Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 23, 1911, Image 1

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The Atlantic Coact Line otSclah,
in reply to a request to run a special
to TUjJton October 6, "Waycross Day”
\ South Georgia Land and Ag
rlcuuural Exposition, agree to grant
the request provided at least seventy*
five passengers can be secured.
It is not thought that any trouble
will be experienced in securing the
required number. Waycross and
Ware county should send at least two
Ihundred to the exposition on thatj
Should the special be operated, a
Iqw rate will be granted. The train
will leate Waycross early in the
morning, and retuning will leave Tif«
ton at 8 o’clock that night.
A special meeting of the City
Council was held yesterday afternoon,
Mayor John M. Cox presiding. The
matter of a policeman for Deenwood
was taken up, and a special police
man is to patrol that part of the city
In future. *
Mayor Cox was authorized to pay
half of the expenses of entertaining
the recent convention of the Georgia
Agricultural Society. The city clerk j cape and has not as yet been a]
was instructed to notify the county j bended. Both .of the men were enT
commissioners of this fact, and to ployef 0! the Coast Line. McMillan
Jack McMlan, the young wl
man, who was cut by a'fellow work
man at High Springs, some days ago
died from his wounds at the A.
L. Hospital in Waycross. From the
first no hope was held out for Me-
Milan’s recovery as he: had been
badly hacked up ?by his antagonist
who used ja ha|clie9<
that did the cutting mai
Retirement of Admiral Harbor.
Special To The Herald. K
Washington, D. C., Sept. 23.—By
operation of the age limit law Rear
Admiral Giles B. Harbor will be plac
ed oh the retired list of the army to
morrow. Admiral Harbor comes
from Ohio and watr appointed to the
naval academy -soon after the close
of the civil war.
He commanded the Jeanette search
expedition to the Arctic In the early
’80’s, and was on the battleship Tex
as In the war with Spain. He was
naval attache at St. Petersburg an<
Paris for several years.
In the famous world cruise of tht
Atlantic fleet he commanded the bat
tleship Maine and later he was
placed In command of the Asiatic
infor mthem that the county is ex
pected to pay the other half of the
expenses incurred in entertaining the
A resolution was introduced by
Alderman Dunn calling for an election
on the cow question at the same time
of the city primary. The matter
was deferred until the meeting of
Council next Monday night..
The Council adopted W. and L. E.
Gurley’s weights and measures as the
standard fof Waycross.
The automobile ordinance was
amended, providing tor the examina
tion of drivers of private machines as
well as public ones. The amend
ment passed first reading. An invi
tation to the Mayor and Council
from the pastor and members to at
tend the corner stone laying of the
First Baptist church, (colored) this
afternoon was accepted.
was 28 years of age, and originally
from Charleston. The remains were
turned over to Mr. H. Lester Marvil,
the undertaker, and will be held at
his undertaking establishment pend
ing advices from the deceased’s rel
The usual Saturday night concert
of the Waycross Band will not be
given tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Both Recovering
Cordele Rambler.
Mr. W. B. Lyens, his son Archie,
Mrs. W. B. Lyens, of Rockingham,
and Mr. A. J. Woods, of Savannah,
who have been attending the bedside
of Mrs. J. T. Hudsoq since Monday
returned home yesterday . afternoon
accompanied by Mrs. Hudson, who
had sufficiently recovered from the
effects of the pistol shot wound re
ceived In Sunday afternoon’s sensa
tional affair, to travel. The ball was
removed Wednesday from its lodge
ment in the left breast and she is ap
parently rapidly recovering.
Mr. Hudson who was slightly
wounded in the left shoulder by the
same ball that struck his wife is also
rapidly recovering.
A Look at The New Fall Clothes,
Shoes, Hats
and F urni strings
Will Convince You That
You can get as good goods
and as nice Styles as are
Shown in the larger cities
The Prices Are Much Less.
Editor Hemic!: v-fc>
.11,- atteii’lon has been directed to
attain i-.-tides in the papers recent
ly with reference to how the various
candidates for the office of Mayor
stand on the "cow question."
