Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 18, 1911, Image 8
WAYCROtt EVENING HERALD PETITION FOR CHARTER. BUte of Oeorgla, County of Wire. To the Superior Court of laid county: The under*Jgned petitioners, A. M. Knight, J. B. Wad ley, L. J. Cooper, W. H/Buchanan and M L Bunn allbf Wafo county, Georgia, hereby make appli- cation to said court for a charter for A corporation to be known as "Tho Waycross Auditorium Company," and jour petitioners respectfully show: First That they, for themselves, Ihclr associates, successora and as* signs, desire to be constituted and Incorporated a body corporate under Ike name and style of "The Waycross Auditorium Company," for the term Cf twenty years, with privilege of re newal at expiration of said time. Second. The object of the propos ed corporation Is pecuniary gain to itM stockholders. , Third. The petitioners desire that J Ware, State of Georgia; but these pe titioners 'would further show that they desire that said corporation may have the right to establish branch' offl- es or agencies at other places, both within and without the said state of Georgia, as the holders of a majority of the stock may io determine upon. WHEREFORE, these petitioners pray that after the filing and publica tion of this petition as required by law, that an order be entered by th(a court declaring these petitioners a body corporate, under the name and style aforesaid, and granting to said corporation all the rights, powers and prlvligea as set out and prayed for herein, or which may be incidental, usual and necessary under the laws of said state of Georgia, for the pur poses of their Incorj»oratfon. John 8. Walker, Petitioners Attorney. ANNOUNCEMENTS. MAJOR McGEE FOR MAYOR The Herald Is authorised to announ ce that Mr. F. H. McGee will be a candidate ijsr Mayor of Waycross, subject to the action of the Demo era tic primary. Official announcement of blf plat form will be published later. corporation and body corporate I GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY: poetess the right, power and authorl- { I, Chas. E. Cason, deputy clerk of iy to sue and ho sued, to have and J tho Superior Courtof said County, nso a common seal, to make by laws ! certify that the foregoing is a true tor its government, to elect’ directors j and correct copy of the petition of for the management of Its affairs, and to confer upon them the right to elect (Officers and appoint agents and em ployes, to buy, tell, hold, Incumber gnd otherwise dispose of real and personal property necessary and ad vantageous to the purpose of said cor poration, together with all other lights, powers and privllges Incident, usual or necessary to liko corpora tions under the laws of the said state of Georgia. Fourth. Tho particular business proposed to be conducted and carried on by said corporation Is tho erection, construction, maintenance and opera tion of a building or buildings where in are to bo located auditoriums, then tem, convention halls, fraternal lodge rooms, assembly rooms, offices, stores, refreshment stands and space for any legal purposes whatsoever for lease, sale or actual operation by said cor poration; to purchase, lease, hlro or otherwise acquire real and personal property, Improvod and unimproved, of every kind nnd description, and which may be necessary for the busi ness aforesaid, nnd to sell, dispose of, lease, convey and mortgage said property, or any part thereof; to carry on the business of securing and acoomodatlng religious, fraternal, po litical, labor, business, and nil other conventions, assemblies and the like; to carry on tho business of theatri cal proprietors, caterers for public entertainments, concerts, exhibitions And athletic contests; to carry on the business of resaurant keepers, and vendors of tobacco; mineral waters, provisions nnd any other article of xnorchnndlse, either by themselves, by granting tho liconse or right in respect of any property of the com pany to any other person, Ann or company; to conduct a general mer chandise business for the sale of ar ticles of all kinds and description; to acquire all necessary properties, mus ical 'Instruments