Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 05, 1911, Image 2
TUESDAY, SEPT. S, TUESDAY, 8BPT. 5, lilt,'; the evening herald Children Cry for Fletcher’s ——Published By '* ■ THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO, A. P. Perham, 8r. M-9. Perham, Jr. Editors and Proprietors, Mile Carrie Perham, Pereonal, Society and Local. Frmta^nratt ,lt»*. reached toe point where ho baa no one baching him except a small handfulof'wealthy rfianufactuiers and tariff robbers. When the ‘Payne-Aldrich tariff bill was passed In 1009 President Taft de fended that act In general terms as (he "best ever” but admitted that the tariff in the cotton and woolen sched ules and a few other Items were too hjgh. The last Congress wjifeb was controlled by .Pcniocrai*. and Insur gents, passed a hill reducing duties on woo| and woolen good* which President Taft had previci.riy admit- ♦ed were too high. No*withstanding thin admission he prompt!? vetoed this bill when It was prejenud for bis signature which would hard made MOTORS The Wayeross Herald founded to 1188. Tb* Dally Herald flooded to utl by A. P. Perham, Br: The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use fop over .To years, lias home the algnaturo of _/J —aj!d has been uuulo under Ilia per- /7‘ sb'-iai rrapervtolon since its infancy. Alio no oao to deceive yon ih this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jnst-na-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Intents and Children—Ex'pcrieneo against Experiment. Telephont, Buatoua Office 25 Editorial Offle 28 Residence 268. PVsry Afternoon Except 8unday. Entered at toe Waycroaa, Oa„ Pont iff te aa aecond claae mall matter. THIS COMPANY HAS POR SALE A FEW MOTORS FOR USE ON SEW! INC MACHINE8. FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS WE OFFER THEQE AT THE LOV)! PRICE OF FIFTEEN DOLLARS EACH AND WI>L AR- RANOE TO GIVE THE PURCHAS ERS VERY EASY PAYMENTS. THIS IS A SPLENDID CHANCE TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF. THE CHANCE TO PURCHASE THIS MOST USEFUL OF HOUSEHOLD DEVICES. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO PLACE A MOTOR ON TRIAL AT YOUR HOME, AND REQUEST THAT IF YOU ARE IN. TEHtSTED TO CALL US ON THE PHONE. What is CASTORIA RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. „ Month f I Mouths } f Months * I Tear » Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, I>rop3 and Hoothlng Syrups. It is Pleasant; It contai n neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic' substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms' and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and AVittd Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children 1 s I'anaccor-Tho Mother’s Friend. SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notice., card, of thank., resolutions and notlcea of entertaln- masts, where charges are made, win As charred at advertising rates of 6 | cents a line. j e consuming p r ■Uncle Sd.ua P- NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Bubacrlher. to The Herald that do got receive tho paper promptly and early will please rlng-op the Clrcula- don Manncc and report tho trouble to him, ,s thla la the only meana that ve can assure you prompt aod early dellyery THE HERALD IS THE Official Orinn of the United States Court of the Southern District ot Georgia. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Ware County Light and Power Company. WAYCRC3S, GA„ SEPT. 5, 1311. In Use Fop Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPAH/, 77- MURRAY »TptCT. NEWT YORK CITT. One thins about plenty of balr to t< Taft may veto roformi, but be Hhoubln't call them nostrums. PARK PLACE We Are Headquarters F Everything in t HARDWARE LINE! The question li, will “Uncle Joe' Cannon stand adjourned too? REPUBLICANS SPLIT WIDER AND WIDER. This action of tho Insurgent Repub licans l» Hpllttlng the Republican par ty wider and wider, and It is already a certainty that President Taft will be apt to have but a few If nny del egates from Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklaho ma, California, Washington, Kansas, Nebraska, Montana, Oregon and Idaho In tho next Republican convention. If theso states send delegates to the Republican national convention In structed to vote for