Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 07, 1911, Image 8
TjtttferoAT, ,j i»j?j ■.. , tsasrn NEW FALL GOODS Of Ev^py Description PHONE 123 Fresh. and Crisp from the factories Now in Stock and Arriving almost Daily ready for Your Inspection, Come and see what we have. No Harm to look Obliging Clerk§( to show. Our Stock has been well selected for Fall and Winter, and we will Endeavor to Suit you. Everything we have in Summer Goods to go at a Sacrifice. If you wish anything to finish up the summer on don't tail to ask for these bargains and you will be pleased with your purchase. New lot of Ginghams, Ckambreys and Percales Best Quality—Lowest Prices All Kinds New Table Scarfs and Bureau Run ners, Just Recived. Big Lot Loces, Embroideries and Bandings. New shipment staple and fancy All-Overs and Dress Trimmings. Nettleton’s and Craw ford’s new Fall Styles $4.001# $6.00 v Ladies’ silk hose navy, sky,pink,white, black 50c. Extra fine $1.25 all silk hose, pink, sky, black 98c. Rugs Of Every Kind 25c 1# $6.00 Ladies’ Queen Quality, all styles $3.00lo $4.50 1 Misses’ and children’s fall school dresses, full line, close prices * 75c TO $1.50 Men’s Stetson hats, new fall styles — blacks, tans and browns Newline of all qualities of ribbons. We are specially strong on hair ribbons McCall Patterns, Fashion Books, Magazines, Etc. Just in Pretty line of Ladies* Neckwear New Style New Lines Sil&s and Satins II New Lines Dress Goods and Suitings 6 &8 Plant Ave. % All Our Fall Lines are Practically Corriplete Dickins Stores 6 &8 Plant Ave. S The Modem Wash-day Time was when The Wash was a weekly nightmare, wash-day dinner a by-word. The New Perfection Oil Cook-stove has changed all that. Once the wash-boiler is on the stove, it leaves you free to attend to the dinner or any other work. You can move a New Perfection where you please and light it in a moment It require! no attention after that A (ingle gallon of od laiti all three bumen (even hour* or more. No coal or wood to carry; no fire to feed; no soot nor ashes. It keeps a kitchen or laundry cool and dean. It cooks to perfection, with the least trouble and expense. Heat i wwai racks, aw. .» . DeaWfl * very w her*; «V write for it. -stove ffs™ * *• **•*■» Standard Oil Company' Its publicaton In Its present form.will*stated that he would have Inserted injure }be city credit. The claim is j below a statement that the report did made that the auditor erroneously j not include the assets or city water* charges the bonded indebtedness j works, real estate and general prop* some $275,000 as a current liability j erty, which would offset the indebt- and shows none of the city’s assets.! edness to a large extent Waterworks, real estate, etc., to bal*i Finally motion of Alderman Parker ance against it, and therefore make ^ carried with change, referring bids the city with a current liability of j for printing to chairman of finance the great amount practically appear committee instead of Clerk Council bankrupt. I Alderman Dunn favored the publlfca- j FAMOUS HORSES AT AUCTION tlon of report but wanted the error SpeclaTTo The Herald, corrected in interest of city and claim*! New York, Sept. 7.—Many of Amer* ed that report should be turned over i lea’s most celebrated racing horses to finance committee and they meet j were listed to go under the hammer at with the auditor and make the correc* \ the auction sale of S. C. Hildreth’s tlons. Alderman Brewer claimed that j great stable,' which began at Sheeps* Council had no right to Interfere with j head Bay today. Included In the report but should publish exactly as j string were Fittz Herbert, the fastest prepared by auditor and stand or fall ( horce in America for four seasons; on its merits. 