Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 18, 1911, Image 4

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Invest your Money In Purina Feed Purina Chicken Feed Purina Biddie Feed Purina Horse Feed No Waste To It It’s All Good to Eat 100 Sacks Just Arrived Mr. DeVVitt Deen leaves today for Athens, Ga., where he will attend school this fall and winter. A GOOD RESOLUTION to make and keep is to patronize this Livery when you are in need of a first class turn out for any purpose. We can supply your wants, prompt and moderately. Give us an oppor tunity to show you how well we can please you. McGregor Mayo ■oarding, Livery knd Sales Stables* /•beau St Waycross, Ga. PHONE NO. DR. J. T. DIXON, Physician and Surgeon. Specinl attention to chronic dlsoases of women and children. OBSTETRICS, CANCER AND DROPSY. Otnro Third Floor Lott-HItch Bldg. Office hours: 0 to 11 a. m. 4 to G p. m. Phone, office — Residence Waycross, Georgia. NO REASON FOR DOUBT M \ 5 iu*\ eo i >, < | a o ■c a ® o 5 fi I s jg t <c « a 5- < d. - Sks . » > o. 2 1 » » K > * * o A Statement of Facts Backed By A dfi Strong Guarantee. Wo guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation. In every case where we fail we supply the med Iclno freo. Rexnll Orderlies nre a gentle, offer tlve, dependable and safe bowel reg ulator, strengthner and tonic. They re-establlrh nature's functions In i quiet, easy way. They do not caus> any Inconvenience, griping or nau sea. They nre so pleasant to tnko nnd work so easily that they may bo tnj^'n by anyone at any time. They thah^fghly tone up the u hole system tf^h&iy^v actlvlt; On^orlioa aro unsurpassable irdd^dOil for the use of children, old $l& Aid delicate persons. We can III IS ° K a>'5f highly r^gmmend them to fipl^Lij^erers form of constl- nnd itljjron^nt evils, ^ijfrfe si/.vi, :A*i 50c. He- you can obtai£Rexall Rem- ^unity k\ our Theffirtvls’ Phone 62 Or 301 J. W. S. Hardy 8UCCES80R TO HADDY BROS. TRIBUTE TO THE MULE. The mule—he is a gentle bea3t, And so Is man. He's satisfied to be the beast; And so Is man. Like man, he may be taught some tricks; He does his work from 8 to 6; The mule—when be gets mad, he kicks; And so does man. The mule—he has his faults, ’tls true; And so has man. He's happiest when he Is full; And so is man. Like man, ho holds a patient poise, And when his work's done will re joice. The mule—he likes to hear his voice; And so is man. week. The mule—he has his faclts, 'tls true; An so has innn. Ho does some things he should not do; And so does man. Like man he doesn't ynm for stylo But wants contentment all the while j her sister. The mule—he '.us a lovely smile; And so fc::s man. Dr. John R. Dedge spent yesterday In Waycross. Mr. Downey has Just arrived with a carload of fine horses and mules. Hon. Frank Birmans is in the city today on business. jlr. H. R. Robertson, of Cordele, spent Sunday in the city. Judge Williams is erecting three tenant cottages on East Hicks street. Mrs. C. C. Powell returned to her home at Uptonvllle this morning af ter a visit to relatives here. I Watch This Space For Announcement of Humphreys and Williamson See those beautiful white felt hats and veils Just in at 18 2t Humphreys & Wllliarr.scn. Mr. Wise, of Brunswick, and Mr. William Baker, of New York City, were visitors together