Newspaper Page Text
y» *TrS$P$!S i $
Saturday. bbpt. 9 mi.
The lidle* of fbt Preabyterian
church are making arrangement. to
give • "Porch Party" Tuesday eveji-
fog at the home of Hr. and Mra. J.
O. Blaine at 28 Iaabella atreet Cream
and cake will be aold, the proceede to
go to the pipe organ fund. Every
thing will be done by the ladle,>to
make the affair attractive atrd enjoy
able. Everybody will be welcome.
City of Waycroaa, In the County of
Ware, state ot Georgia; but these fce-
tltlonera would further show that
they desire that said corporation may
have the .right to establish branch' on
es or agencies at other places, both
within and without the said state of
Oeorgta, as the holders of a majority
of the stock may so determine upon.
WHEREFORE, these petitionees
pray that after the filing and publlca^
tlon of this petition as required by
law, that an order be entered by this
Bute of Georgia, County ot Ware.
To the Superior Court of said county:
The undersigned petitioners, A. M.
Knight, J. E. Wadley, L. J. Cooper, W.
Hf Buchanan and M L Gunn allot Ware
county, Georgia, hereby make appli
cation to said court tor a charter for
a corporation fB be known as "The
Waycrosa Auditorium Company," and
your petitioners respectfully show:
First. That they, for themselves.
No. 106 Plant Ave.
Phone 44^9.
The regular services at the Preaby*
•tens, desire to be constituted and
incorporated a body corporate under
the name and atyle of "The Waycross
Auditorium Company," for the term
of twenty years, with privilege of re*
newal at expiration of said time.
8econd. The object of the propos
ed corporation Is pecuniary gain to
Jts stockholders.
Third. The petitioners desire that
•aid corporation and body corporate
poetess the right, power and authori
ty to sue and be sued, to have and
use a common seal, to make by-laws
for Its government, to elect directors
for the management of its affairs, and
to confer upon them the right to elect
officers and api>oint agents and em
ployes, to buy, sell, hold, incumber
and otherwise dispose of real and
personal property necessary and ad
vantageous to the purpose of said cor
poration, together with all other
rights, powers and prlvllges Incident,
usual or necessary to like corpora
tions under the laws of the said state
of Georgia.
Fourth. Tho particular business
proposed to be conducted and carried
on by said corporation Is the erection,
construction, maintenance and opera-
tidif of a building or building# where
in are to be located auditoriums, thea
ters, convention halls, fraternal lodge
rooms, assembly rooms, offices, stores,
refreshment stands and space for any
legal purposes whatsoever for lease,
sale or uctual operation by said cor
poration; to purchase, lease, hire or
otherwise acquire real and personal
property, Improved and unimproved,
of every kind and description, and
which may bo necessary for the busl-
lies i aforesaid, ami to sell, dispose
of, lease, convoy and mortgage said
property,’ or any part thereof; to
ciutjs on the buslnerc of securing and
accomodating religious, fraternal, po
litical, labor, business, and all other
conventions, nsrc:nblie3 and the like;
to carry on the business of theatri
cal proprietors, caterers for public
entertainments, concerts, exhibitions
and athletic contests; to carry on the
business of resaurnnt keepers, and
vomlors of tobacco, mineral raters,
provision* nnd any other article of
merchandise, either by themselves, or
by granting the license or right in
respect of any property of the com
pany to any other person, firm or
company; to conduct a general mer
chandise business for the sale of ar
ticles of nil kinds and description; to
acquire all necessary properties, mus-
Cqa! ‘Instruments and libraries tor
use In connection with the holding of
pubic conventions and entertainments
of every description; to do a genera!
roll estate ngency and mortgage bus-
laera; to Improve, mortgage, oper
ate, hold, mana;e, lease and other
wise diapose of real citato; to borrow
and loan money upon such property,
and to do any and all other acts in
cident to or connected with such
business. ,
Flttl:. TUne petitioners would
•be w that the capital stock of the pro
posed corporation *ball be Fifty
Thou and Dollars ($50,000.00), dlvtd
cd Into shares of One Hundred Dol
lars each; and they would further
skew that Six Thousand Diliars ($6,-
PQ.00) thereof, watch la more than
leu per cent of the tsHT j roto*ed cap
ital, hsg been paid.
Your petitioners vcuM fur
tfctr sh.vw that they d«vdr> that said
•or^ration ha.’l h;i v tfev ri - k .r
l*er*-a e enld capita! stack to a;
cwo.tnt not exceed!* * One —*n;?r
«*d -Fifty Theucaim DcFars <C*j
PCC. whenever tvr - i:*<w
nfcrtty c* ’he r;ec!c may so ^ ■
Jr.Iu?, e-’ v'i.'c’j fpcrcsre sh;ili *
dir-wed q! n- !. sac' -.t.b*ra
dtte. taZaiu
Seventh. The general oCe* -a
P^tr:pel f^ce of Incloses o! vol
rroposod corporations ball be at the*
court declaring these petitioners
body corporate, undef the same and
atyle aforesaid, and granting to said
corporation all tbe rights, powers and
prlvllges at set out and prayed for
herein, or which may be Incidental,
usual and necessary under the lawa
of said state of Ocorgla, for the pur-
(>oses of their Incorporation.