and libraries far txso In connection with the bolding of pnhlc conventions and entertainments of every description; to do a general real estate agency and mortgage bus iness; to Improve, mortgage, oper ate, hold, manage, lease and other wise dispose of real estate; to borrow and loan money upon such property, and to do any and all other acts In cident to or connected with such business. Fifth. These petitioners would show that the capital stock of the pro posed corporation shall be Fifty Thousand Dollnrs ($50,000.00), divid ed Into chares of One Hundred Dol lars each; nnd they would further show that Six Thousand Dollars ($6,- 000.00) thereof, which is more thnn ton per cent of tho sntu ; roposed cap ital, has been paid. Sixth. Your petitioners would fur ther sh.iw that they desire that said corporation 'diall have the right to Inorer.t'e said onpttal stock to any amount not exceeding One TTundrod And Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,- 000.00), whenever the'holders of a majority of the stock may so deter mine, r.nd which insreare shall be disposed of as the stockholders may determine. ' , Seventh. The repeat . ms of bust Dess of said corporations ban he at the I -Off of Wwtre*. la the County of j A. M. Knight, et al. for incorporation as "The Waycross Auditorium Com pany" as same appears In office as filed this day. Witness my official signature this 9th day of September, 1911. Cbss. E. Cason, Deputy Clerk, 8. C. Ware County. Some of the diamond •cleavers" of Amstordaf receive as much as $120 per week. Tiie building Trades Council of Los AngeleH is conducting a free employ ment bureau. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vctenarlan. 19 Albany Avenue. Waycross, Ca Day and Night Phono C9S. C. W. PARKER FOR MAYOR. To the Citizens of Waycross: In making this, my announcemen of my candidacy for Mayor of the City of Waycross, I beg to say I do so with the kindest personal feeling for those who may oppose mo. I expect. If elected, to look closely after the affairs of the office of Mayor and to spend the larger part of my time In attending to the important duties of the office. I expect to make a fur ther statement In regard to certain matters fatcr. C. W. Parker. The Store el Great Values Where Your Credit Is Good. 5 or C doses "606" will cure a; case of Chills nnd Faver. Price, 1 cents. 7-20 •. ooooooooooooooooo Silverware j Sale Discontinued pat terns half regular price. Teaspoon 65c per set Jesert Spoon, $1.75 per set Forks $1.75 per set Tablespoons,.. $2.50 per set Only limited quantity in stock. Boo our window for Silverware Bargains! Little & Odom IEWELERS1 & OPTICIANS Phone 5. Waycross & Southern R. r. co. Behsdulss of Trains Effective January 2, 1911. Notice:—Tho arrival and (U'parturo* ate given as Information and art not guaranteed. Southbound Train No. L Miles Station Hebardville, Gft. Lv. 6:30 an Waycross (Albany avo) 6:35 an 8 Lavinia • 6:60 an 10 Fredel Ar. 6:66 an Northbound Train No. 1. 10 Fredel 2:46 pa- % Lavinia t:60 ptr. ’ Waycross (Albany are) 3:05 pm PHebanlvllla 3:10 pm Trains No. | and No. 3, daily, ax espt Sunda>. M Hrskins * • ****»rend*e FOR MAYOR. To the Citizens of Waycross: This is to Inform you that I will bo a candidate to succeed myself as Mayor of Waycross, subject to the democratic primary, which will be held some time in December. If elec ted, I shall endeavor to give you dur ing the next two years, as I have done In the past two, a clean, honest and conservative administration. I feel that I am entitled to another term partly due to the fact that under our now city charter I will be ineligible to Vr again for tho third term. With j two years* experience In city of- ! rs I will have had rt the close of ■! ! r. ten:\-experience that better quail- r "3 mo to render v.m moro efficient .rv!ce next terra.. I will upprecla our hearty support. Yours very truly, John M. Cox. FOR MAYOR. Waycross, Ga., Sept. 9, 1911. To the Citizens of Waycross: 1 will bo a candidate for nomina tion ns Mayor of Waycross In the approaching primary. Within a few days I will publish a short statement of the principles that I shall advo cate iu asking the voters of the city to support me.' (Signed) Harry D. Reed. One of Our Givat Extension Table $13.50 FOR ALDERMAN SECOND WARD. To the Citizens of Waycross: I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman for tho Second Ward, City of Waycross, subject to the ensuing white primary and ask the support of all classes of citizens. 