Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 13, 1911, Image 7

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WEDNESDAY. 8EPT. IS. 1911. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1911. • GEORG 1A SOUTME. .\ AND FLO'RDA RAIL. VAY The Popular Houle lu ail I oInis Wo, th and . ,9/ , ’ _ ThtoaghTralna Id connection wltb A. C. L„ from Wtycrofi via lifter ui uacoo ATtANTA, KNOXVILLE, CHAT ' ... CA. NASHVU.LE. ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, AND CINCINNATI. , 1 otloacbe. and Pullman .leepers 90 through without change. Dining -^Car Service. TRAINS OF A., IUU. R, CONNECT AT COROElE WITH TRAINS OF G. S. A F, RAILWAY FOR MACON ATLANTA AND ALL P0INT8 NORTH AND SOUTh. - ' FOR INFORMATION AS TO RATES, ROUTES, OR SCHEDULES TO ANY POINT NORTH OR WE8T, APPLY TO ANY AGENT OF THIS COM PANY, OR ADDRESS. C. B. Rhodes, G. P. A, I, W. Jamison, T, P. A, MACON QA. MACON OA. MaaaaMeiaiaaaeoaweeeee' WILLIAMS’ BLACKSMITH Shop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT STREET, OPPOSITE WILLIAMS STREET. WHEELRIGHT AND REPAIRING. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY, RUBBER TIRES PUT ON WHILE fpsoKMuanmocnafi fi PlFESSlUL ns.1 Be jKMWJPNaMBal v 0000000000o o H LESTER MARVIL ° O Formerly Lott, Fain & Co O O FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND O O EMBALMER8. O O Telephone 500 Day or Nght O O' Private Chapel and Morgue O o0000000000o 00000000000o O WL HINSON & CO <> O UNDERTAKERS O O AND .O EM8AL-MERS. O Phone 91 and 153, O 0OOOOOOOOOO 1911 1911 «jp» ujw *Jv» *9* 0OOOOOOOOOOo WILSON o BENNETT « & LAMBDIN o O Attorney! & Counselora At Law O o'OOOOOOOOOO O O OOOOOOOOOO o DR LEWIS o JONATHAN BURCH ■ PRACTICE LIMITED TO Eye, Ear, Noae, Throat and Chronle Dlaeaaaa, Residence 166 Plant Ave. O Office Redding Building. O Office Houra: I to II 1. a O 2 to 6 p. m. colored people. O OOOOOOOOOO0 NIGHT SERVICE-NEW TRAIN to To Ashville and"The Land of the Sky*' Country ] ^7 TU SOUTHERN RAILWAY LAND OF THE SKY SPECIAL. Lv. Jacksonville 9:05 pm Ar. Tyron 11:50 an. Lv. Jesup 10:50 pm Ar. Saluda - 12:25 pa Ar. Columbia .*.. 6:50 am Ar. Hendersonville 1:00 pn , Ar. Asheville 2:10 pm ’ Through Pullman, Drawingroom, Broiler-Buffet Sleeping Car and elM trie lighted coach, JackaonvvIUe to Asheville. For full Information concerning rate*, schedules, etc., call on or Id ) dreae- 1. L. MEEK, A. O. P. A., C. 4. CARSON, JR., T. P. A, Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ca. OO,OOOOOOOO O O A FLEMING M D o O Office over. Gem Pharmacy O O In Southern -Building. O OOOOOOOOOOOo OOOOOOOOOOOo O BYCK ELECTRIC o o SUPPLY CO o O All Kinds of Electrical Work O O and Suppllei. O O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. O O 20 Lott Street. Phone 299. O OOOOOOOOOOOo O OOOOOOOOOO 0 O BenJ. J. Parks Harry b. Heed O o PARKS & REED <> O ATTORNEYS AT LAW. O O ' Southern Hotel Building. O O WAYCHOSS, — GEORGIA. O O OOOOOOOOOO |C Brunswick & Florida Steamboat Company. . (CUMBERLAND ROUTE), TOUCHING Brunswick. Jekyl,Cumberland, Fern CLOSE CONNECTIONS WITH ALL TRAINS TO AND FROM BRUNS WICK; ALSO S. A. L. AT FERNANDINA, FLA. v A fine view of the Club house at Jekyl; the Home of the Caraeglca ant tbe finest Beach on the Atlantic Coast. LEAVING: RETURNING: , Leave Brunawlck 8:30 a m. Leave Fernandina 2:30 p. in Arrive Cumberland 10:30 a. m. Arrive Cumberland 6:30 p. m Arrive Fernandina 1:30 p. m. Arrive Brunswick 7:30 p. m. FIRST CLASS PA8SAGE TO FERNANDINA, FLA., ....»1.5S ROUND TRIP 92-00 SPECIAL 8ATURDAY ONLY, ROUND TRIP 75o RAILROAD MILE AGE HONORED. Atlantic Coast l-ine Schedule. ARRIVALS AT WATCROS8. DEPARTURES. From Savannah •rain 189 5:60 am For Je.up and Savannah ,, .12:50 pm Train 68 .5:65 an , ,R!55 pm Train 182 19*25 aa *'" J “ 11 ,10:10 pm Train 180 •7:Jo ,n From Montgomery rnjn pn .... 6:16 am Train 27 ..6:10 pn iVtln 18 n _ 6:45 urn Train 189 ........ ........ .6:10 an< From Balnbrldge A Thoma.vllle Train 67 .10:26 ga Prom Alban/ Train 93 4:65 am [tain 91 0:65 am Crain 97 9:00 pm From Chlcagu and Nortweet " G Special (via Albany)....4:65 am Dihie Flyer (via Tlfton)....6:86 am touth Atlantic Limited 6:36 am ' From Brunswick train 10 1:40 am Tr*lA 90 6:00 pm From Jacksonville Train 22 6:66 pm Train 22 10:16 pm Train 16 10:25 pa Train 92 10146 pm From Tampa. High Sprtig* -via Du pont Trv* 4? 