Newspaper Page Text
'TvWtwr 11 ’.iw" >km
No. 106 Plant av«.
Phone 449,
These couches are made en-
entirely of steel and equip
ped with genuine National
Springs. Have steel rollers
and are. finished in gold
bronze. Folded it is a neat
coucir, open a large comfor
table bed. We sell it com
plete with cotton mattress
and pillow, for *
S2.00 per month.
City Cpunrll met In regular session
yesterday afternoon at 2:30 p. ffl.
Mayor'Cox fn chair. Aldermen C. w
Parker, C. K. LeCount, Fred Brewef
and C. K. Dunn, being present.
Col. B. 0. Parks appeared with a
committee of hackmen and draymen
to ask for a modification of present
police regulation, so that the dray
men and hackmen may back up to
or near depot and solicit business ten
minutes before or after arrival of
each train,
Alderman Parker moved that hacks
» be allowed this privilege ,to pack up
fo depot 10 minutes before arrival o!
each traTT»Thut he not permitted tt
hack nearer than 15 feet from enc’4
door of waitin': room, leaving a bom
00 feet of empty space In front of
depot for use of private conveyances.
Alderman Dunn opposed this reso
lution, claiming that the hacks crowd
ed up and bad become a nuisance on
our main street and asked that the
matter he deferred to next meeting
ns he believed a mnjority of the cit
izens approved the regulation now be
ing enforced. Mr. Parker Insisted on
his resolution and a (ri-vote was bro
ken by Mayor Cox, who voted in fa
vor of Hackmen.
The question of employing persons
not citizens ot Wayeross in official
rapacity again came up in reference
to employment of a special police
man In Decnwood, and the Council
wettl on record as being absolutely
opposed lo employing any man by the
city unless he be a citizen of Way-
On motion of Alderman Dunn, com
mittee were Instructed • to at once
take action to connect stockade with
sewerage and Install necessary plumb-
'"«• twill
Mr. Sims was given permission to
erect a wooden bouse on corner of
Brewer and Plant avenue.
Editor S. \V. llerrin. of Millwood,
is In the city toby, Mr. Herrin re
ports that t.'ie cotton crop In bis sec
tion ban been cut off by late wot wea
ther at IcnBl r.o per cent.
Hr. .1. It. Dedsc. of Pearson, Is in
the city today. Hr. Hedge recently
announced for Governor of Georgia,
and ns n result has received a lot of
free advertising.
Ex-Senator Frank It. Slrmans. of
Clinch county, was among Hie visitors
to Waycrog* today.
The Chattanooga Manuvacttirers as
sociation has arranged to send its big
forty carload exhibit to the state fair,
and will send at least too lending
manufacturers on a three days visit
to Mucott m the same time. The ex
Mbit represents Investments of more
than $20,000,000 and' will he one of
the big fontures. The Importance of
At last meeting of City Council iu
August, on motion It was decided to
bhange hour of meeting of Council
from 9:30 y. m„ to 2:30 p. m. The
IKilnt. made by Councllmen at that
time being that the afternoon meet*
the Georgia State Fair 1* eloquently Hug* would he more convenient for
Ex-Fire Chief J. M. Joyner, appear
ed before Council yesterday and filed
hla closing report on Fire Depart
ment. Chief Joyner has been com
pelled, to the regret of City* Council,
to resign bis position owing. to ill
health. He has made an excellent of
ficer. By general content Council
left affairs of Fire Department as ar
ranged by Fire Committee, E. C. Hull
to act as chief and receive chief pay,
and W. A. Sinclair to act as <?lerk and
ansletant chief, with assistant chief
Mr. Joyner's report is as follows:
WaycroHH, Ga., Aug. 5th, 191 J.
