Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 15, 1911, Image 5
WAYCROSi EVENING, HERALD AT THE MAJESTIC. [t ' { (|(Jit Film No. l.“The Vagibond." a betat t LUUHL tlful love story and U featured'.by Crackers^ In Way cross p Sunshine Biscuits Eiigjish Style, Now in Stock tbe Rex picture plays. _ . .. .. Film No. !, ‘‘the Turning Bdlnt," t the Bon on-. k ». a dramatic^ play produced by the Re- Neweet etyle bale,. •.!> arriving . REMEMBER WE ARE LEAOER8 IN UP-TO-OATf GROCERIES. Eggs Mr. J. E. Nix, after a visit here to his rarents, Mr. ami Mrs. W. M Six, fett last night for his home in Chicken and SL ^ M< * Butter FRESH EACH WEEK. FROM TfcN- NESSEE. WE ALSO SELL EGOS BY THE CASE CHEAPER THAN THE OTHER FELLOW. WILSON GROCEKJf CO Leading Grocers. fVUson Bloch. Phone 128 oopooooooooooocoe Smoke! ; “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and ‘Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear livua Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Wayerosa, Os, Bp PITTMAN CIGAR CP — —. — * % — miff. * blackshear times. Mr. Hardee DanJtls t ent Sunday In \yaycross. „ - Mr. and Mre. W: Swlnt, Waycross. epedt Wedbsciay In Black •bear, the guests of the New Marlon. Mr. Walter A.. Milton.spent Tues day In Waycroei. The foundatlone for the new post ofllcc building will practically be completed today. The work oo the new building la proceeding very sat isfactory, and will" bo ruahed as -fast na possible. Mr. J. R. LeMolne, ol the Savan nah Presa, has been spending several days In Waycroaa on business con nected with hla paper.. Editor L. W. Herrin, of the Mill- wood Advaoce, was among the vial- tore In Waycroaa Inst .night. Company. auderllle feature will be “Enall aMk Edwards," the boys from Texas. Id additlbr) to ifie act that we hare "Throne and Throne," fh their ortsl-. nal comedy act, the. “Italian and the Soubrette", we will offer the patrons of this cosy llttlo Theatre “Miss Marie Harding”, that captivating dancer, do. Inf a'very clever kid lm personation and cbancter dancing. .Don't fall to be here for this double show. -- fridat. saw. «. mt FOR 8At-E—910.0P CASH AND *1000 MONTH BUYS NICE BUILO- ING LOT 60x100, CLOSE TO CITY SCHOOL AND A. C. L. SHOPS. ANS WER QUICK GIVING ADDRESS AND'TIME FOR INTERVIEW. “LOT" CARE WAYCROS8 HERALD. 16 2t GOOD STOMACH? 8EC0ND BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday, Sept. 17th., preaching at Jl o’clock n. m., and 7:30 p. ra., by Rev. W. M. Bladen. Prayer aud praise service begins at 10:45 a. Sunday school at 3:45 p. m. Ladies Missionary Plotting Wednesday af- tehioon at 3:30, Prayer meeting ev ery night next week. Everybody id- Ited to attend. C. H. Lowther spent yesterday in Thomasville. Mr. John Qlllls, of Dlackshear, was a Waycross visitor yesterday. r -M~*-or R. R. Hopkins, of Bruns wiciv, U in the city, and is making ills headquarters at LaGrande. Dr. 3. A. Kirkland, of Mlllwdod, vvas-nihong the vialtora to Wa srosa yeaterday afternoon. FRESH UNCLE 8AM POUND CAKE JU8T IN, 25c EACH. GUAR ANTEED TO BE GOOD. J. W. 3. HARDY. . I 15 2t G. A. Cartwright, freight agent foe the A. B. & A.. Railroad •pent last night at the Phoenix. CASTOR IA Tot Infants and Children. fhs Kind You Hava Always Bought Bean the Signature of AT THE FRONT \ vo to bo on your guard It ecaught napping, It lnvltea BUSINESS COLLSIUi. GRADUATES ARB NEVES “ SLEEPY HEADS. Thuy are taught alter by men ol a^plra. You find them' In leadlst petitions of tr^. • Our DIPLOMA la an open-se-same to petition and preferment Our specialty la to fit you for busineta, to make the pay-roll larger; to In- . create the aalary of the “big man." Enter At Any Time. 