Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 11, 1911, Image 5
MONDAY, SEPT. U, 1911. eoooooooooooooOfCBSi Eggs, Eggs, *• Eggs. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING 50 CASES NO. 1 CANDLED TENNES SEE EGG3 EVERY WEEK. WE CAN SELL CHEAP IN CASE LOTS. DON'T BUY OLD COLD STORAGE EGGS WHTN YOU CAN GET FRESH TENNESEL EGGS. PERSONAL ADu LOCAL WILSON GROCERY CO Leading Grocers. Wilson Block. Phone 128 •osoooooooooooso* Young Men’s Christie • .'ssociation. The mothers’ service » a success. The large crowd of lac js sang and graved like mothers that are anxious to see the Waycross Leys lead to Christ. B. M. NORVEL. KING’S DAUGHTERS. Circle Number One Kl iga Daughters will meet tr morrow aft inuon at 4 with Mrs C I. SM-.n* oa Jane street. Mr. M. Orovltz returned Saturday from New Tfeffc and' points, where he spent some days buying fall and winter goods for his Plant avenue store. l’b: friends of Mrs. C. C. Nettles will regret to learh that she was tak en quite sick in Savannah where she and children were on a visit. Jack, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Williams, is recovering from severe illness of some days. Mr. James Lattimer, who is connec- ed with the Blackshear Times, spent Saturday night in Waycross. came over to meet Mrs. Lattimer, who was returning from a visit to relatives in Tifton. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and ’Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Bavana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Wayeroee, On, Gy PITTMAN CIGAR CO I — 5HEi EPT AT THE FRONT Ton hare to be on you, guard It /you ar ecaught napping, It invites (Hraster. WAYCROSS BUSINESS CDLLItl GRADUATES ARE NEVER SLEEPY HEADS. They are Bought after by men of affaire. You find them In leading positions of true:. ' Our DIPLOMA !• an open ee-same 1to position and preferment. Our epeelalty is to fit you for huslneee; to make the pay-roll larger; to In- crease the salary of the "big man." Enter At Any Time. Waycross Business College RVaycross, Ga. R. F. Zeigler, Pres -* A correspondent, writing to Douglas Enterprise from Willacoochce says: “B. Duncan, 67 years old, and Mrs. Catherine Roberts, 77 years old, “eloped” Thursday and joined in wed lock by ’Squire E. L. Moore. The bride and bridegroom will make their home at the residence of the bride This is the fourth time Mrs. Duncan has embarked upon the sea of matri< mony.” - «« Mrs. Enoch Dryden, who resides on Garlington street, gave birth to trip lets yesterday—two girls and ono- boy. One of the girls and the boy died last night, and the Interment oc curred at Mt. Pleasant church today. The other little girl Is getting along nicely. Mr. Joe Gibbs is In the city from Brunswick visiting relatives and friends. Ex-Sheriff S. F. Miller, of Millwood was among the evisitors spending to day in Waycross. Rev. M. O. Carpenter, of Bunn-Bell Institute, preached at Bethel crurch In Wayne county yesterday. Our genial and popular Tax Col lector, Mr. Alec Lowther, Is at his post again after a pleasant vacation spent among hiiT friends. In a more northern county. MAJOR McGEE FOR MAYOR Tht Herald is authorized to announ ce that Mr. F. H. McGee will be a candidate fjar Mayor of Wayeroee, subject to the action of the Demo cratlo primary. Official announcement of hl« plat form will be published later. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask I for one medicine and have the [‘wrong one given you. For this " reason wo urge you in buying to be carefui to get the genuine— BUcT-KueHT ’ Liver Kedlclne The reputation cf this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm* | ly established. It docs not imitate lotber medicines. It la better than others, or it would not be the to- ; liver powder, with a larger nan dl others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F2 Don't forget that W. J. Parker con ducts & first class market,' and will appreciate your patronage. Phone 28I. € U WHY HESITATE? An Offer That Involves No Risk For Those Who Accept It. Wo are so positive our remedy will completely relieve constipation, no matter how chronic it may be, that we offer to furnish it freo of all cost If it fails. Constipation is caused by weakness of the enrves and muscles of the large intestines or descending colon. To expect a cure you must therefore tone up and strengthen those organa and restore them to healthier activi ty. whatever. They will positively over come chronic or habitual constipation and the myriads of associate or de pendent chronic ailments. Try Rex- all Orderlies at our risk. * Three siz es, 10c, 23c and 50c. Sold only at our store—The Rexali Store. The Sealg Pharmacy. A4 Wc are headquarters for low prlcus and easy terms: 18 tf Homo Furniture Co. HERBERT S HOPKINS ATTORNEY AT >.AW. Room 225, LaGrande Building. 