insurgent Re publicans, 11 would mean that Presi dent Taft would not carry theso states if nominated and it is likely he will bo defeated for ro nomlnatlon, and whatever Republican Is nominat ed will be defeated, but Taft Is less than easy. Cabbage Is going up, says the mar ket page. Cabbage Just can’t stay away from corn hoof. It scorns. High class Subdivis* ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops: Something Is beginning to mako a noise like a split in the national Re publican party. * Doesn't seem to bo any doubt thnt the British workingmen had ’em pretty bnlly scared over there. W. D. Morton, Agt. I0S1 NO. 4 Southern Bolel Bldjf Any .girl will tell you that tho fel lows who pose nro not always the ones who propose. Well, its a pretty poor peace tre.v ty that can't start a light In the Sen* R. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. We will say for Congressman Hob son that he’s behaving himself with commendable restrain: during Admi ral Togo’s visit. Representative Berger, of Wiscon sin. declares that we shall have old ago pensions In this country within live years, and a new Constitution within ten. Mr, Berger believes whut he desire* to believe. OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ' WILL 8ELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE US! Every day almost Is adding cumula tive evidence to tho proposition that an nutomontle cannot butt a train off tho track at a crossing. * "Poullne," the president’’* cow, sella her milk at fifty cents a quart. Favoritism—nothing else. Vice Pres ident Sherman might havo a cow twiee aa good, and not get more than the market rate for her product \Vaycoss Savings and Trudt Co \ OCX ^VOSOSGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI Tills la getting to he a swift age and a speedy country. We even get our oqulnoxlnl storm several weeks Jn advance nowadays. Farming With Dupont Low Freezing Dynamite escaped with his life. “Twenty-one years ago I faced an awful death," write* H. B. Martin, Port Harrebon, 8. C. “Doctors gald I had consumption and the dreadful cough t had looked like It, sure enough. 1 tried everything I could hear of, for my cough, tnd was ua- der the treatment of the best doctor In Georg, towu, 8, C., for a year, but 1 could get no relief. A friend advised me to try Dr. King's New Discover^. 1 did so, and was completely cured, I feel that ! owe my life to this brest throat and lung cure.*’ Its positively vouml ft telephone ^xchange and * guaranteed for coughs, colds, and all chased the girls the telephone rIHs f feronch leal affections. 50c and TLOO. out of the city. I Trial bottle free at All Druggists. While the President was preparing those veto messaged there la a sus picion that the Senate has been fixing to veto the President's arbitration treaties. WHY SHOULD YOU BURN MON EY WHEN AIR IS CHEAP. THE ONLY 8YSTEM THAT BURNS 95 PER CENT AIR AND 6 PER CENT 8T0VE GASOLINE. TO FARMERS WHO WANT BET. TER FARMS, I AM PREPARED TO DO BLASTING WORK OF ALL KINDS FOR FARMERS THROUGH- OUT TNIS SECTION. LET ME GO OVER YOUR PROP ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN SHOW YOU PLACES WHtJRE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORE PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATE*. WHEN MAY I CALL? Thirty members ot Controls da- HAY FEVER AND SUMMER COLDS dine to tell anyone hew old they are. j Mutt be relieved quickly and Pol and more than that number of our t ey'a Honey and Tar Compound *111 secretive atateamen would not, ----- -- any qnulderatlon tell luat bow- they! Street, (ot there. been (really troubled durlnt the hot — ■ ■ - summer mouths with Bay Fever and Mr. Wiley says money la squandered End that by natnx Foley's Honey and by the Agricultural Department. Ot Tar Compound I tet (rest relief.' course, and bv all other departments Many others who suffer similarly at Washtutton. That la one rej ion ' will he (lad to. benefit by Mr. the Democrats will te 2tven rower S*«wart‘s experience Oem Pharma, neat year. ey, T. B. Patna. j i I System tor do It. X. U. Stewart. 1024 Wolfram Chicago, writes: “I hare and you will always have*light. AGENTS WANTED!— q THE LIGHT MAN, J. H. LEWIS ? WAYCR083, GEORGIA.' r~r SOJ. C. CRANE, Expert Blaster. Ask Watt-Hardware Co. wayems. g«.