'Waycross Business • College' Waycross, Go. & F. Zelfiler, Pres KILLS FLEAo, CURES MANGE, BICAISE’S MANGE CURE BICAISE’S THROAT WASH,' WILL . cure Black T.bngue In Do*:, or any ulcerated condition of the-throat. For •ale hr Seala Pharmacy. 8*»t Wo handle the famotla Mascot cook.ttove, every one a winder. Caah or easy terms. -Home Fund turn Company/ „ filial In Waycross, 26 tf. Plant and Albany Avenue., ‘ ■ l. ' # ■9 I Very Serious I It la a very eerious matter to ask fcr one medlcico and have tha wrong cna given you. For this reason wi urje you In ^uyinf to be carcfci to got the gootrtne^* BUc T r&liT Liver I£cdldae . Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Harris and baby returned to Waycross yesterday after a visit 4o relatives la Savannah. Mr. Harris is Chief of Police of Rome, and Mrs. Harris Is pleasantly remem bered here am Mlsa Flossie Sweat. Mr.,J. D, Llnvllle, of Detroit, Mlch.,'arrtved In the city this morn ing and Is prospecting. We welcome Mr. Llnvllle to the “Magic City Ameng tbe Pines.” Mr. Frank E. Wilson, little son and daughter, after a visit ll some days hero to his parent*,- Mr, and Mrs. Henry W- WHeon, left this mor ning for their home at Fort Pierce, Fla. T^iey .were returning home from a visit to points In the- north. Mr. George B. Haggard left last night on tbe Seminole Limited for Knoxville, Tenn., where >ho will at tend the Apalachlan Exposition. While away he will slug -the praises of Waycross and Haggard's Salve. On accpunt of a freight wreck at Southland, the passenger train on the B. &■ A., due to arrive here ut 6:10 o'clock, did not reach Waycross until about 11 o'clock last night. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. O. Lee will leave tomorrow for, n visit to Hampton Springs, Fla. FLORIDIAN DIES HERE. C. S. Lyles, of Homosassa, Fla., nftcr an Illness of some days, died at the Atlantic Coast Line hos. Mr. Lyles was 4( years ot ago, and le survived by his wife. The body wa* scut to HomO- sassa last night for burial. OR. AINSWORTH TO BE IN WAYCROSS SUNDAY. Dr. W. X. Ainsworth, president of Wesleyan Female . College, w-ill preach at the First -Methodist church In Waycross Sunday morning. At nl ht Dr. Ainsworth will occifty the pulpit at Trinity church. Sir. Ains worth Is a fluent, eloquent speaker and will no douht be greeted by large congregations. NOTICE! J " W. DOWNEY WILL ARRIVE FRI DAY THE 1ITM.. WITH IA CAR OF FINE HORSES AND MULES. 2t - "'-a. ; A LETTER TO MR. HAGGARD. The following letter has boen re ceived by Mr. Haggard recommending his salve: Waycross* Ga., Sept. C, 1911. Mr. G. B. Haggard. Dear 8ir:~Just a few words In re*, gard to your salve. About twenty- one years ago 1 got my leg hurt and It became a running sore. I've tried all doctors that I could hear of* vfent to the Springs and atayed there seven weeks; It would heal up and break out again about twice a month. I moved here to Waycross from Brox- ton, Ga., Coffee opunty. I was down with it months nt a time. I used two boxes of your salve one year ago and completely cured It It gives ma pleasure to commend it. Mr. M. Clemens, ' # Police, A. C. L. R. R. 14 2td 1J w • * Waycross, Ga. Keep a Box of Ml-O-NA In your House and You*ll Always Have One. Some people eat too much, some drink too much, and,, hundreds of thousands of men smoke too much— especially in the evening.* especia\ly In the evening. Use directions if you can, but if you can’t; use u’lsdpm. Take two MI-O NA stomach tablets* begore you to to bed and you’ll ivvnke minus a i headache in the morning. , I oMlO-XA stomach tablets are guar J anteed to end indigestion acute o: j chronic; to promptly banish gai, heartburn, sour risings, etc. They are the best remedy for dizziness, bil iousness, nervousness, headache, con stipation. vomiting of prenancy, car or sen. sickness, foul breath, night- sweats, bad dreams, coated tongue, languid feeling. And a box only costs 50 cents at O. R. Brinson Co., and druggists ev erywhere. 