1 promise fidelity to thelrust If confer red upon me. , W. C. Butler. FOR ALDERMAN FROM THE SIXTH WARD. To the Citizens of Waycross: I hereby announce that I will bo a candidate to succeed myself, as Al derman for the alxth ward, subject to the Democratic primary, to be held some time in December. In making this announcement, I wish to thsnk the good people of Waycross for their many kind words, and warm vqpport while acting as their representative, nnd If elected, I will* try and serve them as faithfully for the next two years. Very truly yours, C. A. LeCount. VALUES, exadtly like illustration, made of finc& quality thoroughly seasoned oak, ex tra large hand carved claw feet, handsome ly shaped pedestal, smooth running sides, 42 inch top extends to 6 feet, A handsome Table at an extremely low price, Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days. Our extension tables are bought under contract tor our large chain of stores. We buy for less, we sell for less. An Unequaled Value in a high class dining table. This is one of the be^t values we have ever offered. Made of be^l quality white oak., the work manship and finish of the best, the top is 44 inches across, extends to 6 ft the mo& elab orate pedestal ever furnished with a table al this price; exadtly like illi^irctior. $18.00 Ys Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Davy. Monitor Ranges Best for 90 Years GUARANTEE:—We warrant the castings in these ranges to be the best mixture of pig iron known for the purpose, workmanship, fittings and mounting to be unequaltd, llue condin dion to be perfedt, and that they will bake and operate perfedly when connected in proper manner to the flue. MONITOR STO VE <£• RANGE. CO. We handle these famous ranges in either, genuine OPEN HEARTH steel (guaran teed not to rust), in Welisvilie polished rolled steel, or in the best quality cast iron. The prices are from $35 to $50- You can buy no better range at ANY price, and none as good at a LOWER price. BOWDEN IN SENATORIAL RACE. The Herald ts authorized and re quested to announce that Hon. J. E Bowden will be u .-amlldate for the State senator from tho Waycross dis trie t »n the primal? to br called later and ihai a plain statement will ap pear tome time b ter . 13 ct 01* mpris of era apart. •» 9a )«•< re.»r«sd at lltrall CABINET WORK. I am still at the tame old stand, :: Brewer street, and prepared to do si: kinds at cabinet work, upholsteries trunk repolrlns. etc. Having done four work for the past six years I think I know how to s'** you thr ind of work you want. When yo- toad My r-pelrhi* done, remember J. L WAITE, I *h. eld reliable OeisiMt-Uxter, > I Srswcr euce*, paose 231. 22 V The eltan.tt, molt convenient, effective and tconomical Oil Stove for cooking ever mad.—on. that thoaldba in ovary kitchen—is the Oil Stove It bums ordinary kerosene oil, but there are no bothersome wicks. The heat is concentrated directly on the coolring— none b wasted. Reduces fuel expense. The Same b coo- trolled by a lever. Thisrnesns that you can instantly regulate the flame at any dented height, a distinctive feature found b no other oil stove. Remember that the name “Florence, ” whether on a five-burner Oil Stove or oo a single-burner Lamp Stove, standi far the best in OilStovcs. Weafsomake the Florence Ovens and Lamp Stoves. Par Sol. By iValker-IIdod Furniture Cl. Usd. by Tb. uacau. trass. These couches are made en- entirely of steel and equip ped with genuine National Springs. Have steel rollers and are finished in gold bronze. Folded it is a neat couch, open a large comfor table bed. We sell it com-, plete with cotton mattress and pillow, for $8.50 $2.00 per month. \ 4 Our Line of Daven-foRl Cfl TIME port Beds at - - Qtf-.UU 11)40. Are absolutely the Best Values on the market. We Guarantee Our Prices to Save Yon Honey.