Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 20, 1911, Image 1
- ■ '&r r" AYCROSS WAYCROSS, GA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1911 NUMBER 275 MAY BE APPLICATION FOR ANOTHER STREET CAR FRANCHISE HERE Macon Police are Trying to ^Locate Owner of Valu able Paper. Ga., Sept, it.—The police department la in possession of a check tor «3,600 found by officer John Oil* aoa, on the lower end of Cherry atreet, concealed In an envelope. The check was made out by Mr«. Frank 8, Halney to Frank S. Halney Oh the Jelleraon Banking company, of Jeffersonville, Qa., and had the follow, lng written on the back: “Transfer, red from the Third National Bank of Atlanta, H. L. Coleman, cashier.'' They have used every effort to locate the man to whom the c'-ieck was made but so far they have met with utter failures. It has been turned over to the bank officials here to be traced up If pos sible. Two letters'addressed to F. S. Halney from a local cotton mill and • cotton mill near Jackson were also found In the envelope. It la reported that the check is valid but Indorse, meats on the back are false. PLANS FOR HOTEL. Macon, Ga., Sept. 19.—Architect W L. Stoddard, of New York, who Is ar- ehitect'for the new $1,000,000 Demp sey botel, Is In the city with the com plete plans tor the botel. The plans and specifications were gone over by the directors -and everything proved to;be satisfactory. Work on the new -hotef^.VjVll Wgin by the first of No There Is s movement on foot to ap ply to City Council for a street and rallrdad franchise, by parties wbo can and will build a car line. Parties holding present franchise may be too slow. There Is no reason why Connell should not grant a .mncblse to an other company, as In granting the existing franchise, every other street was reserved for a competitive line. If definite action Is not taken very soon, the new part c» will act. It will not pay to have two lines. The Herald gets this Information straight. MODEL FARM DOES NOT PAY COMMERCIALLY. SEA ISLAND COTTON MEETING vernier, j Savannah, Sept. 1}0—Savannah's Model Farm Is to be abandoned, had probably raised Its last crop. It has practically been decided by the Chamber of Commerce under whose auspices It Is run to give up the ex- perlment of raising grain and vegeta bles and cotton on the farm as soon as tbe crop Is gathered this fall. The farm does not pay commercially and 'It has been decided that Supt. Johnson can be of as great service to tbe county by giving advice to farmers and visitors without a farm on his hands as he can with one. , His services will be retained at least un til his contract Is out, but the farm will probably revert back to the coun ty who loaned It to the city and the Chamber of Commerce. i To the members of the Farmers’ Un ion of Georgia: The National Union has called Sea Island Cotton Conference, to he held at Valdosta, Ga„ September the 39th and 30th. We hereby earnestly request all Sea Island cotton growers la Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida to be present, or to have at least one rep resentative from each local union. All growers of Sea Inland cotton, whether members of the Union or not, should attend thle meeting; also all warehousemen and growers of short staple would do well to attend. R. F. Duckworth, State President J. T. McDaniel, State Secretary-Treasurer. OLDGE CELEBRATES FORTY- 8ECOND ANNIVERSARY. 8avannab, Ga.. Sept 20.—'Tuesday night of next week Forest City Lodge No. 1, Knights of Pytinas, the oldest lodge of that order In the state, will celebrate Its 42nd anniversary. The lodge .members and a few Invited guests will go to the Ochchlga gar dens' for tbe evening. Congressman C. G: Elwarda and others will speak. COAST LINE EXTENDS TELEPHONE TRAIN DISPATCHING EQUIPMENT The Atlantic Coast Line will soon Folkston .Georgia, via '-Vaycross. Tbe be operating trains over 236 more train dispatcher will be located at miles of track by means of tbe tele- Savannah, phone. This road, which Is already LOF THE MAINE IS PUSHED RAPIDLY. , „ . ,, . . ... ThU Is not the only road operating using the telephone pn over 1,400 ,, „ , ... „ , , ... .. , . . r . In Georgia and Florida which Is dls- miles of circuit to dispatch trains and ... ...... . . patching trains by the telephone. The handle general message work, haa re cently placed an order with tbe West- em Electric Company for telephone train dispatching apparatus to equip 90 stations. I A train, a message and a block wire circuit will be installed on tbe main line between Savannah. Georgia, and Jacksonville, Florids, and on the branch between Jeeup, Georgia, and T. 6. FOR 'LDERMAN Georgia, the Southern, the Seaboard Air Line and tbs Louisville and Nash ville are all using It. The Louisville and Nashville alone has ovsr 2,200 miles of telephone circuit Every*one of these roads has found It safer, quicker, more reliable and economical method of handling traffic than the telegraph. NO MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL ANNOUNCES HlS CANDIDACY FOR PLACE FROM SECOND WARO. The announcement of Mr. T. G. Hil liard for Alderman from the Second Waycross Ward, appears In our col umns today. Mr. Hilliard needs no On account of the absence of a quorum, no meeting of the City Coun cil was held last night. Citizens of Dcenwood were present to ask Coun cil to continue the employment of a policeman In that sect'tn of the city. Introduction to the people of Way- Recently, on account of burglaries In cross. He has been raised here and 1 Deonwood, a special policeman was Is well and favorably known To us all.! put on, but bis servicer were dlscon- If elected he will certainly make an; tlnued Monday. efficient, honest and active official. FOR ALDERMAN 8EC0N0 WARD, The friends of Mr. T. G. Hilliard hereby ahbounce him a candidate for Alderman from the Second Waycross Ward. Mr. Hilliard was raised Wore coijnty and has lived in Way- cron many years. He Is favorabls known and will be warmly supported. FRIENDS. TO DESIOE fATE OF RECIPROCITY A Special Bargain ABOUT 30 OR 36 ODD SUITS RANG ING IN PRICE FROM $15 TO $30, TO CLOSE AT PRICE8 FROM $9.75to $15.00 *l£N£ '’j'-iF-YOUR 8IZE IS IN THE LOT YOU .