Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 07, 1911, Image 5
Thursday, sept. t. mi. THURSDAY, SEPT. 7. 1911 PITTMAN CIGAR 'Ton have to be on yo jon ar ecaught nnppls dirasted WAVWtOSS BU3INES1 GRADUATES ARE 8LEEPY HEA They are sought altei affairs. You find them positions at trust. Our DIPLOMA Is an < to position and pref specialty la to lit you I to make the pay-roll Is crease the salary ot thi Enter At Any T Waycross Bui Waycross, Oa. ! MAJOR McGEE FOR MAYOR The Herald la authorised to announ ce that Mr. F. H. McGee will be a candidate' i^r Mayor ot Waycross, subject to the action ot the Demo cratic primary. * I Official announcement ot his plat form will be published later. Liver Medicine tie medicine, for constipation* in* digestion and liver trouble* is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not b« the fa vorite liver powder* with a larger •ale than all other* comhintd. TOLD IN TOWN F2 j MONEY TO LOAN, Money T^ian *o colored f<*op> tth good security. L. X Burch, Specialist am Mdtef Kdg. Waycroes, Oa. -THEfEMEBLGi S.lfcGfeSTs] -l ■ ri"Hr T-f <r VOOOOOOOOOOCIOOOOC Eggs, Eggs, r Eggs. WE MB. NOW RECEIVING 50 CASES r NO. 1 CANDLED TENNES SEE eGgs every week, we CAN SELL CHEAP IN CASE LOTS. DON’T BUY OLD COLD STORAGE EGGS when YOU CAN GET FRE8H TENNE8EE eggs. ' ♦ PERSONAL M LOCAL LITTLE PRIVATE SCHOOL " CHILDREN. Mias Besale Wright’s school will open Monday, September 18, at her borne, 9 Alice Street- Hours, 8:30 to 12. Phone 9. 6 St Leading Grocers. WUson Block. Phone 128 Smoke! “0,ran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. ectv'ed In Waycroes, Os. Bp CP guard It ig, It Inrltea e coluco* NEVER HEADS. alter by men ol them In leading an open ie-same preferment. Our you for business, larger; to In- the "big men." ny Time. Business jge , P. Zeiglar, Pre« JUDGE SWEAT BACK HOME. Judge J. L. Sweat reported at the Herald office this morning. He has Just returned from Uthla Spring* and is looking quite fresh and handsome. The Judge has not been talking much politics during his absence, but is Im pressed with the idea If “Little Jo*” runs for governor he will bo elected. He think* "Uttie Joe” should an« SOCIAL POINTS PROM GLENMORE September B, 1911. Quite a large crowd attended the Union Siaday school here just Sun* Jay. Messrs J. 8. and J. E. Mixon made a business trip to Manor lost Friday. Mrs. Mattie Moore, who is teaching the Glenmore school, visited relatives In Waycron from Friday until Mon- day. Mr. and Sirs. W. I. McQuaig visited friends and relatives In Manor last Saturday. Mr. Henry Agathen has returned from a stay ot some weeks at Moun tain City, Ga. Cream English Cotton Suiting with small black stripe, 25c. 7 3t Humphreys & Williamson. Col. W. M. Olllff, editor of the CThartton County Herald, and well known lawyer of Folkston, spent last night in Waycross, a guest of the Phoenix Hotel. Mr. C. E. Williamson and Miss Hatterway returned today from a'trlp to'New York, where they have been buying an immense fall and winter stoekMor the popular store of Hum phreys & Williamson. Serpentine Crepe, beautiful Japan ese designs and solid colors, 20c. 7 3t Humphreys & Williamson. Mrs. J. C.^Wltherington is spend ing some time with relatives in Thomasville, Ga. Mrs. Wltherington’s health, her friends will regret learn* Is still quite bad. The Georgia State fair is fortunate insecuring the permission of the Uni ted States government to bring cattle across the quarantine line and then re-ship them back to other states In the event that they are not sold. This will give the fair an opportunity to bring many fine exhibits of live stock from the Middle Western states this year, something that has been im possible In the past. FOR MAYOR orlsed to annoim- will be * of Waycross. of the Demo- have the For this buying to Get the Original and Genulna HO RUCK’S MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. For Icfonti, Invalids, and Growing children. Pure Nutrition,up building the whole body. Invigorate! the nuning mother and the aged grain, in powder form. A quick hutch prepared in e minute. Take no tabttitute. AikforHORUCK’S. Not in Any Milk Trust Miss Scarboro and Miss Fleming who had charge of Humphreys.