Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 21, 1911, Image 4
ice cream. ’ l will visit the following places on" Elizabeth street, dates named for the purpose fa col lectin^ state and county taxes: Millwood, October 1. ; Fairfax, October 8. ^lanor, October 4-' Glenmore, October 5. Braganza, October 6. Waresboro, morning, October .7, - Beach, October $. . Haywood and Bolen, October 10. Teilmore, October 11. Bickley, October 12. Jamestown aad Hebardville, Oct 23. Those wishing .Jo do so can' now pay their taxes a; any time to me at my office hi Court House. J. T. Strickland, Tax Collector, v 12 tf v Ware County, Ga. WANTED—Experienced 8t< pher, The Claim & Adjustment Co., 20 Elizabeth street Phone 623. 38 3t FOR SAL£—A nice lot cheap, 2 blocks from GUrfiore owner, Mrs. L. C. Denmark, ville, Fla.. ll Several of the young men who are to take part In the mock wedding belong do the Baracca class and for that rea son It is thought best to postpone the party. Fresh meats of all kinds and prompt deliveries to all parts of the city. W. J. Parker. Phone 288. 21 3t and then it you are not willing to Bay that it Is the best remedy for catarrh that you havo ever used G. U. Brinson Co., will gtydly return your money. A complete HYOME1 outfit costs but $1.00 Extra J>ot?els. 50 cents. —8ept. 9, 20. 30. 1 have beenworking daily on the farm ever since, and 1 am as hard as iron.'* This purely vegetable remedy has been ht successful use for more than 70 years. Try it. But be surethat it’a "ThcdfordV* FOR 8ALE—Vacant lot oi Apply to H. J. 8weat V F^RM FOR 8ALE. FOR 8ALE—Nice -< close In at bargain, < Write.owner, Mra. L. Jacksonville, Fla. Summer Colds bad a. they are, hare about the tame chance with Advertise In The Waycron Esenias Herald. > Seals’ Cold Tablets FOR RENT—Two story honee on Mary Street Apply O. R Wolfe, 35 Jane. I 9 t( SPECIAL DETECTIVE WORK! -E.t-Depi:!;' .She'IS Joan P Cn»on will engate In ,:-.--talWecme wo-fc »- W* error- .rid Sant* taoneta. .1* you n-ed hti service# tell hose N*.> Bmp bonsa. sunshine. > White figured-French Madras for waists and skirts, 15c. 30 St Humphreys £ Williamson. For nice tender, steeh and prompt deliveries to any rart of phone 2*8, WTJ. Parkei FOR 8ALE—Horse and :arm wagon. 1th harness for $125.91} Apply »* St St UK BKhSLI HTOItg 2L 3t Herald office. Personal GOING AFTER THE I— o Tow net* dkblect KRESO DIP No DEPENDABLE SURE I PENSIVE V TO USE ■pedal book- nutet of rai- gem pharmacy T. S. Paine, Eggs ■ Eggs Eggs Just Arrived 600 dozen Tennesee Eggs To Go At 25 cts. A Dozen Phone 62 Or 301 /. W. S. Hardy 8UCCESS0R TO HADDY BROS. A GOOD RESOLUTION to make and keep is to patronize this Livery when you are m need of a first class turn out for any purpose. We can supply your wants, prompt and moderately. Give us an oppor tunity to show you how well we can please you. McGregor Mayo Hoarding. Livery *nd 8*ft* Stables, febeaj St. W&ycrooa, Gt PHONE NO. 63. DR. J. T. DIXON, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to chronic diseases of women rind children. OBSTETRICS, CANCER AND DROPSY. Office Third Floor Lott-Hltch Bldg. OfTlco hours: 9 to 11 a. m. 4 to 6 p. m. Phone, office ■■■» ■ Residence — Wayerops, Georgia. Beautiful colored flowered Scrim und Net for curtains. 20c and 25c. 20 2t. Humphreys & Williamson, CATARRH SUFFERERS. / If You Don’t Know About Hyonol Try It at G. R. Brinson Co's. Risk. Nearly every reader of the Herald has read about HYOME1, but many of them contineu to suffer’from catarrh Just because they do not exactly un derstand Just what HYOMT3I la. To these sufferers G. It. Brinson Co., says yous don’t liav# to know anything about HYOMKt except that you breathe it and that It doe* not fcoutuln cocaine or opium or any hamf ful drug. * You can tlnd out all about HYOMEl without taking any chances whntevoh Just get an outfit today, read the sim ple instructions, give It a fai and then If you j—~ —* - «»»»**- that I See those beautiful white felt hats and veils just In at 18 2t Humphreys & Wllllamsca. YOU TAKE NO RI8K. Our Reoutat'on and Money It Back of Thie Offer. Wo pay for all the medicine used during the trial, If our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constlpa- i.m. We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us In any way what ever, If you accept our offer. Could anything be more fair to you? Is there any reason why you should hes itate to put our claims to a practical test? The most scientific, common-sense treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which are eaten like candy. They are very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in action, and particularly agreeable in every way. They do net cause diar rhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping or any inconvenience whatever. Rexall Orderlies are particularly goed’ for children, aged and delicate persons. We urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Three ^izes, 10c, 25c and 50c. Remember, you can get Rexall Remedies in ths community only at our store—Tho Rexall Store. The Seals Pharmacy. A2 LIVED GN £ Miss Carrie Perham Social Ed/tor Extra larle size Linen Huck and Damask fringed towels, 25c 20 2t. Humphreys & Williamson. For the best in fresh meat j, let W. J. Parker serve you. Phone 288. 