Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 19, 1911, Image 8
MtHWKLIE” m (COMPANY IN m POLITICS OPENS OCT thinks city should publish REPORT AS OFTEN AS BANKS. Editor Herald: 'J When such men as Speaker Champ Clark and some of the best divines In the United States say that every man, to a certain extent, ough to bo a politician, I can't help feeling it my «luty as an interested citizen of Way- • cross to express my honest convlc- Ucvb on a few points in connection with tlio mayoralty race which is How absorbing the attention of our citizens, and which ere long, perhaps, will be like a boiling caldron. I have never been a seeker after office and never held a political one, and have no aspirations in that direc tion. Not having an axe to grind or a bridge to build, and only one little ditch that needs opening and clean ing out, I believe the people of Way- cross and Ware county believe mo to beat least sincere and will road what ever I write for the general good ot our community, whether it be about parka, shade trees or tin* offices con nected with Bucit things. It dot s seem to the writer that not only every rnan in a community ought to feel an interest in its offi cials and representatives hut every good and intelligent woman and every bright hoy and girl 'should wish to have our city affairs governed by men who are so Imbued with the In terest of the whole cilV that it is really not necessary for them to have to record their promises as to what they will do for the city, If they are so fortunate as to be honored with the office of councilman or mayor. Js not the honor compensation as well ns the salary? It should he so considered by right thinking men Now, let it be fully understood that 1 am not grinding the axe of any candidate who has already declared for office or who may hereafter de clare for an official servant’s position. The point is tide: In selecting a candidate to vote for, ;io matter what the position is ho Is to fill, it behoov es every good citi .en to think well before ho act a or pledges himself ua to who he is going to vote for. Investigate first of all his character as a man, then his ability to do and bis disposition to do tho just, right and proper thing toward all the peo ple ns near ns it is possible for weak humanity to do, utul to do it pleasant ly and uncomplainingly but feariersl.v, regardless of what his alleged best friend might, as one of a minority, deserve and advise to the contrary Officials of a city, in my humble opinion, should bo nbic to bury their prejudices and do Justice to man alike, whether be be rich or poor, n worker in the shops or the hank-*, on the farm or for the railroads. As a cltlzep of Way cross I feel that 1 sin u partner in the city's business and Its ncalrs, and have n perfect right to know from whence comes and for wl .tr the money coming into the city’s treasury is being paid out for, ct.o that a report of same should be published as often ns are the bank report* Why not? I.* fa.t, it is as much a business con cern. U properly considered, ns any bank or any. other corporation in Ware county,' and it will take a mighty smart man to prove the con trary to a lot of voters in Way cross who do their own thinking and have the city's Interest at heart. ff there Is a cnnJTIatc for any of fice for whom I do not entertain the r'CMd friendly feeling he has not yet fcnnoar.ccj and l dare ?nv will rot. The test man for the eo itton is what I say, even if you think a wee bit ir.ore Of the other fellow in the Tucnln-g against him. Voter*, to think twice before you WILL HAVE AUCTIONS. McGregor Mayo Stables will be <5cene of regular auctions alter Octo ber 1, Jet Bouden auctioneer, Mc Gregor Mayo manager. To do a general auctioneering bus iness a company has been formed here and will begin business October 1. McGregor Mayo’s stables on Tebeau street, Just off Jane, will be the scene of the public auctions. Horses, mules, buggies, ail kli is of 'goods, land, etc., will be sold at the auction, the new company will conduct regular- | Jy. Mr. McGregor Mayo Is to be man- j oRCT. He 1j one of the city's best f known young men. Mr. .1. E. T. Bowden has been en gaged as auctioneer for the company and will have entire charge of this section, He is well known through out this section as an experienced auc tioneer and bis employment with the tip. new company means that the auc tions will be well attended. Hurt her announcement will be made by the company as to the da‘es of the auctions. NATIONAL PROTECTIVE LEGION. Special To The Herald. MAJOR MeGEE FOR MAYOR The Herald la authorised to announ ce that Mr. F. fl. McG*e will be a ;asdidate fj*r isfayor ot Waycross, fubject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. Official announcement of his plat- form will be published later. C. W. PARKER FOR MAYOR. To the Citizens of Waycross: In making this, my announcemen of my candidacy for Mayor of the City of Waycross, I beg to say I do so with the kindest personal feeling for those who may oppose me. I ■ expect, If elected, to look closely after the affairs of the office of Mayor and to spend the larger part of my time in attending to the important duties of the office. I expect to make a fur ther statement In regard to certain matters later. j C. W. Parker. WAlker-Hocd FUR. CO, No. 106 Plant Ave. Phone 449. it®Wmmmt Ihe SU it < f Gnat Values Where Your Credit Is Good. FOR MAYOR. To the Citizens of Waycross: This is to inform you that I will be a candidate to succeed myself as Mayor of Waycross,-subject to the democratic primary, which will be held some time in December. If- elec ted, I shall endeavor to give you dur ing the next two years, as I have done in the past two, a clean, honest and conservative administration, I feel hat I am entitled to another term »artly duo to tho fact that tinder our One ot Our Great