaside resorts and re
turn to their homes the same night.
Very low rates have been authorized
and we believe the people will appre
ciate the opportunity given to enjoy
the pleasures of the seashore.
Excursion rate from Wnycross u
ENGINEER, Rockford, III.
Plano for any kind cf building pre-
patred and itructural Iron work of all
klndt. Correspondence solicited. Will
be looated permanently In Waycroaa
CAMP 16*
Hills Brat and third Thursday '>
each .south. Masonic Hall.
Richard L. Singleton, a C.
D. P. W-olley. Clerk.
Terence V. Powderly, the man
who was largely Instrumental in or
ganising the Knights of Labor nearly
forty years ago, tells the Washington
correspondent of the-Brooklyn Eaglo
of the first Labor day. In 1881 there
was a parade of 20,000 labor men In
New York city, and one of the offle
lals said to another on the reviewing
stand; ’’Well, Jack, this la Labor day.l
all right, Isn’t it?" The remark at-
tracted attention and a i reservation
setting aside the first Monday in Sep
tember for a celebration of labor s
progress was introduced in tbe New
York legislature. While It was pend,
ing Oregon passed a law establishing
tbe holiday, the first state In the
Union to do this. New York was the
second. Later states to the number
of thirty-three passed sintllar laws,
and In 1894 the day was recognized
by the national government and is
now observed wherever It has Juris
diction. The language of the govern
ment resolution was to tho effect that
on that day employers and employei
should get together to discuss their
general welfare. That result has
not been generally observable as yet,
but perhaps we shall work up to It
eventually. -t ',
Made of pure Lead,
Zinc and pure Lin
seed Oil. Ground m
the most modern
mills. Six years ser
vice has proven to be
the best for Southern
climate. Use' the
best-it’s the cheap
est. Write for color
card and booklet,
“S u g g e s tions on
We make paint for
every purpose, ex
terior and interior.
Atlantic Coast Line Schedule.
n> Savannah
-.■aln :»> —
Train 1S& .
... ......5:00 am
lt:C0 pm
Crain n
•Twin 87
, Fit n. Montgomery
Train 81 ........ 6:85 •“
Ms 180 .......... ........6:46 pm
From Bain bridge, ft' TUBmasrUls
.CM*- 18* .10:05 am
From Albany ’ ,
Train 18 ....... 4: " “
Train *1 •• • —! * :k * “
Train 07 pm
From Chicago IM Nortwnat
L C. Special (via Albany)..1.4:88 am
Dtale Flyer (via TUton)....8:8S am
loutb Atlantic Limited 6:81 am
From Brunswick
Train M i.t.
Train 80
From Jacksonville
Train *1 ........
Train 88
Train 84
Train n .A*. ..
For Jesup and Bavannak
Train 88
Train 182
Train 180
Tram 27 ..-
j»-5- Moutguuierj
...10-28 an
....7:.'« »n
.....8:10 pa
Train 8:10 ate
Train 67 10:18
Fur Hatnhrtdg* and ThomasTilln.
Train 188 ...
For Albany
Train 02 ....
Train 98 ...
Train 80 ....
1:00 tm
8ylveater, Qa., Sept 1.—William
Rouse today paid the death penalty
for the murder of William Bailey In
1909. He was hanged at the Jail
here while a crowd estimated at BOO
people surrounded the building.
After a long visit from s clergy
man. Rouse walked to the scaffold un-
Alter signing and vesting tho many
assisted and without a quiver. a i »m. passed by Congress and the
brief talk to inmate, of the Jail and Legislature, may try to think
officers he stated that he was prepar
ed to meet hta Judge.
The crime for which Rouse was
..7:40 am
. 6:00 pm
. ......10:80 pn
7:89 aa
0:10 pn
Fui Chicago and Northw-sv
l. c. Social (via Albany). - 10:40 ya
Olilo Flyar (via Tilton) ....10:80 pm
South Atlantic Mmited.. ..10:70 »•
st, uoawica
Train 81
T-ata 17 ..........
' -ur lackaonvUIa
..10:18 aa
...6:10 »■
convicted was one of the tnoaKtirutal
In the state’s criminal annals. Ac
cording to the state's evidence, ROfaae
attacked Bailey after a quarrel tn the
former's home and while the Tatter
was unarmed. After wounding hta
victim, who fell proqtrate on the Door,
Rouse la said to have severed- Bai
ley's Jugular vein and windpipe with
a knife. Rome then placed a pistol
In Bailey's right hand, overlooking
the fact that Bailey's right arm had
been shattered by a bullet ',
Having made sure of Ballets oeath.
Rouse set above the body and Imbib
ed a bottle of whiskey while* he sang
"BUI Bailey Won't Come Home.”
