Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 08, 1911, Image 2

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Published By— *HE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. ' A. P. Parhtm, 8r. A. P. Perham, Jr. Editors and Proprietor*. Mlu Carrie Perham, Peraonal, Society and Local. Tbe Waycroea Herald founded In 1885. Tbe Dally Herald founded In 1891 by A. P.’ Perham, Sr. Telephone* Businus Office It Editorial OO* It Realdenc* 261. PVary Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at tb* Waycroae, Oa., Poet- effte aa aecond claaa mail matter. hfflce No. 8 Jane StreeL RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. . Month » .46 • Monthe *1.26 S Montba .’. 12.1 I Tear 26.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notice!, cards of thanke, (eeolutloni and notices of entertain- meats, where ebarges are made, will be charged at advertising rates of,| eenta a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Snbscrlbera to The Herald that do •ot receive tlie paper promptly and early will please ring-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble I* him, at this Is the only means that W* can aasure you prompt and early Salivary THE HERALO IS THE Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAVCR03S, GA., SSPT. 8. 1511. To boot Dick Itussoll the prohibi tionists will In all probability con centrate on Joe Grown. However, If Joe Grown does not run the Herald la willing to concentrate fta forces on the other Grown. 11 1 - . A DOZEN DON'TS; Don't wa(f for another man to take tiii lead I9 discharging your peraonal duty. , A * v Don't watch to *ee which way the cat Jump* before knowing which tide you are on. ‘ Don’t call a man a knocker jrho un covers civic corruption and official graft. Don't fail to make a distinction be tween jin and the sinner whether you are working to destroy or - "to conser ve. Don’t proclaim yoy fairness and up teas until youare accused—ot*i era might think there’s a'reason. Don’t give your imagination free reign unless you wish your conduct > be guided in that direction. Don’t pray "Thy Kingdom Come,’* and then rejoice ’ with the devil in turning a man out of church. Don’t make It easy lor a neighbor to got liquor if you think it wrong cr Inexpedient for men to get drunk. Don’t let personal Interest deter mine your opinion or attitude concern Ing'a question of inoral issue. Don’t tell the Lord *you love Him ■!e you have a firm grip on th devil’s tall —Relligous Telescope. FRIDAY, SEPT. 8, ML MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan to colored people pith good security. L. J. Burch, Specialist 2m Ueddlrg Bldg. Wayirois, Qa. llNo?trutn." Something which, the president’ll opinion, was, Immed iately succeeding bln election, a re form of great moment to the people, hut which, in view* of the near-elec tlons, becomes transmogrified into a horrible hygeranla. * Hon. John T. Bolfetillet, clerk of the House of Representatives, blames the governor's office for many of the errors that woro fade in bills. IJo re calls the tact that Governor Drown read tho bills and sent them back for correction where there woro errors. The Democrat Ic party, after its rec ord in tho just closed session of con gress, goes to the people with a rec ord of promises fulfilled. That tho ’popular will, ns expressed in Demo cratic measure, was thwarted by the president’s pretense of tariff board omniscience, will be given full con sideration when tho even of 1912 cornea around. Penrose and purity! it seems a strange contradiction, but we have the senator's own statement for it, so It must be so. Ho also declares for good government In Philadelphia, urging all voters to unite for his par ticular brand of good government. Far be U from us to cHtlcIte any Re publican candidates, especially of the usual Philadelphia type. But Pea- rose with a halo! Think of it! After a period of retrospection, Ith comprehension almost human, re are JtiformpcJ hv tho Republican pro is ot the country that the sessions of Congress Just ended was a dark, rank, dismal, demoralized and dema gogic failure. •JH’e do not observe the logic of the conclusion. From the Re publican press point of view, these things ought to make it considered a howling success. * Members of a New York association organized to raise the price of poultry and so convicted, hqfve been sentenc- A Harmless Remedy, Made from Garden Sage, Restores Color to Gray Hair, A feeling of sadness accompanies the discovery of tho first gray hairs, which, unfortunately, nre looked upon a* herald* of advancing nge. Gray hnlra, however, nre not nlwnyn an indication of advanc ing age, for many people have gray haira quite early la life. Of course. It Ih un natural. and indicate* that there Is some thing wrong with the individual, nud that Nature needs assistance in correcting tho trouble. The same I* true of hqjr that 1« constantly falling out and f»eeomfng thinner every day. If everything I* right with Nature, the hair, even in compara tively elderly people, should be long, thick and glossy, without even a streak of