Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 11, 1911, Image 2

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Mi tVUlINC H ——-Published fly THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. P.rh.m, Sr. A. P. Perh*m, Jr. Editors and Proprietors. Mias Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local. The Woycroaa Herald founded la |||E. The Dally Herald founded In 1112 by A. P. Parham. 8r. Telephones Buslnua Offlce 25 Kdltorlal Offlo 25 Kealdenca 2(8. PVary Afternoon Except Sunday. Enter-d at the Waycroaa, Oa.. Poat- alfta aa second class mall matter. Office No. S' Jana StreaL RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. , Month 5 .45 I Months »!•** S Months 12.50 I Tear >5.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notices of entertain* manta, a here cbargea are made, will ha charged at advertising rates of 6 •ants a line. _____ NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do Sot receive the paper promptly and early will pleoao rlnx op the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble la him, at this Is the only means that trs can assure you prompt And early Aallrary THE HERALD IS THE OBctal Organ of the United fetatos Court of the Southern District of Georgia. ff/tTlC PROSPECTS ;n of 1912 is already on. formed and has been forced by the reactionary vetoes of President Taft. The president is driven into a trap. In bis efforts to conciliate the standpatters whom he alienated by his championship o: Canadian reciprocity he has driven the progressive farther than ever from tho regular Republican camp and the G. O. P. is confronted by a breach that show? no sign of healfn*. It is evident that the Republican pro* gresslves will make a desperate effort to get control of the next Republican national convention and name LaFol- lette instead of Taft. Falling In this, as they probably will, they will either sulk in their tents or 'nam a ! presidential ticket of their own. In J either event Taft Is doomed, i The next President will be a Dem ocrat unlesi some inconceivable folly on tie j art of the Democratic leaders , In the next twelve months should change the situation. As matters j stand, Hie Democratic party is unit-' ! od, opti.nlstio and determined; the j Republicans are divided, discouraged and disheartened. The sun never | shone on bri ;hter Democratic pros pects than at the opening, a year ahead, of the 1912 campaign. Children Cry for Fletcher’s U5 IKU IUA VILA *»U WAYCROSS, OA„ SEPT. 11, 1911. When I’renlilcnt Toft .aid that "son- ntorH derived (heir putt r. from the people,” ho certainly wm giving out ■otne undreamt of nows. Mrs. Ppton Sinclair expresse* su preme contempt for the "confirmed mo mug urn I *9 " Does she expect a man to keep on nccumulat ng moth ers In laws all his life? * Harry Kemp, brought into the lime light by tho Ppton Sinclair domestic breach, hasn’t worn a hat in 2b yonrs. Probably, being a poet, he couldn't afford one. A Pensacola, Fla., woman tried to commit suicide from sympathy with nouiah Itlnford. Tho woman has our pormlsHlon to do It again, and the next time we hope sho will bo successful. The Young Women's Christ Inn As- no;- 1 at loti or Chicago has decided not to admit women over thirty to Its home. T1»U Isn't much of a bar ns fen women ever pass the nge of thirty. It is vldent that President Taft the handwriting on the wall spelling the annlhlllatlon of the Re publican party in 1912. He snys him self that ''the day of the demagogue Is past.” Until county game wardens under io new law enn be appointed and ! qualify, 'state Game Warden Jesse Mercer will call upon tho clerks of the superior court of the various counties of Georgia to assist in the mntter of tho Issuance of hunters’ licenses. License blank, therefore, will he furnished directly for tho present to tho clerks of the superior court, and prospective hunters can obtain thorn by making application. —+— There seema to be a whole lot of pebbles on tho beach. * Something Is beginning to make a noise like n split In the national Re publican party. FIRE INSURANCE AND BOND8. Phone 1S5 ” Est. 188k PARSON'S POEM A UEM. From Rev. H. Stuhenvoll, Allison, la.. In praise of Dr. King'. New Life Pills, "They're such n health necessity, In every home these pills should be. If other kinds you’ve tried In vain, USE DR. KINO'S And he well again." Only 25c at All Druggists. The Kind You lltvM .vlwaya VoEKkl, cad which has been in n*o for ovci f;i> jet:re, has borne tho signature of „*• Anti beer, undo under hia per- ta.-vil .-ttipervJ-dnn slnco its Infancy. Alio w no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Iznlfatloits nr.d .“Just-as-good” are bnt . Experiments that trifle with unit endanger tho health ot - Intents and ChUdicr -Iispcrienco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstcrla Is i\ ham2c?.i Fub.itltute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops ana tioothlrg Hyraps. It Is Pleasant. It contain neither Opium* Morphine nor other ^Narcotic substance. Its ago 1b itn guarantee. It destroys Wdrms and allays FeverUhnow*. