Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 13, 1911, Image 5

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TCESIWr; SEPTT l^Ult ©OOOOOOOCOdOji^OCiO Eggs. 4 WE ARE NOW RECEIVING CASES NO. 1 CANDLED TENNE8- •SEE EGGS EVERY WEEK. WE CAN 8ELL CHEAP IN CASE LOTS. TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, mi Mr. and Mrs. Bin * Savannah, are visitor Henseveld Is the well & Crew representative. '. sngeveld, ol the city. Mr. nown Phillip/ Mrs. Charles Lang and children re turned this week to their home In Waycrosa after a visit to relatives in the city.—fiYunswick News. DON’T BUY OLD COLD 8TORAGE EGGS WHEN YOU CAN GET FRESH TENN ESC I EGGS. Yard ,wide Sea Island,.. 5 cents per yard. Humphreys & Williamson. Sheriff David Ricket3on, of Doug las, is In the < ity today,* having been summoned here to appear as a wit ness in a case in the Cliy Court. Leading Grocers. Wilson Block. Phone 128 •o«oooooo«oooo*o* Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”,. “Yer Best Smokers”, and ‘Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana f^led Cigars. Manufactured In Wo)fcrsaa, da* ®V’ PITTMAN CIGAR CP The friends o’ "Mr. Josh Dinkins will regret to learn that lit Is quite sick with fever at his home in Gilchrist Park. Statomont of tho Condition of the EXCHANGE BANKOF WAY8R083, Located at Waycross, On., at the close of business September 13, 1911. RESOURCES. Time I.oafli 8148,477S3 .Overdrafts, secured 1,375.50 Furniture and Fixtures 4,000.00 Other Real Estate .. 'ue from Banka and Bankers In this State ....' 3,035.14 Due from panks and Bankers In other States 312.35 Currency ........810,829.00 | Gold 40.001 Silver. Nickels, etc.,'2,038.511 Cash Items 110.50 (-14,100.13 Clearing House ... .1,082.12 | AT THE FRONT flfou have to ho on your guard II jou ar ecaught napping, It lnvltea disaster. WAYCROSS BUSINESS COU.SOS GRADUATES ARE NEVER 8LEEPY HEADS. They are sought alter by men of affairs. You find them In leading foiltlops or trust. Our DIPLOMA Is an open se-same to position and preferment. Our specialty is to fit you for business; to make the pay-roll larger; to In- erdase the salary of the “big man." Enter At Any Time. Waycross Business College Waycroia, Ga. R. F. Zelglar, Pres -* KILLS FLEAo, CURES MANGE, BICAISE’8 MANGE CURE BICAISE’S THROAT WASH, WILL cure Black Tongue In-Dos or any ulcerated condition of the throat. For sale by Seale Pharmacy. 5 8t We handle the famous Mascot cook stove, every ono a winner. Cash or easy terms. Home Furniture Company, 26 tt Plant and Albany Avenue. Serious Xt is a very serious matter to msk j for one medicine and have the [ wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine— BLack-BsHT Liver Medicine The repata'Jaa of this old, relia- I ble medicine, fer constipation,’ in digestion end liver trouble, ia firm ly established. It docs not imitate other medicines. It i3 better than others, or It would not be the fa- | vorite liver powder, with a larger [ gale than dl others combined. SOLD U TOWN P2 Don’t forget that W. J. Parker con ducts a Apt class market, and will appreciate your patronage. Phone !«. •■If JEFFERS—HACK. Miss Gladys Virginia Jeffers, and Mf. Arthur G. Hack, were married yesterday afternoon at the homo of the brides parents on Jane street. Rev. Cook officiating. Tho wedding was a quiet affair, only a few friends and relatives of the contracting par ties were present. After the wedding the happy couple left on train No. 22, for Wilmington, N. C., their fu ture home. Miss Jeffers was one of Waycross', most charming young ladies, and will be. greatly missed by her many friends. Mr. Hack has many friends In Way- cross, having worked for the A. C. L. here several years, and at present Is employed as train despatcher for tho company at Wilmington, N. C. The Herald wishes for them a long and happy married life, and extend congratulations to the young man In winning such a charming young lady. The porch and lawn party given at the home of Mr. and Mrj. J. G. Blain last night for the benefit of the pipe organ fund.of the Presbyterian church was a most successful and charming affair. T\e broad, long porches were attractively lighted and arranged for the occasion. Mlssor Me ta Nichols and Etienne Goddard pre sided at the pretty lemonade