Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 21, 1911, Image 5
ooooooooooooooooo .New Line Crackers Iti Way cross Sunshine Biscuits English Style, Now in Stock L. J. COOPER, President J. W. BELLINGER, Csshisr. [ mows Coffee of 200 Years A . Latest novelties, lax* ' collars ai long lace jabots, special 5c. -0 2t. Humphreys & Williamson. Oyer a century ago the old French Market at New Orleans was lamed for its-delicious coffee. It wm quite different from the ordinary coffee of today. People were accustomed to visit the French Market and drink cup after cup of* the delicious beverage. Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay and other famous men pr&sed this ra/e old French Blend. Beautiful women of New Orleans enjoyed it at the closeeof (be Mardi Gras balls, and after the daily siesta. Then ycu could obtain W. R. GROSS DEAD. Mr. W. R. Gross, of Valdosta, Ga.. d,'cd at Ills old*home in SylVania Sun- day alght at midnight, while on a visit to Ills brother, Mr. Geo. W. Gro38. Acute indigestion was the cause of hl» death. He was only ill a few hours before passing away. Be sides h?3 brother, he leaves five chil dren, three daughters and two son?, to mourn his loss. They are Mrs. E. REMEMBER WE ARE LEADERS IN UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES only at the French Market in New Orleans. But fJOW you all may serve it—daily—a^rour own tables. For the real old French Market Blend is perpetuated by Tbe Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process No matter where you live you can now obtain this rare old coffee, with all its enticing, natural strength and aroma, for it U packed in hermetically-sealed cans, untouched by human hands. Thcrris but one genuine "French Market Coffee"—only ew/ Prench Market Flavor. No wonder the secret of its blend and roast was guarded so carefully for so many years. Order from your Grocer—TODAY. Genuine "Prenclj Market Coffee” A —the coffee with a history - Is roasted and packed only at tho - French Market Mills / li’A (New Orleans Coliee Co., IUL f | A Proprietors) New Orleans, La. pBL^aSsgg|^<>i? ' in) Eggs Chicken and Butter FRESH EACH WEEK FROM TEN- ’ NESSEE. *. Banking Made Convenient WE ALSO SELL EGGS BY THE CASE CHEAPER THAN THE OTHER FELLOW-. For all at this Bank. We are conveniently located, offer every facility for promptness In banking, and wish to do business wth YOU. For security, note our resources of more than Three Quarters of a Million Dollars. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT8. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULT8. 1. P. Durler, of Hoboken, was the visitors to Waycross to* araon: . Leading Grocers. Wilson Block. Phone 128 Somebody (s hitting Sis Cow again in today’s Herald. We like Sis Cow and wish we were a calf and had eleven of her for our mothers. How ever, she makes the lady we board, with loose her Central Baptist relig ion eleven days out of the week. Picture programme f^r tonight is as follows: Film No. 1. "Outwitted By Hotse and Lariat.” A wonderful cowboy picture introducing Art Boden and Otto Kline, champion lariat and born- cho busters. Best cowboy picture ever made by the 3olax Picture Com pany. Film No. 2. "Toto’s Little Cart.