Extension Table VALUES, exactly like illustration, made of finest quality thoroughly seasoned oik, tx- tra large hand carved claw feet, handsome ly shaped pedestal, smooth running sides, 42 inch top extends to 6 feet, A handsome Table at an extremely low price, Y3 Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days. Our extension tables are bought under contract lor our large chain of stores. We buy for less, we sell for less. An Unepaied Value tionat I’rti in lurnnce zlderable -The Nn-| fraternal , ()., Kept, i: jetive Legion, rgflnization with a con j. embershlp In this section^ of tho country, began Its annual con ventldn in this city today. The off cers’ report show gratifying progress for the year, both In membership a: : finances. Schedules 9! Trains Effective January 2, 1911. Votic*:—Tho arrival and tUpartwor *i* given as in/onmuloii and art not guaranteed. SoutbbouuJ Train No. L Miles Station 0 HebardvIIIe. Qa. Lv. 6:30 an 3 Waycros* (Albany are) 6:35 an S Laviuu 6:60 an 10 Fredol Ar. 6:55 ar Northbound Ttain No. 2. , Fred el 3:45 pit $ Lnvtnla 3:50 p*- -• Waycross (Albany v*> 3:05 pr. t'Uchart!vlH* 3:10 pt Trains No. 1 and No. 2, dally, aj act and look well before you leap are j cept Sunda>. OOOCOC’OOOOOOC-OOO'' Silverware Sale Discontinued pat terns half regular price. Teaspoon C5c per set Jesert Spoon, $1,75 per set Forks $1.75 per sot Tablespoons,.. $2.50 per set Only limited quantity In stock. See our window for Silverware Bnrsnlns! Little & Odom JEWELERS] & OPTICIANS Phone 5. 3 r.i.i to render c-rvicc next torn’.. our hearty support. Yours very truly, John M. Cox in a high class dining table, Thisis oneof - i will ho ineligible to j the best values v, e have ever offered. tho <-r:n. with Made of best quality white oak, ibe work- s!- it . - in city ar- ma-jjfjjp an( j finisli of the betft, the top is 44 inc hes across, extends to 6 ft the mosL elab orate pederflal ever furnished with a table i win appreciate at this price; exactly like illv citation. $18.00 Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days. Waycross & Southern R. r. co. FOR MAYOR. Waycross, Ga., Sept. 0, 1911. . To the Citizens of Waycross: I will be a candidate for nomina tion ns Mayor of Waycross in the approaching primary. Within a few days I will publish a ■short statement of tho principles that I shall advo cate in asking the voters of the city to support me.* (Signed) Harry D. Heed. FOR ALDERMAN SECOND WARD. To the Citizens of Waycross: I hereby announco myself a candi date for Alderman for the Second Ward, City of Waycross, subject to the ensuing white primary ami a’sk the support of all classes of citizens, promise fidelity to thelrust if confer red upon me. W. C. Butler. FOR ALDERMAN FROM THE SIXTH WARD. To the Citizens of Waycross: I hereby announce that I will be candidate to succeed mysefi, as A derman for the sixth ward, subject to the Democratic primary, to be hoi some time in December. In mania this announcement, I wish to than’ the good people of Waycross for the! many kind words, and warm -supper' while acting as their representative and if elected, I will try and scrv them as faithfully for the next two years. Very truly yours, C. A. LeCount. BOWDEN IN SENATORIAL RACE. The Herald Is authorized and r quested to announce that !Ton. J. E. T. Bowden will he a .andfdate for tho State senator from the Waycross dl« Irlci in the primary U* It called later and ibai a plain statement will ap pear some time U to, 13 fit froed mottoes for all. Without prejudice, Chas. HT Redding. Jna 16 Hopkins Superintendent be for Th* Herald. Big supply of card board, all col or*, just received at Herald. tf FOrt ALDERMAN. 1 beg to announce that 1 am a can itdate for altkrtvrm from tho second ward, subject to flm.white Democratic primary to to hc^d later. If elected 1 will do iry vr-T* toward giving the city an Impartial, bur.i-jesa administra tion. H. 11 or Re void. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vctenarlan. 19 Albany Avenue. WaycroM, Cl Day and Nliht Phono 60S. Monitor Ranges Best tor 90 Years GUARANTEE:—We warrant the callings in these range; to be the best mixture ot pig iron known for the purpose, workmanship, fittings and mounting to be unequalid, flue cor Windier 10 be perfed, and that they will bake and operate reriedtiy whtn connected in proper manner to (he flue. MONITOR STO VE & RANGE. CO. We handle these famous ranges ir, either, genuine OPEN HEARTH steel (guaran teed not to rust>, in Wellsville polished rolled steel, or in the best quality cast iron. The prices are from $35 to $SO- You can buy no better range at ANY price, and none as good at a LOWER price. The cica for cod.. ted, most convenient, effective and economical Oil Stove V ever made—one that should be in every kitchen—is the OH Stove It burn, ordinary kerosene oil. but there are no bothenome vvicta. The heat iu concentrated directly on the jooking— rone is waeteu. Reduce, fue! expense. The flame i, con trolled by a lever. This r.wens that you can instantly regulate the flame at any dewed height, a distinctive feature found in no other oil stove. Remember that the name s' s “Florence, ” whether on V*. a five-burner Oil Stove or on • single-burner Lamp Stove, stands lor the best in OilStovn. We also make the Florence Ovens and Lamp St aves. Vac Ital. Uy ‘Valker-fl »id FuniUur.Cj. Uhl, by Th. csstMi on i tu, » um : :a,,tisi. h - -TTV a, tteyr ts . 9 \ \ ' \ < *i«SL°' <<ir '' \ ' \ V These couches are made en- entirely of steel and equip ped with genuine National Springs. Have steel rollers and are finished in gold bronze. Folded it is a neat couch, open a large comfor table bed. We sell it com plete with cotton mattress and pillow, for $8.50 $2.00 per month. Our Line or Daven-§1 port Beds at - - (j) Are absolutely the Best Values on tho market. Guarantee Our Pi- m to Save Tv-1TTo-.v-.