Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 16, 1911, Image 2

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X SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 161L WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD ' 1 SATURDAY, SEE® M.I18U. " THE EVENING HERALD --Published By — E HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Ptrham, 8r. A. P. Perham, Jr. Editor* and Proprietor*. Mi** Carrie Perham, Personal. 8oclety and Local. LABOR LAW EFFECTIVE FIRST OF NEXT JANUARY. Th* Waycros* Herald founded lo 1886. Th* Daily Herald founded In 1892 hy A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephones Business Office 25 Editorial Offle 25 TK-shlenc* 2C8. fV*ry Afternoon Except 8und*y. Office No. 8 Jan* Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. . Month t .45 I Monthi 81.26 f Months $2.60 I Tetr 16.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notice*, card* of thank*, resolution* and notice* of entertain* manta, wh«re charges are made, will t* charged at advertlilng rates of 5 tents a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscriber* to The Herald that do Sot receive the paper promptly and early will please rlngup the Clrcula* tfon Manager and report the trouble lo him, as this Is the only means that Vo can assure you prompt and early delivery THE HERALD 19 THE Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROSS, GA„ SEPT. 16, 1911. The Chinese situation is reported us very serious. The revolutionists teems to be gaining grounds very rapidly. Farms lands In Brooks county nro In great demand nnd art bringing big prices, llrooks county lands are among the best In the Ntnte. Numerous Inquiries ha' - * keen re ceived by the Governor of Georgia ; from cotton and woolen mill owners land operatives, as to when'the GMiour-a-week mill labor law become* effective. Inquiries have been recciv ed from Griffin, Social Circle, Quit- man and other place* where cotton railh are located. Several mill I era have visited Atlanta to Invent* j ,?ate the law and that <he Griffin cot ton mills may benefit by the advice of the governor, the News and Sun makes the following explanation of the law: The new law, which Is merely nmendatory to the existing 11-hour- day or 66-hour week statute, becomes effective January 1, 1912. It provides that the hours of labor required ol pll persons employed In cotton of woolen manufacturnng establlshmen s in this State, except engineers, lire men, watchmen, mechanics, team- sters, yard employees, clerical force and ull other help that may be quired to clean up nnd make neces sary repairs or changes In or of ma chinery, shall not exceed 10 hours per duy or the same may be regulat ed by employes ■so that the number of hours shall not In aggregate ex ceed 60 hours per week. The old statute read 11 hours and GG hours respectively. 8TOP8 FALLING HAIR. Harmon of Ohio scorns to be the man of the hour, however, the Her ald Is prepared to vote for any man the Democrats nomlnufe, except the devil. A Thomas county man Is now gov ernor of Texas. Texas can get a good man from Thomas county al most any time she needs him. Thom as county is full of such like men. —*— Just before*a prisoner Is given his freedom in the Kansas penitentiary he is sent to the state farm so he can tit himself for civil life ugain. Jt Is well known that anybody will trust a farmer.—Ex. The new comet Is only forty-five millions of miles distant from the earth, hut then the comet I* travel ing as Irst as an automobile can run. It wns alleged at the Philadelphia city government investigation that the city lost $29,000 on a contract for police and fire station. The Quakers were lucky to* get a marked-down G. R. Brinson Co., Guarantees Paris ian Sage, the Real Hair Remedy. You can abolish every particle of dandruff, you can stop Itching scalp, you can prevent hair from thinning or falling out by using PARISIAN SAGE which Is sold on money back plan. PARISIAN SAGE soaks into the roots of the hair, and not only de stroys the microbes that cause hair troubles hut furnishes to the hair Juit the kind of nourishment to make the hair grow luxuriant and to put life and beauty Into It. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every cartoon and bottle of PARISIAN SAGE. Look for It as imitations are numerous. Large bottle GO cents at O. R. Brinson Company and druggists everywhere Sept. 5, 14, 2G. SPECIAL. 1 WILL 8ELL FOR THE MONTH OF StPT., MAMOUTH BLUE GEM JELICO COAL FOR 81X DOLLARS PER TON. 9 1m. AN8LEY COAL COMPANY. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Tlio Kind Yim llavo .11'.vayo Boaght, and which has been In •use for ofor "jj as, ha:> hacna the signature of :<1 has been unde under his i>cr-» 1 a! sapgrvldnn. since its Infancy. Allow iso one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Irritations and “JnM-nn-good” are but Experiments that trifle tilth a::d endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience ngaiust Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castorla Is a harmlns; substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops nail Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, fllorphlno nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is tts guarantee. It destroys Worms and aliays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colin. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Ktninach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. The ChU(lreu : s Panacea—The mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS > Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITV. FIRE INSURANCE AND BOND8. har.mi In In losst's like that. 4* "If wo don't got Improved divorce conditions pretty soon, we bight ns well give up to the affinities right off and have it over with,” says Gov- w seem* qutto certain that the Georgia cotton crop is 15 per cent abort. * PARSON’S POEM A GEM. ESCAPED WITH HIS LIFE. “Twenty-one years ago I faced an awful death,” writes H. B. Martin, Port HarroUon. S. C. "Doctor* said ernor Wilson, lint our understanding I had consumption nnd the dreadful Ih that when one gives up to tho cough I had looked like It, sura "affinity” the trouble begin* instead | enough. I tried everything I could of being over with. j hear of. for my cough, t.nd was un* —4* J dcr the treatment of the best doctor According to statistic* ' Issued by in Georgetown, S. C., for a year, but the North Carolina State Agricultural could get no relief. A friend advised depart men tho total sales of leaf tobacco for tho year ending August 1 were 121.08S.S41 pounds, being 37,- 000,000 pounds less than for the pre ceding year. The smoker* In that state must have made a run on al falfa to make up the difference. mo to try Dr. King’s New Discover^ I did eo. and wns completely cured. I feel that I owe my life to this treat throat and lung cure.” Its positively guaranteed for coughs, colds, and all branch leal affections. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free nt All Druggist*. PARK PLACE High class Subdivis ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. W. D. Morton, Agt. ROOU NO. 4 Southern Hotel Bldg ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAV BACK IN FIVE YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENT8. WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE US1 Waycross Savings and Trait Co ♦>♦0000' Farming With Dupont High GradefDynamite NOW IE THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR STUMPS. THE HOTTER THE WEATHER THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKES TO DO THE WORK. Thv may l.o n short cotton crop , HAY FEVER AND SUMMER COLDS In .onto sections this year, and this f Must bo relieved quickly and Foi ls undoubtedly true, but there has t py'§ Honey and Tar Compound will been a tine crop made la South west do it. E. M. Stewart, 1034 Wolfram Coorata. Of course, "cotton tatted", I street. Chicago, writes: ”1 have and tho stntk died In some instances nnd. it Is off from what was expected at one time, but an extended trip over th. country will convince nny one that despite the rains and hot weath er a good deal of cotton broke by and is now to be seen tn the fields.— Moultrie Observer. - V been greatly troubled during th. hot •umrner month, with Hay Ferer and find that by uting Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound I get great relief.' Many others who suffer similarly will he glad to benefit by Mr. Stewart’s experience. Gem Pharma cy. T. S. Paine. LET ME 00 OVER YOUR PROP ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN SHOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORS PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR E8TIMATFK. WHEN MAY I CALL? fj J. C. CKANE, Expert Blaster. HHBkBlAsk :;f Watt-Hardware Co. waycross, Ga. SEPT. 3TH.f9l1. Sewing Machine MOTORS THIS COMPANY HAS FOR SALE A FEW MOTORS FOR USE ON SEW ING MACHINES. FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS WE OFFER THESE AT THE LOW PRICE OF FIFTEEN DOLLARS EACH AND WILL AR. RANGE TO GIVE THE PURCHAS ERS VERY EASY PAYMENTS. THIS IS A SPLENDID CHANCE TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF THE CHANCE TO PURCHASE THIS MOST USEFUL OF HOUSEHOLD DEVICES. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO PLACE A MOTOR ON TRIAL AT YOUR HOME, AND REOUEST THAT IF YOU ARE IN- TERESTED to CALL US ON THE PHONE. Ware Counly Light and Power Company. We Are Headquarters For Everything in the HARDWARE LINE! R. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. Ezee Lighting System WHY SHOULD YOU BURN MON EY WHEN AIR IS CHEAP. THE ONLY SYSTEM THAT BURNS 95 PER CENT AIR AND 5 PER CENT 8T0VE GASOLINE. Use Ezee Lighting System a and you will always have light. AGENTS WANTED!— THE LIGHT MAN, J. H. LEWIS WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. ,v»t yt ».4 -i-d