* SmOke! “Oran Chico’^” ‘»Yer Best Smokers”, and ‘Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Mtnuf.ctu-cd In Wayoroaa, Oa, By PITTMAN CIGAR CO First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 Mr. Stanley Chambers, of Mont gomery, Ala., is visiting his parents, Mr. ar. ’ Mrs. J. J. Chambers, her* this week. Judge J. L. Sweat is expected home tomorrow morning from Rome, Ga., where he has been attending the A comedy picture produced by the State reunion of Confelerate Veter- Uala Picture Company. ans. The vaudeville feature will be j ■ — ■ "Biff and DeArmo," first class singing Mr. L. E. Miller, of Folkston, was and acrobatic act. among the guests at the Phoenix Ho- Music at the Majestic. The follow- tel yesterday. Mr. Miller formerly ing numbers appear pn the musical resided in Ware county. programme at the Majestic for the ' last half of this week: Barnyard Mr. West, of Savannah, lnspectbr Rag, Relne Lente Valse, President of convict camps, Is spending today Emeritus. March, The Hoofa Boola j inspecting the camps in Ware coun- Mrs. A.'A. Allen and family visited friends in Ruskin last Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L* Bennett. Waycross & Southern R. R. CO. ’ Schedule, of Train, Etftctlv, January 2, 1M1. Notice:—Tha arrival and rtJpartorM are (Iren ae Information and are not guaranteed. , Southbound Train No. L Mile* Station 0 Hebardvllle, Ga, LV. 6:80 MB 3 Waycrosa (Albany are) 6:35 am 8 Larlnla * 6:60 am. 10 Fradel Ar. 6:03 au» „ Northbound Train No. 3. 10 Pradtl 3:06 pm S Larlnla 1:30 pm 3 Waycrosa (Albany ara) 3:05 pm OHabardrllle 8:10 pm Tralna No. l and No. I, dally, as* copt Sunday. Jno. y. Ho,kina *, Superintendent It’s props nourishment by raveuuualy devouring the same nortuihment. Use PARISIAN SAGE for one week ana note the wonderful improvement. Q. R. Brinson Co., guarantees It, 60 cento a bottle. ' 7.10, 33 Tbe Slug given by Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Corbitt Friday evening was quite a succeas. Among those attend- ing was, Mieses Ollle, Beoale and Su sie Corbitt, Mary Ellington, Ruth Mc Cormick and Annie Laurie Blue; A. L. Hughes, Stanley Chambers and F. L. McQualg. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. rhs Kind You Have Always Bought Mies Annie Laurie Blue, who hue been attending school here visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. I. Blue, In Ruskin last Saturday and Sunday. HAIR THAT FA8CINATE8. Who Wants Lustrous Hair Full of Life and Beauty. Start now madam, September Is lust the month to begin to acquire a glorious head ot hair which you will be Justly proud during the Boclal events o'l wintertime. If you haven't used PARISIAN SAGE you nrn’t on tho high road to hair beauty. PARISIAN SAGE Is the most delightful preparation that de stroys tho dandruff germs and. by so doing removes In a short time the cause of dandruff, falling !n!r, Itching scalp, laded and llfelesj i.ult, Dnndruk germs are obstructionists; they prevent the hair from receiving J. J. ;Graf, Mualcal Director. Mr. Henry McQualg, ot Manor, ,was a welcome visitor here Saturday af ternoon * Special value table Damask, two yards wide, 60c. 30 2t. Humphreys & Williamson I am atlll at the same old stand, 33 Brewer street, end prepared to do all kinds ol cabinet work, upholstering, Having don4 ' AT THE FRONT •You have to be da you, guard If jou ar ecaugbt Gapping, It invltei disaster. WAYCROSS BU3INEM COLt-EO! GRADUATES ARK NEVER SLEEPY HEAD8. They are nought alter by man ol tffalra. Yjju find them In leading positions of trust. Our DIPLOMA Is an open se-same to position and preferment. Our 'epeclalty Is to at you for hualneas; to make the pay-roll larger; to In crease the salary of tho “big man.” _ Enter At Any Time. Waycross Business College Waycross, Oa. B. F. Zelglar, Proa Mr. D. J. Sweat and Miss Lena Sweat of - Pine Valley District, at tended divine services here Sunday evening. trunk ropalrlng, your work for -the past six years I think I know how to. give you the Ind of work you wnnt. When you need nny repairing done, remember J. I. WAITE, The old reliable Cabinet-Maker, 23 Brewer rtreet, pnone 234. 