Big shipment electric fans rectlv
' Byek Electric Supply"Co.
y* »,ru Str—t
up some plan to bring about a reduc
tion In the prices of groceries and
foodatuffa generally, but there’s one
thing certain, and that Is, the people
In Waycross and surrounding country
are not wolfing for any such move
on tho part of thoae gentlemen, but
they are saving now by going direct
to where they can cut down expenses
at once and that's to May's Mill and
Supply Store, next to city water
McCalls new patterns, fashion
Jacksonville, Fla.
Rugs, all kinds, 25c to 88.00.—Dick-
vote of the stockholders owning a
majority of the stock then outstanding.
In favor of said increase, said stock
to he divided Into shares of the par
value of One Hundred Dollars each.
Ten per cent of the amount of cap
ital to be employed by them has beets
actually paid Hi.
Petitioners desire to have thw •
right to havS subscription to said, cap
ital stock r n, d In money or property ■ ■
to he taken at a fair valuation.
Petitioners desire the right, to-
and be 8ued, to plead and be Im
pleaded, to have and use a common
seal, to make all necessary by-law*
and regulations, anil to do all other
things that may he necessary for_the
successful carrying on of said, husl-
•ness, including the right to .buy, hold .
and sell, real estate and personal
property suitable to the purposes of
the corporation, and to execute notes
and bonds as evidence of imldh^ed- PJ
ness Incurred, or whiotr may be ft-**
curred. In tAsj&onduct of the affairs P
of the corpojftoo and to secure the-
samo by morHE*e, security deed or
other form of lien under existing
laws: to receive mortWes^or other
forms of Hem on real V jjand per
sonal property as sset/y*i°r obli
gations due said corporation; to 're
ceive by purchase, assignment or. oth
erwise real estate and personal pio»-
erty in payment of debts due said
corporations; to hold samo and tor
rent lease or sell of otherwise dls-
To the Superior Qourt of said county:
The petition of G. R. Brinson, W.
8. HaiTla, Joshua Harris, C. A. Ben
nett, W. T. Brinson and C. E. Dunn,
of Wnro County, Georgia, respectful
ly shows:
" l. That they desire for themselv
es, their associates and successors,
to be Incorporated and made a body
politic under the name and atyle of
tile period of twenty (20) years.
2. That the principal office of said
company shall be. In the City of Way
croaa, Ware County, Georgia, hut po-
posc of same.
8. They delire for said corporation
the power and authority to apply f®r
and acccpl amendments to
ter of either form or substance 1>y a
vote of a majority oTlts stock out
standing at the time. They also ask
for said corporation the right to wind
up its affnlrs, liquidate and discontin
ue Its business et any time It may
determine to do so by a vote of two
thirds of Its stock outstanding at the-
9. They desire for said corporation-
the right of renewal when ami as .pro
vided by laws of Georgia, and thpt it
have all other rights, powers, privil
eges and Immunities as arp Incident
tltloners desire the right to establish-. ]1)[e corporations or .permissible
branch offices within this State or un( j er t ^ e j a u-s of the State of Geor-
eliewhere, wherever and whenever
tbe holders of a majority of the stock
may so determine. _.v >
3 The object of said corporation-, be Incorporated Under the nanw and
. .. wilt. 4Via oriwerff- nrlT-
Is pecuniary gain to Itself .and Its; style aforesiia with the .powint,- prlr-
I lieges Sind Immunities herein set
shareholders. -.*
4;-The business to bo carried on
by said corporation Is to deal In.
drugs, medicines, toilet articles, sta
tionary, newspapers, magazines,
books, pictures, picture frame* and
materials, soda water and other
sheets and magaxlnei here.—Dicklns. drinks, cold or otherwlae, and any
and all other kinds of merchandlic.
Advertise tn THE HERALD.
legal and proifcr conduct of the afore
•aid businesses.
5, The capital stock of said cor
pcratlen shall be Ten Thourand D6V
lari Ktoj'W-fifit with the prjvflege’of w < ;
Increasing car” to the earn of Fifty Clerk Surerisr Court Ax aro C.nnlf..
Thousard Dollar*. 83C.OM.OO) by a - Georgia.
forth, and as are now, or hereafter he
allowed a corporation of similar char
acter under the laws of Georgia.
Myers and Edwards. -
Attorneys for Petltltmerjp^
1, E. J. Berry, Clerk of the^S»er- (
lor Court of said county; - hereby
certify that the foregoing Is a true
and correct copy iapplication
for charter of “G. R> Vinson Com
pany” as same appears on file m this
Witness my official signature and
the seal of said Court, this 18 day of
August, 1911. '.s tSSl
E. J. Berry,