1 Novelty, the winner of last year’s Fu* Mayor Cox stated that it was a fine turlty; King. James, a noted handicap report and neither Council of 1909 or winner; Zeus, Firestone, Royal Mete* 1910 needed to be ashamed of it. He or and a dumber of other horses SPIRITED FIGHT IN AUDITOR’S REPORT The tperial auditors report on city keoh\ came up ag-Vn Tuesday at Council mectlu s and caused a Ion* •setting debate. Some ala month* Mo the Mayor on Instruction* of tbe City Connell employed Mr. H. H. Bur nett to make a complete audit and sepert on city books add (Inane* for Vote* 13.19 nail milk Mr. I!., v i ,g-r-' lets! a c-ort elaborate *nd cere- liUy ; rc,*rrj rep-.rt at cort to c.'t/ of about H50. The report tea* or dered printed in book form after ap. ptoval. But this baa not been dene up to pretent time, and tbe matter a-a, again brought up and Aldermen urged that report be printed. Mayor Cox 'Inflated on tbe printlbg and stated that It Council would not do It, be would have It done at hie own expenie. Alderman Parker moved tbnt tbe Waycnua printer* be re quested to lend In bid* tor printing report In pamphlet form, 1,000 to be * printed tor public distribution. A pro longed discussion then ensued, ft ap peared that the report bn* never been adorted by Council, also the financial committee claim that the report Is Incorrect In certain particular* and Are You Nervous? What makes you nervous? It is the weakness of your womanly constitution, which cannot stand the strain of the hard work you do. As a result, you break-down, and ruin your entire nervous system. Don't keep this up! Take Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is made from purely vegetable ingredients. I tads gently on the womanly organs, and helps them to do their proper work. It relieves pain and restores health, in a natural manner, by going to the source of the trouble and - building up the bodily strength. CaMji WomatfsTonic Mrs. Grace Fortner, of Man, W. Va., took Cardui. This is what she says about it: “I was so weak and nervous, 1 could not bear to have anyone near me. I had fainting spells, and I lost) flesh every day. The first dose | of Cardui helped me. Now, I am entirely cured of the ’ fainting spells, and I cannot say enough for Cardui, for I know ft saved my life.*It Is. the best tonic for women. ’ Do you suffer from any of the pains peculiar to women? Take Cardui. It will help yoq. Ask your druggist Keep Up Keep Down 1$ An i =OverIand 59— EXPENSE TO RUN 25 MILES EACH DAY WHICH IS ON A PAR WITH A HORSE. OVIRLANO TO CARRY 5 PEOPLE, THE HORSE 2 PEOPLE. TIRE EXPENSE .... S4.00 GASOLINE AND OIL $6.00 c- ADJUSTMENTS, BARRING ACCIDENTS .... $2.50 - $12.50 I WILL KEEP YOUR OVERLAND S» UP AT THIS FIG URE AND RATIO FOR ONE YEAR. N M.KELLEY Kelley’s Garage. eeeeefeeeeeeeee^ *** , **J > » whoie name* are familiar to every patron of the turf. The prominence of the thoroughbreds to be dltposed of led to marked intere«t in the occas ion and a number of well known horsemen from various porta of tbe United Statea and Canada were pres ent at tbe opening of the vale. Mr. Daniel B. Raybon and little daughter, Ombelie, of Lake Como. Fla. are are visiting at tbe home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ray- bon. LOTS IN RIVERSIDE PARK ARE VERY POPULAR AND SELLING FAST. We handle the famous Mascot cook stove, every one a winner. Cub or easy terms. Home Furniture company, t and Albany Avenue I CABINET WORK. I am still at the same old stand, 22- Brewer street, and prepared to do all- kinds of cabinet work, ‘ upholstering, trunk repairing, etc. Having done, your work for the past six year* I think I know bow to give you tb». lad of work you want When yon. need any repairing done, remember. J. L WAITE. The old reliable Cabinet-Maker/ 22 Brewer street, pnone 29 l 4. -§~ *7 eaay t Special low prices and'eaily term* on bed room mites, iron beds, odd pieces, etc. We will please or re fund your money. Home Furniture Company, 2$ tt Plant and Albany Avenue. I 5 or « doses "MG’ win cure anv case of Chill* and Fiver, Price. j5 cents.