Newspaper Page Text
Farmers’ Friends Must
Help Fight For Fair
Prices, He Says
|For Graduating Exercises
i Miss Dart at Kings’
Daughters’ Hospital '
In a very good game of base ball at
Waresboro, last Saturday, Waresboro:
again beat Waycross by the .score of i
, Editor Herald: j
What would ; n f vent the candidai'.'i j
for Mayor and Alderman declaring j
I themselves as to how they stand on j
tho cow question? Now It Beeras to!
| nie this/ is an ideal time to bejrin a!
_digcussion of this matter, especially;
The follow!
has been am
Atlanta, Ga,, Sept. 20.—Returning
from the National Convention of the
/ Farmers’ Union at Shawnee, Okla.,
and the Cotton Growers’ congress at
Montgomery, President Charles S.
Barrett issues a statement that the
17 to 1.' The game promised to I:
exciting up until tho end of the third
inning. Thomas for Waycross held
the local boys down like a veteran,
only allowing 2 scratch hits, but the
Waycross second baseman must have
been born tired and had a relapse
J for it was impossible for him to stay
southern planters must stahd shoulder i ,
to wlfbulder for fair price, the coming ° n 1 “* feet - wherouuou Mr. thomas
rertson. He denies absolutely the dec!led he could ,10t a & me of
statement that there will be any bum-! ljad himself and quit Playing,
per crop. "" I Those Waycross boys play good hall
as long as they, can play together
but It . seems as It they can’t get n
j, Mr. Barrett says that now 'Is the
Jtimo for the friend of the farmer lo
prove bis friendship. "Cotton Is the
best collateral In tbe world, and the
banker and small merchant,” says
Mr. Barrett, "will accept it as such In
case where "distress" cotton might
otherwise be thrown on the market
only to glut It” '
“All business men, whether bankers
or merchants," Mr. Barrett says,
"must join the farmers In this move
ment to preserve their rights. One-
fourth of a cent from the Just price
will be felt through every trade chan-
team of players that will playtogeth-
er v After the third inning Waresbo
ro had a walk-over, not allowing Way-
cross to score until the .lait Inning,
when by the ball being wet from
playing on wet grounds Jeffords for
Waresboro, let the ball slip throwing
wild from first to home thereby let
ting them score. With the exception
of the Waycross second baseman and
right-fielder the Waycroas boys play
ed good ball hut was outplayed by
Waresboro, as the boys worked to-
nel.” 1 ’ gether throughout tho game.
Then Mr. Barrett'calls attention to j A feature of the game was the 3-
the fact that the mills In New Eng-! have hits of^Ed. Crlbb and Spence
IamT are resuming operations, and he > for Waresboro: Following Is the
asks the question If this looks like the
absence of demand for cotton.
The conference In Montgomery,
says Mr. Barrett, proved as never be
fore that the farmer and the business
score by Innings:
Waresboro, 0 0 0 6 1 2 2 6—17 29 2
Waycross, 00000000—I 6 10
' R H B
Lineup ns follows: Waresboro,
man are prepared to battle side by j Spence, rf: H. Jeffords, lb; O. Jef-
IsMe. . j- rfords, 3b; P. Crlbb, cf; IP." Durden,
to be given on tho occasion of
the graduation of Mlaa Janie Dart,
who linlshes her nurses course at the
King’s Daughters Hospital:
Music, Bfuml-Bell Orchestra.
Invocation, Rev. O. F. Cook.
Duct, Mrs. Seals, Mrs. Seaman.
Address, Hon. J. M. Cox, mayor.
Music, solo. Mrs. F. P. Howel!
Address, Hon~D. J. Miller.
Address, Prof. E. A. Pound..
Duet, tl^e Misses Perhafh.
Presentation of Diploma, Mrs. W.'
W. Sharpe.
Quartette, Mrs. Seals, Miss Jones,
Messrs Sharp and Hopkins.
Presentation of pin, Mrs. P.
MuslCj Bunn-Bell Orchestra.
Charge to the Nurse, Dr. R.
Islar. !
c; McLaughlin, 2b; Hargraves, ss;
E. Crlbb, If; Rowell, p. Waycross, J.
Fitzgerald, rf; Jeffers, lb; McDonald,
3b; H. Fitzgerald, cf; Clark, m Hud
son, 2b; Lane, ss; Kellam, B.
