Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 05, 1911, Image 8
TUESDAY, BfcPT. C, Itll. GUARANTEED ALARM CLOCK ^ 62CTS V EXACTLY LIKE -* CUT. U8E ONE TEN/ DAYS', IF J IT I8NT A RER-« FECT TIME- II KEEPER, WE V RETURN YOURiX MONEY.' i Von Get the Beneiit of Spbt Cash Prices IF YOU>AY ONE-THIRD CASH A FEW JJ'T. | FUL' NIGHTS Vi 'll SLEEP WILL BB« MORE THAN V-Bl REPAY THE SMALL COST OF ONE OF OUR FAMOUS DIXIE NETS x FOR WOOD OR IRON BEDS. We Pay Our Customers 10 Per Cent IN TRADE COUPONS, TO PAY THEM TO MAKE THEIR- PAYMENT8 AT THE STORE IN STEAD OF TO A COLLECTOR. WE PAY YOU WHAT IS USUAL LY PAID TO A COLLECTOR. Different Sizes and Patterns, All Very* Where Yotir Credit is Good YOU COULD NOT BUY A MORE 8ER- VICABLE PIECE OF FURNITURE, THAN ONE OF OUR DAVEN-' PORTS. ESPECIALLY IF YOUR ROOM IS LIMITED, THEY CAN INSTANTLY BE CHANGED INTO A LARGE COMFORTA- IED, AND IS AMPLE SPACE UNDER NEATH THE 8EAT8. FOR PILLOWS, AND r HEETS, ETC. THERE IS A PLACE IN ALMOST EVERY HOME FOR THE KIND OF A DAVENPORT WE SELL, THERE IS PROBABLY NO OTH- ER PIECE OF FURNITURE YOU CAN BUY FOR YOUR HOME, THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE SO MUCH REAL VALUE FROM. IT IS A HANOSOME PIECE OF FURNITURE, AN ORNAMENT TO ANY LIVING ROOM, OR PARLOR, AND AT ALL TIMES READY WHEN YOU NEED IT, TO TAKE THE PLACE OF AN UNSIGHTLY BED OUTFIT. THE ONE SHOWN HERE, (EXACTLY LIKE PHOTO- |GRAPH), HAS ARMS 5 INCHES WIDE, EXTRA LARGE CUAVV FEET, FULL SERPENTINE FRONT AND POSTS, GENUINE QUARTER SAWED OAK, UPHOL8TERED IN GUARANTEED BESTO LEATHER. •PAYMENTS, $3.50 PER MONTH, PRICE SM.50 THE Store of Great Values ENP0RT8 ARE NOT COMPLICATED, A (child can oper. ATE THEM AND WE ABSOLUTELY GUAR. ANTEE THEM NEV- ORDER, AND WILL BLE THERE GLADLY REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY PART THAT PROVES DE- FECTIVE. Collapsible Go-Carts covered in best grade LEATHERETTE, RUBBER TIR- WE HAVE A LARGE LINE OF THE FAMOUS X. HEYWOOD RATTAN CARRIAGES . THEY ARE BUILT FOR COM- PORT, WEAR AND BEAUTY. 1-2 GALLON PITCH-. ER, 9 INCHES HIGH WEIGHT 6 POUNDS. FINEST QUALITY CRYSTAL GLASS. SHIRT WAIST BOX ES COVERED WITH BEST GRADE MAT TING, FITTED W'TH STEEL ROLL ERS. OUR PRICE $6-00 60c PER WEEK. Should You Need Another Rug i FOR THI8 FALL OR WINTER, COME IN NOW WHI^E OUR NEW 3TOCK IS COMPLETE AND MAKE THE 8ELECTI0N. WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VA RIETY, ALMOST ALL SIZES. SIDEBOARDS 20c each Phone No. 499. 106 Plant Avenue The Store ot Great Values Where Your Credit is Good Schedule. Jon M. Ho,kino. KILL8 FLEAo, CURES MANGE, BICAISE'S MANGE CURE BICAISE’S THROAT WASH, WILL cure Black Tongue in Dost or an, nicerated condition of the tin oat. For I cale b, Beall Pharmacy. 5 gt I Advertise In The Wa,-cross Evening C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. // Vetenarlan, i 19 Albany Avenue.. Waycross, Ox Pay and Night Phone 698. FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS. Phona 155 . 'eil ISSt HERBERT S HOPKINS ATTORNEY AT > AW. Room S35, LaOrande Building. DR. JNO. T. DIXOM Specialist On Cancer and Oropey. Offlce, Klmbal House,' Waycroas, Gx Will do general practice day and night. Calls answered promptly. SPECIAL. I WILL SELL FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST MAMOUTII CLUE GEM JEL1CO COAL FOR SIX DOLLARS PER TON. 9 1m. ANSLEY COAL COMPANY. PARSON'S POEM A UEST. From Bar, II. StubenTon, Allison, U„ In pnttae of Dr. King's New Life A PEEK INTO HIS POCKET- < would show the box of iBc'-nfeth Arnica Salve that a. S. Leper, i WATERWAY CONVENTION. . , The Fonrth Annuel Convention o( t „, the Mississippi to Atlantic Inland Wa- ,g terway Association will' be bold In Montgomery, Ala., November ®l. >1, I It ltlL Senator Duncan U. Ftetch- P» er of^Florida, la president of tbln or- TH ganlratlor. c * The Montgomery convention of th ED. White card board aid all colors anred with a rood hickory stick soon a' Herald oOcx It had a nice coon for Sunday's dinner. ernptlons. eeeetnx A tSrvaet All Dragsdst*. TtJBSDAT, ‘ SHPT. t. OUR NEW FALL LINE HA8 JUST ARRIVED. ' WE ARE SHOWING THIRTY DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS, AT VERY LOW PRIC^ ES. FARMERS’ UNION IN SESSION A T SHA WNEE Bin rittl To Tim Herald. Shawnee,, Ohla., Sept. r».