Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 08, 1911, Image 6
DICKINS STORES Of Every Description PHONE 123 Fresh and Crisp from the factories Now in Stock and Arriving almost Daily ready for Your Inspection. Come and see what we have. No Harm to look. Obliging Clerks to show. Our Stock has been well selected for Fall and Winter, and we will Endeavor to Suit you. Everything we have in Summer Goods to go at a Sacrifice. If you wish anything to finish up the summer on don't tail to ask for these bargains and you will be pleased with your purchase. New lot of Ginghams, Chamhreys and Percales Best Quality—Lowest Prices , All Kinds New Table Scarfs and Bureau Run ners, Just Recived. Big Lot Loces, Embroideries qnd Bandings. New shipment staple and fancy All-Overs and Dress Trimmings. Nettleton’s and Craw ford’s new Fall Styles HM to $6.00 j Ladies’ silk hose navy, sky,pink,white, black 50c. — Extra fine $1.25 all silk hose, pink, sky, black 98c. Rugs Of Every Kind 25c to $6.00 Ladies’ Queen Quality, all styles $3.00 «<> $4.50 Misses’ and children’s fail school dresses, full line, close prices 75c TO $1.50 Men’s Stetson hats, new fall styles — blacks, tans and browns Newline of all qualities of ribbons. We are specially strong on hair ribbons McCall Patterns, Fashion Books, Magazines, Etc. Just in Pretty line of Ladies’ Neckwear New Style New Lines Sites and Satins || New Lines Dress Goods and Suitings All Our Fall Lines are Rraetically Complete ’ 6 & 8 Plant Ave.^j Dickins Stores |ro & 8 Plant Ave -■V ' ’ TBEKh SpB ' ' JsSf FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS PLone !iS E»U 1881 t PARSON'S POEM A UEM. Prom Rev. H, Stubenvoli, Alllion, la., In prnlie or Dr. Klnj'i Now Life P1IU. "They're euch a health nacevatty. It oilier Hindi you've tried In vain,' J T TURNER USE DR. KINO'S j ARCHITECT. And be well ugoln." Only 25c at All Office LaGrande Building. P. 0. Box 2 •JruggUta. ..wiirf'yiiAiii I . Way crow, Georgia. KILLS FLEAo, CURES MANOE, BICAISE'S MANGE CURE BICAISE'S THROAT WASH. WILL cure Black Tongue In Dog:, or any ulcerated condition oi the tbroat. For ■ale hy Saala Pharmacy. 5 St Advenlae In The Waycroaa Evening In every home these pills ahould be. Herald. SCHOOL NOTICE. Reglttrallos Of p'upila for entrance to the Public Schools wil begin on Monday September 11th and continue tor five days. Hours 8 to 12; 2 to 4. Pupils will please bring promotion curds. School opens September IStb. 31 St cod. E. A. Pound, Supt. I WILL SELL FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST MAMOUTII CLUE GEM JELICO COAL FOR SIX DOLLARS PER TON, ^ 2*r'V~' 3 Ini! ANSLEY GOAfc COMPANY. We ore headquarters ror low prices and easy terms. IS tf Home Furniture Co. HERBERT S HOPKINS ATTORNEY AT '.AW. Room 325, LaOrande Building. After Reading The Following You cannot in ju^lice to youiself and family fail to r Investigate Riverside Park Here are prices that spe&k so eloquently that when they address the { homeseeker, all other otfttors retire confounded. Riverside Park Is ike Future High Class Resident Suburb hi Waycross. Lett, to this beautiful park can be bought NOW as cheap as $100.00 per lot on terms of 75c oown and $3.00 per month. Without tezesor interest and perfect titles. ' Buy Now Before the Prices Are Advanced. Riverside Park Co. Phone 468 Keep lip Keep Down By An =OverIand 59= EXPENSE TO RUN 25 MILES EACH DAW WHICH IS ON A PAR WITH A HOR8E. OVIRLAND. TO CARRY 5 PEOPLE, THE HORSE 2 PEOPLE. TIRE EXPENSE hi; ....$4.00' GASOLINE AND OIL *6.00 ADJUSTMENTS, BARRING AB61DENT8 .... .... ...... $2.50 ■ $12.50 I WILL KEEP YOUR OVERLAND 59 UP AT THIS FIG URE AND RATIO FOR ONE YEAR. N M.KELLEY Kelley’s Garage. 8 fSi'E v £*IBl ’ • ' - SO tSSSS: SPECIAL OETECTIVSMWORKI Ex-Deputy Sheris Jona P. Caton will engage In .pedal detective work In Way crow and Boat* Georgia. II yon need hla aervlcea telephone No H. court home. NOTICE PROPERTY OWNERS Weede and gnu muat be cleared from lotn an required by city ordl nance. Thla work muay bo done at once and within the next ten (10J daye. t a D. It. Bradley. Health Officer. We handle the famone Maacot 'ok atove, every one n winner. Crab • easy terms. * Home Furntfure Company, . tf Plant and Albany Avenoe.' CABINET WORK. 1 am .till at the name old stand,. 22' Brewer atreet, and prepared' to do all kind* of cabinet work, upholeteriag, trunk repairing, etc. Having done your work for the paat afx yean I think I.know how to- give yon the fnd of work you want When yoa need, any repairing done, remember * i. 1. WAITE, The old reliable Cabinet-Maker, 22 Brewer atreet, pnone 294. 22 tf +~- Special low prices end easy terms on bed room suites, iron bdds, odd places, etc. We will please or re* fund your money. Home Furniture Company, 26 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. 5 or « dim, "«S6" wfli r nr» eaa* of Chllla and' Pcvevj Price. 25 eewta. 7-lAtf - J