22 tf At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for HORLICK’S Mr..W. B4 Lyons, of Jesup, was in pur town on business Friday. Thi Original and Genuine MALTED MILK Tho Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurants, hotell, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it cn your sideboard at home. Don’t travel without it A qfciclt' lunch prepared is a mhade. Mr. Newton Sweat left hero Mon- where he day for Jacksonville, Fla. was called on business. Notice; The nrrlvals and depar tures are given as Information and are not guaranteed. Suthbound Train No. L 0 Hebardvino, (Lv. . . .10. 00 n.nt. Miles Station # Hebardvllle Lv. ?....." 10:00 a.m. 2 Wayx. Albany ove. Lv. 10:06 a.m. 8 Bavin In Lv .10:20 a.in to Frodel Ar. 10;30 a.m. Northbound Train No. - 2. ■ 10 Fredel Lv 2:46 P-nL 8 Lnvlnia Lv. 2:60 p.m 2 Ways. (Albany ave.) Lv. 3:10 p.m. 0 Ilohardvlllo Ar 3;,t5 p.m -Trains Nos. 1 and 2 daily except Sunday. , John M. Hopkins, General 'Superintendent. Mr. H. J. Herrin made a short trip to Waycross Saturday altornoon. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetenarlan- TVaycroes, Ca. KILLS FLEA*. CURES MANGE, BICAISE-’S MANGE CURE BICAISE’S THROAT WASH, WILL cure Blick Tongue In Qto- or any nicerated condition of v th^ffbrost. For sale by Seals Pharmacy. 6 3: Mies Esther Ellington Is expected home this week frof a motaths visit in the mountains ol North Georgia. 19 Albany Avenue. Day and Night Phone 698. Miss Mary Ellington has rcturneu from Waycross where she has been visiting for the. past Week. the famoua Mascot winner. Caalu We handle cook stove, every one or easy terms. v Home Furniture -Company. 26 tf Plant and Albany Avenue For Reliable Fe^ds Seeds Groceries Fresh Meal Low Prices Courteous Treatment, Quite a large crowd attended the Union Sunday, school Sunday. SIX HUNDRED DOZEN FRE8H CANDLED TENNESSEE EGGS, GO-, ING AT 26 CENTS, AT J. W. S. HAR. YD'S. i 1» It Mr. Walter Afmons, of Ellwood, vis ited friends hero Sunday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. -W. M. Corbitt-’ O. Eedgwlck, of Ellwood, divine services here Sun- Mr. W. attended day. It is a very cerioua matter to aak for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this season vm you in buying to bo to get tho genuine— THEDFOHD’S WAYCROSS LODQe No. SOS. F. & A. M. • REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON IECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY evening at 8too p. m. All Mssens Invited to. Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W- J. CLARK. SEC. Messrs C. A. B. and C. B. John von spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. D. N. McQualg Sunday. Liver Medicine The reputation ef thla old, toile tte medicine, fcr constipation. In- digestion and liver trouble, u mm- lv ettablishcd. It docs not Imitata other medicine*. It la tetter than ’others, or It would net be the ta- vcrlto Ever powder. • ,"*** asla tsau si! ethers combined. , ssio grows w THEREFORE WHEN YOU HAVE A PRESCRIPTION 8END IT T O US OR CALL AND WE WILL SEND Wgji IT. THE VERY PUREST ,AND FRESHEST OF EVERYTHINOpWRUGB, A COMPLETE LINE 0» TOILET ARTICLB8 AND RUBBER GOODS. ,T J. G. PAYNE, Druggist The Store With the Open Front. • -we ■ ‘ Vr* . .. Joe Davis, of Fairfax, will Union school preach here at, house Sunday. September 24th., at 11 x m., and 7:3# p. m. Everybody la Invited/to come out and hear Bro. FOR SALE—BUY A LOT FROM ME; BARGAIN FOR CASH, AND I WILL BUILD'YOU A HOME. WRITE TODAY. HOMESECKER, CARE V. AYCRCM. HERALQ, 18 »