—A nation al! convention for farmer* unparallel ed. probably In Importance, undoubt edly in attendance, In the history of America, assembled In Shawnee to day for a three days' session. The occasion Is th» annual convention of the National farmers' Union, the lar gest. most Influential and most sue ceMful organization of itn kind that ever existed In this country, not ex cepting the Fanners' Alliance which made Itself felt In national politics several decades ago. The present convention is attend ed by delegate* representing n mem* her^hlp of over 2,000,000, scattered over more than half the States or the Union. While the South and the West are the l»e*t represented num erically there is abundant evidence to show that the organization U stead ily mnkln-i headway among the far mer* of other sections of the country. The National Farmers' Union, though not primarily s political or* cairtfetton, has never hesltatrd to make its Influence felt In national or State politico where the tuterest* of the farmers were believed to he it •take. Consequently, and In view of ROUND STATE TOUR AND WAYCR088. The last Inspection trip to definitely locate tho round the state tour will take place on or about September 11. Tho route h finally' determined to Valdosta, and the committee nr« now to finally Bolect route to Baxley and Savannah. A committee from Way- cross will meet the Atlanta men in cars at Valdosta'on 11th nnd will pilot them via Willncoochee to Waycross nnd on to Baxley. It Is generally un derstood that Wnycroas will be so- lected as a point on the route and the great crowi^ will take dinner here nnd spend the night nt Baxley. The Importance of securing a.place tftilh route i* considerable a* It practically establishes Waycross as nn aptomoMle center and will promote and maintain a •good road from Valdosta via Way cross to Savannah and tend to re-es tablish on n friendly bash the some what estranged friendship now exist ing between Waycross and Savannah ;ood road enthusiasts. A good road to Jacksonville, Savannah, Brunswick, Valdosta and Douglas are gravely 1m portant to Waycron and Ware coun ty, at we want to live in pleasant the approaching pr...ld»ntl.l and con- • nd . harmoIllou , tYMBlnns! •Ift'llinB lk« .lUnn.alnn, I 1 Brarionol elections. the dlscnaalon. th „„ ndlatln ^ from our cl(T iuiiI addresses of the !!iri-,- days* wa-1 • alone-will be watched ,-awfully by| “COON" ENTERS RESIDENCE, the politicians, i Saturday night, Mr. nnd Mr#. W. M. The proposed reciprocity agreement j Bladen, who live near Ilehardvllle, with Canada will naturally receive | heard a nolee In their dlnlnjTroom, attention from the convention, aa will nnd Mre Bladen went In to Investigate, alio hath anbjerta of general Interest Imagine her surprise when she found an the pnreela poet, the restriction ot a large coon on the table helping him foreign. Immigration, nnd the aboil- self to eonte nice bread ahe had pro- Uoa of gambling In farm product#, pared for Sunday. She called to Mr. Mach attentoa will,bo given alao to Bladen, but before be got tn atrtklng pinna for Increasing the membership dlatnnre the coon etcaped. Utter, and Influence of tho organisation. : however, a noise tn the chicken houae - 1 ■ ' ----- attracted attention, nnd Mr. Bladen, AN AGED LADY DIES. association will be, unquestionably, Mre. JnntetTCox, one of the oldoat the largest bo fnr held, realdenta of Ware county, died Sun- 1 .Among other matters to he consld- day at her home at Buskin. The fun- ereil, will he that of a Joint conven- ernl nnd Interment occurred at Kettle lion with the Atlantic