3t A shipment of Fabian suits at the Bon Ton. ' Mrs. F. B. Trent is spending some time with relatives at Brunswick. Mr. J. D. Lockrldge, a well known Douglas citizen, was a guest of La- Grande today. FRESH LOT ONION SETS AN on ion SEED, JUST ARRIFED AT J. W. S. HARDY’S. 21 2t Mrs. J. E. Dlckins returned la3t night from a visit to relatives in Sa vannah. 1 Miss Ala Robertson, after a visit to Miss Claudia Lucas, returned to her home in Savannah today. Rev. W. F. Thompson, pastor of the Blackshear Baptist Church, was a visitor to Waycross today. Mr. George Stobbs, of Wheeling, W. Va., is here prospecting with a view to locating in Ware county. Mr. Mat Borfan, of Prescott, Iowa, owner of a Deenwood farm, is a visi tor to Waycross today. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. FInnell, of Mo chanicsville, Pa., are here prospecting with a view to locating in this favor ed section. 1 " Don’t fail to see that mock marriage at the Y. M. C. A. building .Friday night. You will enjoy it Everything free. Mr. W. D. Youmans went*to Sa vannah last night to see his wife, who is under treatment in a hospital. Mrs. Youmans Is getting along fine, to the delight of her many friends. The public generally' Is invited to attend the mock marriage at the Y. C. A. building tomorrow', Friday night. It is reported that the cos tumes are perfect dreams. Dr. W. N. Nanney, of Brunswick, a former citizen of Waycross, Is here shaking hands with his many friends, DAiif erre Dr * Nanne f has diB P° 8ed drQ B K/sfv LllUJ business in Brunswick, asd may de cide to move back to Waycross. Mr. Richard’s Experience With Dif ferent Diets. Peaches and Bnttermilk for Three Years. Mr. J. Johnston Williams, of the Decn Realty & Improvement Company went to Atlanta last night to enter Bt. Josephs Hospital for treatment Cecllton, Md.—Mr. George Richard),! Some time ago, whllo in Boston, Mr william, had the mlafortnne to break one of his arms, and It has been gtv- has probably tried more different diet) than the average person would ever use In a lifetime. What he has to say about his eitperi* ments, must therefore be highly interest ing to anyone suffering from indigestion or stomach troubles of any kind. He says: "For more than 12 years, I suffered with stomach troubles, and paid hundreds of dollars for xioebir bills We are requested to announce that and medicines. I was also operated on I [(le B a»ea entertainment which-ha. ing him considerable trouble recent ly. He will be absent from the city for a rfonth or more. lor piles. I lived on dried peaches and buttermilk for ncarly-threc years. The only thing that would not give me pain was raweggs. I was a .physical wreck. 1 could riot sleep, and was as near crazy as a mao could well be. I must say that after taking two 25-cenl packages of Thedford’s Black-Draught. been announced for Friday night at the home of Mr. and^Mrs. Edgar Carswell has been postponed on ac count of the |entertainment at the Y. M. C. A. building for that e*—* l you n*e1 L-- ■ «our too** SIKMpBf *cur boos*. > Watch This Space For Announcement of Humphreys and Williamson ! CLASSIFIED $2.40 ' TvO ' i Tifton, Georgia and Return VIA Atlantic Coast Line ACCOUNTOF | Sooth Georgia Land & Agricultural Exposition SEPT 2T-OCT 7V11 40 countes in one colossal erpositlon, combining land, agricultural and live stock shows. | WOMAN’S BUILDING FOR WOMAN'S, WORK CARNIVALOFAMUfeEMEivjT \ Aeroplane and Auto Races. . Baseball Tournament. Chautauqua of Music and Oratory. Scientific Lectures and Conferences , on the Farm, Stock and Domestic Tickets/on sale September 2Gth to October Cth Inclusive, and for trains arriving In Tifton, Ga., before noon of October 7th, 1911. Final limit to reach original starting point returning, not later than midnight October 9th, 1911, For further infor mation see your Ticket Agent, or correspond with, E. M. North, A. O. P. A. L. P. Green, T. P. A. Savannnh Ga. Tbomasvllle, Ga., B. T. Morgan, T. P. A. T. J. Wright, Agent. Savannah Ga.. Brunswick, Ga { FOR RENT—seven met? house, 43 Gilmore street Apply WT B. -ElUSg- ton, LaGrande Building. t( ' j = 4r { BOARDERS WANTED—Good bard ’; can be secured at 54 Seed street. 7 tt FOR RENT—Store house, copier Mar;- and Pendleton, formerly otcu- pled by J. S. Knight Apply to )f. A. Bennett 9-5-tf I -t— ; FOR RENT—Iloom at 51 Parallel St. or phone 4G2. 13/iiq,_ FOR RENT—Rooms near house la Parker House, also srhlth shop to be used os sbopor for storage on Parallel street. Apply Mrs. C. Parker, 19 Church street |13 tt FOf\ SALt—Anyone desiring i nice fancy outfit tt canTie found for sale at Sutton Grocery Co. Horae, rubber-tire runabout and harness; all practically new, can be bought reasonable. 9 Haines avenue, Phone 7. 13 tf COLLECTORS NOTICE—FIRST I rooms FOR SALE—Large ferns. Seo Mrs. Geo. I. Steele, 47 Jane itreot. 14 It BOY WANTED—Boy waited at ‘1 office; light work;' plenty of ,-r sale, j Address I Ctd 1W Folks St. 19 tf _ * lot terms. } Ctd ltw 19 tf