Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 19, 1911, Image 2
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD THE EVENING HERALD Published By THE HEPAL.0 PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Pcrham, Sr. A. P. Ptrham, Jr. Editors and Proprietors. Miss Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local. Tbs Waycroaa Herald founded ta IS9S. Tbe Daily Herald founded la IE32 by A. P. Pert am, 8r. Tefephcnes Basineai Office 25 Kdltortal Owl 25 Residence 2€S. PVery Afternoon Except Sunday. TfBce No. • Jans Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. . Month I .45 f Mouths 11.25 • Months 12.50 I Teer 15.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, fmtetlocM and notices of entertain Beats, where changes are made, will be charged at adrertialog rates ot f •eats a Hoe. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do Bet receive the paper promptly and Mil 7 will please rlng-up the Circula tion Manager sod report the trouble It him, as this Is tbe only means that We can assart you prompt and early Bntfrery THE HERALD 18 THE Official Organ of the United Hates Court of the South ^MMDlstrlct of Oeorgla!^^" WAYCROSS, GA., 8EPT7 red that some- '.out Marietta It in confidently belli tblpk win drop up i shortly. Report! pay that a storm is loafing around in the Car!bean Sea. Stormm that come this way generally make their atari in the Carlbean sea. Sew York women are op h» arms gainst the proposal to bring Beulah j Bisfcrd to New York to appear upon I tbe stAge of a local theater, and the I better class of stage peepte are also j lined up against what they tens a | desecration of their art. The Virgin- i ia girl, alleged mistress of Hetr j Clay Beattie. Jr.. fca« bees qihie wiU- j lag to coin her notoriety mo dol- I iart, bat public indignation will prob- , ably caufce the plan to be abandoned. To be involve! in scandal and crime should not he tie open door to the stage, declares prominent actors and actresses who have been Interviewed on the subject When Lillian Graham and Ethel Conrad, the ’ shooting show girls", made their vaudeville appear ance and attempted to sing crude song?, the morbid public interest soon died out. Yet they iiad a little— a very little theatrical training and some small ability, while It is not al leged that the Binford girl has any talent whatever. There ought to te a limit to the theatrical pandering to depraved tastes, and the Binford girl out to be that limit. As one promi nent actress puts it: "After the Bin- frod girl, for God s sake, who?" AdvcrtlM ia Tbe Wa/eroee Erealnf Herald. Children Cry for Fletcher’s iu ju. vies z'Am It Is reported that Sunday night*» heavy rain did considerable damage to roads and streets in this section. —+— Your Uncle Dick Russell says he Is greatly pleased with his campaign. So If Dick 1* pleaded we are satis fied. —+—- Tbe Louisville Courier Journal has 4 three-column editorial on tbe soda water Industry. Something new for Kentucky. —4.— The Republican newspapers are al most in tears beca m J. W. Bailey will not bo in the next senate. There will be no one to defend Loritner then Pjor Ix>rimer! STOPB FALLING HAIR. G. R. Brinson Co., Guarantees Paris ian Sage, the Real Hair Remedy. You can abolish every particle of dandruff, you can stop itching scalp, { you can prevent hair from thinning or falling out by using PARISIAN SAGE which is sold on money back plan. PARISIAN SAGE soaks into the roots of tbe hair, and aot only de stroys tbe microbes that cause hair troubles but furnishes to the hair jint the kind of nourishment to make the hair grow luxuriant and to put life and beauty Into It. The girl with the Anburn hair is on every cartoon and bottle of PARISIAN SAGE, Look for It as Imitations are numerous. Large bottle 50 cents at G. R. Brinson Company and druggists everywhere. Sept. 5, 14, 26. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for ores year*, has borne the signature of r.ml ha* been made under his per- sor^i! ?aperviv!nn since its infancy. Aliu tr no one to deceive yon in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jwt-as^ood” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Caxtorla la a harm]?