& Wil liamsons millinery department last season will arrive shortly to bo in charge cf tho millinery department again this season. These young ltrdlej have a number of friends hero who will be pleased to learn that they will return. New fall Percals in light and dark colors, 10c and 12 l-2c. 7 3t Humphreys & Williamson. Mrs. M. E. Parker is quite sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lucius Jenkins, on Brunei street. Mrs. Par ker’s friends will very much regret to learn of her illness. Ex-Sheriff W. B. Lyens and wife, formerly of Jesup, were in the city today. Mr. Lyens has been traveling for a tobacco house until recently, given that up and Is contem plating establishing a bottling works Offerman. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Corbitt attend ed, divine services in-Ellwood Sunday, Messrs A. L. Hughes, H. J. Her rin, and D. N. McQuaig'made a'pleas ant trip to Brunswick and St. Simon last Sunday. They report having had a fine time. Mr. Duncan James, of Waycross, as a welcome visitor In our tow Sunday. Miss Mary Ellington, of Willacoo* chee is visiting relatives here, tho uest of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J. Herrin Miss Annie Laura Blue, who has been attending -school hero visited her parents in Ruskin last Saturday night and Sunday. Messrs D. K. and G. L. Corbitt left this week for Douglas where they will attend school. Rev. R. J, McQuaig. o? Manor, will preach here at the Ulion Sunday school house next Sunday, September 10th, at 11 a. m. Everybody is vited to come out and hear Brother McQuaig. (XYZ.) DON’T PULI OUT THE GRAY HAIRS HO LONGER NECESSARY, SAYS A WRITER. "Pull out one gray hair and a dozen will take Ita place" la an old laying, which la, to a great extent, true. If oo steps are taken to stop tho cause. When gray hairs appear It Is a alga that nature needs assistance. It Is nature’s call for help. Gray halra, dull lifeless hair, or hair that la fall ing out Is not necessarily a algn of advancing age, for there are thous ands of elderly people with perfect heads of hklr without a single streak of gray. When gray halra come, or when the hair seems to bo Utelcaa or dead, some good, reliable halr-restorlng treatment abould bo resorted to at once. Specialists aay that one of tho best preparations to use Is the old- faahloncd “sage tea,” which our grand parents used. The best preparation of this kind la Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a preparation of domestic sage, and sulphur, scien tifically Compounded with later dis covered hair tonics and stimulants, the whole mixture being carefully balanced and tested by experts, Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Is clean and wholesome and perfectly harm less. It refreshes dry, parched hair, removes dandruff and gradually re stores fa-’ci*. or gray hair to Its na tural color. This preparation la offered to toe public at fifty cents a bottle and Is recommended and sold by Announcement Extraordinary Sleeping Car Service Between Way- cross and Atlanta, via: AT THE MAJESTIC, ' , The pictures tonight will be as fo6 Iowa: "A Red GI(Ia Heart! 1 a feature west ern story by the Bison Filnr Company. "LiUle Girl," a powerful Powers drama. The vaudeville feature consists of reflneS. muscal act as presented by The Raymonds”. This Is a refined act from start'to finish, and nothing will be presented that will offend the most refined. A special program has been arrang ed by the Majestic Orchestra as fol lows: Under The Southern Moonlight, Dixie Twilight, Hold Me Just A Uttie Closer, The Deep Purple, Skipper Su sie Green, Red Pepper, Mnrcelle, Sen- tiers Plcurls. Beautiful plaid Ginghams and Cham bray, 10c and 12 l-2c. 7 3t Humphreys & Williamson. Jack, the little son ot Mr. nnd Mrs. O. M. Williams, Ib still quite 111. k. J. COOPER, President. J. W. BELLINGER, Cashier. Mr. s. J. Stoner, of Dualevle, W 3., ts In the city prospecting with view to locating on a Doenwood farm. Mr. R. E, Easterling, of Glonnvllle, Ga.. was among tho visitors to tho city today. WAYCROSS LODGE Ns. 80S. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 9:00 P. M. All Masons Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK, 8EC, Banking Made Convenient For all at this Bank. We ore conveniently located, offer every facility for promptness in banking, and wish to do business wth YOU. For security, note our resources of more than Three Quarters of a Million Dbllars. 4 PER CENT PAID ON 8AVING8 ACC0UNT8. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULT8. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 At The Parker Theatre O OOOOOOOOOO GI ° JB BAGLEY M D « O PHYSICIAN A 8URQE0N G O Offlo* n Rmithern Building O: O OFFICE HOURS. O. O 9-11 A. M. 8-4 P. M. 708 P. K. Cl » OOOOOOOOOO GI WAYCROM COUNCIL NO. 21. Jr. O. U. A. M. Meet* every Monday evening In Rag Ken's Hall, Lott-HIteb building at ■ 9. m. Visiting brothers cordially invited to meat rltb os. riherqd Collins, L. Carl Collins. Rec-Bocty Councilor. A. B. £ A. R. R. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, M. D. Office* 229 and 311 LaGmnde Building. Honrs: 9 to 11; 2 to 4. *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Effective with first cur leaving Way- cross 8:00 p. nv, Monday September !th. The A. B. & A. have secured fo rthls service elegantly appointed olcctric-Mgbted sleeping cars, equip ped with all modern conveniences One Big Advantage You may secure your aleeplng car space at the ticket office. Union Sta tion, at any time prior to your trip, diagrams are kept conttnnoauly open. ThcA. B. A A. Railroad represents the Standard of Excellence In Service.” Schedule of Sleeping Car Line. Leave Waycross 8:00 p.m. Arrive Atlanta, 6:40 a.m. Leavs Atlanta 10:16 p.m. Arrive Waycross 8:46 a m TRAWL “THE RICHT WAY* W. H. Leahy, O. P. A, Atlanta, Oa. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Gif'. B. E. Camp, T. A., Waycross, Ga. 8CENE FROM "THE L08T TRAIL" AT PARKER THEATER, 8ATURDAY SEPT. 9th., BY THE MABEL PAIGE CO AND HER POPJULAR PLAYERS PRICES 25c 50c AND 75c. Who Wants Lustrous Hair Full of Life and Beauty. Start now madam, September Is Jusl the month to begin to acquire a glorious head of hair which you will be Justly proud during tbo social events of wintertime. If you haven't used PARISIAN SAGE you am’t on the high road to hair beauty. PARISIAN SAGE is the most delightful preparation that de stroys the dahdruff germs and by su doing remores In a short time the cau*e-of dandruff, falling hair. Itching scalp, faded and llfelea* hair. Dandruk germs are obctructlonlats; they prevent the hair from receiving It's prope nourishment by ravenously Feast of Stamp Collectors. Special To The Herald. - Vienna, SepL 7.—Under the protec torato of Dr. Wagner von Jaurogg, Postmaster-General of Austria-Hunga ry tho International Phllathellc Ex hibition was opened here today. Col lections of stamps from every country In the world are on exhibition, a- mong them some of the largest and moht famous known to philathellsts. Many valuable prizes will be award ed. WAKEFIELO LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHT* OF PYT-tt AS. Meets tv-~ Monday evening at 8:00 Is J Caatl* Hal ’lent av» Members requested to attsnd, sad vbsltln* Knight* ere most -SO dlally Invited to meet with ns. CHAS..E, CAeON, C. C T. H. Miller K. of tt & S. * M. of P, WOODMEN OF, THE WORLD. CAMP 16& Marts first end third Thnreday •» each non!/ Masonic Hall. srd L. Singleton, C. O. P. Woolley, Clerk. Don’t forget that W. J, Parkor con ducts a first class market, and will appreciate yonr patronage. Phone 288. 6 4t Good quality white cotton aultlngt devouring the aarne norlushment. Use for coat* and suits, 10 end 16c. PARISIAN SAGE for on* week end, 7 3t Humphrey! t Williamson, not* the wonderful Improvement. O. j ■ ■ — R. Brinson Co,, guarantee* 'It,' 601 Big supply' pf card oeard, tU col- cent* a bottle. 7.19, isjore, Just received at Herald. tt Centernary of Noted Astronomer. Sepcinl To The Herald. Washington, D. C., Sept. 0.—On* hundred years age today saw the birth, in Georgetown, of Jamoa M. Glllis, the world-famous astronomer, who, according to his biographer*, “first In all tho land conducted a working observatory, who flnt gave his whole tlmo to practice! astrono mical work, who first published a vol ume ot observation*, first prepared a catalogue of stars aid plsnets and carried Into effect the construction of a working observatory as contrasted with one Intended chiefly for Instruc tion.'’ Dr. Glllis made numerous valuable Improvements In astronomical Instru ments snd It was under his charge that the Government observatory In Washington became on of the host In the world. His death occurred In this city, February 9, 1865P £91 Rig shipment electric fans receiv ed. Byck Electric Supply Ct. 20 Lott StrecL , U tf - J