Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 11, 1911, Image 8
jfm® .0 STORE Contractor C. E. Dunn is busy at Work tearing old front and putting U JxandFomo plate class windows of mod '0TB stylo in store on Albany avenue occupied by H. A. Harris & Son, tenltute store. Owing to the rapid gobitantial growth of the business of flhe firm, plans are being contemplated to add a second story to their build taf and thus give them Increased »!>«€• for the dlsplsy of their large •tuck. A little more advertising in the Herald may make a third story necessary. SSS55 MONDAY, SEPT. U, 1911. BROWN ANNOUNCES ON MAKING RACE THIS WEEK 8TEPHEN8—BENNETT. Mr. John L. Dennett and Miss Julia Stephens were united In marriage by Judge John A. M. Johnson at his residence yesterday afternoon. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stephens and Mr. Dennett is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Den nett, of Haywood. It was n runaway affair, friends of the young people bringing the nows to tho city this morning. The young lady told her father and mother that she expected to get married soon, and they treated the mnttcr as a Joke, and the runa way was tli* result. Thore was no C’bjectltn to tbu union from cither aide. J. M. COX ANNOUNCES. Marietta, Ga., Sept. 10.—It is believ ed among the friends of Joseph M. Drown here that the former governor will announce hb intentions will gard to the pending gubernatorial contest within the next week. Governor Drown so far has main tained an almost unbroken silence ra iding the situation political, but his friends are pressing him to say what he will do, holding that It h unfair to them for him to continue longer In an uncertain attitude, they ask b "aye” or "nay.” That is all they want. If he Is not going to they say they want to know it in order to consider other candidates is, they want to be in position to decline the solicitations of other pliant*. Believe He Will Run. The pressure has been sc gheat recently that it b the general belif that the former governor will say whether or not he can be counted on to run In the special election cam paign, and it is believed, also, that his decision, will be an affirmative one, though those who know Drown best say that it is never possible to predict positively what he will do in a situation like the one presented. If Governor Drown has anything to say it will be brief and to the point, is his method. It will be simply a statement of the intentions, without The announcement of Mnyor Cox to tucceed himself ns Mayor of Waycross Appears in another column today. Tho Herald has had complimentary notice* of Mayor Cox’* administration recent ly. He Is one of our best and most substantial cltlzenp end Is ono of our leading btrsine.is men. The Her ald does* not ffDubt that if elected Mr. Cox will use his utmost endeavors In the future as In the past, to give the cIff a ctClrif, honest nnd consclen- tluos administration. any expression of views on question* that may figure in the campaign. This will be in adherence to the view frequently expressed regarding the needlerssness of a long drawn-out campaign. He believes that the people will have sufficient time In which to make up their minds after Governor Smith resigns, Inasmuch as the special elec tion cannot take place until sixtj days after the resignation becomes effective. Of course, there will be ^ primary, but It hardly will b= called earlier than thirty days before the official election. Meantime, Cobb county is lining i almost solidly for the former gov ernor. It Is predicted that he will carry every precinct by a large ma jority. A majority of the white voters al ready have signed petitions asking him to run and pledging their sup port to his candidacy. These petitions havo been clrculat- 1 voluntarily, and scarcely has declined to sign one. Me Store of Great Values Where Your Credit Is Good. One of Our Great Extension Table VALUES, exadtly like illustration, made, of finest quality thoroughly seasoned oak, ex- tra large hand carved claw feet, handsome ly shaped pedestal, smooth running sides, 42 inch top extends to 6 feet, A PA A handsome Table at an !k I A £)ll extremely low price, VJ-WiWV % Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days. Mr. Fred TurbevIUe b visiting rel atives at Florence, 8. C. Miss Fthcl niackmer left Saturday i u lui Knoxville, Tenn., where ,o w :i epend a month with relntlv- BOWDEN IN SENATORIAL RACE. Tho Hornld is authorized nnd re quested to announce that Hon. J. E. T\ Bowden will ho a candidate for the State senator from tho Wuycro.'s trict In the primnry to bo callod later nnd that