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Wayeross:
Gentlemen; —
I hand you herewith, my report as
Chief of the Fire Department to Au
gust the 18th., inclusive. This being
the d/te on which my resignation
?nt Into effect,
t'p to this date the department has
responded to 49 alarms of fire. 27 in
md and one In brick structures. The
remaining 11 being 5 box cars, 2 grass
d 4 false alarms. The total
amount of'damage by fire to this date
22.00. Of this amount, $10,-
912.00 was on buildings nnd $0,110.00
;j contents. The total,amount ot in*
jrance paid on, buH&Tngs and con-
*iits Is $13,674.00. Total amount of
property endangered $07,875.00.
The cost of maintaining the de
partment, including salaries, vaca
tion, sick leave, feed, blacksmith
work, reserve reel houses, other Im
provements and incidentals, has been
Total value of property and equip
ment for the Fire Department, no>-
on hand and in serviceable condition,
including horses, wagons, hose and
oti'.er nppnrtus $M>25.00.
My sincere thanks are due His
Honor, Mbyor J. M. Cox, and the mem
■sera of the lire committee for their;
co-operation and assistance during
the two years I have had the honor
to art as chief. Especially do I de
sire t.i thank our efficient Chairman,
Hon. John W. Moore, who 1ms ably
assisted mo in conducting the affairs
of the department.
Respectfully submitted,
voting for night meeting, and eo Couu
dl will again meet oh, first and thjrd
Tuesday nlgbit, at J:3U p. m.
Mabe IPgige and her company ap
peared before another crowd at the j
Duval Theater' last night in that
Ecreaming' comedy, "Billy." The bill
pleased immensely and promises to
bring another large >udl,cnce this af
ternoon and tonight before giving
away to the Western drama, “The
Lost Trail," which will be the bill on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
with a matinee Friday afternoon.—
Jacksonville Metropolis.
Col. Benjamin T. Allen, of Peap
son, wdb in the city today attendIn-«j
Hie opening exercises of Bunq-Bell j»
j Btitute.
cure Black Tongue In «Dogr or an>
ulcerated condition of the.throat. Foi
sale by Seals Pharmacy. C 8?
Advertise In The Wa/crosa Evening
Wayeross# Southern
R. r. co.
Schedules of Trains Effective January
2, 1011.
Notice:—The arrival and departure/
ate given as information and are
not guaranteed.
Southbound Train No. L
Miles Station
0 Hebardvllle, Qa. Lv. 6:30 an
2 Wayeross (Albany ave) 6;35 am
8 Lavinia 5:60 am
10 Fredel Ar. 5:65 am
Northbound Train No. 2.
10 Fredel 2:45 pm
S Lavinia 2:50 pir-
2 Wayeross (Albany ave) 3:05 pm
Ollebard villa 3:10 put
Trains No. 1 and No. 2, dally, ax
cept Sunday.
.’no. M Hopkins
<ii ><*r:niondent.
C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V.
19 Albany Avenue. Wayeross, Ca
Day and Night Phono 598.
attested too when n big exhibit like
this is skipped from a sister state.
An entire building 1ms been given ov
er to It.
those who dal red to appear- heforo
Council from time to time, and would
also allow Aldermen to get through
business and get home to their vviVes
and families before the wee aours of
jtiie following -morning. So the first
day meeting was held yesterday. But
I L *1* 1 C/im II I Y 80, ' le °* lhe Aldermen by this time
jUPf [fl Ul J I had Changed their minds as to the
I |/II |HANrr.|rcl. fti8(iom ° r th ® change of hours, and
I IWUIUMlLL/UltHlj Aldermen Parker and LeCount advo*
cated a change back to the night
meeting* again. LeCount called at
tention to the fact that tho day meet
ing* would compel the committees of
workingmen who might desire to ap
pear before Council to lose one half
days work it least to do so.
Parker pointed ont that the absence
-T Aldermen showed that that hour
vas not a wise one. Aldimtan Tlttr*;
oupoted the change again so soon,
jand urged that the day meeting* be
while ami said that pco- j days,
j pie would look upon Council as a *et * 3 tf
— —— — ! of babies who did not know their D.
