Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 15, 1911, Image 8

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    ? '-r'y's's f .
FRI DA £ BEPT. 16. lltt
>- w<vcRO<t tvewiwQ herald
Cable Business
No. 1M Plant Ave.
Phone 449.
It bums ordinary kerosene oil, but there in no bothersome
wicks. The heat is concentrated directly on the cooking—
none is wasted. Reduces fuel expense. The flame is con*
trolled by a lever. This means that you can instantly regulate
the Same at any desired height, a distinctive feature found m
no other oil stove.
Remember that the name V. -v
“Florence, ” whether on. .
a Svc-bnmer Oil Stove or on 'if f A
a single-burner Lamp Stove. It» r _*7'“iW*i
stands for the tes/b OilStoves.
We also make the Florence £3 ^SI
Ovens and Lamp Stoves. \rr ftM ffififrtfk
Springs. Have steel rollers,
and -are finished in gold
bronze. Folded it is a neat
couch, open a large comfor
table bed. We sell it com
plete with cottpn mattress,
and pillow, for \ .
The ’ Herald Is authorised and ro
quested to announce that Hon. J. E.
T. Bowden will he u jandldate for the
Slain senator from tho Waycross dls
Irlct in the primary to .hr called later
and ihal a plain alatement will ip
liear some time bl-i' IS 6t
In addition. Ih. Western Union In
tend. to nMlonolise it. land tinea by
opening them to nil trans-Atlantic
cable gom panics. '
Walker-11 «od
FarallnreCi. __
Mods by Th#
Oil Mi I us vm etra «\
S2.0D per iqonth,
Are absolutely the Besh Values on the market. We
• Guarantee-^ ^
Traffic Chart of Western Union, Anglo-American and Direct U. 8. Cable
Business, Showing Capscity of ths Cablss and the Proportion Now Utilised.
Proposed Modification of
Existing Arrangements
forma of aortic* to tho advantage of
tko public.
A provisional modification of an be obtained, demand direct cable cir-
arrangement which bae existed for cuite between principal centres of tbe
fnany years hat been reached between two sides of the Atlantic, as well as
tbe Western Union Telegraph Com- special circuits devoted to special
pany, The Anglo-American Cable business.
Company and tbe Direct U. 8. Cable 1
Cmnpeny. under which the cebie «•- Efficient Service Require*
Kin. of these companies now worked l? .7.’,7-.
exclusively In business connection OUftlCtCnt tacuities
with each other, but operated end To ro «, th ,„ rcqui „ roe nte it le
maintained separately, will be oper- e „, nti ,| not on | y lh „ there be at all
med In direct pbyeieel connection ,| mei sufficient cable faeilitiee. under
with each other and with tbs Western one control, but that they should ba
Umon land system. ..... operated interchangeably with each
Two object* ara to be attained by 0 |h er and in close physical connec-
“"L •wangtment: tion with land tinea as one system.
Firat, more officiant and aconomi• Ample spare facilities are necessary
cmioparolioti. to provide against the very frequent
the _ ®*ble interruption*.
Neither the Western Union nor any
one of the companies of the Western
The Tran*-Atlantic Cable Union group has, independently of the
Situation and Competition
The trans-Atlantic cable situation company might be called upon to take
le at follows: care of, because of some particular
The Mackey group of seven ce- rush of business, or because of some
hies, including the Oerman cables, cable interruption. Nor could any one
earned by or worked in physical con- company furnish all the direct circuits
nection with the telegraph lines of necessary for efficient service, al-
that company form one system. though the combined facilities of
The French cables comprise an in- these companies are ample if they
dependent system, using both the could be used supplementary to each
Western Union and the Mack ay land other and interchangeably.
Unt. Ip, ihtlr United Swte. connec A , „ e . ch comp ,„ y oper . lel
In competition with the.e i. the
Weetcrn Union group of cablet, eight , '
o}r.!nr,i E bT. ,: c n ,u,^n:fe , ; h o^:
“'i , h . . 1m business from on. company to the
rampanies owning five of the eight Qther wfth f||e congeque i t delay and
. interruption of a service in which
Two only of tho Bntish owned seconds are valuable.
cobles tarminota in tho United Staten
7.i,t fAffl Daily and Week-end
connection uith any telegraph system, Cable Letters
"for Ititlr reaching any can,,, ol ^ M pnpo „ d
bauntu. and ore notV work'd .seta- , , , , h ,
V ha, .'r. " Union purport,, with M. consent of
mlh lb. tve.fern Umon. Brilitk Port Offic. D.pa,tm,nt.
