Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 08, 1911, Image 1

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Mr. S. T. McAdam, of. Pensacola,
and Mr. L. H. Mo re, of Montgom
ery, two of the owners of the Way*
cron Ice and Cold Storage Cpmpany,
arrived in the city this morning. They
came here to close contract for the
too#ng of the artesian well at t.i
. site of their new plant on Satilla
treet. The contract for the well has
been let to Mr. B. A. Durst, of Jack
sonville, manager of the Ohio JVell
Drlllng Company. Mr. Durst will
have his machinery shipped he?e
Monday and will begin at once the
, drilling of the well.
Part of the material has aready
been ordered, and the contract for
the erection of the buildings will be
let within the next few days. Mr. E.
J. McAdam, of Montgomery, will be
resident manager of the concern, and
will move his family to Waycross in
the near 'future. The new plant will
have a capacity of one hundred tons
per day. ,
- Mrs. N. P, Jernette, wife- of the
cashier of the Citizens’ Bank at
Blackshear,^ died suddenly at her
home in that place yesterday morning
Mrs. Jernette had ‘only been sick for
a day or so, and her death was unex
pected. She is survived by her hus*
band and two small children. The re
mains were carried to Guyton, Ga.,
this morning for interment
Fresh Kalamazoo Celery at Mutual
Grocery every Trlday. * 8 2t
Vera Cruz, Mexico, Sept. 7.—Fran
cisco I. Madero, progressive candidate
for president, was the victim of
mob assault here last night. Hocks
were hurled in Madero's direction,
but he was unhurt.
Guarded by the police, Senor Ma
dero tried -to walk from the train with
dignity. The crowd, however, surged
about him with such a mad rush that
he lost both dignity and temper.
When the automobile carrying Ma
dero Anally reached its destination
the presidential nominee remined his
hearers that it was he who overthrew
President Diaz, and said that General
Reyes was trying to rob his of the
fruits of his victory. Madero accus
ed Reyes of criminal acts, and said
he hoped that the general would be
forced to leave the country.
When Madero mentoned the name
of Jose Pino Suarez, governor of Yu
catan, the candidate for vice presi
dent on the progressive ticket, the
speaker was hooted and yells for Dr.
Francisco Vasquez Gomez drowned
Ills voice.
Pueblo, Mexico, Sept. 7.—A picture
of General Bernardo Reyes, candidate
for Presidency of Mexico In opposi
tion to Madero, was cause of a riot
here last night. Many persons were
hurt. For a while the air was filled
With rocks and cries of "Down with
Reyes,” and “Down with the army.”
At. the International Metal Work
ers’ convention held recently in Bos
ton a speaker advocated a five four
day and five day week, at $1 per
hour, to safeguard workers’ lives.
The new charter for Waycross
Street Railway has been received antf
the movement is well underway. Mr.
C. J. Thomas is proceeding to make
a survey *>f the -route for the com
pany and the city will probably ar
range for the city engineer to accom
pany him so that the street grades
may . be permanently established. The
street railway will be a great addi
tion to our city.
Mr. M..D. Bfnford, known all over
Georgia as “Stick to Binford Banard
Man”, has now decided to locate In
Waycross. And the little stickers
bearing the above legend will grad
ually disappear from the banks and
hotels of Georgia. Mr. Binford baa
associated himself with Mr. C,
Buchanan, Jr., and becomes secretary
and treasurer of the South Georgia
Auditing Company. Mr. Binford Is
an active, aggressive business man,
and has been identified as representa
tive of the Geo. Barnard - Stationary
oCmpany for many yjean, and will be
an invaluable man In the develop
ment of the company’s business.
H. H.
The twelfth annual convention of
the California State Federatlgm of
Labor will be held in BabdrsflehV
commencing October 2.
son. For nearly four year, he ha,
been In the dvangefistlo work, tbs'
TOR empIai ' n,eI>t of the IMrae Ml,lion
Board. In all theae plgii, he ha,
proven him,elf highly eErcfent. Ha
It a good preacher, a true friend, and
eminently loyal In all Baptlat matter,.
He wprked quite a while a, associate
A Special Bargain
Wall-Known Divine, After Spending
Several Year, aa Field Evangellat
Return,‘ fo Hte Flret Love—
*• nwn Leave-on-Monday. ,
v relation he did fine work. . He is. an
all-round, noble, whole-souled, fine
Rev. W. P. Price and family spirited brother. We keenly feel our
leave Monday for Waycross, Ga., loss in bis going from his native
where Mr. Price has accepted A ~crfll. stat»* but commend film in highest
as pastor of the First Baptist Church, terma aa being a brother In' whom,
The departure of this dlatlngulahed our Waycroa, b-ethren will not be lng (| eItlmat , d or „ they wm fur .
divine and his beloved family from } disappointed. May God’s richest'
c t on and their native state is an. blessings rest upon him and his goo
occasion of the deepest regret among | wife in their new *,work.”—Jackso -’
thousands of friends. So family In j Daily News. Saturday, Sept 1, 1911.