Deeper Water- Ceeoli cemetery yesterday. Mra. Co* waya Association at Jacktonvllle. Fla., wan nearly one hundred years of age, during 1912, to be of two weeks du- and had been 111 for aevcral yean. ( ration, and consisting In part of an She la survived by her huaband, to f enormous water carnival, partlclpat- whom she waB married seventy years, od In by vesiels of all classes and de nse, nnd n number of children. Iscrlpllons, from every section of the ... I | United States. It la proposed to JOHN CHARLES ULMER. make Jacktonvllle meeting the great- John Charles Ulmer tiled at tho res- est waterway carnival convention ev idence of his daughter, Mrs. George R er held In the United States. Oliver, yesterday morning at 4 o’clock after an Illness of several years. Il ona 82 years old. The funeral will lake plar* this afternoon at 4:34 (JVIethk frdm the residence of 111-* Uncle Sam DiaPoits of Some Junk. Washington, D. c.. Sept. 5.—At the offices of tho Isthmian Canal Com mission bids were opened today the slaughter. No. 2319 Whitaker itreet. I imrchaee of more than 100,000 tong of The Rev. J. N, f ee of tho Fourth Bap-Ha"* which Uncle Sam has tor tale, tlat church will conduct the services, j The Junk Includea abandoned locomo- CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. Die Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of J T TURNER ARCHITECT. Office LaGrande Budding. P. O. Box I Waycross, Georgia. SPECIAL DETECTIVE WORK! Ex-Depnty Sheriff Jons P. Cason will engage In .pedal detective work In Waycross and South Oeorgix t! yon need hie services telephone No t, court bouse. 6-2-U NOTICE PROPERTY OWNER8 Weeds and grata must be cleared from lots aa required by city ordl The Interment, which will be la Lau-1 «ves. dredge., dump care, machinery I nancft xh| , work mnIt bc dona at rel flrove Cemetery, will be private.!and tools, the lot comprising the last ^ ^ ^ next (<m (Wj Although Mr. Ulmer's death was notremnants of the millions of dollars’ * davf - unexpected it comes as r. great staoe’e j wor th of equipment sent to the Pnh- j^ ^ . i to his relatives. Mr. Ulmer was a nma ^annl by the French engineers man of the old school, n man of strong y° ar * ago. character and one who could nev D. M. Bradley, Health Officer. do enough for thoxe around him. was a rice planter until recently, when he retired on account of his health- He Is survived., by his wife, Mrs, Ella Ulmer; one brother, Mndlron Ulmer; two sons, R. C. and J. H. Ulmer, and Are daughters, Mrs. George B. Oliver, Mri. H. 8. Haupt. Miss Irene Ulmer, of Savannah, and Mis* Florie Ulmer of Waycross.—Savannah News. / Miss Florie Ulmer, who mAkcs her horn** with the family of her uncle, Mr. W. U. Sutton, lias the sympathy of her many Waycross friend* In b*r bereavement. 8CHOOL NOTICE. Registration of pupils for entrance to the Public Schools wil begin on Monday September 11th and continue for flvo days. Hour* 8 to 12; 2 to 4* Pupils will please bring promotion card*. School opens September 18th. 31 5t cod. E. A. Pound, 8upL Waycross & Southern I co * v Effective Januery 1IIL Notice:—The arrival ipd depart urea *t* given u Informa^X and are. not guaranteed. . if- Southbound Train No. i. Mile* Station ' f 0 Hebardville, Gx Lv. 5:30 aw > Waycross (Albany are) tlll an- 8 Lavlnia 5:50 ana- 10 Fredel Ar. 6:56 am Northbound Train N°. *. 10 Fredel 2:45 pm S Lavlnia 2:60 pm 2 Waycross (Albany av«) 3:f-5 pnT* - OHebardvllia 3:10 pm- Tralna No. 1 and No. 2, daily, cept Sunday. ' . y’aHS * VSg ifw, . Superintendent- —— x S MANGE. V “They're such a health necessity, (carpenter. of MaiiUx N. v.. alwayvdl In every home these ptlla ihould he (carries. ”1 have nevgr bed a cut. U other kinds you've tried tn vain | wound, brulae, or sfyit would not USE DR. KING’S , soon heal,” ho'*®Zrltcs Createat And be well again.” Only 25c at A|i .t, e a!cr of boras, boils, scalda, chap- ted handx and lip?, feve^sorea,.i-kin-