Efficiency Increated, <■> fntroJ... at fc«t two n.w r.atu,..
■1/ . n . i * or servtces in addition to the proposed
Waste Prevented deferred ratc-the •
The proposed arrangement between DAILY CABLE LETTER
the Western Union, the Anglo-Amcr- it *. , rT . r n
lean and the Direct U. 8. companies WEEK-END CABLE LETTER
trill bring the eight cablsa of the three at a very tow rote for cable eenico
companies under one operating con- only. Thte will enable the public to
trol. The consequent increase in the six to eight daye consumed in
effectiveness and economy will place the trans-Atlantic passage of mails.
tbe Western Union in a position to. .« . r m l.s
offer certain advantages in cable Monopoly Or Cable
service not now enjoyed by the public. BusineM8 Impossible
the'weeternUnirm to'makV^uch'bn!
KSSS’.‘ n « rtiSSS dS c ™'d We,,ero Unlon ' ,he French ««• '*>•
ST^iy n.w r e.bT,s Thu' ™!d M I c fc k,y -*'“ 1 „.
seem to be tbe height of folly. . T * Ie blscksy Companies ia n hold-
Duplication of the Hitting trana- in « organUatlon with no physical
Atlantic cable facllitita at a coat of property, but cx.rctaing through .lock
many million., whan then are more ownerablp, le... nr contract, opernt.
than ample facilities for all buaincss, , in * contiol of varioua eompanl.o
would put an unneccaaary bnancial 'owning land line, and e.bleii which
harden upon an already (ully burdened k * u P‘ h f Through
huelneaeand would probably postpone »Wt cootrol n« ih. varioua propertie.
.n . i_ _ . __ * . in AMrtltd maim ivitam In wranl
the reduction of retie or introduction *r« oporat.d as on, ty.tem to groat
of new services advantage in service over what could
‘ be given by these same companies
Limited Business Hour* if operated aeparately.
and Idle Facilitie* ,J. h ' F,,nch “ bl ” ,otm
At at present csrried on, ths trans- J * , ... _ / -
Atlantic cable business is practically Thc Western Union System, under
all flash service,,c ..unatenteneou,. « h * propoted arrangement for one
Owing to the difference in time, there operating control ovor tho nreaent
are only a few butinsia hours of the tegregated unit., wiU be enabled to
day common to both aides and during m *ke two dtetinct advances In lbs
these hours at least 73 it of tha cable Itana-Atlenttc cable business:
buaineaa is dene. ' This is demon- 1 —BETTER SERVICE. Thiswlllbe
strated by the accompanying chart, miuredby more efficient and econom-
In the intereata of International ‘U 1 "' orkln « rasulting tom single
business nothing ahoold ho dona to direction over the operations of both
interfere in any way with tha ao-callcd c *^** * n ^ l* n <l lines,
flach or instantaneous service, and *-PUBLIC ADVANTAGES. The
the lines should be kept clear to ac- greater part of the cable capacity hat
commodate such messages during the been and is now unutilised. It will
few business hours common to both continue to lie dormant andunutQieed
countries; but td continue to confine under existing conditions and tradi-
the cables to this class of service, as tions. The Western Union purposes
at present, will utilise only about >5,* to make these wasted facilit.es useful
of the existing capacity of millions of to the public by means of new kinds
property and places on that limited of cable service,
service all the capital, maintenance
and operating charge*.
The limited time and the character
of the business, if best results are to
New Yjirk. Sept. 1st, 1911. Theo. N. V:
Vor SALE—510.CO CASH AND marked the beginning of tae annual
$10.30 MONTH BUYS NIC2 BUILD- celebration of Mexican Independence
60x100, CLC3S TO CITY Day. At the Instigation of the
AND A. C. L. SHOPS. AN8- tliorltiea the customary
CUICK QlVlNO address throughout the republic
TlhtE INTERVIEW. “LOT" fled or abandoned
Y.AYCTC3S HERALD. :yzt to the present
and also to tht
The Herald Is authorised to annora.
f that Mr*, F. H. McGee' Win be a
candidate IJir Mayor of Waycrosi,
subject to tbe action of'the Demo
eratto primary.
