Newspaper Page Text
Titnwx sept. .8; Him-.
V, SEPT 1 . 8, 1911.'
1 ooooo^ooo^ooooooo oooooo<>oooooooooo oooooo : ooc(ocoooooo
£VI« Carrie Parham Social Editor 2
Now Ready For You.
Preparation* for boring . r JJ}* we l l
for the new ice gfant are being-made.
Seed Beans,
Early Seed Peas
Seed Rye
Seed Oats
Garden Seeds
All Kinds.
Mr. D. D. Woodard Is In city to-
Mr. S. T. Joyce, of Quitman, was
guest of the Virdie last night.
' Sheriff J. IV. Roherson, of Black-
shear, was a WaycroM visitor today.
< OF
Lot fresh celery Just received at
J. W. S. Hardy's.
/ Col. Randal Walker, of Valdosta
and Waycross Is In our city today on
Important legal business.
100 pairs Men’s Vici Shoes Worth 2.50 and 3.00
at 1.85 and 1.75
50 pairs Men’s Satin Calf Shoes Worth 2.00 and
2.25 at 1.50
75 pairs Men’s Oil Grain Shoes Worth 2.00
at 1.50
Garden and Field
Mr. Charles J. Haden, the well
known Atlanta lawyer, is in the city
Mr. J. W. Boutell, representing the
old reliable Savannah Morning New*
Is spending today in Waycross.
Every pair of shoes guaranteed solid leather and
good wearers.
Mrs. L. J. Cooper and children
are spending some weeks at Hender
sonville, N. C.
Mr. W. H. Strickland and Judge
John T. Myers returned last night
from a visit of several days at Pablo
Beach and Jacksonville.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Tice and
children of Gardner, Kansas, have
arrived in WaycroBs to make their
future home here.
Dr. W. M. Taylor, the well known
dentist. Is receiving the hearty con
gratulations of his many friends over
the arrival of a fine ten-pound boy
at his home on Tebeau street.
to make and fcec p is to patronize this
Livery when you are in need of a
first class turn out for any purpose.
We can supply your wants, prompt
and moderately. Give us an oppor
tunity to show you how well we can
please you.
’’The Standard of Excellence in Passenger Service.
Northbound: Southbound:
:90 am 6:00 pm Lr. Brunswlek Ar. 8:10 pm 10:4
:00 am 0:40 pm Lv. Thalmac Ar 7:25 pm 10:0
:20 am 8:00 pm Lv. Waycroia Ar. 6:10":pm 8:4
:00 am 9:40 pm Lv. Douglaa Ar 4:85 pm 7:1
:05 pm 10;45 pm Ar| Fitzgerald Lr. 8:30 pm 6:0
One of the beat farms In Ware
county, containing 140. acres, for
■ale. It Is close to the city and will
be sold with or without the growing
crop. It I, not Saints Rest farm,
out la almost ai good. Apply quick
to A. P. PERHAM, SR., at Herald
Miss Anna Morrison left Tuesday
for Staunton, Virginia, where she will
enter Mary Baldwin Seminary. , Miss
Anna will be grpatly missed here by
her young friends.
FOR SALE—One gentlo horse, wag- j
on and harness, cbeap. Apply to 42 j
Francis street. 6 2t
McGregor Mayo
Boarding. Livery wnd Sale* Stabtaa.
fabeau St. Witycrojs, Ga.
WANTED—Two 8olcltora, for city,
work; $4.00 or $5.00 per day. Apply j
Mr. Duncan, LaGrande Hotel, between 1
6 and 8 o’clock today and tomorrow |
p. m. 5 It
7:15 pm Lr. ThomaavJU® Ar
8:22 pm Lv. Moultrie Ar.
9:30 pa Lr. TIfton Ar.
Dr. T. S. Pahio returned this mor
ning from a pleasant visit to Macon.
He states that he did not manage to
meet Mr. Joe Hill Hall and therefore
hurried back to Waycross to gain a
whiff of political joy-riding.
♦ Offices 329 and 331 LaGrando ♦
♦ Building. ♦
♦ Hours: 9 to 11; 2 to 4. ♦
10:55 pm Lv. Fitzgerald Ar.
12:15 am Lv. Cordele Lv.
12:84 am Lv. Vienna Lv.
1:23 am Lv Montezuma Lv,
1:35 am Lv. Oglethorpe Lv
2:58 am Lv. Talbot.on Lv.
3:40 am Ar Manchester Lr.
3:45 am Lv. Manchester Ar.
4:08 am Ly. Woodbury Lv.
4:69 am Lv. Senoia Lv
6:40 am Ar. Atlanta Lv.
12:15 pm
1:40 pm
2:01 pm
2:48 pm'
WANTED—100 Turkeys at once, un- j 2:ffi pm
der 3 months old. Apply Waycross | 4.32 pm
Poultry Farm, L. L. Ray, Mgr. Box! 5:15 pm
5:20 pm
6:41 pm
8.34 pm
8:15 pm
FOR SALE—A bicycle, in good or
der, cheap. Phone 270, W. L. Young.
5 4 3t.
latest novelties sash pins, beauty
pins and beads, 25c to $1.00,
7 3t Humphreys & Williamson.
