Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 08, 1911, Image 5
J* ANTHONY E. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. V KNIGHT* OF PYTfVAS. . Meet! «T <w Monday WOODMEN OF, THE WORLD. CAMP 1831 Mu:i Brit and third Thursday >■ each month. tlaconlc Hall. Richard L. Singleton, a & D, P. Woolley, Clerk. Big bargains In Calicoes at 5 cents per yard. Humphreys & Williamson. MAJOR McGEE FOR MAYOR The Herald Is .authorised to announ ce that Mr. F. H. McGee will be a candidate Tpr Mayor of Waycroas, subject te the action of the Demo cratic primary. Official announcement of his plat form will be published later. Announcement Extraordinary The name of W. J. .Clark to sue* ceed Calvin Parker as Alderman from the Fourth Ward is being suggested. Mr. Clark i» very popular and would make a gopd .official. SCENE FROM “THE LOST TRAIL" 8EPT. 9th., BY THE MABEL PAIQE PRICES 25c Sleeping Car Service Between Way* cross and Atlanta, via: Big shipment electric fan* re Calv in response to the request of many citizens the city authorities have tak en prompt steps to enforce the ordi- lance prohibiting certain cattle roam ing on the Blfreets. A request that any complaints along this line be re ported at once to Chairman of Police Committee, Alderman J. W. Moore. Effective with first car leaving Way- cross 8:00 p. m., Monday. September have secured Byck Electric Supply Cc. 20 Vott StreoL 4th. The A. B. & A. to rthis service elegantly appointed electric-lighted sleeping cars, equip ped with all modern conveniences One Big- Advantage You may secure your sleeping car space at the ticket office, Union Sta tion, at any time priorjo your trip, diagrams -are kept contlnuosuly open. TheA. B. A A. Railroad represents the "Standard of Excellence in 8ervlee.” Schedule of Sleeping Car Line. Leave Waycron 8:00 pjv Arrive Atlanta, 8:40 a.m. , Leave Atlanta 10:15 p.jn. , Arriye Waycross 8:48 a.m TRAVEL "THE RIGHT WAV." W. H. Leahy. O. P. A., Atlant*. Oa. At D. Daniel, T. P. A. .-Atlanta, Oa. R. E. Camp, T. A., Waycrdia, Oa. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Much Sickness Due to Bowel Dlsor- Dora. Cream Englieh Cotton Suiting with amnll black stripe, 25c. * 7 3t Humphreys A WUllamion. Aj doctor-. Bret que»tlon when con- _ The 8(ore Tbe g8a „ p har . •utted by a patient te, "Are your bow- macy . • A g eta regular?” He knows that ninety- ' eight per cent of lllnee. la attended w D Mahon, prealdent of the Am- with Inactive bowel, and torpid liver, ateamatwl Auod.tion of Street and and that tbi. condition mu.t be re- E ,„ c , ric rallwar Employei , , n hli an . moved gently and thoroughly before nna , , how , that $60,811 Wfa health can be re»tqred. , patd dur | ng the year for lick, dlsa- Bexall Orderlies are a positive, ^ an „ benentt . pleasant and safe remedy for constl- . . . tutlon and bowel dlsorderadn general. We are ao certain of their great cura- Good quality white cotton eultlnga tire value that we promise to return ' for coats and ault., 10 and 15c. tho purchaser's money In every case . 7 It Humphreys A Williamson, - when they fall to produce entire eat-1 —— (.faction. . / j Big anppiy of card ooard, all col Reran Orderlies are eitod flke can-1 ore, Juat received if Herald. t! Insurance against' elcknekr te com* pulsory In Hungary for all person* employed' In Industrial undertakings and whose earnings do not exceed (500 .year. BLAcr-¥saugHT Liver Medicine Serpentine Crepe, beautiful Japan ese designs and solid colors, 20c. 7 3t Humphreys A Wllllamion. Dr. J. M. Spence, of Liberty county Florida, spent Wednesday night here :t the home of bis brother, Col. I. Hill Spence. Dr. Spence's wife and 'aug'uter accompanied him and are spending several days here with rela tives. Miss Spence la on her way to attend school In Virginia. hie medicine, fer constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not Imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be tbe fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than nil others combined. SOLD a TOWN F2 The total ntilnber of old age pen sioners In the United Kingdom at the end of March was: men, 833,000; wo men, 547,411. A movement is under way In Mon treal. Canada, to establish n suburban model Italian colony to -accomodate about fifteen thousand. ’ : > , ...