John S. Walker,
Petitioners Attorney.
I, Chas. E. Cason, deputy clerk of
the Superior Courtof said County,
certify that the foregoing is a true
and correct copy of tho petition of
M. Knight, et al. for incorporation
es "The Waycross Auditorium Com
pany" ns same appears in office as
Hied this day.
terian church tomorrow l—
ducted by the Pastor, Rev. R. A.
Brown. The choir la arranging spec*
lal music for both aervicea. A spec
ial Invitation la extended to all who
have no church engagements, visitors
and strangers. Sunday school prompt
lyat‘9:46. A full attendance is urged
a* the matter of arranging a program
for Sunday school Extension Day will
be taken up. \
ENGINEER, Rockford, III.
Plan, for anjr kind cf building pro-
paired and itructural Iron work of all
klnda. Correspondence solicited. Will,
be located permanently In Waycross
Witness my official signature till O
O 420-422 LaGrande Building O
O Waycross, Georgia. O
Deputy Clerk. 8. C. Ware County. OOOOOOOOOOOO
Oth day of September, 1011.
Chas. E. Cason,
The Store of i
The bleed of Pure Drugs
J. C. PAYNE, Druggist
The Store With the Open Front.
{ITifton, Georgia and Return
@ via
@ Atlantic Coast Line
South Georgia Land & Agricultural
Ja Exposition
|SEPT 27-OCT 7,- II
agricultural and live etoc’osssl erpovition, combining land,
40 countes In one cok shows.
Aeroplane and Auto Races,
Baseball Tournament.
Chautauqua of Music and Oratory.
Scientific Lectures and Conferences
• on the Farm, Stock and Domestic
One of Onr Great Extension Table
VALUES, exadtly take illustration, made of
finest quality thoroughly seasoned oak, ex
tra large hand carved claw feet, handsome
ly shaped pedestal, smooth running sides, 42
inch top extends tc 6 feet.
A handsome Table at an
extremely low price,
Yi Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days.
Our extension tables are bought under contract tor our
large chain of stores. We buy for less, we sell for less.
An Unequaled Value
in a high class dining table. This is one of
the beSt values we have ever offered.
Made of beSt quality white oak, the work
manship and finish of the beSt, the top is 44
inches across, extends to 6 ft the moSt elab
orate pedeStal ever furnished with a table
al this price; exadtly like illustration.
Y& Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days.
Monitor Ranges Best for 90 Years
GUARANTEE:—We warrant the castings in these ranges to be the
best mixture ot pig iron known for the purpose, workmanship, fittings
and mounting to be unequaled, flue corSiri dicn to be ptrffdt. and that
they will bake and operate rer'edtiy when connected in proper manner to
the flue. MONITOR STO VE d- RANGE. CO.
We handle these famous ranges in either, genuine OPEN HEARTH steel (guaran
teed not to rust), in Wellsville polished rolled steel, or in the best quality cast iron.
The prices are from $35 to $50- You can buy no better range at ANY price,
and none as good at a LOWER price.
Septembor 2Gth to October 6th Inclusive,
ins arriving in Tlften, Ga., before noon of October 'Cy
Final limit to reach original starting point returning,
Tickets on sal
ami for trail
net later than u.Maight October Oth, 1911. Fo? further infer- VP
mation see jour Ticket Agent, or correspond with.
t:. M. N’orth, A. G. P. A. L. P. Green. T. P. A. Afcp
Savannah Ga. Thomas villa, Ga. vV
T. Morgan. T. P. A. T. J. Wrfsht, Agent,
Savannah Ga. .Rrecewtcfc, fbt
The clean* tt, meat convenient, effective and economical Oil Stove
far cooking ever made—one that ehoald be in every kitchen—it the
Oil Stove
It bum, ordinuy kerosene oil, but there are no bolhencae
wicks. The beit is concentrated directly on the cooking
cone is wasted. Reduce, fuel expense. The flame t, con
trolled by a lever. This me«ni thsd you can instantly regulate
the flame at any desired height, a distinctive feature found m
no other oil stove.
Remember that the name
■ "Florence, ” whether on
a five-turner Oil Stove or on
a single-burner Lamp Stove,
stands for ihe best in OSSthvev'
We also make the Florence
Ovens «nd Lamp Stoves.
u»e, bv Tfi.
cnrsK ntsu rrwt ea^ a
»i—.a-r,Ota i. s I,(MO.
These couches are made en-
entirely of steel and equip
ped with genuine National
Springs.. Have steel rollers
and are finished in gold
bronze. Folded it is a neat
couch, open a large comfor
table bed. We sell it com
plete with cotton mattress
Our Line ot Daven-^Y! wfj
pert Beds at - - (UlI iUU
Are absolutely the Best 7alues eu the jnj.rkE
Gasrantee OurPr.;:rto Save Yo::
-- r - • • -•