7:2Sp»i rr, *M* For through Scheduler, »-jllmai> Mssmetlons, ate. Call On ~ia.lL North. K 0. J». A. B. E. Camp, Ticket Agent 4^ _ ___ Savannah ,Cv. Wtsmee, Os. For Bainbridge and Thomas rill e. Train 186 1:00 pp For Albany Train 93 10:50 pn Train 96 7:54 an Train 90 ..., 6:10 pn For Chicago and Northwest L C. Special (via Albany).- 10:60 *■ Dixie Flyer (via Tilton) ....10:10 pa South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:20 go • For Rrunawlck Train 91 10:10 aa Train 97 .6:10 PD For Jacksonville Train 96 (Dixie Flyer 6:40 a« Train 93 .......... 6:00 an Train 33 6:45 an rain 21 6:15 pn For Tampa, High Spring* 6:00 aa OOOOOOOOOOOc JOHN S WALKER Attorney and Counselor At Law. Office up-stalrs Southern Hotel. WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. oo00 00000000 OOOOOOOOOOOo 0 DEEN& BURNETT <> O ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE O O Room 308 La Qrando Bldg. O O Waycrosa, Oa. O OOOOOOOOOOOc o000000000c <>•• W J GASSETT o O CONTRACTOR A BUILDER O Resdenc* 48 Margaret Street O Phone 103 Waycroas, Ga.. .O OOOOOOOOOOC OOOOOOOOOO0 O G R LOVELACE « O DENTIST O O Office In Redding Block, Over O O Star Clothing Store O OOOOOOOOOOO0 OOOOOOOOOOOc O ANDREW B ESTES <> O ATTORNEY AT LAW O O Room 27, Southern Hotel Bldg. O O Waycrees, Ga. O o0000000000e OOOOOOOOOOO0 O CL REDDING <> O ATTORNEY AT ^W. O O Upatalra Redding Block. O O WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA. O o c<0 00000000 e 000 00000000 c TL J CARSWELL PH. G. M. D. Dlaeaae* ef Children; Diseases of Women; Obsterlcs. residence 166 Plant Ave. Phone 615. Offlc* In Walktr Building Phone 628. MACON, GEORGIA W. E. Dunwody, President. BIGGER BRIGHTER, BETTER Than Ever Before $12,000 In Prizes, Fine Poultry Show Great Display of Breeded Slock Six-Day Aviation Meet $1,000 Fireworks Nightlyj Fine Band Concerts At All Hours Ml A MY FREE ACTS Rates On Railroads fetM 10-2*1111, Address Sec’y Harry C. Robert P „K£ 6RAYHAIR TALKS How often one hear* the ex- prcsslon, "She Is gray and is begin ning to look old.” It is true that gray hair usually denotes age and la always associated with ago. You never hear one referred to as having gray hair and looking young. Tho hair Is generally .the Index of age. If your hair Is gray, you can’t blame your friends for i .. ifrlng to you as looking old. You can’t retain a youthful appearance if you allow your hair to grow gray. Many per sons of middle age jeopardize their future simply by allowing the gray hairs to became manifest There is no necessity for this. If your hair has become faded or gray, try Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, tho preparation which a chemist by the name of Wyeth devised a few years ago. It Is simple. Inexpensive and practical, and will banish tho gray hairs In a few days. It la also guar anteed to removo dandruff and pro mote the growth of the hair. 4 It is a pleasant dressing for tho hair, and after using it a few days Itching and dryness of the scalp en tirely disappear. t w This preparation Is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle and is recommended and sold by CHEROKEE PHARMACY. Special low prices and easy term* on bed roon* suites, iron bed*, odd pieces, etc. We will please or re fund your,money. .Home Furniture Company, Plant and Albany Avenue. Yff, f i Advertise in The Wa/ciw Erenlny Herald. T)r. J. M. Spence, of Liberty county Florida, spent Wertensday night here the home of his brother. Col. J. till Spence. Dr. SDence's wife and 'tuerftter accompanied him and are spending several days hero with rela tives. Miss Spence Is on her way to attend school In Virginia. ft ft New fall Percals In light and dark 3t Humphreys L Wllllamcon. colors, 10c and 12 VZc. j fOmSHMEYPllt' WEKP your run At LaGrande Pharmacy THE PLACE TO 8PEND YOUR IDL E MOMENTS, WHER YOU CAN OeT ANYTHING IN ICE CREAM, SODAS, CANDY AND CIGARS. OUR STOCK OF TOILET ARTICLES ARE UN8U RPASSEO. Ph 7° 5 ne LaGrande Pharmacy. iorth dkotjia g^riniltural College C. R. GLENN, A. M., LL. D., Pretidtnt ■ Dahtonega, Georgia SPECIAL ADVANTAGES AT THIS INSTITUTION: 1st—Total Expenses Leas Than at Any Other College,— $135 to sirs Covert Board, Lodging, Book,, Fuel, Lightt, etc.. For Entire Year. 2d -Magnificent Climate; Mountain Locatlbn; Free from City Distraction.. 3d—Obedience, Order, Regularity and Self-Dependence Taught Every Student. • 'fjl? ' 4th—Finest Military Department and Cadet* Band in Ceofgia. Both Under Supervision of U. 8. Army Officer*. . .. • • . Kith—Boy, Live I - Offlcera. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS 0. R. GLENN, PRESIDENT * m