* Don't forget that W. J. Parker con- ducts a first class market, and will appreciate your patronage. Phone 288. 6 4t New fall Percala la light and dark colors, 10c and 12 l-2c. 7 3t Humphreys A Williamson. - mm FRIDAY ; 8. 1911. W JSSjpg - FRIDAY, 8BPT. 8,191V DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Eggs, Eggs f Eggs. V/tfAAE NOW RECEIVING CA£ES NO. 1 CANDLED TENNES SEE Eggs every week, we can SELL CHEAP IN CASE LOTS. • bON’T BUY OLD COLD STOR/WE EGGS WHE-i YOU CAN GET FRE8H TENNESEE EGGS. WILSON GROCEfY CO Leading Grocers. Wilson Bloch. Phone 128 Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and 'Pitman's Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufeetu-ed In Waycross, G«, Bp PITTMAN CIGAR CP- FRONT Sou have to be on your guard II feu ar ecaught napping, It invites ( dlraster. WAYCROSS BUSINESS COuAtl GRADUATES ARE NEVER 8LEEPY HEADS. They are sought alter by men of affairs. You find them In, -leading positions of trust. Our DIPLOMA is an open se-same to position and preferment. Our specialty Is to fit you for business; * to make the pay-roll larger; to in crease the salary of tho "Mg man." Enter At Any Tims. . Waycross Business College IWaycroisi Qa. R. F. Zelglar, Pres *- PERSONAL AND! ICAL PRIVATE 8CH00L T. CHILDREN Miss Bessie Wright’s ehool jWll) ■open Monday, September 18, at,'her home, 9 Alice street. Hours, 8:30 to 12. Phone 9. >5 3t Mr. nild Mrs. A. O. Ford. Georgetown, Ky.* are visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs, \V. M. Taylor on Tebeau street. Mr. G. H. Paschal, traveling • fer mentative for a Jacksonville whole sale drug house, spent last night in the city at the home of his brother, Mr. T. S. Paschal. PLANT” MAGNOLIA DOES NOT SURVIVE, The Magnolia tree recently remov ,ed to make way for our up to dat track improvements,, (the last relic of the trees planted by Mr.. Plant) was carefully planted again at a more convenient spot by Mr. Nelson and his giant crane, but to the regret of all the experiment has failed and the tree is apparently dead. The officials took quite an interest in the experi ment and attempted to save this beau tiful old tree that for bo many years has looked down upon our city and regret the experiment has failed. Fresh shipment Kalamazop celery at Mutual Grocery. — 8 2t Mr. H. L. Kimbrough, the popu lar representative of the Atlanta Journal, is spending today in Way- cross in the interest of his paper. Mr. A. S. Morton and daughters, Mrs. Rowell and Miss Sarah, returned yesterday from a pleasant trip to New York and New Jersey. Mr. Morton says he had the greatest time of his life. Mrs. H. U. Johnson and little son and her father, Mr. James Dofg, will leave tonight for a visit of several weeks to points in South and North Carolina. Mr. J. H. ChbrchweH, of Cordele, member of the popular Arm Churchwell Bros., is spending today in Waycross. Great bargain in Calicoes aU^ents per yard. Humphreys & Williamson. The Herald did not intend to make bridge of Judge Sweat’s nose yes terday when we failed to state that he was also e candidate for %tate Senator, and we now arise to a point of personal privilege and to sit our self straight. Judge Sweat Is a can didate for tho exalted position we have named. Mrs. Lewis and daughter Miss Le in.*)ra and granddaughter, Miss Thel ma Porter, of Waycross, are tho guests of Mrs. G. P. Gregory.