In view of tbj tact that I was first
to make a formal announcement of
my candidacy for this office: the first
publish applet form, which I am
ems to hnve been ap
[e part by other ctndl
and t$| people as a whole, 1
suppose;,*that 1 should blase the way
for my.opponent* on thla all Impor
tant Question!^ . V
If elected to. the office of Mayor,
win abide tMfiteault of the wishes or
the majority I or the voters oh the
question.” I am a crest vfcellev-
the democratic principle 1 of the
Ity rale tmd if the majority of
the qualified voters of Waycross ex
press themselves In favor of cows
running St latfe,, we will have the
vows, If I ak elected. If they ex
press .themselves as opposed to the
cow, then t shall see to It that the
cows are not fjmrmltted to run on our
streets. ' g
In view of Xs'tUrn the gubernator
ial race has tRken In reference to the
liquor question, I deem it meet and
proper tbatfahe people of Waycross
should knop how I stand on this
question also, so far as It effects Way-
cross and Ware county. Should
there ever be a "wet and dry" cam
paign inaugurated In this city or in
our county, I will maintain the Bame
position as I have In the past: I WILL
candidate myself, I am taking no part
In the gubernatorial election.
If "Voter” or "Citizen" deslree to
know bow I stand on any question J
concerning our city, I shall be glad j
to inform him publicly or privately, j
F. H. McOEE. J
V !
Kiev, Russia, 8ept. 23.—Dmitry
Bogrog, the assassin of Premier stoly.
pin, was tried today by court-martial
and sentenced to death Ijy hanging.,
Bogrog shot M. Stolypln a week ago bellcved the elec,lonB would be held
last Thursday night, during a ga!a | 0ct - b « 1-«>«‘"c coutmy would not
performance at the opera and thel" 0 at I,Caee ' thus the elcctlon W0ul<1
Mexico City, Sept. 22.—Gen. Ber-
nardwo Reyes practically withdrew
as a candidate for President today.
In a published Interview he said he
Premier succumbed to the wound
last Monday night.
Bogoff is about 24 years of age and
a graduate of Kiev University,
was a member of the secret police
and also a revolutionist, and i* said
to have been assigned to the murder
ous task by the revolutionary organ
The court-martial was attended by
twenty officials, six of them having
been witnesses of the shooting, a-
mong them Minister of Justice Chtch-
eglovitoc. In view of Bogroff'* plea
of guilty, however, none of them was
called to the stand and only Col. Ku
liabko, chief of secret police, was ex
amined. It was through the instru
mentality of KuMabko that Bogroff
'gained admittance to the theater to
aeearlnate M. Stolypln.
Bogroff declined counsel. Every
one was amazed at his calmness and
the firmness of his voice as he relat
ed the history of his life. He also
described how he had t’eceived the
police In getting the opportunity to
assasTnato the Premier but did not be-
trayv any of his accomplices. He
heard the sentence of death pronoun
ced without even a tremor.
The sentence must be confirmed
by the commander of the military dis
trict before Bogroff can be hanged.
be illegal and urged bis followers to
desist from voting.
In an Interview accorded the Her
ald Mexlcano, the venerable warrior
declared that he was not ignorant of
the fact that If be wished to resort
to arms it would be an easy matter
t£ iOVffuifp th» exj&tlng order of
things, but be gave assurance that
he had no Intention of engulfing the
country further;
In announcing his virtual retire
ment from the race Gen Reyes said:
Would Bo Illegal.
"The elections will not be legal.
The country is not In a condition
which will permit them to be held.
If we persisted In taking part In them
the partisans of Mad ero would have
recourse to all sorts of measures to
impede our voting. Therefore the
Reyfsta party, the popular evolution
ists, and others, will have nothing to
do with them.”
AT Y. M, C. A.
*• . *—
The entertainment last night at the
. M. C. A. was a complete
Those attending the meeting besides
Supt. Walters, were Messrs W.
I " T~ . .