Thomas, p, ,
Umpire, L. W. Crlbb.
as there so many of our people’ In
terested in the*’ disposition of tbe
fltvs. Slialil they be removed or
shall they continue to roam nt
largo on our streets. Let us hear
from you gentlemen, giving trs your
position on this importing matter.
The Herald Is reilably Informed
that the report that Mr. Allen Mor
ton would lie- In tho race for Mayor
of Waycross Is all n mistake. Mr.
Morton bus no such Intentions or
desires in that direction. He Is not
in the Mayor’s race'and will not bo.
However, it Is stntel that Mr. .Morton
may be a candidate for a county of-
For Past Week As Told By flCo Ia,er ’
Georgia and Alabama
Industrial Index
Mr. J. W. Boutwell, representing
tho old reliable Savananh Miming
News, Is In Waycdras today In the
Interest of that paper. *
A look at The New Fall Clothes,
Shoes, Hats
. ;* ^ . ‘ . v
arid Furnishings
Will Convince You Thitt _
You can get as good goods
and as nice Styles as qre
Shown in the larger cities
The Prices Are Much Less.
Atlanta Constitution.
That the proposed br'dge over the
Altamaha river near Baxley is* now a
certainty and will shortly be built,
Is the statement of J. E. T. Bowden,
a well known real estate man of
Waycrosi, Who wa» in the city ye»-
The plans haye been accepted and
the contract Is now ready to be sign
ed," Mr. Bowlen said, "and If tbe con
tract has not been already formally
entered Into, It- will he within the
next lew days.
"It 1b the ambition of the people of
Baxley and that section of the state
to have the bridge ready for tho 1911
Tour Around Georgia, and, whilo I
hardly think this can be achieved,
there Is no question about tho fact
that they are going to try It,
Due To Constitution.
”Ij consider the erection of Ibis
bridge, and there are many who Join
:n my opinion, due practically to'the
efforts of The Constitution In Its good
roads and development work,” ' Mr.
Bowden continued. ''.
"It was The Constitution’s 1910 tour
around the state that started the agi
tation which Is now shout to result in
tbe better opening up-of that terri
tory through the construction of this
bridge. That tour, more than any
thing else, made tbe need for this]
Columbus, Ga., Sept. 21.—The In
dustrial Index will say in Its lsaue for
j this week:
I "Three new power plants that will
| control waterpower* and cause them
! to generate electric energy which win
turn tbe wheels of factories In Geor-
sla and Alabama are to be establish
ed Inimed.ately, as shown by reports
to The Index this week. The Indi
cates the steady, continual develop
ment of resources, for the establish
ment of plants- of the kind means
more and more factories and tbe util
ization of increasing quantities of the
raw materials In which the two states
are so rich.
'“Thfrty-slx new corporations with
total aggregate minimum capital
stock of 310,207,000 have been organ
ized In the pats seven days.
"Some of the Industrial plants to
be established are:
"Blow pipe plant, Savannah, Ga.
fertilizer factories, Byromyille, Ga.,
and Cartersv'l Ga.; Ice factory. At
lanta, Ga.; ctfjraclty of Ice factory to
be more than doubled, Augusta, Ga.;
oil mill, Haleyville, Ala.; woodwork
ing plants, Alapaha, Ga., Mobile, Ala.,
and Savanna.:, Oa. Company has
seen Incorporated to build railroad ’h.
tween Eufaula and pitBVlew, Ala
Announcements of proposed railway
.cons-ructlon are made as follows:
KxUnsIc n of line front point south ol
Albany, Ga., to point on gulf of Mey-
Ico, conclusion of plans for building
live botween* Moultrie, On., and Fort
Ualnos, Ga'.; line to be built between
Andalusia, Ala., and Milton, Fla., end
line, to be constructed between Falco,
Ala., and Oalllvcr, Fla. Contract has
been awarded for construction of
electric line through counties In
northern part of Qeorgla.