-* nuh*titute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops ao<t Soothing Sj ropa. It ia Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Sarcotle anbstance. Its atjo Is Its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatufency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the htomach and Bowel-, giving healthy and natural bleep. The Children s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS f Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TWl CCKTAU* COMPART, TV MURRAY STREET NEW TORN CUT. Foot ball practice baa begun all over the country, but the diamond will crowd the gridiron off the bulle tin boards until the base ball agony In over. An editor never feels more Impor tant than when bo J? writing an able review of general financial condition# and trying to make It sound us If ho had absolute-mattery of the subject. —4.— Boat tie, the Virginia wife murderer, wna promptly convicted and sentenc ed to be electrocuted on November 21, The verllct is a Just one and it is hoped that the sentence of tho court will be carried out promptly. Our sympathies are with the murdered wife's loved ones. Wo have none for the murderer—Darien Gazette. FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS. yuT-i »SesMMSw« PARK PLACE High class Subdivis ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. W. D. Morton, Agt. ROOM NO. 4 Southern Hotel Bldg t’‘RNMIMlMMMlRMR«0 Twiggs County Citizen: After all is said and dong and everything is figured down to a gnat’s heel, we find Hint good friends are bettor titan j anything clue In the world—better than gold, yea than much fin** gold, f —Most of u» would like to take It mixed. PARSON'8 PC LM A GEM. ESCAP’D WITH Ht6 LIFE. "Twent one years ago 1 faced an awful d itb,” writes H. B. Martin, Port flarrelson, S. C. "Doctors said l had consumption and tho dreadful cough l had looked like It, sure enough. I tried everything I could hear of. for my cough, nnd was un der tho treatment of tho best doctor In Georgetown, S. C., for a year, but could get no relief. A friend advised me to try Dr. King’s New Discover* 1 did so, nnd was completely cured. I feel that I owo my llfo to this LTeat throat nnd lung cure.” Its positively (guaranteed for coughs, colds, and all branch leal affections. Bfic and |1.00. Trial bottle free at All Druggists. * HAY FEVER AND SUMMER COLD8 Must he relieved quickly and Fol ey’s Honey and Tar Compound will do It. E. M, Stewart, 1034 Wolfram The Hon. J. K. T. Bowden, of tony strectt Chicago, writes: "I have rrm., promises to bo « <aoUW.Ho for ^ trmbM dur)ng th< hot senator from tbl. district at the dec1 , ummrr month , wlth H ay Fever and (ton next year. It beltia Ware'* time I flnd ((m( by u ,| ng pni,,'. Honey and to name tbe titan. We want to see Tar Compound , „ 5t g „, t ■ Jot run for something, but the die Mmy olhcrs wh0 , affer ,| m i| a rly triet would not be ashamed of their j b( , gUd , 0 b , Mt , representative, should he he elected. _ eTper | e n M . Gem Pharma- —Douglas Enterprise. Every merchApt In Waycross ought te make a determined pull for trade here this fall and winter. The out look Is the brightest we have ever had nnd If Waycross does not break a record .on hus!ue;a It will be mere, ly because the bestnu** men do r.ct take advantage of die opportunity of fered them. cv, T. S. Paint. WOODMEN OF. THE WORLD. CAMP 161 MU.i first sad third Thursday •» »-acb n rt nth. Masonic Hall. lUchvrd 1 . Singleton. C. C. I> i». Vl-vj'lcy. I’ierk. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi^OOOOOO^OOOOO OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAV BACK IN FIVE YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENT8. WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE USt Waycross Savings and Trurft Co ♦■>*oooo' '^o*ooooooooooooooooooo< [Farming With Dupont High GradeJDynamite NOW IE THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR STUMPS. THE HOTTER THE WEATHER THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKES TO DO THE WORK. LET ME 00 OVER YOUR PROP. •ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN SHOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLA8TINQ WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORS PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATES. WHEN MAY I CALL? J. C. CRANE, Expert Blazer. Ask Watt-Hardware Co. Waycross, Ga. Ware County Light and Power Company. We Are Headquarters For Everything in the HARDWARE LINE! R. J. ANTHOm Hardware Co. Ezee Lighting System WHY SHOULD YOU BURN MON EY WHEN AIR IS CHEAP. THE ONLY SYSTEM THAT BURNS 95 PER CENT AIR AND 6 PER CENT STOVE GASOLINE. Use Ezee Lighting System ^ and you will always haveflight. AGENTS WANTE01— THE LIGHT MAN, I. H. LEWIS WAYCROSS, GEORGIA.