Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 14, 1911, Image 2
THURSDAY, SEPT. U, 1»1L SHJK • .; • ■fsVfrmaW"’- ■ I WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD THE EVENING HERALD .puhllihtd By THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perham, Sr. A. P. Parham, Jr. Edltsra and Proorietora. Mila Carrla Parham, Pcrasnal, Society and Local. The Waycroaa Herald founded In 1186. Tba Dally Herald founded In 1182 by A. P. Parbam. Br. Telaphonea DualntJa Offlca 85 Editorial Offle 86 Rraldanca 868. PYary Afternoon Except Sunday. '"T‘ A I^ Y ^ Two'youngs ten of i Office No. 8 Jane Street RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. „ Month $ .45 I Month* 11.25 f Month* $2.60 I Tetr $5.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notice*, card* of thanke, resolution- and notice* of entertain- moot*, wh^re charge* are made, will be charged at advertising rate* of 6 tents a line. , NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to*The Herald that do Sot receive the paper promptly and early will please rln? up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble It him, a* this I* the only mean* that We can aesure you prompt and early iellvery THE HERALD 18 THE Offlclal Organ of the United State* Court of the Foutheru District of Georgia. WAYCROSS. GA., SEPT. 14. 1911. The Homo 1 Lain deficit v ; Doll? • not to i !»u.io th ukh that rer- vhut t lunej Senator fur the senate. —+— Athens doe* not *ccjn to know any more about who will he Judge of her court than she did before Hoke made CAPTUpe^v Waycross, aged .2 and 15, probably tired of tho ■slow ness of that town, cac.t down t-j Bran wick yesterday without notify- In; tbelr parent* or anyone else and were bent on baring a real good time la a city where there “was something doing," but the youngster* were pick ed up before they had an o^i»ortun!ty to carry out their plana, and both of them spent last night in the city Jail, awaiting direction* from Waycrcw*. C hief Owen* received a telegram from Waycross yesterday, signed J H. Thomas, notifying him to look out for the youngsters. Member* of the force were notified and early last night Officer Drown picked up the runaway* on Newcastle street. They at Bnt denied that they had ever ?n to a town called Waycross, one Imlng that he lived here, while the other said he wag a resident of Ho boken and was visiting tue chap claimed Brunswick as iila home. I-ater however, they acknowleged that they were the hoy* wanted. It is expected that relative* of the two boy* will arrive In the city tbii morning to take them home.—Bruns wick New*. • - —■nrirnmrgii -r -mb' Children Cry for Fletcher’s If the aeroplanes kill a* many peo ple In war a* they do In peace there will not bn much left for the machine guu* and rifles. It I* currently reported In Atlanta that Dick lltiHsell is stronger than Pope Drown, but then you must re member that there is another Drown With 15 cent* for upland cotton and a tariff tax to protect *ea Island, the cotton farmer in Georgia would he right In it. —*— Hire grower* around Savannah are banting tin pan* to Tighten off the rioe birds. It will not be long before the rice bird* will become tame enough to enjoy the music. —+— Deport* indicate that the "unwrit ten law" Is belug overworked In At lanta and all over the country. Those who take up the unwritten law will suffer for It. It Is too closo to an* The Houston Post observe* that Hoke Smith will occupy only one seat on the Glidden tour. We do not know about that. Hoke Is said to have occupied a whole car ou one oc casion, after refusing to he seen In It because it happened to be a private car.—ValdoBta Times. *J«— The keel of Uncle Sam’i greatest battleship, the Newr York, was laid In the New York navy yard on Monday. It will have 27,000 tons displacement, which makes It more than twice as large as the Oregon and Indiana, which were of the 12,000 ton type. —*— . SPECIAL. I WILL SELL FOR THE MONTH OP AUGUST MAMOUTH BLUE GEM JELICO COAL FOR SIX DOLLARS PER TON. 9 1m. ANSLEY COAL COMPANY. FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS. Phone 135 EeL 1881 The Kind Ton Have Ho:.;;lit, and which has been in uso ior ovti f:0 yvare, ; as b.vmo the signature of —- : ■■’d has been made under Ills per- • ^nperriilnn since Its infancy. /, /. ;t j ri0 occ t 0 deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jnst-ns-good” arc but Experiments that trifle with ur.U endanger tho health of Inluuts end Chlldi-eii—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caxtorin Is a liArmJcan substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* Boric, Drops ana Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contain:; neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substauod. Its* ntjo J» its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishnc* <s. It cures Diarrlicea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation mid FJetiiicncy. J? tui»ijuil&tes the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowel*, glviim healthy and natural sleep. The Children a Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (Eears the Signature of The Kind You Rave Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TH« etltTAUR eOVWAHY. TV «*U«»HAr STREET NEW YORK CITV. wmmmmammmmm >51 *WWK t*M0**ft 1*8* PARSON'S POEM A GEM. From Rev. H. Stubrnvoll, Allison, la., In praise of Dr. King’s Now Life pi;:*. "They’re such a health necessity, In every homo these pills should he. If other kinds you've tried In vain, USE TOR. KING'S And be well ngalu.” Only 25c at All Orugslsts. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan to colored people with good security. L. J. Durch, Specialist T 2m Uoddtn* Bldg. Waycross, Ga. E8CAPED WITH HI5 LIFE. "Twenty-one years ago I faced an awful death," writes H. B. Martin, Port Harrelson, S. C. "Doctors said A theatrical manager complains that Macon, Ga., in the most "unre sponsive" show town In the state. H i. better for the actors that the audh'iice* should be unresponsive than that they should throw turnips, rutabagas and lion fruit at tho foot- light artists. 1-—- That’s a bad crowd of citizens in Atlanta who are objecting to tho new charter. Judge John Candler, Judge George Hillyer, Dr. George Brown, ^ ^ad consumption and tho dreadful J»me» I. Key u.-.d R. ||. Blackburn cm, *» 1 h » a ,00 ' tC(l >'*• "• *“™ nr., ttoiue of ihe .Inner* who \vould I tried everything I could dure oppose the new form of govern- honr of - for my cou 3 h * **nd was uti- f der tho treatment of tho best doctor In Georgetown, S. C., for a year, but ' could get no relief. A frlond advised When Henry Bennie .at In hi. ( Bli) to , ry Pr King*, New Discover- Cell In Ihe county jail at Chcaterflcld. , dld ao> and wa , c ,,, y cur> , d . V“- “"<• J »>“' <»™>» Jury I feel that l owe my life to thla treat lug tao old religious hymns on Sun-1 , hr oat aa( j Iung cure." Its positively day evening; when lu> found out that guaranteed for coughs, colds, and all they were "wrestling In prayer" over I bronch leal altcctlons. 60c nnd 11.00. hi. case, be ought to have known I rria | b oitle free nt All Drugs!.!*. v.lmt was coming. He ought to have realized that hie case out in tho H AY FEVER AND BUMMER COL.1S hand, of a bunch of ruseod. perhaps , Mult be rellered quickly and Fol- Ullterate, bu( honest men who were fy -, Honey and Tar Compound will going to do what they believed right. do tt g. M. Stewart, 1084 Wolfram They w ere not drawing any line de-) RtreeL Chicago, writes: "I have ductlon* from hypothetical question*, j been greatly troubled during the hot but they were going to try to reach ,nmmcr months with Hay Fever and the right conclusion, and nearly every ! flDd t b s . by using Fcley-a Honey and man who has read any of tha evl- Tar Compound t get grest rellsf " donee lu the cn.e mu.t tcel that they Mlny ot hsrt who auffer atmtlarly came as near reaching a ri’.liteous w m he glad to benelt by Mr. verdlet as lu.riua rea.ou eanli.—Va!. Stewart's evperioace. Gem Pharma- dosta Time*. cy. T. 8. Pafna. PARK PLACE High class Subdivis* ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.Cm L. Shops. W. D. Morton, Agt. R00U NO. 1 Southern Hotel Blag ooooooooooooooooo <>0000000000000000 OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TD BUILD. 'PAY BACK IN FIVE YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENT8. WILL BELL YOU A LOT ON GAME TERMS—SEE USt Waycross Savings and Tru& Co ♦osoooo- -■vwwowoooooooociooooorvbG 1 Farming With Dupont High GradegDynamite NOW IE THE BE8T TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR STUMPS. THE HOTTER THE WEATHER THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKES TO DO THE WORK. LET ME GO OVER YOUR PROP ERTY WITH YOU. I KNOW I CAN SHOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORS PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATE*, when MAY I CALLT SEPT. STH. 1911. ' Sewing Machine MOTORS THIS COMPANY HAS FOR SALE A FEW MOTORS FOR USE ON SEW INC MACHINES. FOR THE NEXT TEN days WE OFFER THESE AT THE LOW PRICE OF FIFTEEN DOLLARS EACH AND WILL AR. RANGE TO GIVE THE PURCHAS- tRS VERY EASY PAYMENTS. THIS IS A SPLENDID CHANCE TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF THE CHANCE TO PURCHASE THIS MOST USEFUL OF HOUSEHOLD DEVICES. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO PLACE A MOTOR ON TRIAL AT YOUR HOME, AND REQUEST THAT IF YOU ARE IN- TERESTED TO CALL US ON THE PHONE. Ware County Light and Power Company. v We Are Headquarters For Everything in the HARDWARE LINE! . R. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. Ezee Lighting System WHY SHOULD YOU BURN MON EY WHEN AIR IS CHEAP. THE ONLY 8YSTEM THAT BURNS 96 PER CENT AIR AND 6 PER CENT 8T0VE GASOLINE. I J. C. CRANE, Expert Blaster. SSS£&feBi l '.A$k Watt-Hardware Co. waycross. Ga. Use \ Ezee Lighting „ System , t and you will always have light. . AGENTS WANTEOI— ' ’ -j THE LIGHT MAN, J. H. LEWIS WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. 1 1 -, 1 J 6