Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 06, 1911, Image 4
VvBDNR8DAT, 8BPT. «, 1911. WKL’NEBOAT, SEPT. 6, 1911 Personal Mi» Carrje P.rhem Social Editor; Now Ready For Yob, Phone 209 for Collard plants. C. S. Hardy. SO 5t Seed Beans, Early Seed Peas Seed Rye Seed Oats Garden Seeds All Kinds. Mias Jennie Pittman has returned after a delightful trip to Baltimore. Closing Out Sale OF MEM’S SHOES 100 pairs Men’s Vici Shoes Worth 2.50 and 3.00 at 1.85 and 1.75 50 pairs Men’s Satin Calf Shoes Worth 2.00 and 2.25 at 1.50 75 pairs Men’s Oil Grain Shoes Worth 2.00 at 1.50 Mr. W. M. Tyre, of Blackahear, spent last night in the city. Mr. H. L. Haddock, of Foltaton, spent last night In Waycross, a guest of the Vlrdle. For the best In fresh meats and prompt deliveries, let W. J. Parker serve you. Phone 288. 6 4t Miss Minnie oJnes has returned af ter a trip to Indian Springs and Ala bama. Garden and Field Miss Florence Wynn after spending the summer at Baxley lm« returned to the city. GEM PHARMACY T. S. Paine, ALL KINDS OF REMEDIES FOR YOUR HORSES, HOGS, COWS AND Rev. and Mrs. Myers and family have returned after an extended ttay at Indian Springs. POULTRY. Every pair of shoes guaranteed solid leather and good wearers. Mr. Charles A. Fretwell, of Fitzger ald, ;vas in the city last night, and stopped at the Phoenix.. OUR ROACH AND RAT KILLER WILL DO THE WORK. OR NO PAY. ’HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S Mr. C. J. Thomas, of Jacksonville, is spending several days in Waycross in the interest of the street railway. Mr. F. L. Walker, of Patterson, spent last night In Waycross, and stopped at LaGrando. SUCCESSOR TO HAPPY BROS. CLASSIC£E D Mr. A. D. Daniel, traveling passen ger agent of the A., B. & A., with headquarters in Atlanta, is Waycross today. A GOOD RESOLUTION to make and ko«*p Is to patronize this Livery when you ‘are i.i need of n first elass turn out for nny purpose. We can supply y.nr wants, prompt and moderately. Glvo us an oppor tunity to show you how woll we can One of the best farms in Ware county, containing • 140 acres, for •ale. It is close to the city and \ylll be sold with or without the growing crop. It is not Salpts Rest farm, out Is almost as good. Apply quick to A. P. PERHAM, SR., at Herald office. 'The Standard of Excellence In Passenger Service. SCHEDULES EFFECTIV FEBRUARY 19, 1911. Northbound: Southbound: 0 am 6:00 pm Lv. Brunswick Ar. 8:10 pm 10:4 0 am 6:40 pm Lv. Thalman Ar 7:26 pm 10:0 0 am 8:00 pm Lr. Waycross Ar. 6:10 pm 8:4 0 am 9:40 pm Lt. Douglas Ar 4:35 pm 7:1 5 pm 10:45 pm Ar| Fitzgerald Lr. 8:80 pm 6:0 Don’t forget that W. J. Parker con ducts a first class market, and will appreciate your patronage. PKon4 288. 6 4t FOR SALE—One gentle horse, wag on and harness, cheap. Apply to 42 Francis atreet. 5 2t McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery «.nd Sales Stables, febenu SI Waycrojs, Ga PHONE NO. M. Wr. J. Parker sells the very best fresh meats and makes prompt deliv eries to any part of city. Phono 288. C 4t WANTED—Two solcltors, for city work; $4.00 or $5.00 per day. Apply Mr. Duncan, LaGrande Hotel, between 6 and 8 o’clock today and tomorrow p. m. 5 lt WAYCROSS LODGE No. 80S. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON IECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 8:00 P. M. All Masons Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK, 8EC, In Mr. B. M, York, Mr. John L. E. Daniel, cashier of thp Ware County Light and Power Company, has ar able assistant. FOR SALE—A bicycle, In good or der, cheap. Phono 270, W. L. Young. 5 3t. Mr. Frank R. Durden, a prominent Savannah capitalist, passed through Waycross last night enroute to Baln- briflge. WANTED—100 Turkeys at once, un der 3 months old. Apply Waycross Poultry Farm, L. L. Ray, Mgr. Box 448. I Miss Maggie Hatterway, of Hum phreys & Williamson, is expected to night from Baltimore, after a stay of several weeks there. FOR RENT—seven room nouse, 43 Gilmore street. Apply W. B. Elling- ton, LaGrande Building. 1 tf Her Health and Strength Back Again by The Use of Cardui. A CLOSE INSPECTION la wbai always happens when yc are met taco to face BY A LAUNDRY CRANK. He ruay bo a friend, but he Insht* o •crutalxlng your linen. Bo on th •afo and sure side and have us do LAUNDRY WOR KTHAT IS IRRESISTIBLE. It’s os chetip us ’'slop” work an tooks s "heap" better. ! Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 9. SALESMAN WANTED—Sell deal ers highly advertised article. Earn $250 per month. No samples to carry. Elato Cigar Co., 10S East 125th. St., New Ylrk, N. Y. 31 6t Tampa, Fla.—In a letter from this city, Mrs. E. C. Corum writes: “I waa all weakened and worn out with wo manly troubles. My husband brought me some Cardui aa a tonic, and, from ! Mrs. Alice Nixon, of the Bon Ton, has returned from Baltimore where she has been buying her fall and win ter stock. the first day, lt seemed to help. I had almost lost my reason, but. thanks to Cardui. I did not. Soon, 1 felt and looked like a new woman. I think tho remedy la wonderful. X recommend It to my friends, for I hava received great benefit from It.” Cardut acta specifically on the weak ened womanly organs, strengthening the muscles and nerves, and building them up to health. It helps to rofreshlhe worn-out ner vous system and relieves the effects ol overwork, both mental and physical. Fifty years’ successful use fully prove the merit of this purely vege table, tonic remedy for women. In every community, there live soma who have been benefited by Cardui. The beneficial effects of this time tested woman’s remedy, soon show themselves In many different ways. Try It N. B.— Writf to: t sits*’ Advisory Depi.. Oistts- Mesa Medicine Co.. Chettanooc*. Tern., far Special Instructions. and 64-res* booh. '’Home TutaMl fee Women." tent tn plain wrapper en request. Pdllman elcctrlc-Ughted sleeping can on night trains between Thorn**- ville and Atlanta, via Fitzgerald. Car leaving Atlanta ready for occupancy at 9:00 pm. Train leaving Atlanta at 10^15 pm. ge$* connections from all Incoming trains at Atlanta, including the South Atlantic Umlted from Cin cinnati and the Dixie Fllyer from Chicago and 8L Louis. Connections at other junction polnf are well adjusted and are shown in the schedule folder which can be secure Vom any agent of this company. Attention is callw te the eetobUrtineat of connections at Atlanta from train arriving at Atlaflla am., sMfe the Ml Atlantic Limited leaving Atlanta at 6:45 am., for Cincinnati and Chicago, and the Dixie Flyer lea vine. Atlanta 7:32 am., tor Chicago and St Louis. W. H. Leahy, General Pass. Agt E. H. Fell, Asst Gen. pass -igt. Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Mr. R. E. Ozement, advance agent for the Mabel Paige Company, which will appear at the Parker Theater Saturday night, Is in the city today. WANTED—One of the largest and most widely known shoe manufactur ers in the United States, giving em ployment to between four and five thousand people, and who have ^jpent several million dollars giving publlcl- rhlch are today Mr. R. K. Adams, of Douglas, rep resenting State Mutual Life Insurance Company, is In the city. Mr. Adams came^from Dougins In four and a half hours on his Minneapolis motor cy cle. ty to their products, known In even* city and town in the United States, w’ant a man or woman with average business ability to op erate a store in towns of ten thousand and up, Including Waycross. The line of goods is a commercial staple and a necessity. A store yf KJLL MORE THAN WILD BEASTS The number of peoph k.Ued yearly »y wUd don't aprroach the out number killed by disease germs. No life is safe from their attacks ITity’r® !n air, water dust, even food But grand prote«ti fa la afforded by Cle?trlc Bitters, which doitroy and •xpel these deadly disease germs Tom the system. That's why chills, fiver and ague, all malarial and a*ny blood diseases yield r-romptly * this wouderfu! blood purifier. Try Atm. and enjoy tue glorious heattn %ud new strength tleyTl give you. Money back, If not satisfied. Oal> Me At All Druggists. ^ A note from Mr. J. A. Jones states that he arrived at Hot Springs Satur day night. He expects to spend a month at these famous springs, and Tho Herald hopes to see him return to Waycross fully restored to health. Buy /1A Ik ¥ At Summer* Your Prices. 1 1000 Tons of Virginia Blue GemJ Je,ic ° t Coal $6.00 P TohH If bought before Sept. 15t& i 1000 Cords of (9 JTA Per I Stove Wood at Cord X Williams Coal & Wood Co. f Phone 158. C. M Williams, Mgr. 0 soaol/ounvE Summer Colds bad at they are, have about the same chance with Seals’ Cold Tablets FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND I. effcctlfo for conga, tad co'd, la enter children or grown ptnon*. No •plute*. do harmful drug,, la th* Y.Uow package. R*fuM mhultatn that a tnowbatt don In --roll Try Uwm on (unnatM. FOR RENT—Store home, cofner Mary and Pendleton, formerly occu pied by J. S. Knight. Apply to C. A. ' Bennett 9-0-tf THE SEALS PHARMACY! 1 i; 8:20 am 7:16 pm Lt. ThomaarlUe Ar 6:64 pm a: JO UN ,j 9:26 am 8:22 pm Lt. Moultrie Ar. 5ii) pm 8:06 Am tj 10:9» am 9:30 pm Lt. Tifton Ar. " 4:30 pm 7:06 Am .12:15 pm 10:55 pm Lv. Fitzgerald Ar. 3:25 pm ‘6:00 Am 1:40 pm 12:15 am Lt. Cordele Lt. 2:05 pm <jio Am I 2:01 pm 12:84 am Lv. Vienna Lv. 1:38 pm 4:14 •am ’ 2:48 pm 1:23 am Lv Montezuma Lv, 12:50 pm 3:30 am : 2:56 pm 1:35 am Lt. Oglethorpe Lt 12:45 pm 3": 25 am | 4:32 pm 2:58 am Lt. Talbotton Lt. 11:10 am 3:00 Am 6:15 pm 3:40 am Ar Manchetter Lt. 10:30 am 1:20 am 5:20 pm 3:45 am Lt. Manchcter Ar. 10:25 am 1:16 pm 5:41, pm 4:06 am Lt. Woodbury Lt. 10:04 am 13:62 am 8.34 pm 4:59 am Lt. Senola Lt> 9:09 am 11:54 pm 8:15 pm 6:40 am Ar. Atlanta Lt. 7:30 am 10:15 pm 0:46 am 3:60 am Lt. Mancheiter Ar. 4:30 pm 13:45 am" 11:65 am 4:50 am Lt. LaGraug* Ar. 1:36 pm 11:46 pm 3:50 pm 8:45 am Lv. Tallad* 11:30 »y» 7:45 pm 6:66 pm 11:45 am Ar. Birmingham Lv. .... -m <:45 pm