gray. The Men! assistant to Nature In re storing and preserving the hair is Wy eth’s Sage and Sulphur Ilalr Remedy, a clean and wholesome dressing for daily use. It not only removes dandruff, but strengthens weak, thin and falling hnir and promotes its growth. A few appli cations will restore faded or gray hair to Its natural color. This preparation is offered to the public nt fifty cents.a bottle, and is recommended and sold by all druggist*. m Children Cry for Fletcher’s The ICltiil Von Hnvk Aln.ij's Bought, and -which has been > In use for ovet 00 "years, has homo the signature of -- «i,d has been made under his per- f- eonal supervision since Its Infancy, ■gjj Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jnst-aa-good” arc but Experiment* that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops ana Soothing Syrups, It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kakcotlo (substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tlie Food, regulates tbe Btomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tito Children' a Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS pBears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought Use For Over 30 Years In PARK PLACE High class Subdivis ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. W. D. Morton, Agt. ROOM NO. 4 Southern Hotel BMf no***** ESCAPED WITH HIS LIFE. "Twtnty-one years ago I faced an awful death,** writes H. B. Martin, Port Harrelson, 8. C. "Doctors said ed to n year each in prison. A plea * **ad consumption aod the dreadful for the Imposition of fines did not ap- cou ** 1 1 had looked like It, sure ppnl to tho trial Judge. Tb^s is grat- { *™ush. I tried everything I could Hying to observe. It points the way j hear ° f . for <-nd was urn for tbe future protection against mon-■ dcr tlie treatment of tho best doctor o|K>llu\tlon of Industry and the arid- * n Georgetown, S. C., for a year, but frnry fixing of prices, to pay. in many cou,d set no relief. A friend advised cases, dividends on million* of water-1 m ° ,0 fr - v ^ r * Etna's Discover* ed stocks. But why let the big often- 1 dld *»• nnd WQi completely cured. derg off with tines and jail the little criminals? + ' * t feel that I one my Ufa to thl» treat throat gfcd lung euro.” Iti positively guaranteed tor coughs, colds, and all hroneh leal affections. SGc and 61.00. Trial bottle free at All Druggists. 4- Considerable alarm is beginning to j be felt among the farmer* of Crisp) and surrounding section, especially ^ HAY FEVER AND 8UMMER COLDS among those who have fields of young j Mutt ^ „|| eT( g qu i c i ly lnit y 0 t. eotlon, due to tho ai'pearaaee, and,. ey >, Honey end Tor Compound uffl the rspld ipread of the caterpillar' 4o E. M. Stewart, 1051 Wolfrum po«t. the first appearance ot which 1 8trett , Chlcsf0 , wntes: -1 hive was Brat noticed only a couple or throe weeks ago. but which hat come to bo abundant now, having spread with Its devatltatlu ; ravages to many floldt throughout the territory tribu tary to Cordelo, and from reports, to been greatly troubled during the hot tummsr month! with Hay Fever and End that by using Foley's Honey end Tar Compound t get greet relist.” Many other* who suffer etmllnrly win he glad to heneSt by Mr. other sections throughout South and gt-wsrt's experience. Gem Pharma. Middle Georgia.—Crdele Rambler. j ey, T. 8. Psbt*. OOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^O OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN Fl\ YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE U8I •0*0000 Waycross Savings and Tri|& Co -^^♦ooooooooooooooooooo 1 MM •»•♦••♦♦♦♦••♦» : Farming With Dupont Low Freezing Dynamite TO FARMERS WHO WANT BET TER FARMS, I AM PREPARED TO 00 BLASTING WORK OF ALL KINDS FOR FARMER8 THROUGH OUT T-4IS SECTldN, LET ME GO OVER YOUR PROP ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN SHOW YOU PLACE8 WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORE PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATES. WHEN MAY I CALL? SEPT. STH. 1911. Sewing . Machine MOTORS THI8 COMPANY HA8 FOR SALE A FEW M0T0R8 FOR USE ON SEW ING MACHINE8. FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS WE OFFER THESE AT THE LOW PRICE OF FIFTEEN DOLLARS EACH AND WILL AR RANGE TO GIVE THE PURCHAS ERS VERY EA8Y PAYMENT8. THIS IS A 8PLEN0J0 CHANCE TO AVAIL Y0UR8ELF OF THE CHANCE TO PURCHASE THI8 MOST USEFUL OF HOUSEHOLD DEVICES. WE 8HALL BE PLEA8E0 TO PLACE A MOTOR ON TRIAL AT YOUR HOME, AND REQUEST THAT IF YOU ARE IN- TERE8TED TO CALL US ON THE PHONE. Ware County Light and Power Company. We Are Headquarters For * /- / Everything in the HARDWARE LlNfe! HUB _ J R. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. WHY SHOULD YOU BURN MON EY WHEN AIR IS CHEAP. THE ONLY 8Y8TEM THAT BURN8 95 PER CENT AIR AND 6 PER CENT 8T0VE GASOLINE. tiJs C. CRANE, Expert Blaster. 2 fiCEl Ask % Watt-Hardware Co. stjmu. ea. Use Ezee Lighting System and you will always have Jjght. SSttir 5 ’ A0ENTS WANTED!— j THE LIGHT MAN, I. H. LEWIS j' WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. i * 1 : 1 . - .ill 1 l j2L3