-V GET A. BARGAIN. * H. C. SEAMAN. •P The Situation At A Glance. Laurier majority In the Eleventh Parliament, 4S-- To carry reciprocity Laurier Gov- ernment must be returned. To defeat reciprocity Conservatives must gain 23 seats. Influences In favor o.’ reciprocity:— Agricultural data. Western Grain Gowers' Association, low tariff advo cates, British free traders, American settlers. Influences against eclproclty:—Ul tra-Imperialists, British tariff reform ers and Canadian allies, protected manufacturers, dyed In the wool Con- servatlves. Claims of Opposing Leaders Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Liberal:—Vic tory le In tbe air. I feel the ewtng that makee It eure. I am pretty old It le likely that a policeman wlll-llj put on regularly In tjiat section of tbe city. SMITH WILL SPEAK* P Cofferdam Will be Braced and Entire Keel Exposed Washington, Sept. t9.—The army engineer officers working on the wreck of the Maine In Havana harbor have abandoned the Idea of construc ting s small coffer dam within the Urge dam that now surrounds the ves sel for tbe purpose of Inclosing the forward part of the wreck and giving access to the very bottom of the structure. Instead, a systetn of bracing la now being placed that will so strengthen tbe wall of the existing dam as to make It capable of resisting the enor mous strains that will be imposed when the workmen undertake to re move the mud at tbe bottom to a deptb sufficient to expose tbe keel pistes. As this work of bracing goes on ex perts plying the queer little attylene- oxygen torches are steadily catting wp the great mass of tangled stool beams and plates with a rapidity far greatsr than could be realised by the use of tho old-fashioned chisel and sledgehammer, end It is cxpectod-by tbe time the mud diggers have un covered the bottom plates of tbe for ward hull, most of tho steel above will haVe’ been cut away and remov ed. AT VETS. REUNION IN ROM ENEXT WED’DAY NEW QUARTERS ! ' 'LaMaCcoIicr Cigar Manufactullln* | Company, in order to meet the In- Confederate Veterans of Ga. Will BiAouac in Rome, Rome, Ga., Sept. 19.—Visitors are already arrlvng for the state reunion of tbe Confederate veterans,. One hundred delegates will como this sf- to- oon on special trains from Macon and Atlanta. .' The address of welcome tomorrow morning will be made by Jud -o Jobn W. Maddox and responded to by Col H. M. Bryan. The feature of Wednesday's sesslop will be tbe address by Gov. Hoke Smith, "The South in tho Sixties." For entertainment of veterans there will be an all-day barbecue. During tbe entire session there will be a concert and there will be a dance Wednesday evening and many other affairs. The reunion will come to a close with the great parade Thursday af ternoon. cal preferences and on their verdict at the gamo. I have traveled over depends the fste of tho Liberal Gov- Canada more than once and today I find such enthusiasm as I never found before. ' ' Robert L. Borden, Conservative:— I am confident that tomorrow the eminent, which, under the leadership of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, has been In office for fifteen years, and also ths fate of the proposed reciprocity pact with the United States, for which Sir electors of Canada will cast their I Wilfrid Laurier stand, sponsor, votes against the ratification of re- j[ sir Wilfrid returns to power the ciproclty and that the Liberal govern ment will be defeated by a substantial majority. Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 21—Tho hottest reciprocity bill will be passed soon after the reassembling of parliament next month, and at an agreed data both Canada and tbe United State! political campaign Canada has wit- w m pu t the necessary tariff changes Horsed since the dujs of Sir John f ( nl0 effect. MacDonald and the Nmlonal Policy I ]f the Opposition wing a majority, w-aB brought to a whirlwind finish to day with rallies and speechmaking in virtually every city, town and ham let from tbe Atlantci to the Pacific. Tomorrow the electors throughout the country will express their pclitl- "V sh-te s * -. fpete Sr Robert L. Borden, Its leader, will be come premier, reciprocity will be Cropped and Canada will remain a blgb tariff country desirous of con tinuing the present tariff relations creasing demand for Satllla Smokers Waycross Smokesr and other brands of cigars manufactured by this enter prising concern, has moved from Red ding block to fora commodious quip- ten In Lott-HItch building, in the rear of Oeo. I. Steele's gents clothing store. This new location will prove particularly convenient for this busi ness by reason of the large number of ; - cigars this local concern ships to var ious parts of the country, and cn ac count of Its convenience to the public. Fights Scheduled For Tonight. Matt Wells vs. Abe Attell. 10 rounds, In New York City. IF YOU COULD INSURE everything you possess, you would never suffer much of a losa.ln any. thing. Why not keep Insured, to tho fullest extent, your most Important possessions— YOUR HOME AND YOUR BUSINESS! Insure these, and they can never he lost to yon. Your peace of mind If worth the small cost of the policy. A.M.Knight &Son With tho Uplfed EAL estate and i*;suranc* AGENT*