Official announcement of his plat
form will be published inter.
To the Citizens of Waycross:;
In.making this, my announcemen
of my candidacy for Mayor of tbe
City of Waycross, I beg to say I do
so with the kindest personal feeling
for those who may oppose me.
expect, If elected, to look closely after
the affairs of the office of Mayor and
to spend the larger part of my time
in attending to the important duties
of the office. I expect to make a fur
ther statement In regard to certain
matters later.
C. W. Parker.
To the Citizens of Waycross:
This la to Inform you that I will
b/* a candidate to succeed myself as
Mayor of Waycross, subject to the
Democratic primary, which will be
held some time in December. If elec.
in the past two, a clean, honest and
conservative administration. I feel
that 1 am entitled to another term
partly due to tbe fact that under our
• city chatter I wilt be Ineligible to
r nrain for the third*' term. With
the two years’ experience in city af
fairs I uill have had at the dose of
th‘» term, experience that better quall-
f :g mo to render ycu more efficient
r op’ic«J*next term.. I will appreciate
; jur hearty support.
Yours very truly,
* John M. Cox.
Waycross, Ga., Sept. 9, 1911.
To tho Citizens of Waycross:
I will be a candidate for nomina
tion as Mayor of Waycross in the
approaching _primary. Within a few
days I will publish a ^heyt statoment
of the principles that I shall advo
cate In asking the voters of the city
to support me.*
(Signed) Harry D. Reed.
The Store t-g Great Valncs Where Yonr Credit Is Good.
One of Onr Great Extension Table
VALUES, exadtly like illustration, made of
finest quality thoroughly seasoned oak, ex-
tira large hand carved claw feet, handsome
ly shaped pedestal, smooth running sides, 42
inch top extends to 6 feet.
A handsome Table at an ,
extremely low price,
% Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days.
Oar extension tables are bought_ under contract for our
1 —e chain of stores. We t "■** " **““
An Uneqnaled Value
lar s e chain of stores. We buy for les's, we sell for less.
in a high class dining table. This is one of
the bedt values we have ever offered.
Made of bejrft quality white oak, the work
manship and finish of the berft, the top is 44
inches across, extends to 6 ft the modf elab
orate pedestal ever furnished with a table
at this price; exadtly like illustration.
Cash,.Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days.
To tho Citizen, of Waycross:
I hereby, announce myself a candi
date for Alderman for the Second
Ward, City of Waycrosi, subject to
the ensiling white primary and ask the
support of nil classes of citizens. I
promise fidelity to the~lnist It confer
red upon me. .
W. C. Butler.
To the ctflxens of Waycross:
I hereby announce that I will be i<
candidate to succeed myself, ns Al
derman for the sixth ward, subject to
the Democratic primary, to be held
some time in December. In mnufn.
this announcement. I wish to thank’
the good people of Waycross for their
many kind words, and wnrm'eupport
while acting ns their representative,
and If elected, 1 will try and serve
them ns faithfully for the ucxL two
Very truly yours,
, C. A. LeCount.
Best tor 90 Years
GUARANTEE:—We warrant the castings in these ranges to be the
best mixture ot pig iron known for the purpose, workmanship, fittings
and mounting to be-unequahd, flue cordtricUon to be perfedt, and that
they will bake and operate perfedtly when connected in proper manner to
We handle these famous ranges in either, genuine OPEN HEARTH steel (guaran
teed not to rust), in Wellsville polished rolled steel, or in the best quality cast iron..
The prices are from $35 to $50* You can buy no better radge at ANY price*
and none as good at a LOWER price. - / '■ •
Th. tUan.it, most cone.ni.nt, .ff.ctiv. and economical Oil Stow
for cooking ever mode—one thmi shomldboinooory kifehen—iethm
Ox . n
These caucheg are made eir-
entirely of steel and equip-
oed with eenuine National*