Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 14, 1911, Image 8

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    THURSDAY, SEPT. 14. lilt.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1911
Mr. W. J. Qaiiett, the wen known
September 13, 1911. *
Rev. R. J, McQualf, ot Manor, de
livered a moat Interesting -sermon
at tbe Union School House Sunday
and was board by a large crowd.
contractor, baa just completed a nice
8400m house for Judge J. L. Sweat
on Jane atreeL Mr. Gaaaett la also
remodeling tbe residence ot Mr. R.
M. Lewis on Jane street.
Tbe Herald Is authorised to anuosn- 1
:e that Mr. T. H, McGee will be a
madldate liar Mayor of Waycroas,
No. 106 Plant Ave.
Phone 449.
Ur. Dave Jordan, one of Ware coun-
tf*M best known citizens, fell this
morning and was injured. It waa at
first reported that one of Mr. Jordan's
legs wax broken by the fall, but later
It wss stated that thla was a mistake.
Mr. Jordan baa been in wretched
health for the past three or four
Big selection fail Ginghams,
calcs and Outings, 10c and 12 l*2c.
Humphreys Jt Williimcon.
Mr. W. O. Sedgwick, visited
friends and relatives in Homerviilc
last week.
Mr. W. I. McQuaig made a busi
ness trip to Manor last Saturday.
On Friday evening, Sept. 22, tbe
marriage of Miss L. and Mr. S. will
take place at the Young Men's Chris
tian Association. Tbe public general
ly Invited to attend the wedding,
promises to bo tbe most elaborate
social event ot the season, and It is
said that some of the coxtumes to be
worn are creations that will long be
remembered. September 22nd., Is the
The social party given Saturday
evening at the homo of Mr. and Mw.
D. N. McQuaig was quite a success
Per- J Among those attending, were Misses
Mary and Bes*.!* Allen, O' 1 He, Susie
snd Bessie Corbitt, Ruth McCormick,
Messrs D. J. and Newton Sweat, C.
B. Johnson, A. L. Hughes and F.
L, McQuaig.
Springs From Bed and 8tops Mother
From Ending Life In River.
Athens, Ga., 8ept. 13.—Mrs. Robert
Pierce, of this place, Jumped into the
Oconee river near her house last
night In attempt to commit suicide
but her life was saved through the
effort? of a daughter, who has been
variously ill for several days. The
girl seeing her mother going toward
the river, sprang from her bed, 11)
though rhe was, and ran to the river
just in time to see her mother leap
Into the water.
Rcreamlng for aid the girl also leap
ed Into the river and prevented her
from sinking. A white man nnd two
negroes, whose attention had been
attracted by the girl’s cries, soon ar
rived nnd anlstcd tho two women
from the water.
Mrs. Florae la said to have been
brooding of late over tho recent death
of a fclster at Fnlrvlew, 9. C.
The following letter lias been re
ceived by Mr. Ilaggurd, recommending
his salve:
Waycron, Ga., Sept. 6, 1911.
Mr. G. B. Haggard.
Mr. Clide Booth, of Manos, was a
welcome visitor in our town Saturday
r. L. W. Walker made
trip to Waycross Sunday.
Mr. f
was in <
A. Young, of Jacksonville,
■ town on business Monday.
Messrs D. N. McQuaig and A. A.
Allen went to Waycross Monday on
Mr. A. Gill returned to his borne in
Jasper, Fla., last Tuesday.
Mr. J. O. Ward visited his home In
Blockshear last Tuesday.
subject to the action of tbe Demo
erotic primary.
Official announcement of bii plat
form will ha published later.
To tbe Citizens of Waycross:
In making this, my announcemen
of my candidacy for Mayor of the
City of Waycross, I beg to say I do
so with tbe kindest personal feeling
for those who may oppose me.
expect, If elected, to look closely after
tbe affairs of the office of Mayor and
to spend the larger part of my time
In attending to the Important duties
of the offlee. 1 expect to make a fur
ther statement In regard to certain
matters later.
C. W. Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Mercer are
visiting friends and relatives near
Waycross this week.
Mr. Newton Sweat visited friends
In Waycross Tuesday.
To the Citizens of Waycross:
This is to inform you that I will
b e a candidate to succeed myself as
Mayor of Waycross, subject to the
Democratic primary, which will be
held some time In December. If elec
ted, I shall endeavor to give you dur
ing the next two years, as I have done
In the past two, a clean, honest and
conservative administration. I feel
that I am entitled to another term
partly duo to the fact that under our
new city charter I will be ineligible to
ter again for the third term. With
tho two years’ experience in city af
fairs I will have had at the close of
•Ms term, experience that better quail
..as mo to render ycu more efficient
ervice next term.. I will appreciate
?ur hearty support.
Yours very truly,
John M. Cox.
The Store <1 Grrat Values Where Yoor Credit Is Good.
One of Onr Great Extension Table
VALUES, exarfly like illustration, made of
finest quality thoroughly seasoned oak, ex
tra large hand carved claw feet, handsome
ly shaped pedestal, smooth running sides, 42
inch top extends to 6 feet, A PA*
A handsome Table at an
extremely low price,
A Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days.
Our extension tables are bought under contract tor our
large chain of stores. We buy for less, we sell for less.
An Unequaled Value
Mr. Willio Carter, of Savannah, vis
ited friends nnd relatives here last
Rev. E. F. Dcen, of Folkston, will
preach hero at the Methodist Church
Sunday/ September 17th, at 11 a. nr
and 7 p. m.
—F. L. M
G. R. Brinson Co., Guarantees Paris
ian Sage, the Real Hair Remedy.
