Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 05, 1911, Image 7
• V . , . .. • ’t'UfcSDAY, SSPT. S, Ml. Bunn-i3ell INSTITUTE CO-EPUCAtiONAL MOTTO: A faculty of Experienced and well trained teachers. Well arranged builytngs, modernly equipped. Offers courses leading to A. . and . S. degrees at our best Universities. Very superior advantages in Music, Violin, Organ, Expression, Art, Book-Keeping, Stenography, Typewriting, and Normal Training. Special Advantages in Bible. Located in the most inviting City in all South Georgia, noted for its Religious and Educa tional advantages; its Railroad Facilities; its Refined Lawabiding Citizens. ; ■ ■ ■ « — -NO BEER SALOONS^ . The rates are exceedingly moderate, as follows: Literary tuition, $3,50; all Special Branches $4.00; Board $11.50 per Scholastic Month. Next Session Begins Wednesday, Sept. 6th, 1911. For catalogue or further information,apply to JUDGE T. A. PARKER, Chairman of Trustees. WAYCROSS, E. L. RAY, President. COALI COAL! COAL! When you want good coal, ask tor Red Aah. The Montevello la the coal that makes Red Ash. I also hire a .cheaper grade ot coal. Have thorn, on hand at all times. Also dry stove wood ot all kinds. Telephone 70' for prices. Quick service to any part ot the city.' Ansley Coal Company. 24 tf W. W. Ansley, Prop. PARK MOR RAND CO. l*«GINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-rJItch Building. RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. 5 or 6 dosos ••COB" will curo*any caso of Chills and Favor. Price, 25 cents. ' 7-20-tf Big supply of card poard, all col ors, Just received at Herald. tt '-■<!/'/ f/ H W\\ \ vvll Do Your Cooking in the Cool oo <>000000000 O J H BREWTON <? O DENTIST. O O 420-122 LaOrande Building O O Waycross, Georgia. . O OOOOOOO OO OOO Yo@s DOCTO A hot Mfthen is little better than a prison in summer. But ■' , to all the cooking and the washing must be the range is there, done there, too. . ^ t What a relief it would he to move the range where you CABINET WORK. I am atlll at the same old aland, 22 Brewer street, and prepared to do all kinds ot cabinet work, upholstering, trunk repairing, etc. Having done your work for the past al* years 1 think I know how to give you the lnd of work yon want. When you need any repairing done, remember J. I. WAITE; Thy old reliable Cabinet-Maker, 22 Brewer street, phone 294. 22 tf pleased. You can do this with a New Perfection Oil Cook- stove—cook your dinner out on the porch, if you like. It is the only range that is really portable—that works eoually well in any place. There ate no connections to be made, as in a gas range; no wiring, as witlj an electric stove; no sooty flues and ash-filled grates, as with coal or wood. 0. SWIFT St tO. PATFNT kAWVURU, [803 Seventh SL. Washington, O.C. ash-filled grates, _ '■ The long, enameled chimneys carry the heat directly up to saucepans, oven or boiler; you get full value from your fuel, without waste. , ^ ,Maj»whfc_l.2 udj bwrari. wkMs+c Standard Oil Company SB . ' 0 The\\Need of Pure Drugs therefore whin you have a prescription send it t 0 u% OR CALL AND WE WILL SEND AFTER IT. THE VERY PUREST AND FRESHgST OP EVERYTHINQ IN DRUGS, A COMPLETE LINE OP TOILET ARTICLES AND RUBBER GOODS. JVC. PAYNE, Druggist The Store With the Open Front. PHONE Special low price* and easy term* on bed room suites. Iron beds, odd pieces, etc. Wo will please or re fund your money. Home Furniture Company, 26 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. A Harmless .Remedy, Made from Garden Sage, Restores Color to Gray Hair. WILLIAMS’ BLACKSMITH Shop A feeling of aadne** accompanies the discovery of the flwt gray hair*, which, unfortunately, are looked upon a* herald* of ndVitm lrig age. pray hair*, however, nre not nftray* an Indication of advanc ing age. for ninny people have gray hair* quite early In life. .O'f courne. It I* un- nntural, and Indicate* that there.in some thing wrong with the Individual, and that Nature need* assistance in correcting the . trouble. The name U true of hair that In constantly falling out and becoming thinner every day. If everything In right , with Nature; the hair, even in compara tively elderly people, should be long, thick aod'gleeay, without even a streak of gray. The Ideal gmlstant to Nature In re storing and preserving the hair la Wy eth’s Rage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a dean and wholesome dressing tor dotty .one. It not only removes dandruff, but * strengthen* weak, thin and falling hair and promotes b* growth. . A ffew appli cations will restore faded’or gray hair to i'-» ns turn! rtlor. This preparation b offered to th* public at fifty .cent* a bottle, and le S recommended and *eld by ail druggist*. I We handle the famous Mascot cook stove, every one a winner. Cash or easy termc. Home Furniture Company, 26 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. per ,•' (1T TTY W y • tooth ^' Why pay SI,CO to have ycur tooth extracted whea you can have it done for 50c and witho pain £aU other wor k done at very reasonab ^charges. Everything guaranteed OR. DANIEL The Dentist „ Folks’Block -S' 4 * iSMiiiiiirttintf-- *' To those wishing low price, and eaajr terms, we can plaaae, anything In fomltnre and furnishing goods: Special orders will receive oijr care ful attentioo., Home Fttrnftnre Company, 26 tf Plant and Albanr Avenue. CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND - KNIGHT, STREET, OPPOSITE WILLIAMS STREET. WHEELRIGHT AND REPAIRING. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY, Subscribe for The Herald. OLEV^jODNEYFIIX