a plain statement will ap pear some time Inter. NOTICE KING'S DAUGHTERS. Mercy Clrclo Number Four will not hold tho usual monthly mooting to morrow on account of tho absence from the city of a number of members of the Clrclo. Mr. John W. Denton, after a short visit to his family here, left this mor ning for MlUen, Ga., where ho Is en gaged In tho ■saw mill business. Keep Up Keep Down By An =Overlan<2 59= EXPENSE TO ,RUN 25 MILES EACH DAY WHICH IS ON A PAR WITH A HORSE. OViRLAND TO CARRY 5 PEOPLE, THE HORSE 2 PEOPLE. TIRE EXPENSE $4.00 GASOLINE AND OIL $6.00 ADJUSTMENTS. DARRING ACCIDENTS $2.50 $12.50 I WILL KEEP YOUR OVERLAND 59 UP AT THIS FIG URE AND RATIO FOR ONE YEAR. N M. KELLEY Kelley* s Garage. Our extension tables are bought under contract tor our large chain of stores. We buy for less, we sell for less. i An Unequaled Value in a high class dining table. This is one of the be^t values we have ever offered. Made of be& quality white oak, the work manship and finish of the bedt, the top is 44 inches across, extends to 6 ft the mo& elab orate pedestal ever furnished with a table at this price; exadtly like illt deration. Mr nnd Mrs. Robert L.. Atkinson »ud daughters, Margaret and Dossle, •port yesterday In Atlanta with rel ative*. Mrs. It. M. Doyle, after a visit in Waycross to her son, Mr. D. J. Doyle, lias returned to her home In ftavnttnuh. Mips Mario Doyle, of Savannah, Is tn the city visiting her brother. De- fore returning to Savannah, Miss Doyle will visit relatives in Birming ham. Mr. Bailey Carpenter, who holds n £fk.i:lon in the Seaboard Air Line •ft ps la Jacksonville, catn© up Sat- Wiley nbht and s tent yesterday in the t ty with relatives. Mr. John G. Ke Mr, C. C. Bach— terday from Allans been cn bt Clint. returned this 11 . $2.40 T^> Tifton, Georgia and Return VIA Atlantic Coast Line ACCOUNT CF Monitor Ranges Best tor 90 Years GUARANTEE;—We warrant the callings in these ranges to be the best mixture of pig iron known for the purpose, workmanship, fittings, and mounting to be .unequal; d, flue cordlndUcn to be perfedt, and t|hat they will bake and operate ; erfcdlly whi n connected in proper manner to the flue. MONITOR STOVERANGE,CO. / We handle these famous ranges in either, genuine OPEN HEARTH steel (guaran teed not to rust), in Wellsville polished rolled steel, or in the best quality cast iron. The prices arc from $35 to $50- You can buy no better range at ANY price, and none as good at a LOWER price. ■ rjkSouiti Georgia Land & Agricultural^ & Exposition & IjSEPT 27-OCT 7V111 gh agricultural and live stoclowal erudition, combining land. 40 countcs In one cok show*. WOMAN S BUILDING for WOMAN'S, WORK CARNIVAL. OF AMUSEMENT i Aeroplane and Auto Races. Baseball Tournament. ' Chautauqua of Music and Oratory. i Scientific Lectures and Conference* on the Farm, Stock and Domestic hick to J UNION JE.VCl.RY CTCKE j fcj VJ-tehmekerc jmd Engravers. - All Kind v*. Cf jewelry FtsairT.?. K3 Plant Ave, Waj crc -s Ca Ticket* on sale September 26th to October 6th inclusive, and for trains arriving in Tifton. Ga., before noon of October 7th, 1911. Final limit to roach original starting point returning, not later than midnight October 1911. For further infor mation see your Ticket Agent, or correspond with, L\ M. North. A. G. P. A. I.. P. Green. T. P. A. Savannah Ga. ThomasviRe, Ga. 1 U. T. Morgan, T. P. A. T. J. Wright, Agent, I Savannah Ga. Brunswick. Ha j The cleaneat, moat convenient, effective and economical Oil Stove for cooking ever made—on* that thouldbe in every kitchen—is the <S%bretm-<2/itiibmaGc Oil Stove It bum* ordinary kerosene oil, but there are no bothersome tricks. The heat is concentrated directly on the cooking— none is wasted. Reduce* fuel expense. . The flame is con trolled by a lever. This means that you can instantly regulate the flame at any desired height, a distinctive feature found m no other oil stove. Remember that the name “Florence, ** whether on a five-burner Oil Stove or on a single-burner Lamp Stove, •lands lor lltc best in OilStoves. We also make the Florence Ovens cod Limp Stoves. Fur Solo Uf Walker-11 >nd FaraltoreCi. I4j4« by Tti* romtu eu s css rave co.. a L Ex—lltSTf iji J fWMIY. ** sssnxx. msss. These couches are made en- entirely of steel and equip ped with genuine National Springs. Have steel rollers and are finished in gold bronze. Folded it is a neat couch, open a large comfor table bed. We sell it' com plete with cotton mattress and pillow, for $8.50 . S2.00 per month. 'EFsrs-zt Our Line o/ Daven port Beds at - - Are absolutely the Best Values on the market. G si ran lea Our Pr :sr> to Save You SS-wy. 27.59T045.