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. S * relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. J t assimilates tho Food, regulates the Htonutch and Dowel?, giving healthy and natural sleep, Tho Children's Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of The Kind You Gave Always Bought In Use Fop Over 30 Years THE CENTAU* COM** IT. T7 MUWWRT ■TWEET- NEW YOWK cmr. PARK PLACE High class Subdivis* ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. ~~ W. D. Morton, Agt. ROOM NO. 4 Southern Hotel Bldg Ce its cmhroglln v It h Fr.im «* mer fh«» Moroccnn affair, does not evince mil'll of tin initiative for bout lilt U*h. with Groat Dritaln cock- l.it; it* eye aslant on tho situation the l>os?lbllity of the loss of tht* Alsace- Lorraine, province*. In ca^e of a fight, <an 4'o the kanler's government to do much serious thinking. With the »pee la 1 eh shall determine whetlie MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan to colored people Vlth good security. L. J. Rurch, Specially. • 2m Redding Bldg. Waycross, Ga. ESCAPED WITH HIS LIFE. "Twentv-one years ago I faced an awful death," writes H. II. Martin, (l*ort Harrelson, S. C. "Doctors said I had consumption nnd the dreadful tlon which cough 1 had looked ll^e It, sure or not pro enough. I tried everything I could revnll in Maine, lend* nets and drys express lie eve of the battle, well organised and u months campaign >\v up to tho voters Heir say today. io to a dinner In .Vow nil prevail in Maine, lead- hear of. for my cough, tnd was un der tho treatment of the best doctor tn Georgetown, S. C., for a year, but could get no relief. A friend advised uw to try Dr. King's New Discover* 1 did so, and was completely cured. ! feel that I owe my llfo to this ixeat throat nnd lung cure." Its positively gir! had gone to a dinner In Vow guaranteed for coughs, colds, and all k with her steady. The young | bronch leal affections. 50c and fl.tJO. ;i .iotiC€*ii ;i . uvk i t what appeared * Trial bottle free at All Drugst*>ts. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OWN A HOME WE LOAN you money to BUILD. PAY back in five YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WILL 8ELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE U8I Waycross Savings and Tru& Co “ -'VVO* 0000000000«00«0<>0( SEPT. STH. 1911. Sewing Machine MOTORS THIS COMPANY HAS FOR SALE A FEW MOTORS FOR USE ON SEW ING MACHINES. FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS WE OFFER THESE AT , THE LOW PRICE OF FIFTEEN DOLLARS EACH AND WILL AR RANGE TO GIVE THE PURCHAS ERS VERY EASY PAYMENTS. THIS IS A SPLENDID CHANCE TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF THE CHANCE TO PURCHASE THIS MOST USEFUL OF HOUSEHOLD DEVICES. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO PLACE A MOTOR ON TRIAL AT YOUR HOME. AND REQUEST THAT IF YOU ARE IN- TERESTfD TO CALL US ON THE PHONE. Ware County Light and Power Company. We Are Headquarters For Everything in the HARDWARE LINE! 17. J. Hardware Co. : Farming With Dupont Low Freezing Dynamite HAY FEVER AND SUMMER COLOS Mutt be relieved quickly and Fol ey’s Honey and Tar Compound will do it. E. M. Stewart, 1034 Wolfram man noticed a to Ik* lint ou Iter shoulder When she wasn't looking he attempted to knock it off with hU finger. After several futile attempts lu* took hold* of the line nnd startl’d o pull tt off. He~un raveled several yards of the fleecy ' Street. Chicago, write*: "I have stuff nnd when he seemed to have all been greatly troubled during the hot ef It threw the wad under the table, summer months with Hay Fever and That nUtht the g.ri told her mother find that by using Foley’s Honey snd that ahe had had a perfectly lovely Tar Compound I get great relief.' time. ’‘But," .:he said. •! have Just Many others who suffer similarly been lyJn~ here in bed, mother, and will be glad to benefit by M>. wondering what became of my union Stewart’s experience. Gem Pharma* 5*it." cy. T. S. Paine. TO FARMERS WHO WANT BET TER FARMS, I AM PREPARED TO DO BLASTING WORK OF ALL KINDS FOR FARMERS THROUGH* OUT THIS SECTION. LET ME GO OVER YOUR PROP ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW 1 CAN SHOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORS PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATE*. WHEN MAY I CALL? J. C. CRANE, Expert Blaster. f * Ask ♦ Watt-Hardware Co. wajeross. 6a. Ezee Lighting System WHY SHOULD YOU BURN MON EY WHEN AIR IS CHEAP. THE ONLY SYSTEM THAT BURNS 85 PER CENT AIR AND 5 PER CENT STOVE GASOLINE. I/s© Ezee Lighting System \'S I and you will always have light. AGENTS WANTED!— ‘ j THE LIGHT MAN, J. H. LEWIS WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. . *«,