You can abolish every particle of
Dear Sir:—Just n tew words in re* dandruff, you can stop itching scalp,
K«rd to your salve. About twenty-1 you can prevent hair from thinning or
one years ago I got my leg hurt nnJ ' falling out by using PARISIAN SAGE
It became n running sore. I’ve tried I which Is sold on money back pian.
all doctors that I could hear of, went | PARISIAN SAGE soaks Into tho
to the S.prlngs and stayed there seven j roots of the hair, and not only de
weeks, It would heal up and break strays the microbes that cause hair
out again about twice
month. 1
moved hers to Waycross from Brax
ton, Ga., Coffee county. I wa'j down
with It months at a time. 1 used two
boxer of your salve one year ago and
completely cured It. It gives ma
pleasure to commend It.
Mr. M. Clemens,
Police, A. C. L. R. U.
H Std It w Waycross, Ga.
troubles but furnishes to the hair jint
the kind of nourishment to make the
hair grow luxuriant and to put life
and beauty into It. The girl with
the Auburn hair is on every cartoon
and bottle of PARISIAN SAGE. Look
for it ns imitations ore numerous,
Large bottle 50 cents at Q. R. Brinson
Company nnd druggists everywhere.
Sept. B. 14, 28.
Are You Nervous?
What makes you nervous? It is the weakness of your
womanly constitution, which cannot stand the strain of the
hard work you da As a result, you break down, and ruin
your entire nervous system. Don’t keep this upl Take
Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is made from purely
vegetable Ingredients. It acts gently on the womanly organs,
and helps them to do their proper work, it relieves pain
and restores health, in a natural manner, by going to the
source of the trouble and building up the bodily strength.
Mrs. Grace Fortner, of Man, W. Va., took Cardui.
This is what she says about It: “I was so weak and
nervous, 1 could not bear to have anyone near me. I had
fainting spells, and I lost flesh every day. The first dose
of Cardui helped me. Now, 1 am entirely cured of fhe
fainting spells, and I cannot say enough for Cardui for 1
know it saved my life. 1 * It is the best tonic for women.
I Do you suffer from cr.y of the pains peculiar to women?
Tate l—-ul .i ;•/>.. h...i yon. Ask your druggist
i - T-a.
; wtRidilmBmiiwi. Tmmm Kit Wa^q," frr%. jso I
Waycross, Ga., Sept. 9, 1911.
To tho Citizens of Waycross:
I will be a candidate for nomina
tion as Mayor of Waycross in the
approaching primary. Within a few
days. 1 will publish n ■short statement
of the principles that I shall advo
cate In asking the voters of the city
to support me.'
(Signed) Harry D. Reed.
To the Citizens of Waycross:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for Alderman for the Second
Ward, City of Waycross, subject to
the ensuing white primary and axk the
support of all classes of citizens. I
pronto fidelity to the^lrust If confer
red upon me. „ ,
W. C. Butler.
To the Citizens of Waycross:
J hereby announce that I will he a
candidate to succeed myself, as Al
derman for the >ixth ward, subject to
the Democratic primary, to be held
some time in December. In maxing
this announcement, I wish to thank
the good people of Waycross for their
many kind words, and warm xupporf
while acting as their representative,
and If elected, 1 will try and servr
them as faithfully for the next two
Very truly yours,
• C. A. LeCount.
in a high class dining table. This is one of
the be& values we have ever offered.
Made of bedt quality white oak, the work
manship and finish of the bedt, the top i9 44
inches across, extends to 6 ft the modi elab
orate pedestal ever furnished with a table
at this price; exadtly like illustration.
Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days.
Monitor Ranges Best for 90 Years
GUARANTEE:—We warrant the castings in these ranges to be the
best mixture ot pig iron knowu for the purpose, workmanship, fitting*
and mounting to be unequahd, ilue corSiridtion to be perfedt. and that
they will bake and operate perfectly when connected in proper manner to
We handle these famous ranges in either, genuine OPEN HEARTH steel (guaran
teed not to rust), in Wellsville polished rolled steel, or in the best quality cast iron.
The prices are from $35 to $50- You can buy no better range at ANY price;
and none as good at a LOWER price.
Th« Herald I, authorized and re
queued to announce that Hon. J. E.
Bowden will he a candidate (or the
Stale aenator from tho Waycroa, dla
trici in the primary t-> hr called later
and >nal a plain .lateuient trill ap
pear some tlu.e li tei 13 tit
Beverly, Mara.. Sept. 14.—President
Taft'a vacation enda today, ao fy aa
Ma atay at bla summer borne la con-
-erned. Tomorrow morning, accom
panied by hla tecretary and the ever
recent iccret aervire offleera, he will
motor into Boaton and In the evenlir
do-nrt from that city on hi* t!,-
OO-rcEe tour to tho Ptc!3c cosat att
ack to Wathlngto*. — —
The cleanerf, most convenient, effective and economical Od Stove
for cooking ever made—one that should be in every kitchen—is tka
Oil Stove
It burns ordinary kerosene oil, but there are no bothersome
wicks. The heat is concentrated directly on the cooking—
none is wasted. Reduces fuel expense. The flame is con
trolled bye lever. This means that you can instantly regulate
the flame at any desired height, a distinctive feature found a
. no other oil stove.
Remember that the name
"Florence, ” whether on
a five-burner Oil Stove or oo
a tingle-burner Lamp Stow,
■lands for the fies/in CKiStovea.
We also make the Florence
Ovens and Lamp Stoves.
Far Bad. By
These couches are made en-
entirely of steel and equip
ped with genuine National
Springs. Have steel rollers
and are finished in gold
bronze. Folded it is a neat
couch, open a large comfor
table bed. We sell it com
plete with cotton mattress
and pillow, for
$2.00 per month.
SzOrtfr?TOO 11)45.
Are absolutely the Best Values on the market. We
Gustwntee Onr Pri:e3 to Ssve Yon Money.