Newspaper Page Text
p[ tald county:
N. Gnmllnf, U
"Gramllng and J, M. Orrcll, all ot
Vara county, Georgia, respectfully
J. That they doalra tor themielv-
aa, their anoclatea and aucceaaora to
ba Incorporated and made a body po
litic under the name and atyle of
"The W. N. Gramllng Company" for
the period of twenty year* *.
2. The principal olllcea of aBid com
pany aball be In the* city of Way
Croat, Ware County, Georgia, but pe
titioner* doslro the right to e*tabJI»b
branch office* within thl* *tate or
elaewbere, wbeneyer the holder* of
a majority of the «tuck may «o de
3. Tho object of *ald corporation
la pecuniary gain to ltaelf and It*
4. The business to be carried on
by aald corporation la to buy, aell,
atore, handle, Import, export and
transport groceries of every descrip
tion, both heavy and fancy, and all
fixtures, notion* and other article*
usually handled In grocery and gen
eral merchandise *torc», meat and all
other animal products nueh ns hides,
grease, tallow, flab and other pro
"duct* of the son and shore; cigars,
and all other products made from
tobacco; dairy products, butter, milk,
fruit and vegetables of every naturo
and description; oil, confoctlons and
any and all articles of a like nature
Commonly manufactured, bought or
sold by packing or provision houses;
hay, grain, bran, and ary and all
other product* for cattle, horses,
owlno or sheep; and to construct,
lease, own, use and maintain rooms,
bnlldlngs and warehouses for cold
Storage; either of nny"or nil of the
above named articles and producta or
of ainillnr articles and products, for
hire, and to transact any nnd nil oth
er business which may be neccssar,
or Incidental to tho proper carrying
on of any or all of the aforesaid pur-
poses of tho corporation.
B, The capilal stock of said cor
poration Bhnll bo Twenty-live Thous
and Dollars (|2R I 000,0D), with privil
ege of Inn-enslng snine to tho sum of
•*e Hundred Thailand Dollar* (1100,•
000.00) by a majority voto of the
stockholders, sold stock to bo divided
Into shores of tlno.00 each. Over tr«
per cent of the amount ot cnp.tnl tt
be employed bus actually been pale
6. Peiillon*rs doslre the right To
sue nnd be sued; to plead and be Im
pleaded; hi have nnd uso n common
seal; to mnke all necessary by-laws
and regulation*, nnd to do all other
thing* that may be necessary for the
successful carrying on of the sold
business, Including the right to buy,
bold and sell real estnte and personal
properly suitable to the purposes of
tba corporation, and to execute notos
and bond* a* evidence of Indebted-
ana Incurred, or which may be In
curred In the conduct of the affairs
ot the corporation, and to secure
same by mortgage, security deed, or
other form or lien under existing
?. They d**lre for «ald corporation
tho power nnd authority to apply for
ami accept amendment* to Its char
ter In either form or auhslance by a
vote of majority of Its stock ootstund-
Ing at the time. They alio ask au
thority for said tncorivoratlon to wind
up Its nffulns, liquidate and discontin
ue Its business at atiy time It may de
termine to do so by a *ote id two-
thirds of tt*.stock outstanding at the
P. They desire for said Incorpora
tion the right of renewal when as
provided by the laws ot Georgia, and
thet It have all such other rights,
power.-, privileges, and Immunities
as ora Incident to like Incorporations
or permcslble under the laws of Geor
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to
be Incorporated under the name nnd
style afcre«ald with tho powers,
prlvllecea and Immunities herein set
forth, and a* are now. or may here
after be allowed n corporation of sim
ilar character under the laws of Geor
John 8. Walker.
V*t!tFra«r» Attorney
I. K.1. Bttry, Clerk of the be port or
Court of gald county, certify that the
foregoing fa a true and correct copy
of the original petition as same ap
pears as filed In office by W. N. Gram-
ling, et al., for aald Incorporation as
The W. ,V. Gramllng Company."
Witness my official signature thl»
23rd day ot August, 1911.
E. J. Berry,
Clerk, S. C. Ware County.
To the Superior Court of aald county:
The petition of W. D. Creel, F. J.