8CHOOL NOTICE. Registration of pupils for entrance to the Public Schools wfl begin on Monday September 11th and continue for five days. Hours 8 to 12; 2 to 4. Pupils will please %ring promotion cards. School opens September IStb. ’ll St eod. E. A. Pound, Supt Edmund Crawley who has been quite sick is reported much better today. His friends are pleased to learn of his Improvement. Miss Mary Wilson, of Baltimore, ar rived today, and is again with )Ilss Eddie Parnell for the season. AT THE MAJESTIC. The picture programme will be as follows: Film No. 1. "Mutt and JefT,” get passes to the ball game. This Is a feature, air comedy Nestor picture. jFUm No. 2. "The Engagement Ring” a realistic and appealing drama. A feature Great Northern picture The vaudeville feature will be | ’’Trone and Trone” in their original j comedy act “The rthlTan and the Sou- brette.” If you like a clean comedyr don’t miss fhis act. Am, MUSIC AT THE MAJESTIC. i^ng the musical numbers on the Miss Lois Shank, of Blackshear, to in tae city, the guest of Miss Leila Paschal. Miss Thelma Baum Has returned after a pleasant visit to friends at Valdosta. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Harris and baby, of Rome, ore in the city guests of Miss Eddie Parnell. Mrs Harris is well remembered here as Miss Flossie Sweat. . HERRIN—HICKOX. Mr. Leonard Hlckox, the well known naval stores operator at Ruskln, and Miss Lllllo Herrin, of Wayne county, were married in Waycross yesterday. The ceremony w2b performed by Judge B. H. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs Hickox left last nighgt for a bridal trip to points in Florida. They will make their "home at Ruskln. programme at the Majestic for the first half of this week will be found the following: That • pedular Rag— Fogau, Sunbeam Dance; Rolfe, Dixie Rube, March; Allen, Excursion Party, twostep; Howe, Blushing Rose, Sere nade; Johnson, The Call To Arms, March; Rolfe, Love’s Whisper, Wnltz* es; Boehuleln, Northern Bells, Two Step; Rolfe, Japanese Dance, Penning ton; Cloud Chief, Indian Intermezzo; Phelie. ’ 1 —‘ * r Jno. Graf, Music Director. Do not forget the Garden and Porch Festival to be given tomorrow evening Tuesday, from 7 'till 11 o’clock, at Mrs. Blain’s, corner Isabella and Pen dleton streets. There will be many attractions, ico cream, cake, lemon ade and home-made candy will be of fered for sale. CLEAN UP YOUR 8TOMACH. And Gas, Sourness, Dizziness, Head aches and Bad Dreams Will, Go. If you really want a clean, sweet, pure stomach, free from gas, sour ness and distress, go to G. R. Brinson Co. today and get a 50-cont box of MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets. yx?exr(z faily., CFWYP MFWYP- Take these little tablets according to directions, and if at the* end of a week you are not brighter, strongor and more vigorous, just say so and get your money bade. For heaviness after eating, eructa tlon, heartburn and that distressed feeling, MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets will give relief In five minutes. Large box of MI-O-NA STOMACH TABLETS, 60 cents at 0. R. Brinson Co., and druggtots everywhere. Sept. 11; Sept. 22; Oct. 2 8PECIAL. I WILL SELL FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST MAMOUTH BLUE GEM JELICO COAL FOR 8IX DOLLARS PER TON. AN8LEY COAL COMPANY. Big supply of card board; all col ors, Just received at Herald. tf Big shipment electric font recelv- Byck Electric Supply Cc. Lott Streot 12 tf We want you to try Rexali Order lies on our guarantee. They are eaten like candy, and are particularly ideal for children. They act directly on the nerves and muscles-of the bow els. They have a neutral action on the other organs or glands. They do not purge or cause any inconvenience 1 A B. & A. R. R. Announcement Extraordinary Sleeping Car Service Between Way- cross and Atlanta, via: Candidates announcing for office in this paper will be expected to pay for their announcements inadvance. Some of them might gpt left and then—Oh, Ml! Banking IVfade Convenient For all at this Bank. We are conveniently located, offer every facility for promptness in banking, and wish to do business wth YOU. For socurity, note our resources of more than Three Quarters of a Million Dollars. 4 PER CENT PAID ON 8AVING8 ACCOUNTS. 8AFETY DEPOSIT VAULT8. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 APALACHIAN EXPOSITION KNOXVILLE, TENN. offenses. Selling whisker, gambling and vagrancy constituted the charges against the negroes. SEPTEMBER ilTH, OCT, 1ST, I9II. EXCURSION BATES VIA A. B. & A. An Exposition devoted to the development of the Appa lachian region of the South In general. Splendid oxhlblts-of the South's resources. Tickets on sale September 9th to October lit. Inclusive, with return limit October 7th. ASK THE TICKET AGENT W. H. Leahy, O. P. A. E. H. Foil, A. O. P. A. \ A. D. Daniel, T. P. A. Atlanta, Oeorgla. OOOOOOOOOOO9 ° J B BAGLEY M D « O PHYSICIAN & SURGEON O O Office n Southern Bulldlnf O O OFFICE HOURS. O O 9-11 A, M. 3-4 P. U. 708 P. M. Ol © OOOOOOOOOO 01 WAYCROSS COUNCIL NO. dr. 0. U. A. M. Meets every Monday erenlas In Red Sea's Hsll, Lott-HItch building at I ». m. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to meat rltb ns. Sherod Collins. L. Carl Collins. ftec«8eoty Councilor. Ready To Race At Montreal. Special To Tho Herald. Montreal, Sopt. 8.—TUu .Montreal Jockey Club's final meeting for 1911 opens tomorrow with the promise of of tho best meetings ever held nt the famous Blue Ilonnets track. The Germany, In Its ombrogllo with France over tho Moroccuu affair, does ,*ot evince much of an Initiative for track ts In nearly perfect condition JiostlUtlea. With areat Ilrltaln cock- Iffectlve with first car leaving Way. erosB 8:00 p. m., Monday September i. The A. B. A A. have secured rthis service elegantly appointed electric-lighted sleeping cars, equip ped with all modem conveniences One Big Advantage You may secure your sleeping car space at the ticket office, Union Sta tion, at any time prior to your trip, diagrams are kept continuosuly open. TheA. B. & A. Railroad represents the Standard of Excellence In Service.” Schedule of Sleeping Car Line. Leave Waycross 8:00 p m. Arrive Atlanta, 6:40 a.m. , Leave Atlanta 10:15 p.m. Arrive Waycross 8:45 a.m \ TRAVEL “THE RIGHT WAY” W. H. Leahy, 0. P. A., Atlanta, Oa. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. R. E. Camp, T. A., Wayeroee, Oa. possible, and many Improvements e he nemade to the plant since tho close of tho spring meeting. The stables are filled with nearly 400 horses, all fit and ready for tho start ’s bell. Tho meeting will continue through e whole of next week. Tho over night purses will bo mostly of a valuo of five hundred dollars, while thero are a number of handicaps to he run. Tho big stake events of the .meeting will be the Earl Grey Cup, for 3-year olds and up, with $1,000 added, mile and a quurter; the Hochelaga Handi cap, for 2-year-olds, sir furlongs, with $1,000 added; the Ilenrie Memorial year olds and up, Canadian owned, one hu three-fourth miles, with, $1,000 added; the Champion Stakes, for 3 year olds and up, ono mile, with $1,00 Oadded; the Henrie Memorial Steeplechase, for 4 year olds and up, 3 miles, with $1,000 added. W. C. BUTLER FOR ALDERMAN FROM THE SECOND WARD Mr. W. C. Butler, one of the city’s long time citizens makes announce ment of his candidacy today for the Aldermans’ place from the Second Ward. Mr. Butler to a most energet ic, clever and capable citizen and will make an efficient Alderman If elected. ness ho has so far undertaken, has a great many friends and will make a strong race. ing Its oyo aslant on the situation the possibility of tho 'loss of the Alsace- Lorraine, provinces, In case of a fight, causes tho kuBler’s government to do much sorlous thinking. American Institute of banking. Special To The Herald. . Rochester,, N. Y., Sept. 8.—The ninth anntml convention of the Amer ican Institute of Hanking is In ses sion here, with an attendance of sev eral hundred delegates from chapters of the organization throughout tin country. The institute was founded in 1961 and Is affiliated with tho Am erican Hankers’ Association. Its prin cipal object is educational. To this end has been provided a study course which is furnished the various chap ters, covering the subject of of bank ing, in its historic, economic and le gal aspects. Examnatlons are held at stated intervals on the lectures that aro cjclLcrod monthly, and on the grading of the members Is delivered a certificate of efficiency. The mem bership embraces cashiers, tellers, clerks and ot.her employes of the leading banks throughout the coun try. MANY ARRE8T8. A number of negroea were arrested He to known to most of our cltlzens3aturday night by Deputies/J. E. and has made a success of,any buei- Shaw and S. J. Duncan, for various WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHTS OP PYT«»M. v § Meets e?*”* Moadaj ,\ evening at 8:00 la A Castle Hal’ ?iant are. J Members requested / to attend, and ▼‘.siting Knights are most rm* dlall/ Invited to meet with at. CHA8. E. CAtON, C. C T. H. Miller, K. of R. ft 8. It M. of T. , ) WOODMEN OF* THE WORLD. CAMP 161 Mvjts first, and third Thursday *1 each month. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton. C. C. D. P. Woolley. Hlerk. WAYCROSS LODGE No. S0& F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON IECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 8:00 P. M. All Mason. Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W- i. CLARK, 8EC. Cream English Cotton Suiting with small black stripe, 25c. 7 3t Humphreys & Williamson. 1 | — — J T TURNER ARCHITECT. Office LaGrande Building. P. O. Bex I Waycross, Georgia. * - - ‘ > .Sit e. ‘ .1 - ,: - ' «4 o, U!t NOTICE PROPERTY OWNERS Weeds and gran must be cleared from lot. as required by city ordi nance. Thle work mart bo done at onto and wtthjp the next ten (10)! days, t tf D. M. Bradley, H%|lh Officer. A