Some of the construction work to
be done Is; Bridges, Covington coun
ty, Ala., GImer county, Oa., and Au*
churches, Birmingham,
The Lyceum course opens on Oc
tober 19th, United States Senator
James K. Vnrdemnn, of Mississippi,
being the first attraction. Mr. Var-
deman ls recognized as die of the
ablest and most eloquent orators In
the United States today. Those who
wish tl hear him will be entertained
from start to finish. Tbe announce
ment that Senator Vardeman wll be
tbe first attraction seema assures a
large crowd on the opening night
Wilmington, N. C., Sept. 20.—Fol
lowing a conference here "today be
tween D. E. Smith, general superin
tendent of motive power of the At
lantic Coast Line,'and E. M. Doughty,
chairman of the grievance committee
of tho car workers of . tho company, /
with representatives of tho,men from
the ytocky Mount and Wilmington
shims, It was announced . that the
strike of repairers and Inspectors of
the system had been settled and that
the men who aro now out would re
turn to work tomorrow morning. No
detail# of the'settlement were given
oJt. • v ; '
bridge apparent, and as ft result of ft
and of other work of The Constitution j gu , (!li Qt.
has done Jn this direction, the only Ala-| $ioo,000; Atlanta, G»., 145,000,■
bridge across the Altamaha through-1 nichjand, Ga; depots, Chapman, Ala,
out- a distance of neatly 200 mlloa : Demopolls, Ala, and Chllman, Ala.;
from Dublin to the sea, will soon ho bote i,, Huntsville, Ala, and Tallade-
"The construction of this bridge
will shorten road routes all through
that section of the state, and mater
ially lessen the road distance between
Charlotte and Jacksonville. r -
Road Through Clinch.
ga, Ala.; contract has -been let toy
construction of $360,000 hotel at Sa
vannah, Ga.; library building, West
PolnL Ga.; school buildings, Calhoun
county, Alabama; Florala, Ala-
Huntsville, Ala, Norwood, Ga.; Quit-
man, Ga.; Tuscaloosa, Als, Parrott,
If the new road now being con- 0# An d t lusla, Ala, and 8ales City,
structed through Clinch county la W |ji on (nuance of munlct
completed In time, the 1011 Tour ^ ^ inuirovement hoods- Bids art
Around Georgia ought by all mean*, for contract to construct post,
to use It. 0 (gco building at Florence, Ala. Con-
‘•Clfnch county baa gone to work on | (ract for ercctl(m oI jail* have been
this road In earnest and much of It i awar4<| , by Fran k|ln and Pike com.
haj alreafiy been 'constructed. 14 11 ' tlal> A ubsma.
practically a straight road running; „ slx w jjj ha established. Of
right along tbe' tracks of tho Atlantic # 0 , lropor tant land,sales, tbs
Coast Line, all the way from I/>wndea‘ largest 'is of 17,600 acre-i in South
across to Waje. j UcarI ) a "
"Lowndes,*1 understand", has a good 1
road mi to the county line, and Ware ! t | fat i ng "
has a splendid road Joining the Clinch j Mr iw ,. aen 6ay , -south Georgia
county road at the Hne between the, coa tinue»-on a boom and land value#
two counties. If It Is possible tor ^ keep climbing up as .the remit of th?
the 1911 tour to use thHf route, you; S00 d roads work that has been douo
will save fully 25 mbeo on tho trip an( j. 4i ,uil being pushed throughout
between Valdosta and Waycroas. that rectlon.
’My opinion Is that the road will , —1 —
Knoxville, Tonn, Sopt. 20,—Because
Miss Elsie Ellis refused to accompany
Oble, llutler homo from a dance at
Rafter, Tonn., last night three men
are dead. When she refused to go
with Butler Miss Ellis, requested OI-
nay Phillips, a boy of 17, to ao-
company her. When Butler saw
them leave tbe dance he followed and
shot Phillips dead. John Heading,
aged 25, then rushod up t9 Butler
and: asked why bo had ihot Phillips.
In reply Butler shot Heading In five
'places, killing him Instantly.!- The
third death'came when an unknown
person shot Butler from behind, tbo
ball piercing bli brain. Butlor waa
30 years old. Young Phillips was es
pecially, prominent In bli section.
The Bon Ton, tho only, place you
tan v buy Fabian suits.
overyUilng you possess, you' would:
nover suffer much, of a loss In any.
thing. Why not keep Insured, to the
fullest oxtent, your most Important
Insure those, and they can never be
lost to you. Your peace of mind’ la
worth tbe Bmall cost of the policy.
& Son
to ready In time tor tho tour, and It Car j oa d of California fruit to nr- RCA j_ estate AND IKSURANLF*
Is a .-..t.'.er that is vlell --orth luvot- ., le r,,^. a , variety-Store., a-jsnT»