Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 13, 1911, Image 4

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Sw »T r',•’•'*• ~r’V ." ; •• - - . , SBPT.-4V t«li ™rr-r Personal MIm Carrie Parham Social Editor ■•., - ••■•». - - ; ■. wtroyiaDAT; sayf fl.'TInr"' QOtNQ AFTER L- To* Dec* dUafect KRESO DIP No DEPENDABLE PENSIVE INF: US* GEM PUARIHALY T. S. Paine, inve&'yoiir Money In Purina Feed Purina Chicken Feed Purina Biddie Feed Purina Horse Feed No Waste To It It’s All Good to Eat 100 Sacks fust Arrived Mr. W. T. Wtllets la Bpending some days at Norfolk, Va. r Mr. C. L.*Johnson,.of Bartow, Fla., is a visitor to Waycross today. Sir. Jerry Sanders, of Waycrosi, is islting relatives at Fitzgerald. Mica Florle Griffin left today for Macon to enter Wesleyan Female Col lege. Capt. O. D. Wood has returned from a stav of several weeks in the moun tains of North Carolina. Mr. Alex Bonnyraan, of the A. B. & A., with headquarters in Atlanta, was guest of LaGrande today. ' Watch This Space For Announcement of Humphreys and Williamson Mr. S. Bass, Jr., of Columbus, Ga., was among the guests at the Vlrdle yesterday. Miss Fay McGee has gone to Gaines vllle to resume her studies at Brenau College. A GOOD RESOLUTION to make and keep Is to patronize this Livery when you are in need of a first class turn out for any purpose. Wo can supply your wants, prompt and moderately. Give us an oppor- tunlty to show you how well we can; please you. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery «.nd Safes Stables, febeau 8t. Waycroaa, Ga. PHONE NO. M. Phone 62 Or 301- /. W. S. Hardy 8UCCESSOR TO HApDY BROS. D S SCHUREMAN ARCHITECT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, Rockford, HI. Plans for any kind cf building pre paired and structural Iron work of all kinds. Correspondence solicited. Will be located permanently In Way cross SHE WOULD FAINT Mrs. Della Long Unable to Stand On Her Feet More Than a Few * Minutes at a Time. A CLOSE INSPECTION Is whn* nlwnjs happens when you are nu*» taco to face 51 BY A LAUNDRY CRANK. He may bo a friend, but he Inslits on scrutfJilrlnK your linen. Bo on the safe and sure side and hnvo us do LAUNDRY WOR KTHAT IS IRRESISTIBLE. 3«V- IPs as cheap as "slop” work and n "hean'* better. -Jv*’ ! Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY KILL MORE THAN WILD 3E48TS The number of people k.lled, yearly •y wild beasts don't nprroach the •mat number killed by disease germs Vo life Is safe from their attacks rhey’re In air, water dust, even food Rut grand protection la afforded by Slecirlc B.ttvra, which destroy and txpel these deadly disease germa >om the system. That's why chills, •ever and ague, all malarial and auny bfood diseases yield promptly » this wonderful blood purifier. Try them, and enjoy the glorious health and new strength they’ll give you. Money back, if not satisfied. Only kOe at All Drugflita. FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND U effective for counts and co’da to either children or grown pereone. No opiates no harmful drags. In the * yellow package. Refuse acbetltntoi am > * turn Pendergrass, Os.—Mrs. Della Long, of-thts place, In a rccont letter, says: "For fire or six years, I suffered agon ies with womanly troubles. Often, I couldn’t sit up more than a few minutia at a time, and if I stood On my feet long, I would faint. I took Cardul, and It helped me Im mediately. Now, I can do my work all the time, and don't suffer like I did.” Take Cardul when you feel ill In any way—weak, tired, miserable, or under tho weather. Cardul is a strength- building tonic medicine for women. It has been found to relievo pain and Regular meeting of Waycross Lodge No. 97, I. O .0. F., tonight. A full attendance is urged. Miss Mary Martin has returned af ter spending the summer in Savannah and North Georgia. Bunn-Bell College has over a hun dred students already enrolled, and more a’coming. Success to Bunn-Bell. It is one of our finest Institutions. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Redding return ed yesterday from a visit of several weeks to point*’ in Maine and New York. Mr. George C. Smith, of Fitzgerali superintendent of the A. B., & A.;, was among the guests pt the Phoenlk Hotel yesterday. The Loyal Order of Moose had an interesting meeting last nlgght. Fif teen candidates were initiated fnto the mysteries of Moosedom. „ „ „ . , tlon In the prices of groceries and Mr. George F. Dickson, train mas- can be secured at 54 Reed street. 