Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 09, 1911, Image 3
r BATB1UXAT, BBPT. » 13U. * SATURDAY, SEPT. « Mil. i4 faculty of Experienced and well trained teachers. Hte/Z arranged builyings, modernly equipped. Offers courses leading to A. B. and B. S. degrees at our best Universities. Very superior advantages in Music, violin, o^gan: Expression, Art, Book-Keeping, Stenography, Typewriting, and Normal Training. Special Advantages in Bible. Located in the most inviting City in all South Georgia, noted for its Religious and Educa tional advantages; its Railroad Facilities; its Refined Lawabiding Citizens. — — JL— as ^NO BEER SALOONS^ — — —p—™ The rates are exceedingly moderate, as follows: Literary tuition, $3,50; all Special Branches $4.00; Board $11.50 per Scholastic Month. Next Session Begins Wednesday, Sept. 6th, 1911. For catalogue or further information apply to ,- 7 / I £ - JUDGE T. A. PARKER, Chairman of Trustees. , ; * f , jj 7 WAYCROSS, - GEORGIA E. L. RAY, President. B. of R. T. THE 0. R. C. Union Pressing Club WE DO WORK UNDER SANITARY PLANS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO LADIES WORK, ALTERATION AND REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. French Unique Dry Cleaning IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR, GIVE U8 YOUR TRADE. TELEPHONE 607 23 TEBEAU STREET, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE TRAVELING TRADE. Work Colled For Terms Cash and Delivered R. E. SWILLING, Mgr. A specialty on French and Unique dry cleaning. * Straw Hats Bleached. Felt Hats Cleaned. It Pays To Advertise. Waycross & Southern R. R. CO. Schedules of Train. Effective January 2, 1911. Notlc.:—The arrival an! lUrarturee are given a. Information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Train No. i. Miles Station 0 Hebardvllle, Ga. Lv. 6:30 am 3 (Vajrcroaa (Albany are) 6:36 am 8 Lavinla 6:60 am 10 Fredel Ar. 6:66 am Northbound Train No. 3. 10 Fredel 3:46 pm 8 Lavlnla 3:60 pm 3 Waycroaa (Albany are) 3:06 pm OBehardvlU* 3:10 Pin Train. No. 1 and No. 3, dally, ar cept Sundaj. Jno. S4. Ho,kina. An wintendant. When you want good coal, ask (or Red Ash. The Montevello la the CDnl that makes Red Ash. I also have a cheaper grade o( coal. Have them on hnnd at all ttmeB. Also dry stove wood or all kinds. Telephone 70 lor prices. Quick service to any part ot the city. Ansley Coal Company. 34 tf W. W. Ansley, Prop. What Do You Do With Your Money? Money is a thing not to be treated thoughtlessly. Every dollar invested means much to your future comfort and happiness. It will pay you to investigate our SflHiLfl GASMEN PROPOSITION! & cin buy a Full Acre Inside the City Limits, splendidly located tor truck and chicken rasing, or good to hold on to and sub-divide later into building lots—-for $150.00 per acre. On terms ot $10 cash and $5 per month. Without One Cent of Interest! PHONE MS. RIVERSIDE PARK CO. w,ycw - 0% CASTOR IA For Infant, and Children. rha Kind You Have Always Bought Bean the Signature of ■?000<x>0&00000c-00<~' Silverware Sale Discontinued pat terns half regular price. , Teaspoon C5c per set desert Spoon, 31.76 per set Forka, 31.75 per set Tablespoons... (3.60 per set Only limited quantity In stock. See our window for Silverware Bargains! Little & Odom JEWELERS & OPTICIANS Phone 5. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦aaaeax SE Juft do a littlp figuring on how much Cheaper it is to use the berfi. YOU WILL ONLY GREASE YOUR WAGON HALF AS OFTEN. THINK HOW MUCH LABOR THIS SAVES IN A YEAR, OF HOW MUCH LONGER YOUR WAGON WILL LAST IF IT IS KEPT PROPERLY GREA8 ED, WHICH 18 A HARD THING TO DO WITH CHEAP GREA8E, AND OF HOW MUCH EASIER IT IS ON VOUR HORS&. THEN HOW OFTEN WHEN YOU HAVE MADE A LONG TRIP HAVE YOU HAD TO STOP AND BORROW AXLE GREASE? THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN TOWN COME IN AND GET A BOX OF OURS, AND YOU WILL NAVCR USE ANYTHING ELSE. P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. [House Furnishers to the People. 44 Plant Ave. Phone I8f PATENTS I ssH 1mbiwsc* “ *■*” 0. SWIFT & GO. 1 PATSMT wAWVCRS, 1303 88Y«mh Si.. Waibhutcs.D.C. Tabse-ibe tot The Herald. PARK MOR RAND I “GINEERS AND CONTRACT Lott-HItch Building. RE-IMFORCED CJNCRE-'E To those wishing low price, a easy terms, we can please, anyth! In furniture and furnishing gnu Special orders will receive our ca ful attention. Home Furniture Company, it tf Plant and A’bany Avon - 4 \ ~ ‘ nggairaa"