McMahan, A. M. Brown and C. M.
Potter, alf ot Ware county, Georgia,
respectfully shows:
1. That they desire for themselves,
their associates and successors to be
incorporated and made a body politic
ander the name and atyle of "The C,
\f. Potter Company" for the period
of twenty years.
2. The principal offices of said
company shall he In the city of Way-
rofis, Ware county, Georgia, hut po-
tltlonera desire the right to establish
ranch offices within this state or
olaewhere, whenever the holders of a
majority of the stockholders may so
The object of said corporation
Is pecuniary gain to Itself and Its
Tfie business to be carried on
by aald corporation Is to buy, sell,
import, export nnd manufacture all
barber’s supplies of every description.
Including barber’s chairs, razors,
brushes and all fixtures for the bar
ber business, and to equip, own and
maintain factories for the manufac
ture nnd sale of same; to buy, sell.
Import, export and manufacture face
lotions, soaps and chemical prepara
tions for the hair and scalp, hair ton
ics, and any and all toilet articles and
propnrations usually Incident to bar
bers’ business; to equip, maintain
and operate a general chemical bus
iness for the manufacture and anne
xation, compounding and distribution
of chemical articles and preparations,
nnd patent articles of all kinds, and
to oqulp, maintain nnd operate labo
ratories, factories and stores for the
manufacture and sale of such articl
es; to buy, hcII and own such patents
and copyrights such ns are used In
connection with such business, nnd
to transact all other business which
may bo necessary or Incidental to
the proper carrying on of any and
nil of the aforesaid purposes of the
said corporation.
5. The capital stock of said cor
poration shall be Five Thousand Dol
lars ($.’,000.00), with privilege of in
creasing same to the sum of Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) by
ninjorlty vote of the stockholders,
► aid stock to he divided Into shares
of $30.00 each. Ten per cent, of the
amount of capital to be employed has
actually been paid In.
0. Petitioners desire the right to
sue and he sued, to plead and be im
pleaded, to have and use a common
seal; to make all necessary by-laws
nnd regulations, and to do all other
things that may be necessary for the
successful carrying on of the *nld bus
iness, Including the right to buy, hold
and sell real estate and personal prop
erty suitable to the purposes* of the
corporation, and to execute notes and
hands as evidence of Indebtedness
Incurred, or which may be Incurred
In tho conduct of the affairs of the
corporation, an& to secure the same
by mortgage, security deed, or othe*
form or lien under existing laws.
7. They desire for said corporation
the power and authority to apply for
and accept amendments to Its charter
In either form or substance by a vote
■jf majority of its stock outstanding
it the time. They also ask authori
ty for said incorporation to wind up
:« affairs, liquidate and discontinue
is business at any time it may do-
ermine to do to by a voto of two-
rib of its stoch outstanding at tho
They desire for the said Incor*
cration the right of renewal when
nd a? provided by tho laws of Gcor-
-■is. and that it have all such other
.’ahts, powers, privileges and Immun-
*‘e« as are incident to like incorpora-
‘< r* or permissible under the law*
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to
After Reading The Following
You cannot in ju&ice to yourself and family fail to
Investigate Riverside Park
Here are prices that speak so eloquently that when they address the
homeseeker, all other orators retire confounded.
Riverside Park Is the Future High Class
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i Lots in this beautiful park can be bought NOW
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Buy Now Before the Prices Are Advanced.
f 46s e Riverside Park Co.
style aforesaid with the powers,
privileges and Immunities herein set
forth, and as are now, or may here
after be allowed a corporation of sim
ilar character under the laws of Geor
Joltn S. Walker,
Petitioners Attorney.
I, E. J. Derry, Clerk of tho Superior
Court of said county, certify that the
foregoing Is a true and correct copy
of the original petition as same ap
pears ns filed In office by C. M. Potter
et al., for incorporation as "The C.
M. Potter Company.”
Witness my official signature this
*22rd day of August, 1911,
E. J. Berry,
Clerk, S. C. Ware County.
Advertise In THE HERALD.
To the Superior Court of said county:
The petition of G. R. Brinson, W.