booth. Misses Gladys Porter, Mildred Car- son and Lucnb P'nnard at the candy table, while the matrons served cream and cake. One especially interesting feature was tho gypsy tent where your realy truly fortune was told by gypsy maid. An informal musical program was enjoyed during the eve ning. Those contributing to the mus ic were Mrs. HowelT; Mrs. Seals, Miss Adams, Mr. Bowler and others. $169,967.03 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In .... $75,000.00 Surp.us Fund 4,550,00 Undivided Profits, less Current # Expenses, Interest and Taxes Paid 1,389.37 Individual Deposits subject to Cheek 58,330.42 Savings Deposit 10,230.19 Cashier’s Checks 4G7.0! Bills Payable, Including Time Certificates representing Bor rowed Money 20,000.00 $169,967.03 Stato of Georgia, County of Ware. Before me came W. H. McRae, Cashier of the Exchange Bank of Way cross, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing state ment is a true condition of said Bank ad shown by the books of file in said Bank. W. H. McRae. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of September, 1911. C. C. Buchanan, Jr., Notary Public Ware Co., Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Leitch, who have been "boarding at the Phoenix' Hotel for some time, have resumfed housekeep ing in kho expectation of the early return of their mother, Mrs. High- smith, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Highlmith in New York City for the past summer. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Die Kind You Haie Always Bought Bears the Signature of g shipment of boys' and misses school shoes Just received. Shoes that will wear well. Humphreys & Williamson. Mr. George B. Hack, of Ludovici, was in town yesterday to attend the wedding of his cousin, Mr. A. G. Hack. a Mr. Sam B. Lewis, formerly of this city, but who is now engaged in the mercantile business at Nicholls, was in Waycross today greeting his many friends. Mrs. J. B. Nunez, formerly of Way- cross, now of Lyons, Ga., Is spending several days In the city. Mrs. Nunez haf a number of friends here, and tkey are Always delighted to see her. FOR C0N8TIPATI0N. t A Medicine That Does Not Cost Any- thing Unless It Satisfies.. The active medicinal ingredients of Rexall Orderlies, which is odorleis, tasteless and colorless, Is an entirely new discovery. Combined with othejr extremely valuable ingredients, it forms a perfect bowel regulator, intes tinal invlgorator and strengt'aener. ftexall Orderlies are eaten like candy, and are notable for their agreeable- ns? to th palate and gentleness of ac tion. They do not cause griping or any disagreeable effect or inconven ience. Unlike other preparations for a like purpose, they do not create a habit, but instead they oveicome the cause of habit acquired through the use ot ordinary laxatives, cathartics and and harsh physic, and permanently re move the enuso of constipation or ir regular bowel action. We will refund your money without argument If they do not do as w 0 3ay they will. Three sizes, 60c, 25c and 10c.. Sold only at our store—The Rex all Store. Tho Seals Phnrmacy. A5 AT THE MAJESTIC. .Th* picture pnigrammO for -tonight j will be as .follows: j Film No. 1. “Love Is Best'’, The j storfc—country girl possessed with a | marvelous voice' becomes discontent-j ed-and longs for an operatic caregr, attracts attention of thearical mana-1 ger While singing in church; leaves j parents and lover and goes clandes tinely to the city-.. Where she gets an! engagement, meets with success and ' becomes a reigning favorite. Becom-1 lng without means her .friends de- j Bert her in her adversity. Discourag ed she returns to her old home and lover and ls> given royal welcome. A story with a moral and one that will appeal to all. Film No. 2. “The Picnic”, a come dy picture produced by tho Powers Picture Company. In addition to the act that we have “Throne and Throne,” In their origi nal comedy act, the “Italian and the Soubrette", we will offer the patrons of this cosy little Theatre "Miss Marie Harding", that captivating dancer, do ing a very clever kid ini personation and chaacter dancing. Don’t fail to be here for this dquble show. L. J. COOPER, Prurdont J, W. BELLINGER, Cltftlor. ' Jl, A pproval of the < . candies that bear this name has been won by pur ity—goodness—variety. .And this high quality is assured to you by sealed boxes and • fast express. Nunnally’s is always fresh. Bankiim !V!?