—Black- shear Times. “UNCLE dHARUIE* • K \ GETS DOTS ON MEXICO. f£a following is an extract from a letter of recent date Written Mr. C., H. (Unde Charlie) Redding by long time ifricnd who has been doing business lh the city'of Mexico-since sometime before the revfilutlott* began in that country: ’You must not pay any attention, to* any of the misrepresentations made by American newspapers regarding Mexico. We are to a peaceful mood, or as much so as in England or the United States.” Waning, no doubt, that we have tutaults of some kind In the two countries if not exactly of similar nature as the trouble in Mexico. “We have greater procperlty no.v than eve** before. It was a biessinu n was driven nit We rre now niche like the people of the Uni ted state*, freedom of speech and free press. I am doing more busluess and collecting more pioney than ever at any time before in Mexico, and much more than a year ago when Diaz was In power.” He sent Uncle Charlie a carbon copy of the'last two weeks business to show how money is taken in and paid out compared, and the showing was simply fine. He further said “Mexico has im proved more in ten years than any other part of the world. Worlds of pretty buildings have gone up and are going up here and all the streets are paved like Washington City, and also most of the streets in othfer towns in Mexico have the asphalt paving. Hotels and restaurants just as good as any where. Climate the best in the world, with never a hot or a cold day in this city.” AT THE MAJESTIC. Film No. 1. “Toto Without Water” j a feature Itala picture. A laughYrom tart to finish.. * ’ J Fl^n No. 2. “Cheyenne’s Court- * ship,*’ a ►western drama prdducfcfi by toe Bison Picture Company. • *rhe vaudeville .feature consists of defined muscat act as presented by ?‘The Raymonds”. This is a refined act from start to finish, and nothing will be presented that will offend the most refined. A special program has been arrang ed by the Majestic Qrchastra as fol lows: Under The Southern Moonlight, Dixie Twilight, Hold Me, Just A Little Closer, The Deep Purple, Skipper Su sie Green, Red Pepper/ Marcelle, Sen- tiers Fleuris. TEMPtRANCE COUNCIL ORGANI2- ED. The Temperance Council of the Ware County Sunday. School associa tion was organized tot the Central Baptist Tabernacle in th lsclty this Baptist Tabernacle in this city. yes terday morning. Mrs. J. L. Graves, of Fairfax, who is president o fthe Temperance department of the asso ciation was elected president and Prof. R.J|k Zeigler who is also sect retary b 2 treasurer ’ of the associa tion w? fleeted secretary and treas- council Is to be composed moro delegates together superintendents of the var- iday schools of the county. They hfe to meet in their first reg ular meeting on September 2i to begin the work for which they ore organiz ed. Beautiful plaid Ginghams and Cham bray, 10c and 12 l-2c. 7 3t Humphreys & Williamson, •*J\ L. J. COOPER,. President J. W. BELLINGER, Cashier. Mrs. F. B. McDonald and little son spent today with friends in Black- shear. Mrs. John L. Reed has returned from a pleasant visit to Milledgeville. Mr. W. K. Holt, of Fitzgerald, was among the visitors'to Waycross to day. * Miss Rachael Crook who la so well and pleasantly remembered trer^*kmdt present the guest of Mrs. .lack Hol land, of Atlanta, who'ls also well re membered here as Miss Rachel Cald well. Miss Crook will teach Tn“one of the public schools of Atlanta this year. Banking Convenient For all at this Dank. Wo are conveniently located, offer every facility for promptness In banking, and wish to do business will YOU. For security, note our resource, of more thaa Three Quarters of a Million Dollars. 4 PER cent PAID ON SAVINGS ACGOUNT8. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 At The Parker Theatre Miss Ethel Lewis vlsted friends In Blackshear this week. Humphreys & Williamson are open ing up a pretty line of fall Qlnghami and Percals. Our fall and winter goods arriving every ’day and your inspection invited. 7 2t OOOOOOOOOO^O ° J B BAGLEY M D « O PHYSICIAN A SURGEON «| O Office n Southern Building * A O OFFICE HOURS. O O Ml A. M. 8-4 P. M. 708 P. U. 9 QOOOOOOOOOOO NAYCROSB .COUNCIL NO. 11. Jr. O. U. A. M. Meets every Monday events* In Rtl den's Hall, Lott-HItch building at S a in, , Visiting brotbera cordially Invited to meet rlth a*. Bberod Collins, U Carl ColUaa. Reo-Beoty Councilor. Evening at 8:00 lit ;>|CaetU Hat’ ?lant ave. Membcn s— requeited to attend, aad rutting Knlghte are moet dlslly lnvltcd to meet Mtb nr; CHA8. E. CASON, O. C r. H. Mlliei. K ol K. * S. & M. of F. I