In the city to day. Residents of Waresboro state that they did not get a drop of last nigrt's heavy rainfall which visited Way- cross. The Misses Mlddlemas, MiS3 Sailie Lou Wilkinson, and Miss Vinson ara at home with Mrs. J. Q. Ketterer for the winter. W. J. Messrs. J. J. Harris and Clark have returned from a trip of some days to New York and other points. and Mrs. W. A. McDonald, on Al bany avenue. home In Cordele. Mrs. Bosworth and Miss lng for Brunswick where she °5 * K 5 oSJtff O £^1> in z o T he R i y *58* “ O JT ^ *2? Jncquclln Knifi.ua> * ° (or 2 5 U § hjejfgmm flhwstclng Vpe * #• ^ <nejs of his coi^in. The mu’.) is sometimes kind nnd good He catu nil kinds of breakfast food; And so does roan. Like man he balks at gaudy dress And all outlandish foolishness. The mulo’s accused of raullshness; And so Is man. —Cynthia Scott, In Missouri Rurniist. Mrs. C. F. Ost nnd mother, Mrs. Fort, have returned from their sum mer outing. While nway they visited Gainesville, White Springs, Atlanta and other points. Nearly two Inches of water fell Inst night during the storm. The local weather man reports 1 87-lOOths of an Inch. The moisture was badly needed and It will be of much benefit to the fall crops, CASTOR IA For Infant, and Children. Die Kind You Hate Always Bought Boars the Signature of Mr. J. H. Covey the hustling truck er near Waresboro has ordered a three horse power gasoline engine for his farm nnd will install an irriga tion system at once. Conductor Ballard spent yesterday at Jesup, and says he attended an all-day singing in that city. Wo are glad Ballard got out to the singing. It may do him good. A. fi & 4. fi.fi. “The Standard of Excellence In Passenger Service.” SCHEDULES EFFECTIV FEBRUARY IS, 1911. 7:10 am 6:00 pm Ly. Bruniwtik At. 8:10 pm 10:45 am 8:00 am 6:40 pm Ly. Tbalmac Ar 7:25 pm 10:00 am 8:20 am 8:00 pm Ly. Wareron Ar. 6:10 pm 8:45 am 11:00 am 8:40 pm Ly. Douglai Ar 4:35 pm 7:10 am 18:05 pm 10:45 pm Ar| Fitzgerald LY. 8:30 pm 8:05 am 8:20 am 7:15 pm Ly. ThomazYlll. Ar 6:50 pm 9:20 am 9:25 am 8:22 pm Ly. Moultrie Ar. 5:35 pm 8:05 am 10:88 am 9:80 Pm Ly. Tlfton Ar. 4:20 pm 7:05 am 12:15 pm 10:55 pm Lv. Fitzgerald Ar. 3:25 pm 6:00 am 1:40 pm 12:15 am Ly. Cordtl. Ly. 2:05 pm 4:40 am 2:01 pm 12:84 am Ly. Vienna Ly. 1:38 pm 4:14 am 2:48 pm 1:23 am Lv Montezuma Lv. 12:50 pm 8:30 •am 2:56 pm 1:35 am Lv. Oglethorpe Lv 12:45 pm 3:25 am 4:32 pm 2:58 am Lv. Tatbotton Ly. 11:10 am 2:00 a is 6:15 pm 3:40, am Ar Manchester Lv. 10:30 am 1:20 an. 5:20 pm 3:45 am Ly. Manchester Ar. 10:25 am 1:15 pm 6:41 pm 4:06 am Lv. Woodbury Lv. 10:04 am 12:52 am 6.34 pm 4:59 am Lv. Senoia Lv 9:09 am 11:64 WP 8:15 pm 6:40 am Ar. Atlanta LY. 7:30 am 10:15 pin 0:45 am 3:50 am Lv. Manchester Ar. 4:80 pm 12:45 am 11:55 am 4:50 am Ly. LaGrang. Ar, 8:25 pm 11:45 pm 3:50 pm 8:45 am Lv. Tallad* Ar 11:30 am 7:45 pm 6:55 pm 11:45 am Ar. Birmingham Lv. im 4:45 pm CLASSIFIED mils FOR RENT—seven room house, 43 Gilmore street. Apply W. B. ElUftg* ton, LaGrande Building. 1 tf B0ARDER8 WANTED—Good hoard can be secured at 64 Reed street 7 tf FOR RENT—Store house, cdfAer Mary and Pendleton, formerly occu pied by J. S. Knight fLptkf to C/A. Bennett 9-5-tfi FOR SALE—One standing desk and j Derby make, and gtfod ap^iew. Bar- ; gain for seme one. Phene 104. 