Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 19, 1911, Image 5
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD •X POOOOOOOOOOOOCKXX) I t *.New Line PERSONAL Ali; LOCAL Crackers In Waycross Sunshine Biscuits y, English Style, Now in Stock REMEMBER WE ARE LEADERS IN UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES Eggs Chicken and Butter 8IX HUNDRED D" ' N FRESH CANDLED TENNESS*^ EGGS, GO ING AT 25 CENT8, AT J. W. 8. HAR- YD’8. 19 1t All sorts and kinds of beautiful veils at IS 2t Humphreys & 'VDHumson ‘‘Collins and LaBelle" were seen at iia Mejestic last night and went big. FRESH EACH WEEK FROM TEN- nessee. WE ALSO 8ELL EGGS BY THE C^»E CHEAPER THAN THE “Collins and I^aBelle,” are the best that has been seen at the Ma jestic for the past few weeks. That Richly-Flavored Coffee You Drank in New Orleans L. J. COOPER, President J. W. BELLINGER, Cashier. In the quaint old French Market, is exactly the eame famous French Marke' K lend that so delighted Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and the gallants and ''beauties of a hundred years ago. In those days X “Mies LaBelle" was seen at the Ma jestic last night, who Is an exception ally clever acrobatic dancer. OTHER FELLOW. WILSON GRQCERYCO Leading Grocers. Wilson Block. Phone 128 ♦oeoooooooooooeoe Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and ' ‘Pitman’s Best Smok- Mr. Fred Morgan, representing the Great Adam Forepaugh and Sells Bros., Untted Shows, was fn the city today. These mammoth shows will exhibit In Waycross on October 20. Mr. Roy Bremer, of Jacksonville, spent last night In Waycross and left this morning for Savannah. Dr. M. G. Chancey, of Tampa, Fla. was among the guests at the Phoenix Hotel last night. ers. Clear Havana Tilled Clg3rs. Manufuctyed In Waycross, Ga., Bp PITTMAN CIGAR C(» CHANGE IN SCHEDULE. T v e ''Mowing changes In schedule will become effective at 12:01 a. m., Monday September 25th, 10x1. Notice: The arrivals and depar tures are given as Information and are not guaranteed. Suthbound Train No. 1. 0 Hebardvllle, ‘J-v 10:00 a.m. Miles Station Hebardvllle Lv 10:00 a.m. Wavx. Albany nve. Lv. 10:05 a.m. Lavinln Lv. ...‘ 10:20 a.m. Fredel Ar 10:30 a.m. Northbound Train No. 2. Fredel Lv._ ^2:15 p.m. Lavinln Lv 2:50 p.m. Ws.yx. (Albany nve.) Lv. 3:10 p.m. Hebardvllle Ar 3:15 p.m. •Trains Nos. 1 and 2 daily except Sunday. John Hopkins, General Superintendent. AT THE FRONT You have to be on youi- guard If jou ar ecaugbt napping, It Invites dlraster. WAYCRO&3 BU8INES9 COLL*a* GRADUATES ARE NEVER SLEEPY HEADS. They are sought after by men of •flairs. You find them In leading positions of trust. Our DIPLOMA Is an open se-same co position and preferment. Our •pedalty Is to fit you for business; to make the pay-roll larger; to In* crease the salary of the “big man.” Enter At Any Time. Waycross Business College Mr. J. M. Joiner has ‘-’one to Jay bird Spring, where It It hoped he will be benefited in henltli Mr. and Mrs. Lee and children who have been guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodrich, have returned to tholr home nt Halcyondale, Ca. Messrs Stacy Bailey and Miller Lxitt left Monday for Atlanta, where they expect to enter the Georgia Tech. Waycrosi, Oo. K. F. Zelglar, Pres -* KILLS FLEAtf, CURES MANGE, BICAISE'S MANGE CURE BICAISE’S THROAT WASH, WILL cure Black Tongue In Dost or nny nicerated condition of the throat. For •ale by Seal. Pharmacy. 6 nt We handle the famous Mascot cook stove, every one a winner. Cash or easy terms. Home Furniture Company, *26 tf ’ Plant and Albany Avenue. Ve§y Serious It Is a very ocriic matter to aek | for one medicine mid have the wrong cue given you. For thie reason we c:;o you la buying to I be carefci to c 5t genuine— pBUeTSiGHT 75 Liver Medicine Tht reputation cf this old, rella- j j tie medicine, tzr constipation, in digestion ur.d Lvsr trout!®, is firm ly -utafcL'rhc J. X: decs cot imitate j j oiler msdio^tes.* I? is tetter than j otters, cr ft vmu!i not be the fa- ! vo&eUv.'r prrd.r, with a larger do taan c\.ctz ronihineJ. could be had nowhere else, but NOW you all may serve this famous beverage daily at your own tables. For the old French Market blend is perpetuated by The Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process and the rest old French Market Coffee can uow be had at your grocer’s—in hermetically scaled tins. All harshness and bitterness is roasted out of French Market Coffee They used to drink cup after cup in New Orleans at midnight. You may do the same today. There is only one real old French Market flavor. At All Grocer* Genuine “French Market Coffee”—the coffee with a history ) •Is packed only at the FRENCH MARKET MILLS few Orleani Collet Co., Ltd., Proprietors) NEW ORLEANS, LA. Banking Made Convenient For all at this Bank. Wo are conveniently located, offer every facility for promptness In hanking, and wish to do business wth YOU. For security, note our resources of more than Three Quarters of a Million Dollars. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT8. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 “COLLINS AND LABELLE," AT MAJESTIC THEATER. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. rha Kind You Have Always Bought MALTED MILK Thi Food-drink for All Agos. For Infante, bv^ik, end Growing children. PureNutrition,upbuilding the whole body. Invigorate, thenuning mother and the aged. I milk, malted grain, in powder form. A quick lunch prepared in u minute. Tile no (nbtfitate. Ask for HORUCK’S. Not In Any Milk Trust Bears the Signature of Miss Lilia Monk left this morning for Waycross to nssume her duties as a teacher In the public schools there. Miss Monk Is a thoroughly competent teacher and a splendid character. Moultrie Observer. CABINET WORK. I am still at the same old stand, 22 Brewer street, and prepared to do all kinds of cabinet work, upholstering, trunk repairing, etc. Having done your work for the past six years 1 think*I know how to give you the lnd of work you want. When you need any repairing done, remember J. I. WAITE, The old reliable Cabinet-Maker, 22 Brewer street, pnone 294. 22 tf FOR ALDERMAN The friends of Mr. Scott T. Beaton announce him ai a candidate for Al derman from the Fourth Ward,sub ject to the Democratic primary to be called later. We feel quite sure if elected ,Mr. Beaton will make a most efficient and active official, end osk the hearty support of the voters o the city. MANY FRIENDS. AT THE MAJESTIC. Film No. 1. “Mutt and Jeff" ami the Goldstiln burglars. Mutt ndil Jeff get 39 days. Film No. 2. "The Outalw’s Trail." A stirring drama, dealing with a west ern girl3 love, her duty and her lovers strategy. A feature American picture. In the way of vaude\ file we offer Collins and ImBello,', In a reined comedy, ringing and dancing act; ooden shoe experts. Will lit A Shekel ty f etMeff! Gel the Original and Genuine HORUCK’S Atlanta, Sept. 19.—B. Loo Smith, of Atlanta, one of the best known news paper men In Georgia, has announced his candidacy for the newly created office of labor commissioner, and Is being splendidly bached by his friends all over the state. Tho office of labor commissioner Is one of the most important over estab lished in the state of Georgia, being established in tho Interest of every el ement that goes to mako up the ■Hate's splendid human ns well as ma terial resources. In till.' c'’* e will bo leathered statistics which allow the re sources of every county and every general locality, and to show also where certain activities predominate over certain others. Its Importance to the state can not he overestimated, simply from tho fact- that It will ex ploit the whole state, Its cotton, min* oral, turpentine, geologic and staple products, uud will place the stnte in a position to give to the world exact statistics of tho activities of tho state. It will safeguard every person In every walk of life, the farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, and the pro fessional map Mr. Smith’s qualifications for the office are vouched fer Ly every man who knows him, and his candidacy has been given a significant Impetus by a resolution signed by every man who works with him, and this of It- self bespeaks hid fitness. Who would know his unfitness hotter than tlioso who aro with him in hiB dally walk In life? More than a hundred—being ev ery man who is thrown In dally con tact with him—signed theso resolu tions. and It was mainly through this prc-~ -rra 'hat he was Induced to an- nouuco luu candidacy. His 'qualifications for the position, ooino from tho fact that, asldo from his hard common sense ho has been schooled for twenty years oi more in the walls of a newspaper office, the greatest practical educational 'college outside of tho'academy Mr/Smith’s candidacy Is backed by no faction, and If he is elected he states that he will bo governed by prlnclplo in nil his official acts. HAIR THAT FA8CINATE8. SPECIAL. I WILL 8ELL FOR THE MONTH OF 8tPT„ MAMOUTH BLUE GEM JELICO COAL FOR SIX DOLLAR8 PER TON. 9 1m. AN8LEY COAL COMPANY. MAY’S For Reliable Feeds Seeds Groceries Fresh Meal Low Prices Courteous The Need of Pure Drugs THEREFORE WHEN YOU HAVE A PRESCRIPTION 8END IT T O Uh OR CALL AND WE WILL 8END AFTER IT. THE VERY PURE61 AND FRE8HE8T OF EVERYTHING IN DRUGS, A COMPLETE LINE O* TOILET ARTICLES AND RUBBER OCODS. Who Want. Lustrous Hair Full of Life and Beauty. Sturt now madam, September I, Just the month to begin to acquire a glorious bend of hair which you will he justly proud during tho social ovonto of wintortlmo. If you haven’t uecd PARISIAN HAOE you nrn't on tho high road to hnlr beauty. PARISIAN SAGE I, tho moat delightful preparation that do- Btroyo the dnndrull germ, and by no doing removes in a short time tho cause of dandrull, falling hnlr, Itching scalp, faded and llfelesa hair, Dandruk germs are obstructionists;. they prevent the hair from receiving It's props nourishment by ravenously devouring the same norlushment. Use PARISIAN SAGS for one week and note the wonderful Improvement. O. R. Brinson Co., guarantees It, 89 cents n bottle. 7.19, 28 5 or 0 doses “CCO” will euro nny case ot Chills and Fever. Price, 28 cents. . WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHTS OF PYT— AS Meets sv ■ Monday evening at 8:00 In / \ ■'H* 1 — Members •» rvqnesleO I to attend, aad visiting » • Knights are most -to* dlsllr Invited to meet with as. J. I_ CRAWLEY, C. C. T. H. Mlhei. K ot K. ft S. * M. Ot T, WAY9RO8S LODGE No. *08. F & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON tECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 8:00 P. M. All Masons Invltsd to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. *. CLARK, SEC. PHONE 68 r.Jo C. PAYNE, Druggist □The Store With the Open Front. FOR SALE—BUY A LOT FROM ME; BARGAIN FOR CA8H. AND I ! WILL BUILD YOU A HOME. V/RITE ! TODAY. HOMESEEKER, CARE | WAYCRCSS HERALD. 15 2t - j ■ - ■ - •