Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 18, 1911, Image 3

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jjWater From Gilchrist Park Runs Through Way cross, Is Gilchrist Park Higher Than Wayeross? ^ At a cost of several thousand dollars a thorough drainage system has just been completed for Gilchrist Park through which the water from the recent heavy rains disappeared as quick ly as from other sections of the city. The main streets are lighted by eledtricity and every house is supplied with pure artesian v water from the cities deep wells. The houses in Gilchrist Park are all built of good material, nicely finshed] with plastered walls, overhead ceiling, oak mantels and on lots 50 x 125 feet. Those who desire to do so may use adjoining lots for gardening. Astonishing Offer—Rent Free For One Month Including Free City "Water. D. &OLOTT, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE CO., AGENTS, Agree to move your household goods to the park, place you in a nice comfortable home and give you one month rent, all Absolutely Free. WS > ; - After the month of Free Rent you will pay for the house the small sum of $8.00, $9,00 and $10.00 for four, five and six room houses with water rent included. Vou can own a nice home in Gilchrist Park b> paying only $15.00 per month This is an attractive prosositiin to investors as well as those who want homes. D.&o. . E. & I. Co. Agents, <J. S. Elkins, Manager of Sales. & [ APALACHIAN ' EXPOSITION KNOXVILLE, TENN. SEPTEMBER 11TH, OCT, 1ST, I9II. EXCURSION RATES VIA A. B. & A. An Exposition devoted to the development of the Appa lachian region of the South In general. Splendid exhibit* of the South's resources. Tickets on sale September 9th ^to October 1st, inclusive, with return limit October 7tb. ASK THE TICKET AGENT W. H. Leahy. 0. P. A. E. H. Fell, A. 0. P. A. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A. Atlanta, Georgia. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan to colored people with good security. L. J. Burch, Speclallit. ? 2m Redding Bldg. Wayoroit, Ga. PARK MOR RAND CO. I •NGINEERS and contractors. • Lott-HItch Building. RE-INFORCED CSNCRE^E. Special low prices and easy- terms on bed room suites, iron beds, odd pieces, etc. We will please or re fund your money. Home Furniture Company, 26 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. HERBERT S HOPKINS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room 325, LaGrande Building. Advertise in THE HERALD. What Do Money is a thing not to be treated thoughtlessly. Every dollar invested means much to your future comfort and happiness. It will pay you to investigate our SATILLA GARDEN PROPOSITION! , You can buy a Full Acre Inside the City limits, splendidly <Vocf^tyd for truck and chicken rasing, or good to hold on 'td and sub-divide later into building lots—for $150.00 per acre. On terms of $10 cash and $5 per month. Without One Cent of Interest! Made of pure Lead, Zinc and pure Lin seed Oil. Ground in the most modern mills. Six years ser vice has proven to be the best for Southern climate. Use the best—it's the cheap est. Write for color card and booklet, “Suggestions o" PainH"'"- ” To those easy terms, \ In furniture Special orders ful attention. Home Fui 20 tf Plani COALI C When you wsl P.ed Ash. The M that makes Red cheaper grade of < hand at all times, wood of all kinds, prices. Quick serv tho city. Anslby Coal *4 tf W. 7* Judt do a littir* *'• tx