7 tf - , . „ , , , e foodstuffs generally, but there' ter of the A. B. & A., with head quarters in Fitzgerald, was among the isitors to Waycross today. It is very likely that Mr. S. T. Benton will be a candidate for Al- distress caused by womanly "troubles, derman from the Fourth Ward. His announcement will probably appear within tho next few days. , hand'at all times. Cardul acts on tho womanly consti tution, building up womanly strength, toning up tho nerves, and regulating the womanly organs. Its half century of success Is due to merit. It has done good to thousands. Will you try it? It may be Just what you need. Ask your druggist about Cardul. He will recommend it N. B- Write tn : Ladles' Advisory Dot..putts* snot* Medklna Co., Chatt*noo»*.Ter«n.,for_ Special Instructions, anj hook, ’Horn# tar Women," mm to plain wrapper, on r*i< 000|000000<>00 o JI-TBREWTON <> DENTIST. O 420-432 IoiGrnnde Building O O Waycross, Georgia. O OOOOOOOOOOOO WOODMEN OP, THE WORLD. CAMP 161. Mil.! first and third Thursday •». each aF*nth. Masonic Hall. Richard L Singleton. C. C- D. P. \l *0’ley. Clerk. Mr. Robert L. Picking, who holds a responsible position In the office at the A. C. L. shops, is spending some days on a pleasure trip to points In Tennessee and Alabama. Mrs. James E. Hayward and chll dren, who bus been visiting her moth er, Mrs. G. W.. Leo, returned to. Quitman, accompanied by Miss Kate I.ee. Miss Bessie Dunn returned this morning from a visit to Kinston, and UiC.rnngty N. C. Miss Ruth Dunn will remain in Kinston until next Big supply of card ooard, all col- .♦rs* Just received at Herald. tf The ladies of the Presbyterian church are busy getting ready for their usual Xmas sale of fancy arti cles of all kinds. The ladles have been holding these sales for several years during the month of December and have decided to open tho ^ale this year on December 12th. WANTED—100 Turkeys at once, un- j der 3 months old. Apply Waycross; Poultry Farm, L. L. Ray, Mgr. Box ! 448. | PRES. +AFT AND GOV. 8MITH. FOR RENT—seven room nouee, 43 i . . . .... | Atter signing and vesting tile many Gilmore street. Apply W. B. Elllhg- ^ fcy Congre#8 and ^ ton, LaGrande Build ng. 1 t Geor gj a Legislature, may try to think up some plan to bring about a reduc- BOARDERS WANTED—Good board FOR SALE—BEAUTIFUL NEW PIANO. PRICE $250. TERMS EASY, j THE PIANO 13 JU8T OUT OF THE , 1 FACTORY, HA8 NEVER BEEN US- ! ED. 13 tf I FOR RENT—Store house, cofher Mary and Pendleton, formerly occu pied by J. S. Knight Apply to U. Bennett 9-5-tf LOST—Small puppy, tan color formation will be appreciated. Phone 13 tf FOR SALE—One standing desk and one extra large flat top double desk, Derby make, and good as new. Bar gain for some one. Phone 494. 13 5t FOR RENT—Room at 51 Parallel St. or phone 462. 1 13 lm FOR RENT—Rooms near cour. house in Parker House, also black smith shop to be used as shopor for storage on Parallel street Apply Mrs. C. Parker, 19 Church street 13 tf FOR SAL*:—Anyone desiring a nice fancy outfit It can be found for sale at Sutton Grocery Co. Horse, rubber-tire runabout and harness; all practically new,-can be bought reasonable. Haines avenue. Phone V 13 tf CABINET WORK. I am still at the same old stand, 22 Brewer street, and prepared to do all kinds of cabinet work, upholstering, trunk repairing, etc. Having done your work 'for the past six yean 1 think I know how to give yon the lad of work yon want When you need any repairing done, remember J. L WAITE. The old reliable Cabinet-Maker. ZZ Brewer street, phone 284. 22 tf 's one thing certain, and that is, tho people In Wry cross and surrounding country aio not waning for ray such, mo -o on the part of those gentlemen, but they are saving now by going direct to where they can cut down expenses at once and that’s to May's Mill and Supply Store, next to city water works. r AN UP-TO-DATE DRUGGIST aays it is surprising how many old- fashioued remedies are being used, which goes tq show^hat it it hard to improve some of our grand mothers’ old, time-tried remedies. For instance, for* keeping the hair dark, soft and glossy, nothing equal ing our grandmothers’ "sage tea’’ has ever been discovered. Although, by the addition of sulphur and other In gredients, this old*fashIoned brew has been made more effective as & acalp tonic and color restorer. Nowadays when our hair comes out or gets faded or gray Instead of going to the garden or garret for herbs and making the "tea" ourselves, we simp ly go to the nearest drug store and ask for a bottle of Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. Druggists are authorized to sell it under guarantee that the money will be refunded if it fails to do exactly as represented. This preparation Is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle and is recommended and sold by WILLIAM R. THOMAS, M. D. Offices 329 and 331 LaGrande , Building. S-j- Hours: 9 to 11; 2 to 4. Big stock ladies ready to wear felt hats. Humphreys & Williamson. DR. JNO. T. DIXON Specialist On Cancer and Dropsy. Office, Kimbal House, Waycross, Ga. Will do general practice day and night. Calls answered promptly. 5 or 6 doses "666” will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25 ecu ts. 7-20-tf WAYCROSS LODGE No. 303. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 8:00 P. M. All Maion, Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W- J. CLARK, 8EC, Cream '-English Cotton Suiting with email blank stripe, 33c. Humphreys & Williamson. J T TURNER ARCHITECT. Office LaGrande Building. P. O. Box S Waycross, Georgia. ' * NOTICE PROPERTY OWNER8 Weeds and grass muBt be cleared from lots as required by city ordi nance. This work must be done at- once and within the next ten (10); days. 2 tf 1 D. M. Bradley, Health Officer. * .Buy Your COAL At Summer] Prices. j 1000 Tons of Virginia Blue Gei JelicoCoai (I»£ AA Per Ton Hi at If bought before Sept. 15th. 1000 Cords of ft a pa p e r Stove Wood at Cord Williams Coal & Wood Co. Phone tS&r-- —J - * JI Williams, Mgr.