4, 15, 25 L. J. COOPER, President J. W. BELLINGER, Cubin'. f-' LIVING ALONE. I Why should we faint and fear to live alone ' Since all alone, so* heaven has will ed we die? Nor even the tenderest heart, and next our own, / Knows half the reasons why we smile and sigh. —John Keble. Banking Me C nvenieni For all at thta Dank. We are conveniently located, otter - every facility for promptneaa In banking, and wish to do business wth YOU. For security, note our resources of more than Three Quarters of a Million Dollars. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. ‘ SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULT8. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS 5200,000 Mr. J'. A. Wall, of Waycross, spent yesterday in Thomasville, on bust- Well, kids, vacation Is nearly over. Now prepare for “books.” NOTES FROM THE LABOR WORLD Tampa, Fla., has 10,000 cigarmak- era. % Beginning May, 1, 1912, Cleveland lathers will receive $5 ppr day. Toronto, ’ Canada, -labor men may enter municipal contests next Janu ary. MAY’S For Reliable Feeds Seeds Groceries Fresh Meal Low Prices Courteous Treatment APALACHIAN EXPOSITION KNOXVILLE, TENN. SEPTEMBER llTH.'OCT, 1ST, I9U. * EXCURSION RATES VIA A. B. & A. An Esposltlon devoted to the development ot the Appa lachian region ot tho South In general. Splendid exhibits ot the South's resources. Tickets on sale September Oth to October 1st, inclusive, with return limit October 7th. ASK THE TICKET AGENT W. H- Leahy, O. P. A. E..H. Fell. A. 0. P. A*. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A. Atlanta, Georgia. D S SCHUREMAN ARCHITECT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, Roekford, III. * Plana tor any kind cf building pro- paired and etructura! Iron work of all kinds.' Correspondence solicited. Will bo located permanently In Waycroeo NOTICE PROPERTY OWNERS Weed* and grass must ha cleared from lota ae required by city ordi nance. This work mast bo done at onca and within the next tan (10)! daya. * tf » D. M. Bradley, Health Olllcar. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 0 KNIGHTS OF PYT-.4S. Meets ev-w Hoida] evening at '6:00 la - Castle Hal' ’taut ava ./."I pi,) Members requested Is attend, sad vUltlag V-jWSjy Knights are most -Me dially Invited to meet with us. CHAS. E. CAoON, C. C T. H. Utlioi. Kd H. ft 3. * U. Of r. WAYCROSS LOOSE He. 109. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON IECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINO AT S:M P. M. All Masons Invited to Attend J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK, SEC. Big shipment electric fane recelT- Byck Electric Supply Co. 20 Lott StrceL it ft The Need of Pure Drugs THEREFORE WHEN YOU HAVE A PRESCRIPTION SEND IT T O U» 4$R CALL AND WE WILL SEND AFTER IT. THE 1 VERY PUREST AND FRESHEST OF EVERYTHING IN DRUGS, A COMPLETE LINE OO TOILET ARTICLES AND RUBBER 600D8. P T E J.C. PAYNE, Prudgist The Store With the Open Front. C. A. DOWNEY. M. D. V. Vetenarian. l» AlMny:A»enue. TVaycroea, C» UNION JEWELRY STORE Watchmakers and Engravers. All Kind Of Jtwalry Repairing. Pay and Night Phone 626. ' lot Plant Ava TAX COLLECTORS NOTICE—FIRST 'ROUND. I tvill visit the following-places 00 dales named for tko purpose of col lecting state and eoniity taxes: Millwood, October!. -- Fairfax, October 3. Manor, October 4- -fllonmoro, October 5. Itmgnnza, October d. Waresboro^ morning, October 7. - Beach, October I. ' Haywood and Bolen, October 10. Tcllmore, October 11. Blckley, October 11 Jamestown and Hebardville, Oct Id . Those wishing ,to do so can noig pay their taxes a- any time to mo at ipy once It Court House. J. T. Strickland. M H