Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 23, 1911, Image 3
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Carries Your Personality \HE SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE faced a serious problem. He had a chance to close a big deal, but in order to do ft, he would have to go outside his instructions. A personal consultation with his firm was absolutely necessary. He calledj them up on the Long Distance Bell Telephone, outlined tjie situation—and the deal was closed. Such a talk was a: satisfactory as a face to face confer ence. The world’s greatest business men make the Long Distance Bell Telephone the means of wonderful achieve ment. It can serve jbu as well. Real Bargains IN REAL ESTATE Yon too,want the most for your money You are entitled to it and I will help you get it. By the way, Southe and iave you a Bell Telephone? n Bell Telephone elegraph Company Do You Do With Your Money? Motley is a thing not p be treated thoughtlessly. Every ' * dollar investei means much to your future , „comhrt and happiness. It will pa; you to Investigate our SATILLA GMDEN PROPOSITION! You can buy a Full Ape Inside the City Limits, splendidly located tor truck am chicken rasing, or good to hold on to and sub-divide liter into building lots—tor $150.00 per acre. On termslot $10 cash and $5 per month. Without One Cent of Interest! RIVERSIDE PARK CO. Wa - yc ^ G ^ THREE 100x105 FOOT LOTS, WELL LOCATED ON COLLEGE' HILL. SPECIAL PRICE8 ON THE8E FOR CASH. OWNER WANTS TO REALIZE ON THEM AT ONCE. FOUR LOTS LEFT ON MAY STREET EXTENSION, CAN BE BOUGHT FOR $200.00 TO $300.00, EASY TERMS—LARGE LOT8. GREATEST YET!! TEN WHOLE ACRES, COLLEGE HILL, JUST BEYOND THE LARGE OAK8. GREATE8T BARGAIN I HAVE HAD TO OFFER YET. CAN BE PURCHASED FOR $150 PER ACRE LESS THAN YOU COULD POS SIBLY EXPECT TO GET ACREAGE IN THIS LOCATION. GET BUSY, I AM GOING TO DISPOSE OF THIS TRACT AT ONCE, LOTS NEAR MARY STREET PARK ON MARY AND ISABELLA STREETS. CAN BE BOUGHT ON EASY TERMS, AT EXTREMELY REASONABLE PRICES. TWO LOTS ON MCDONALD STREET —EASTERN EXP08URE. 192 FEET NORTH OF CARSWELL 8TREET. You may get additional information or be taken out to see this property by phoning 270. Ask for WALTER M YOUNG Real Estate Bargains OOOOOOOOOOOo O J B BAGLEY M D ® O PHYSICIAN & 8URGEON O O Office n Southern Building O O OFFICE HOURS. O O 9-11 A. M. 3-4 P, M. 708 P. M. O OOOOOOOOOOOc D S SCHUREMAN ARCHITECT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, Rockford, III. Plan* for any kind cf building pre paired and atructural Iron work of all kinds. Correspondence solicited. Will be located permanently In Waycross UNION JEWELRY STORE Watchmakers and Engravers. Alt Kind Of Jewelry Repairing. 108 Plant Ave. Waycross. Qa. Common Colds must be taken Ser loualy. For unless cured they yp the vi tality and lower the vital reststano to more serious In/ectfoni Protect your children and yourself by tho prompt use of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and note its quirk and do-; clfuve results. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and nffcctlons of the throat, chest and lungs It 1h an ever ready and valua bly remedy. Gem Pharmacy; T S. Peine NOTICE PROPERTY OWNER8 Weeds and grass must be cleared from lota as required by city ordi nance. This work must bo done at once and within the next ten (10) days. 2 tf , D. M. Uradley, Health Officer. HERBERT S HOPKINS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room 325. LsOr&nde Building. COAL! COAL! COAL! When you want good coal, ask for Red Ash. Tho Montevello is the coal that makes Red Asb. I also have a cheaper grade of coal. Have thorn on hand at all times. Also dry stovo wood of nil kinds. Telephone 70 for prices. Quick service to any part of the city. Good wood. Ansloy Coal Company. 24 tf W. W. Ansley, Prop. McKinlei Music DICKINS l NEW FALL GOODS McCall’s ‘Patterns AT SPECIAL 12 l-2c Ginghams, Stripes, Checks and Plaids at 10c '• ■■ Checked Linen Crash Toweling at 10c Childrens 15c Fast Black Hose at 10c Sheqts, Extra Large, 50c, 75c, 98c PRICES New Assortment Laces, Cluny and Torchon,Edges and insertions to match 5c-10c Ladies Silk Hose, Garter Top, Double heel and Toe, all Colors, 75c value tor 50c Blankets 10-4, $2.50 to $5.00 New Neckwear Fishers Collars and Jabots New broadcloths Etc. Childrens School Dresses New Fall Waists Headquarters for School Supplies Cracker /ac/cFrec