Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 20, 1911, Image 3
MOTTO. Thoroughness and Discipline A faculty of Experienced and well trained teachers. Well arranged builytngs, modemly equipped. Offers courses leading to A. B. and B. S. degrees at our best Universities. Very superior advantages in Music, Piano, Voice, Violin, Organ, Expression, Art, Book-Keeping, Typewriting, and Normal Training. Special Advantages in Bible. Located in the most inviting City in all South Georgia, noted for its Religious and Educa tional advantages; its Railroad Facilities; its Refined Lawabiding Citizens. ■ — — -NO BEER SALOONS - ——— he rates are exceedingly moderate, as follows: Literary tuition, $3,50; all Special jBt;atiche^ 4. JO: Board $11.50 per Scholastic Month. Next Session Begins Wednesday, Sept. 6th,'1911. For c v • igue-or further information apply to JUDGE T A. PARKER, E. L. RAY, Chairman of Trustees. President. WAYCROSS, - GEORGIA At Summer Prices. 1000 Tons of Virginia Blue Gem] J eH C o C°al Per^ If bought before Sept. 15th. 1000 Cords of Stove Wood at Per Cord Williams Coal & Wood Co. Phone 158. C. M? Williams, Mgr. WILLIAMS’ BLACKSMITH Shop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT 8TREET, OPP08ITE WILLIAMS STREET. , WHEELRIGHT ANO REPAIRING. MORSE 8HOEINQ A SPECIALTY, RU3SER TIRES PUT ON WHILE Brunswick & Florida Steamboat Company. (CUMBERLAND ROUTE), TOUCHING Brunswick. Jelcyl,Cumbrian dina, CLOSE CONNECTIONS WITH ALL TRAIN8 TO AND FROM BRUNS WICK; st*fj S. A. L. AT FERNANOINA, FLA. A fine > Y,v of the Club bouse at Jckyl; the Home of tbe Carneglea an* tbe finest Beach oa tbe Atlantic CoasL LEAVING: BETURNINO: Leave Brunswick 8:30 a m. Leave Fernandlna 2:30 p. a. Arrive Cumberland 10:30 a. m. Arrive Cumberland 5:30 p. m Arrive Fernandlna 1:30 p. m. Arrive Bruniwlck 7:20 p. m. FIRST CLASS PASSAGE TO FERNANDINA, FLA. ....S1.SS ROUND TRIP 32A0 * SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY. ROUND TRIP ...7So > RAILROAD MILQ AGE HONORED. - Announcement Extraordinary Sleeping Car Service Between Way* cross and Atlanta, via: A. B. £ A. R. R. Effective with first car leaving Way- cross 8:00 p. m.; Monday September, 4th. The -A. B. & A. have secured fo rthlB service elegantly appointed electric-lighted sleeping cars, equip ped with all modern conveniences One Big Advantage You may secure your sleeping car space at the ticket office, Union Sta tion, at any time prior to your trip, diagrams are kept contlnuosuly open. TbeA. B. A A. Railroad represents the Standard of Excellence In Service.” Schedule of Sleeping Car Line. .'Leave Waycross 8:00 p.m. Arrive Atlanta, 6:40 a.m. Leave Atlanta 10:15 p.m. Arrive Waycross 8:45 a.m TRAVEL “THE RIGHT WAY.” W. H. Leahy, O. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Oa. R. E. Camp, T. A., Waycross, Ca. A CLOSE INSPECTION la wba* always happens when you ire met tace to face BY A LAUNDRY CRANK. He may be a friend, but be Instate ut •cruMalzlng your linen. Be on the isfe and sure sldo and bnve us do LAUNORY WOR KTHAT IS . IRRESISTIBLE. It’s as cheap as "slop” work an. woks • "hasp” better. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE t. UNION JEWELRY STORE Watchmakers and Engravers. All Kind Of Jewelry Repairing. 108 Plant Ave, Woycrois, Ga. THE HERALD AND THE CANDIDATES. The Herald Is a Democratic news paper, don’t forget that, so long ns you live in this world, and In view of this fact wo propose to treat all Democrats fairly and squarely, with out partiality ,and with epeclal favors to nono. The campaign for city and county officers Is about to open. In fact It has opened. Therefore he It known that The Herald will charge fivo dollars for announcements in Its dally and weekly editions from this date to the time of tbe primary. And there fore he it further known that we will charge for the publication of all platforms, corres pondence or controversy In favor of or In opposition to ths candidacy of any person, the sum of ten dollars for a column, or In proportion for tbe fractional part of a column. At LaGrande Pharmacy THE PLACE TO 8PEND YOUR IDLE MOMENTS, WHER YOU CAfc GET ANYTHING IN ICE CREAM, 80DA8, CANDY AND CIGARS. OUR STOCK OF TOILET ARTICLES ARE UNSURPASSED. Phone 75 LaGrande Pharmacy. Big shipment electric tans recslv FOR SALE—BEAUTIFUL NEW PIANO. PRICE |28S. TERM8 EASY. THE PIANO IS JUST OUT OF THB Sd. FACTORY, HAS NEVER BEEN US j Byek Elsctrlc Supply Cc, ED. 13 tf[20 Lott Street NIGHT SERVICE-NEW TRAIN to To Ashville and"The Land of the Sky’’ / Country vt» 1 - \ SOUTHERN RAILWAY LAND OF THE SKY SPECIAL. Lv. Jacksonville 8:05 pm AT. Tyros 11:50 as . Lv. Jesup 10:60 pm Ar. Saluda - 12:35 pm Ar. Columbia 5:60 am Ar. Hendersonville 1:00 pa Ar. AsbsvUts 2:10 pm Through Pullman, Drawingroom, Brollsr-Buffet Sleeping Cor and die. trio lighted coach, JacksonvTiUa to Asheville, For full information concerning rates, schedules, etc., call on or Ut i. L. MEEK, A. O. P. A, - Atlanta, Ga. 0. 4. CARTON. JR., T. P. A. Macon, Ca. j