8. Harris, Joshua Harris, C. A. Ben
nett, W. T. Brinson and C. E. Dunn,
of Ware County, Georgia, respectful
ly shows:
1. That they desire for themselv.
cf>, their associates nnd successors,
to be Incorporated and made a body
politic under the name and style of
the period of twenty (20) years.
2. That the principal office of said
company shall be In the City of Way-
croas. Ware County, Georgia, but pe
titioners desire the right to establish
branch offices within this State or
elsewhere, wherever nnd whenever
the holders of a majority of the stock
mny so determine.
3. The object of said corporation
Is pecuniary gain to Itself ami Its
47 "The business to be carried on
by said corporation is to deal in
drugs, medicines, toilet articles, sta
tionary, newspapers, magazines,
books, pictures, picture frames and
materials, soda water and
Prevents Worry and Fear
A T THE LAST MOMENT it was necessary to post
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thing short of a full explanation would cause worry
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The Long Distance Bell Telephone solved the prob
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In every day, personal affairs the Long Distance Bell
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time. Why not try it?
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By the way, have you a Bell Telephone t j
Southern Bell Telephone
and Telegraph Company
actually paid in.
Petitioners desire to have the
right to have subscription to said cap
ital stock paid in money or property
other I to be taken at a fair valuation.
drinks, cold or otherwise, and anyj 7. Petitioners desire the right to
and all other kinds of merchandise. I sue and be sued, to plead and be Im-
by wholesale or retail; to compound | pleaded, to have and use a common
medicines; to till prescriptions: to j seal, to make al! necessary by-laws
manufacture syrups and medicine®; j and regulations, and to do all other
snd to do any and all things for the j things that may be necessary for the
gatlons due said corporation; to re-!under the laws of the State of Geop-
celve by purchase, assignment or oth- j gla.
erwi8e real estate and personal prop
erty in payment of debts due said
corporation^; to hold same and
successful carrying on of said bus!*
neve. Including the right to buy, hold
and sell, real estate and personal
property suitable to the purposes of
th.-» corporation, and to execute note?
bonds as evidence of Indebted
ness incurred, or which may be In
be lncottonitd unde tb* SUM aU
loyal and proper conduct of the afore
raid businesses.
5. The capital stock of aald cor
aeration shall be Ten Thousand Dol
lars $(1<V>(H).00) with the privilege of
nereasing same to the sum of Fifty
Thousand Dollars, $50,000.00) by a
rote of the stockholders owning a curred, In the conduct of the affair time,
majority or the etock then outstanding of the corporation and. to secure tlr j 9. They desire for said corporation
In favor of said Increase, sal £ stock same by mortgage, security deed o* the right of renewal when and as pro
to hs dirHed Into shares of the par j otho* form cf Ren under existing eVed by laws of Georg!*, and that It
c' C^e Hundred Dollars each, law*; to receive mortgages or other hrv* nU other rights, powers, nrlvl^
Tod per rent of the amourt of can- fo*ir.s cMlen* on ml estate and p** and Immunities *• are Incident
U*1 to he employed by them has bees eocal .property as security fer oblk corporations|Sjjgg permissible
rent lease or sell or otherwise dis
pose of same.
S. They desire for said corporation
the power and authority to apply for
and accept amendments to Its char
ter of cither form or substance by a
vote of a majority of Its stock out
standing at the time. They also ask
for said corporation tho right to wind
up its affairs, liquidate and discontin
ue Its business at any time it may
determine to do so by a rote of two
thirds of its stock outstanding at the
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to
j be incorporated under the name and
j style aforesaid with the powers, priv-
• lieges and Immunities herein set
J forth, and at are now. Or hereafter bn
I allowed a corporation of similar char-
jacter under the laws of Georgia.
| Myers >and Edwards,
j Attorneys for Petitioners,
I. E. J. Berry* Clerk of the Suj
lor Court of said county, do hereb
certify that the foregoing is a true
and correct copy of the application
for charter of "G. R. Brinson Com
pany” as came appears on file m this
Witness my official signature and
the seal of said Court, this 18 day or
August, ! tut t. Y
E. J. Berry,
Clerk. Superior Court Ware Crusty,