Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 09, 1911, Image 5
SATURDAY, SBPT. %*»«. SATURDAY, SBPT. Ml. PRES. TAFT AND 00V. SMITH. After signing and vesting the many bills passed by Congress and tho Georgia Legislature, may try to think up some plan to bring about a reduc tion in the prices of groceries and foodstuffs generally, but there’s ono thing certain, and that is, tho people in V.v.rcross and surrounding country are not waiting, for any such move on the part of those gentlemen, but they are saving now by going direct to where they can cut down expenses at once and that's to May’s Mill and Supply Store, next to city water works. EXPENSE TO RUN 25 MILES EACH DAY WHICH 18 ON A PAR WITH A HORSE. OVIRLAND TO CARRY 5 PEOPLE, THE HORSE 2 PEOPLE. TIRE EXPENSE GASOLINE AND OIL ADJUSTMENTS, BARRING ACCIDENTS SPECIAL DETECTIVE WORK! Ex-Deputy Sheriff John P. Cason will engage In special detective work la Waycross and South Georgia. If yon need his services telephone No t, court bouse. 5-2-U $12.50 Standard Oil Company FARM FOR SALE. V.’o br.ndlo tho famous Mascot cook stave, ever, one a winner. Cash or our terms. Home Furniture Compear, . 26 tf Plant anil Albanr Avenue. One ot the best tsrms In Wars countr. containing lit acres, for agio. It Is dose to the city and will FIRST METH0DI8T CHURCy. J?'. Gilmore and Reed 8treets. ’ . f Ossood F. Cook,.Pastor Services Sunday at. It .a. m., and 7:30 p. m. The pastor will be assis ted by Rev. Arthur J. Moore, who will preafh both morning and even ing. "0111 announcement will be ot considerable Interest to a large num ber of people as Mr. Moore has many friends here 'who have been much gratified with the success of this bright young man who was converted In First Church and who went Into the mlnlstery from here. He is al ready a go d preacher and has the bright promise of a most useful life in the ministry. The music will also he good anil the church comfortable. Members SECGNO BAPTIST At Second Baptist f row Rev, Bladen will.? m., and 7:30 p. m. ? 3:45. On Wednesday Woman’s Missionary meet at 3:30. .Weekly prayer meet ing at 7:30 Thursday evening. All who will come will be welcome to all these services. 4URCH. I AT THE MAJESTIC. :cE~":omof-1 The picture programme for tonight j.i at 11 a. j fs as follows: lay ichool Film No. 1. “Peril* of A W»»* Mes- .♦moon the senger". A powerful dramatic pic* 'oclety will The many friends hero of Mr. Jack McDonald, of Valdosta, will be do U?hted to learn that his health la greatly improved. Mr. McDonald bai been on crutches for the past fiye oi six year?, and his improvement - !* re markable. The splendid new pipe organ for the Presbyterian Church has arrived and will be Installed at once. The Presbyterians are certainly to be con- expected and a cordial invitation I sratulated on the possession of this beautiful new organ. is extended to the public. Sunday school, V. L. Stanton, super intendent, 3:30 p. m. Prof. E. A. Pound will lecture ar.$ the pastor will teach the Baraca class. TRINITY CHURCH. Rev. J. D. Thrasher, pastor of Trin ity Church will fill hfs pulpit at both hours tomorrow. Rev. Mr. Thrasher will use fo rhis morning text “Rev. 21-4,’’ his theme will be “Heavenly Recognition.” He will answer the following questions in his sermon as he understands the teachings of God’* word: When do the righteous dead go to Heaven? Where are the dead before the res- aurrectlon? Will we recognize our loved ones in Heaven? How much knowledge will we have of each other there? Can we commune with them there? At the evening hour his subject will he “The Value of a Soul." Sunday School will be held at three thirty p. m. Epwortli League will be held Tues day night at eight o’clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday night ’ at 7:30. The public is cordially Invited to attend Trlnfjty Church tomorrow. A •cordial Welcofie for visitors and strangers will Be extended by the tpembers of the church. ture produced by the Champion Com* pany. Film No. 2. “Nat M. Willis.” The happy tramp, as “The King of Kb- zam." A feature Powers picture. The vaudeville feature consists of refined musc&l act as presented by “The Raymonds". This Is a refined act from start to finish, and nothing will be presented that will offend the most refined. Mr. W. S. Gardner has returned from a visit to his old home in North Carolina. This was his first visit tn the scenes of his childhood In about thrty years, and he reports a most de lightful trip. Father Casagne, of Hrunswick, Is hero today and paid the Herald ofilce a pleasant visit today. He preach at the Catholic Church tomor- Mrs. S. B. Henderson and Mrs. H. S. DuBose spent yesterday in Bruns wick. Mr. Walter F. Eaton has gone to Asheville, N. C., where he will spend about two weeks on a pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. Fairchild left today for a visit to relatives In Savannah. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mary and Pendleton Streets. The Rev. Wm. Hirst Heigham, Rector Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, Sep tember 10. Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a. ra. Morning Prayer, 11 a. m. Sunday School, 3:30 p. ra. Evening Prayer, 7:30. All those without other deflnlto church engagements cordially Invited. WEEK DAY SERVICES: Tuesday, Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a. m. Thursday, Holy Eucharist, 9:30 a. m. Friday, Litany and Meditation, 5:30 Made of pure Lead. Zinc and pure Lin seed Oil. Ground in the most modern mills. Six years ser vice has proven to be the best for Southern climate. Use the best—it’s the 'cheap est. Write for color .card and booklet, ^“Suggestions on Paintings.” We make paint for every purpose, ex terior and interior. DOZIER & GAY PAINT CO. Jacksonville, Fia. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Administration of Holy Commun ion at 7 a. m. Mass at 9. Monday morning, Mass at 7 a.“m. The winter schedule of . services will be resumed on Sunday Sept. 17. Beginning on that date Mass on Sun day will be at 10 a. m., and Vesper service at 7:30 p. m. The Ladies Aid Society of Presby terian Church will give a garden and porch party at Mrs. Blnln’s, Isabella street, oh Tuesday evening Sept 12. The public ii cordially invited. The affair will be made most attractive with Its brilliant colored lights, mus ic, etc. Ice cream, cake, lemonado and home-made candy will be offered for sale. NEGRO WANTED IN FLORIDA CAUGHT IN WARE COUNTY Mr. J. E. McClellan arrested Rob- ert "Gibson last night who Is wanted at McClenny, Fla., on a charge of murdering another negro at that ^lace some time ago. Gibson has worked In this county at Kirkland's turpentine still. He is being held for the Florida authorities. Solicitor-General M. D. Dickerson, of Douglas, Is spending today iq Way- cross. Mr. Alex C. LowtfiCr, city tax col lector, has returned from a visit to Atlanta, Douglas agd other points. Mr. and Mrs. Elklr.a Entertain, i charming affair of last evening wag-given by Mr. and Mrs. Elkins in compliment to* their attractive guest, Ml S3 Rheueiraa DeFord, of Denton, Md. About fifty young people were entertained at Heart Dice, Miss Flor ence Andrews and Mr. Blaine carry ing off first prizess. Mrs. Elkins was assisted In entertaining by Miss Lu- clle RIppard, Miss Helen Blaln, Mro. W. N. Jones, Tittle Misses Mary Deen, Ruth Wooteft and Kathleen Jones. Dainty Ices, cakes and punch were served during the evening. Messrs David and Giles Lewis, who have been attending Wake Forest College in North Carolina have return ed home. Mr. David Lewis completed a course in law and was granted li cense to practice in North Carolina. Mr. Giles Lewis will enter the law department In Mercer University this fall. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Williams wilt be pleated to learn that thei? Jittle son,' Jack, who - was quite ill for several days, is some better today. Mr. S. J. Stanton is in his office again'after a week of Were sickness. 8ALVATI0N ARMY. Tho Salvation ’Xrmy will conduct meetings as follows: Open air meet* ing at 7:30 o’clock; jail meeting to morrow at 9 a. m.; open air meeting 10 a. m., at Phoenix Park; Sunday scfiool at 2:30 p. m.; open air meet ing at 4 p. m., and Salvation windup p. m., at Parker’s class room on Thomas street. Capt. H. O. Miller will have charge of the meetings. His subject will be: “If a man die will he live again?" Young Men’s Chrlstan Association. Tho great opening ladles hour Sun day 4:30 p. m., Sept. 10th. Every mither in Waycross must come, pray ing for tho Waycross blys. If only knew hlw many boys are living In secret sins. Gld help us to work and pray, as never before. Miss Car rie Perham will have chargo ot the music. AH ladles are Invited. Uo member tho hour, 4:30 p. m. Original French Market Coffee The Coffee With a History The secret of the roasting process, and the blend, by which is produced the rare aroma and marvelous flavor of the French Market Coffee, was well kept for over a century. Even today imitations are little like the original. Few realize that French Market Coffee is roasted nearly twice as long as ordinary coffee. Yet all its delightful properties are retained and intensified. Harshness and bitterness out, leaving only the smoothness and aromatic flavor mat is so delightful—so different from other coffees. That is why French Market Coffee has always been the favorite midnight beverage of New Orleans society. Why it is the coffee with a history. In France and Austria only are there coffees prepared with the same exquisite care that is characteristic of French Market Coffee. But nowhere in the world is there a duplicate of the Unique Hygienic Roasting Process used at the French Market Mills in the production of French Market Coffee. Until the building of the French Market Mills, this historic coffee- blend could be had only at the French Market in New Orleans. But NOW you all may enjoy it daily on your own tables. For gen uine French Market Coffee is now delivered everywhere in hermetically- sealed tins—in all its full natural strength and delicious flavor. “There is only one real old French Market flavor.” GET IT AT YOUR GROCER’S Roasted, Ground and Blended only at the French Market Mills f&aagsuij - New Orleans Coffee Co. Limited Proprietors New Orleans - • Louisiana be told with or without the stowing crop. It U not Saint* Beat tana, but la almoit si good. Aoply quick to A. P. PEBHAhf, Sit., at Herald Offloo. V i.i. jar, J :X V ■ ■