the city ot commonwealth is held in Thl people of the First Batpist
higher esteem apd while (there is I Church are dellghted -mer their sue-
some gratification in tho fact that, cess in securing Dr. W. P. Price as
Due the fact that the article, in
yesterday’s Issue of the Waycross
Herald, headed “Spirited Fight in
Auditors Report.”* may in some way
be taken as a re-uctlon on my work,
I feel, In justice to myself, that the
public should have the following state
My report embodies a complete
statement, for a period of two^ years,
showing all receipts and disburse
ments under the various departments,
compiled from tho various cash rec
ords in the offices of the Treasurer,
Clerk, Tax Collector, and Marshall
atd tho Voucher records, In the
clerks office together with other mem
orandum books. All receipts as
•shown by the various cash records
were checked in detail as a charge
against tho Treasurer and every
voucher taken credit for by the Treas
urer, was checked against the stubs
In voucher records. And these fig
ures verified by the balance on band
aa shown by treasurers record.
I have In my office a complete copy
in detail of the checking, verifying
every figure and shall bo glad to go
over same with any one,interested, or
any 'one doubting the correctness of
my work.
I do not believe that any member
of the present or previous administra
tion can consistently doubt in the
slightest detail the correctness of my
If our present council were in per
fect harmony I feel satisfied that the
report! would have been published
shortly after It was submitted. The
only apparent objection is, that I do
not shdw in ’ Wy report against the
bonded Indebtedness the fixed assets,
in the way of paved streets, water-
works plant, etc. If council desires
these fixed assets added in the state
ment I shall take, pleasure In insert;
* j
\ v -
\ '
$9.75 to $15.00
n rrr ir
Mr. Price la to reiume pastoral du
ties In a wider Held of lahor, regret
over Mlsslselppl’e lois te none the
leu' keen.
their pa,tor. He will be a very
strong accession to the Christian
fcu’S of our beautiful and growing
city. .Ho la In the vigor of manhood.
For/a period of several years Mr.: and capable of doing greet work. The
Price served ei pastor of the Second (Christian people of our city will give
Baptist Church of this city. In fact! a glad welcome to this strong min of
it was he who established this con-;God,
gregatlon, now one ST the largest In Hli first sermon as psttor will he
the city,,end It wne through hit In- (.preacher next Sunday morning at 11
defatlgatye labors that the present j o'clock. It Is dulred that all mem-
splendid house o fworshlp was built here of the First'Church, be present
at the corner of Capitol and Lemon. at this service, and also that ss many
streets. j t their friends U possible be there.
Nearly three years ago Mr. Price, ’r. Price le not a stranger in our
responding to a call from the South- city, aa he held a series of meetings
era Baptist’ convention, abandoned here last spring, In which there were
pastoral labors and took the held as rnihy converts added to the church,
an evangelist He has mot with great and the church greatly strengthened,
success in this exalted calling, and It Is believed that Dr. Price will do a
there ore few memlfers of the Bap-1 -eat work bare,
tint clergy who have more Inspired | ■ —- -
seal* In tfca evangelistic Held, Bui NEW INDUSTRIES FOR GEORGIA
the fpye for the pastorate was still
strong within him, end a tew days
since when M received a call to take
charge of the’ Flflt Baptist Church
at Wnycross, one of the prettiest and
motf substantial pities In Georgia, It
was accepted and'be it now preparing I
to reiume hit labors as a congvega-]
tlonal leader.
The best Wishes of countless friends
will ‘go with Mr.Prieo and family into
their new field of labor.
The Baptist Record, official organ
of the denomination In Mississippi, in
comm eniipg on Mr. Price's work In
this state, says:
firemen—$2S?W0 bank.
Davleboro—$25,000 hank.
Bowden—$20,000 henk.
Macon—$30,000 cotton oil company.
Morgan—$25,000 bank.
F.llonton—$25,000. ^.
Waycross—$150,000 railroad com
'Valdosta—$59,000 hardware com
nleh any accounts showing costs ot
such Improvements 1 shall be glad to
audit the detalle of euch accounts
and embody In my report.
I note that there le some stress
laid on the $160.00 paid for my aervl-
ces, the equity of which, I am willing
to leave to the Judgement of any good
auditor or accountant. Any good «c-
countant knows that If a set of hooka
are kept with perfect system and bal- -•
ancer sheets taken periodically that
It rcqulros Just one fourth of the time
to make a thorough audJL If not so
kept he hte tn unknown qnnnlty to
deal with.
Tours very truly,
’H. H. Burnet
More then $2PO,oon deposited in
Denver banka by various unions has
been withdrawn because It war be-
Herat that some of the officials of
“His three prjndpal pastorates have tho hank were Interested In mines
been ell In Mississippi—Magnolia, * v here union men are being hoy'cof-
Winona and the Secon^ Cbcrch. Jack- :pi.
to sit on your own porch and behold
tb* beautiful residences that are
built near yout And these dwellings
cot only giro you an excellen envi
ronment, but Improve the value of
your property..
from Hie viewpoint
of your own home, tho world becom
es a very cherry place Indeed. Let
ua help yon to each a position.
& SonS
• • AGENT*