Mrs. Geo. E. Shults »nd Master
George Shults have returned from a
weeka visit to Savannah. Mrs. Shults
and son w’ere on Tybee two days du
ring the recent storm and had a very
dangerous experience.'
Labor Unions of Stockton, Califor
nia, are planning to hold a “tag-day ’ 4
In the interest of the Labor Temploj
Association, which proposes to erect
a labor temple.
FOR RENT—seven room nouse, 43
Gilmore street. Apply W. B. Elllhg-
ton, LaGrande Building. 1 tf
Misses Louise abd Nancy Poppell,
of Screves, Ga., Miss Fanny Loudell
Harvey, of Brunswick, and" Mrs. M.
Pnttersop, of Antericus, arc visiting
nt theifiome Of Mr.^and'M^C W. F.
Ray bon . . * . -V-
3:60 am Lv. Manchester Ar.
4:60 am Lv. LaGraige Ar,
8:45 am Lv. Tallad*
11:45 am Ar. Birmingham Lv.
The general convention M the
Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers’
International Alliance opened its six
teenth annual session In Chicago on
Monday last.
article. Earn
ers highly advertised
$250 per month. No samples to carry.
Elato Cigar Co., 108 East 125th. St.,
New Ylrk, N. Y. 31 6t
Pullman electric-lighted sleeping care on night trains between Thorn**-
rllle and Atlanta, via Fltsgarald. Car leaving Atlanta ready for occupancy
at 9:00 pm. Train leaving Atlanta at 10:15 pm. gets connections from all
incoming trains at Atlanta, including the South Atlantic Limited from Cin
cinnati and the Dixie Fllyer from Chicago and St Louis. Connections at
other Junction poinK are well adjusted and are shown Jn the schedule folder
which can be securt Vom any agent of this company.
Attention is calK«* tstks estsbiirhmeat of connections at Atlanta from
train arriving at AtlanH $• n ass., wvfti Bobft Atlantic Limited leaving
Atlanta at 6:45 am., for Cincinnati and Chicago, and the Dixie Flyer leaving
Atlanta 7:8? am., for Chicago and SL Louis.
W. H. Leahy, General Paas. Agt E. H. Fell, Asst. Gen. Paaa Agt,
Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga.
A. D. Daniel. Traveling *asienger Agent
Mr. S. T. McAdam, of Pensacola,
■who is one of the proprietors of the
new ice plant to be established here
is In the city. He is stopplng’at the
Altogether several thousand un
skilled migratory laborers have been
organized through the efforts of. the
California State Federation of Labor
within the last few months.
can b© secured at 64 Reed 3treet. 7 tf
ED. 1* tf
The Coast Line’3 pay train reached
Waycross this morning. As a result
of the,recent Increase in wages, the
pay roll for Waycross this month was
much larger than heretofore.
Lot Calicoes to go at 5 cents per
The number of people k.lled yearly
ty wild beast* don’t aprroach the
vast number killed by disease germs.
No life is safe from their attack*
They’re in air, water dust, even food.
But grand protesthfj is afforded by
■lectrlc Bitters, which dontroy and
axpel these deadly disease germs
from the system. That’* why chilli,
lever and ague, all malarial and
tt*sy blood diseases yield promptly
to this wonderful blood purifier. Try
them, and enjoy the glorious health
and new strength they’ll give you.
Honey hack, if not satisfied. Only
iOe at All Druggists.
Humphreys & Williamson,
FOR RENJ—Store house,
Mary and Pendleton, formerly occu
pied by J. S. Knight- Apply to C. A.
Bennett &*5-tf
For the best in fresh meats and
prompt deliveries, let W. J. Parker
serve you. Phone 2SS. ' 6 4t
Dr. G. H. Wilson, of Saratoga
Springs, N. Y., is spending a few
days in the city, and Is pleasantly lo
cated at the Phoenix Hotel. Dr.
Wilson has a number of friends In
Waycross, and is meeting with a
most hearty welcome. 1
Wr. J. Parker sells the very best
fresh meats and makes prompt deliv
eries tb any part of city. Phone 2S8.
6 4t
WANTED JOB—Anything paying
$30 per month and up. Object attend
ance W. B. C. night class; Bookkeep
er, care 41 Pendleton street 8 2t
Buy At Summer
Your Vf\yjrmlJ Prices.
1000 Tons of Virginia Blue Gem
Jeli “ t Coal $6.00 Pe -f on L
.If bought before Sept 15th. 1
1000 Cords of 04 FA Per !
Stove Wood at ed.ww . Cord
* ^ CUA
Williams Coal & Wood Co. \
Phone 158. C. M Williams, Mgr. (
Summer Colds
would show the box ot Bneklen’i
Arnica Salvo that E. & Loper, a
carpenter, ot MartUa, N. Y., always
carries. 1 have never had a cut,
wound, bruise, or lore It would not
-soon heel.’' he writes. Greatest
healer ot boras, bolle, scalds, chap
ped hands end lips, fevereoree, skin-
eruptions, eczema, coraa and pUea,
SCc, at AU Druggists.
Seal*’ Cold Tablets
7s effective tor coughs tad co de lr
.either children or grown persons. N"
opiate* no harmful drugs., In the
relic* psekaee Refuse substitute.