Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 23, 1911, Image 2

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MW WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD HHMPjnHB '' \ ■ > ? TdE EVENING HERALD — - Publl.h.d By—— E HERALD PUBLISHING A. P. Perham, Sr. A. P. Parham, Jr. Editors and Proprietors, Miss Carrie Perham, Personal, 8oclsty and Local. The Waycroee Herald founded In 1185. Tbs Dally Herald founded In 1182 by A. P. Perbam, Sr. Telephones Busluus Offlce 25 Editorial Offle 25 Residence 258. FVery Afternoon Except Sunday. Office No. 8 Jana Street RATES OF 8UB8CRIPTI0N. . Month 2 .45 I Months 81.25 8 Months |2.50 1 Tear 86.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions end notices of entertain ments, where cbaries are made, will be charred at advertising rates of 5 tents a line. , NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do fot receive the paper promptly and •arly will please rlng up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him, a> tbli Is the only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery THE HERALD 18 THE Offlclal Organ of the United btates Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROS8, GA., SEPT. 23,1911. A fashion note* nays that women are to wear their skirts fuller this fall. It strike* ijs that 8oi)jo of them are A girl will refuse a man a kiss In an Indignant tone of voice, who would have rejoiced inwardly had he taken It without asking. * The rice shortage in China may cause the laborers of that country to demand an Increase of at least one cent u week (n their wages. * While Editor Charles It. Pendleton of The Macon Telegraph, doosn't be lieve in tho hook worm, he Is a pro found convert to the boll weevil.— Atlanta Conatltutlon. sf. Ben Tillman refuses to be recorded on the reglstor of the “Down and Out Club." Ho haa just purchased two new pitchforks and Is ready for the opening of tho game. * The fellow who swiped nn automo bile from a coal dealer was probably trying to got some of hla money back. * There Is nothing now’ In tho report that tho huniun aura has been dis covered. It has often been used as a costume by our classical dancers. , * It Is against tho luw to wear a dead bird on one’s hat In New Jersey, but the milliners may bo depended upon to concoct something Just as contly. WHEN GEORGIANS ARE READY. (From The Macon Telegraph.) When Georgians are ready to pass directly on the question of bJJnd tJger distribution versus law-bridled distri bution of alcoholic liquors, unhamner ed by /political demagqgy and the personal popularity or unpopularity of candidates. The Telegraph will be ready to take a position and express Its views. But when the Issue needlessly Injected as a vote-getting scheme to distract and divide the peo ple, and at a time and in a campaign when and where no results can be obtained, no matter how the votes run, The Telegraph will not be drawn Into a scramble over an Issue that Ib not an Issue and canpot he an Issue In this short term campaign for gov ernor. As we read the Indications a large majority of the people are like-mind ed. The Cordele Rambler states the case fairly In the following: “It Is stated on’what we consider good authority that ex-Oovernor Joe Brown will announce for governor within the next week, and that his announcement will declare In favor of leaving the whiskey question to the whole people of the state, so as to take it completely out of politics. “In the present race between Judge Russell and Mr. Pope Brown, the merits of the men and the merits of the race, aa well, are abused by tills unusual issue, which absolutely has nothing to do with the situation. “The legislature has been elected and would not change their scntl ments to accord with the election of either of tho candidates. “It has the effect of stirring up dissensions by simply playing to the prejudices of the people. "The people should have tho right to vote on this question, If they want It, and If Governor Brown favors an arrangement of this kind, we think hla candidacy will be very effective* and that it,'will have the effect oi eliminating this issue from the guber natorial race. “Almost any Issue will create an tagonism In a community, but if there is something to be gained to the peo ple at large the candidate who In jects them into his campaign is ex cusable; but It is always a matter of regret when dissensions, are created for the solo purpose of boosting any man’s candidacy.” Children Cry for Fletcher’s Tho Kind You Havo Al'vuy.; Eoiiglit, and which has been In nse for ovci "0 years, has borne the signature of .mi and lias been mode under Ills per sona! supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations av.d “Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children—Experience agalust Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Hoothlng Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Feverishness. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constlpatton nnd Flatulency. 11 assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years PARK PLACE High class Subdivis ion for white people only, on easy terms, closeto A.C. L. Shops. t-blneso authorities have spent $100,000 In furnishing a cln*a room for their 5-year-old emperor nnd providing Imperial textbooks. Boor little kid! There’s n tribe in Africa, under Gorman domination, where the men eat their wives. This is a little moro disagreeable than ordinary divorce, but it saves alimony. Herman Cum, the official dog entety er of Denver, 1ms announced that lie has received his two-thousandth dog bite. Following his custom, he anoint *d the wound with carbolic acid and pursued his work. 4- When you pull down the city in NO NEED TO 8TOP WORK. When your doctor orders you to atop work, It staggers you, “I can’t” you say. You know you are weak, run-down nnd falling .u health, day by day, but you r::ust work ns long aa you can stn^i. What you need la Electric B’ters to glvo ton, strength, nnd vlgo- to your system, to prevent breakdown nnd build you up. Don’t bo weak, sickly or ailing when Elec tric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health nnd strength Try thorn. Every bottle Is guaran teed. Only 50c at All Druggists. W. D. Morton, Agt. ROOM NO. 4 Southern Hotel Blig HOW’S THIS? a-"» Ilundrvl IXll;s i'A warn for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall’s Catarrh { Cure.. j K. J. CHEXEY & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. 4 J. Cheney for the Inn 15 years, nnd believe hitn.perfectly honorable in all J business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, K Inn an & Marvin, ( Wholesale Druggets, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure ‘s taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood * and mucous surface* cf the system. Testimonials sent free. Price ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOO OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN FIVE YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENT8. WILL 8ELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERM8—SEE U8I Waycross Savings and Trudt Co ♦ovocoo". • vvvyosooooooocoooooomio! : Farming With Dupont High Grade^Dynamite n , Ware County Light and Power Company. We Are Headquarters F or Everything in the HARDWARE LINE! ft J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. «hkh I. your homo, you ure imttlnc | per botUe „ y all inlKgUu . down yourself nnd »h« you build up , T#k<) Fam | ly F: „, for con , t |. you are building up yourself nnd your p at | cm neighbor. Try and banish from your I ______ mind the mistaken Idea thnt all good things are away out In some other lo cality. Give your town all the praise ft can legitimately hear. It certainly will do you no harm and’ will cost you nothing: nnd above Ml patronize your home institutions—Including the printing offlce. WOODMEN OF. THE WORLD. CAMP 161 Mu.‘a first ud third Thursday •> each aonth. Masonic Hall. Richard.L. Singleton. C. C. a P. Woolley. Clark. NOW IE THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR STUMPS. THE HOTTER THE WEATHER THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKES TO DO THE WORK. LET ME GO OVER V0UR PROP- ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN SHOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORE PROFITABLE. NO CHARGE8 FOR ESTIMATE*. WHEN MAY I CALL? J. C. CRANE, Expert Blaster. Ask Watt-Hardware Co. Waycross, Ga. YOUR At LaGrande Pharmacy 'V THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR IDLE MOMENTS, WHER YOU CAN GET ANYTHING IN ICE CREAM, 80DA8, CANDY AND CIGARS. OUR 8TOCK OF TOILET ARTICLES ARE UN8URPA8SED. Ph 7° 5 ne LaGrande Pharmacy. * For First-Class JOB WORK Try THE HERALD.