I Special To The Hhrald.
St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 23.—Upon his
arrival In St. I-outn this morning
President Taft found prepared for
him a programme calculated to keep
him on the move almost every min
ute from the time he finished his
breakfast at the Mercantile Club un'il lEImrnds and J. M. William,, of Val-
.the conclusion of his address at tbojdocta; Messrs F. L. Tatum and R.
Coliseum tonight and the resumption E. Schoeppe], of Brunswick; end the
of his westward Journey. | Waycross agents, Messrs T. K. Mil-
On tho arrival of the special train jIcr, J. L. Carter, A. W. Chinch and
at the Union Station, where thons-lj. A. R. Otlcy. Tito meeting was
ands of cheering people had gathered, 1 called for tho purpose of explaining
the 4 ordinary rate of insurance. The
party dined at I.aGrande and had a
very pleasant time.
A lnrgd crowd was present and every
one had a great time. Secretary
Norvell dressed, as he thought, to
represent a Deenwood farmer, had
charge of the affair. Before the
mock marriage ceremony the Y. M.
__ jc. A. Quartette sang. Those who
Pursuant to a calf issued by Mr. F. j * ook P ar * lo the marriage wero Met-
A. Watters, of Savannah, Superln-1 Bri • ' fubbB * aB brIde ’ Wright as groom,
tendent of the Rome Insurance'^CSom- ■ Spencer, maid of hone)*, McCall,
pany, a meeting of the agents In this j bridesmaids: Finn, Lowthcr and Winn
district was held in Waycross today. attendantB * and J,nk * Perham ' flower
special reception committee of lead
ing citizens made a passageway to
the street, where automobile* werfe
In waiting to convey the visitors to
the Mercantile Club.
A trip over the boulevards was tak
en after breakfast. The chief fea
tures of the programme for the re
mainder of the day an evening includ-
j ed luncheon at the City Club, attend*
ance at the National league baseball
! game, dinner at the JofTerson Hotel,
and the night address at the Colls-
German-Amerieans Of California.
Special To Tho Herald.
Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 23.—Rep
resentatives of German socletlo?.
lodges and clubs throughout the state
ore pouring into Sacramento to at
tend the eighth annual contention to
be held here tomorrow by the Ger-
man-Arrerlcan Leagues of California.
Judging from the number of early ar
rivals the convention will be the larg
est In the history of the league.
The business sessions of tho meet
ing will be held in Sacramento Tur
ner hall, with President John Herr
mann of San Francftco presiding. The
ocal organizations have provided
^ J entertainment tot the risi-
Special To The Herald.
New oYrk, Sept. 23.—-To refute
the arguments of the antis that the
suffragists do not give to the common
wealth the due number of babies, and
do not care a* much as they should
for the food and housing of the
grown members of society, the Wo
man Suffrage Party of this city has
Intsalled a baby show and a pure
food booth at the Domestic Scienci.
and Pure Food Erhlhltlon, wbicn
pened in Madison Square Garden this
afternoon and will continue until Oc
tober 4. v
The proceeds derived from the suf
frage exhibit will go toward, a $100,-
000 fund that is being raised for po
litical tfork. .
The Hebrew merchants of Way-
mots are celebrating the Jewish New
Year today. Their places of business
were closed last night, and will Jtot
be opened, until Monday morning.
Servicer were held today, being con
ducted 17 Rabbi CoSen.
tendants, and Jinks Perham, bower
girl. The costumes were excellent.
Savannah, Ga., Sept. 23.—Mayor
Tlodeman has barred the Beulah Bln-
ford moving pictures for all time.
He wrote yesterday to the promoters
of jtho plan refusing pertftfstiofi for
them v to bo shown and saying the
city yvfis rqddy to defend Its position
In the courts.
everything you possess, you would
never suffer much of a loss in any
thing. Why not keep insured, to the
fullest extent, your most important
possessions— •
(nsuro these, and they can never be
lost^to^jteu. Your peace of mind is
worth the small cost of the policy.
A Son