JTTURNER mind, for iwo week, together. Th«
\ iote thfm.d 1' and LeCount for
Owe. I aSr.-d. Building. P. o. Box t nlcbt mooting, Dunn and Brewer
Was crow, Ocoogla. asalnat Mayor Cox brskt the U. by
Vconn US Ec. JSSI
From Rov. M. 8;uka«!i, Allison,
Jr., in pr.'ii:-o oi nr. K:a_'* Now l.lfr
-TlWj-ri «ifh a iioahb core-sUy,
Jn o' , ry fcema than, pl!U aliouid bo
If other kind, you've tried la vala.
Ard ho well .gain," Only *5e at All! ,ri *'d for
Specialist On Cancer and Dropsy
Office, Kimbal House, Wayeross, Go
Will do general practice day and
night. Cnlls answered promptly.
Registration of pupils for entrance
to the Public ScIiooIb wll begin on
Monday September 11th and continue
for five days. Hours S to 12; 2 to 4.
Pupils will please bring proinoHon
enrd*. School opens September lSih.
31 5t eod. E. A. Pound, 8upt
The Store < f Gr? at Values Where Your Credit Is Go#*
; ■■■■■ rip
One of Our Great Fxtension Table
VALUES, exactly like iflu&raticn, made o
finest: quality thoroughly seasoned ork, ex
tra large hand carved claw feet, handsome
ly shaped pede&al, smooth running sides, 42
inch top extends to 6 feet.
A handsome Table at an
extremely low price,
l /3 Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days.
ur extension tables are bought under contract loir our-
large chain of stores. We buy for less, we sell for less.
An Unequaled Value
in a high class dining table. This is one of
the be^t values we have ever offered.
Made of be^l quality white oak, the work
manship and finish of the berft, the top is 44
inches across, extends to 6 ft the mo& elab
orate pedestal ever furnished with a table
at this price; exatftly like illustration.
f /3 Cash, Balance 30, 60 and
Monitor Ranges Best tor 9$ Years
Wo are hondquarters ror low prlc
and envy term*.
IS tf Home Furniture Co.
for Infants and Children.
Die Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Ex-Deputy Sheriff Joan P. Cason
will engage In special detective work
la Waycrois and South Georgia, it
you need hts service* telephone No
t, court bouse. 6-2-tt
GUARANTEE:—We warrant the callings ’in these ranges to be the
best mixture ot; pig iron known for the purpose, workmanship, fittings
and ^mounting to be unequahd, flut cor^ndtion to be Fcti<<9. ?rd that
they will bake and operate perfectly whi n connected in propef nm ner to
We handle these famous ranges in either, genuine OPEN HEARTH steel (guar^t=-~
teed not to rust), in Wellsville polished rolled steel, or in the best quality cast iron.. 1 )
The prices are from $35 to $50- You can buy no better range at ANY price,.
and none as goodat a LOWER price. * " - ■ .
Weeds and grass thuat be cleared
from lots as required by city ordf
nance. Thl* work must be done a*
once and within the next ten (id
M. Bradley. Health Officer.
Boas us) LaOrandv BaiMias
■ - .
■ ■
Th. clear.: .f, molt convenient, effective and economical Oil Stove
for cooking ever made—on. that thould bn in every kitchen—in tho
Oil Stove
It bums ordinary kerosene oil, but there are no bothersome
wicks. The heat is concentrated directly on the cooking—
none is wasted. Reduces fuel expense. The flame is am-
trolled by a bver. This means that you can instantly regulate
the flame at any desired height, a distinctive feature found in
no other oil stove.
Remember that the name
“Florence, ” whether on
a five-burner 03 Steve or on
a single-burner Lamp Stove,
stands for the best in OilStoves.
We also real* the Florence
Ovens and Lamp Stoves.
For ftd« By
»Valker-R tod
Mid* byTh*
iV.Te tHHcB* (AS t
Oar Line ot Daven
port Beds at
Arc absolutely th^Best Values cn the market.
Guarantee Our Prices to Save You Money.
Wife' -¥