_de Convenient For all at this Bank. Wo are conveniently located, offer every facility for promptness in banking, and wish to do buslneis wth YOU. For security, note our resouroes of more than Three Quarters of a Million Dollars. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. 8AFETY DEPOSIT VAULT8. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 Good Calico 5 cents per yard. Humphreys & Williamson. Announcement Extraordinary Sleeping Car Service Between Way- cross and Atlanta, via: A B. & A. R. R. APALACHIAN EXPOSITION KNOXVILLE, TENN. SEPTEMBER 11TH, OCT. 1ST, I9U. EXCURSION RATES VIA A. B. & A. An Exposition devoted to the development of the Appa lachian region of the South in genernl. Splendid exhibits of the South's resources.; Tickets on Rale September 9th to October 1st, inclusive, with return limit October 7tli. ASK THE TICKET AGENT W. H. Leahy, O. P. A. E. H. Fell, A. G. P. A. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A. Atlanta, Georgia. NoMoreGrayHair Wyeth, a modern chemlit, i has discovered an Ideal Hair Restorer which removes dan druff, relieves Itching scalp, stops hair tailing and Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color v WYETH’S saGE*°SULPHur HAIR REMEDY All healthy hair contains sulphur. When the hair does dot contain asulliclentamount ol sulphur. It loses Its color, dies and (alia out. Wyeth'* Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy quickly corrects this condition. A Wonderful Cora My hslr woe setting quite gray and falling out rapidly, and 1 waa troubled with a torrlbla itching of the acalp. My head waa full of dandruff, I beard of your Rage and Sulphur for the hair. i and uaed It and almoat benefited by It. A few “*•- “ Mng. my i " i 11! 1 I It la _ dark brown coldr, aoft, gloary and pltsbh I got a bottla and uaed I at once waa bent ippllcatlona relief lalra' hair atopped falling c came back to Ita natural < The Meed of Pure Drugs Effective with first car leaving Wny- rross 8:00 p. m., Monday September 4fh. The A. B. & A. have FeCured fo* rthis service elegantly appointed electric-lighted sleeping cars, equip ped with all modern conveniences One Big Advantage You may secure your sleeping* car space at the ticket office, Union Sta tion, at any time prior to your trip, diagrams gre kept continuosuly open. TheA. B. & A. Railroad represents the “Standard of Excellence In Service.” Schedule of Sleeping Car Line. Leave Waycrosa 8:00 p.m. Arrive Atlanta, 0:40 a.m. Leave Atlanta 10:15T>.m. Arrive Waycros, 8:45 a.ra TRAVEL “THE RIGHT WAY.” C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. j UNION JEWELRY STORE \V. H. Leajy, o. P. Atlanta, Go. Vetenarian. ! Watchmaker, end Engravers. All Kind A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. j t» Albany Aveaue. Waycroia, Cl j Of Jtwalry Repairing. It. E. Camp, T. A., Waycross, Oa. j Day and Night Phono 188. 108 Plant Avo. Waycroia, Ga. THEREFORE WHEN YOU HAVE A PRESCRIPTION 8ENO IT T O U8 OR CALL AND WE WILL 8END AFTER IT. THE VERY PUREST AND FREBHE8T OF EVERYTHING IN DRUGS, A COMPLETE LINE O* TOILET ARTICLES AND RUBBER GOODS. PHONE 68 J. C. PAYNE,. Druggist The Store With the Open Front. B. A. ROflH. Sharon. Mercer Co., Pa. Price 50c. and $1.00 a bottle At All Druggists If your draontat doca not keep It aend the pries In atanipa to tba WYETH CHEMICAL CO. » . 1 Corllandt St.. N. Y. City and yon will rcectva n large bottle expreae prepaid. rnrr A **e Cake ol Wyetfe'e Nape k’Hrr and Sulphnr Toilet Soap Free to anytne who will send us thin e Ivertisement with 10c In stamps to cover "pit ol wrapping and mailing the soap. Col, Roosevelt ridiculed peace trea ties and says that no sensible man would believe In them. He might go further and say that no sensible tnau would keep the peace, but his saying co would not make it so. *'» ,*» ' *»» j* • »» » - • i ► v.-., . • ** ’ a • -< Atlanta is going to vote on her now charter, regardless of the fact that the bill which Hoke Smith signed was so full of errors that they do not know whether it will stick or not. Still Atlanta wMPhare a lively cam paign, and excitement is what »he ui- ually wants. • *