13 5t Capt. S. S. Fitzsimmons,, of Wil mington, N. C., formerly of this city, is a guest of the Phoenix Hotel. Capt. Fitzsimmons has been connected with the Atlantic Coast Line for a num ber of years, and has many friends in Waycross. Summer Colds bad as they are, have about the same chance with Reals’ Cold Tablets ? that a snowball does in sunshine. Try them on guarantee. ffllbCg. SEALS PH ARM AC Yd Pullman electric-lighted sleeping cart on night trains between Thoms* will© and Atlanta, via Fitzgerald. Car leaving Atlanta ready for occupancy at 9:00 pm. Train leaving Atlanta at 10:15 pm. gets connections from all Incoming trains at Atlanta, including the South Atlantic Limited from Cin cinnati and the Dixie Fllyer from Chicago and 8L Louie. Connections at other junction pointers well adjusted and are shown in the schedule folder which can be securi’ Vom any agent of this company. Attention la calKu 4* tkt esUbUrfcmeat of connections at Atlanta from train arriving at'Atlanta 4:4* aft., %vtn fas Atlantic Limited leaving Atlanta at 6:45 am., for Cincinnati and Chicago, and the Dixie Flyer leaving Atlanta 7:3? am., for Chicago and SL Louis. W. H. Iveahy, General Pass. Agt E. H. Fell, Asst. Gen. Pass Agt. Atlanta, Ga. * ^ Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel. Traveling Passenger Agent FOR RENT—Room at 51 Parallel SL or phone 462. 13 lm FOR RENT—Rooms near court hou3© In Parker House, also black smith shop to be used as shopor for storage on Parallel strfeet. Apply Mrs. C. Parker, 19 Church street. 13 tf FOR 8ALE—Anyone desiring staff? fancy outfit it can be found for sale a*. Sutton Grocery Co. Horse, rubber-tire runabout and harness; all practically! new, can be bought reasonable. 9\ Haines avenue, Phone 7. 13 tf FOR 8ALE—Large ferns’. See Mrs. Geo. I. Steele, 47 Jane street 14 II TAX COLLECTORS NOTICE—FIRST I pay their taxes a. any time to me at BOY WANTED—Boy wanted at Herald office; light work; plenty'of Ice cream. l!K ItE.X4I.I STORK I will visit the following places ou dates named for the purposo of col lectlng state and county taxes: Millwood, October 1. Fairfax, October 3. Manor, October 4- Glenmore, October 5. Bragnnza, October 6. Waresboro, morning, October 7. Beach, October 9. Haywood and Bolen, October 10. Tellmore, October 11. BIckley, October 12. my office hi Court House. J. T. Stricklund, Tax Collector, 12 tf Ware County, Ga. The esteemed Greensboro Herald Journal knows what It is talking about when it says: "The farmer de pends upon the roads In order to get his products regularly to the market The merchant, through the wholesale houses, depends for his business upon the country dealer. In our agricultu ral state, the whole basis of regular ity and dependable markets rests Jamestown aad Hebardville, Oct 13. upon lb® farmer's t means for trans- Those wishing to do vo can now porting his products." FOR RENT—New two-story house on Reed street October 1st Apply W. W. Ansley, 42 Brunei street FOR RENT—Store in good location, apply quick at 14 Plant avenue. 16 2t FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply this of fice. 16 tf WANTED—Experienced Stenogra pher, The Claim & Adjustment 20 Elizabeth street ' A self-made man is always j to monopolize the spotlight i- Many a man mistakes the echo of hfs own voice for applause. I Iztl si*!!?*! iJiilfh sit