Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 25, 1911, Image 4
Summer Colds bad as they ere, hare about the earn# chance with Anyone desiring a "Monitor" gr.so line Iron, plaase (end order to Mrt. D. C. Young, agent Box SCI. War etna*, On. , _ 22 Ct Seals’ Cold Tablets that a snowball daee In eui Try them on guarantee. ONION SETS. Silver >kln. Pearl and Y« set*. Beat quality, at Redi S3 Ut We are'beadquarters ror low prices and easy terme. IS U Home furnlture Co. THEISEALS PHARMACYI V/AYCROSS EVENING HERALD THE USE Eggs Eggs Eggs lust Arrived 600 dozen Tennesee Eggs To Go At 25 CtS. A Dozen Phone 62 Or 301 /. W. S. Hardy SUCCESSOR TO HAPOY BR08. Luatrcme embroidery thread In all colors at Mis* McDonald's. A GOOD RESOLUTION SoLjiake and keep la to patronize this Livery when you are m need ol a first class turn out (or any purpose. We can supply your wants, prompt and moderately. Give us an oppor tunity to show you how well we can please you. McGregor Mayo •carding, Livery and Sales Stables. Vabeau 8L Waycross, Qa PHONE NO. 0* THE HERALP AND THE CANDIDATES. The Herald is a Democratic news paper, don't forget that, so long as you live In this world, and In view o( this (act we propose to treat all Democrats (airly and squarely, with- out partiality .and with special (avors to none. The campaign (or city and county oOlcers la about to open. In (act it has opened. Therefore be It-known that The Herald will charge five dollars for announcements In Its dally and weekly editions (rom this date to the tlmo of the primary, And there, fore be It (urther known that we will charge for the publication o( all platforms, corres pondence or controversy In (avor ot or In opposition to the candidacy o( any person, the sum ot ten dollars for a column, or In proportion (or the (ractlonal part ot a column*. Personal Mist Carrie Perham Social Conor A number of f.ne sermons were delivered In Waycross yesterday. Mr. George W. Deen is 3pending a few days in Chicago on business. Dr. Jacquelin Knight returned yes terday from a trip to Virginia.. 3Uk Marquisette in black, white and blue, at Miss McDonald’s. Mr. W. W. Sharpe, Jr., spent to day at Nlcholl*. Mr. H. Daniel, of Blackshear, spent yesterday in Waycross, a guest of I.aGrande. Watch 7 his Space For Announcem ent of Humphreys and Williamson Mr. J. M. Tuten, of Alapaha, Ga., was among the guests at the Virdie yesterday. Mr. E. J. Marsh has returned to Waycross from New York, where he spent some time. Mr. J. K. Larkin, mayor of Ho boken, was transacting business in Waycross today. DR. J. T. DIXON, Physician and Surgaon. attention to chronic dlaeasea of women and children. OB8TETRIC8, CANCER AND DROP8Y. Floor Lott-Hltcb Bldg. 9 to 11 a. m. 4 to 6 i>. m. Phone, office — ■■■ Residence 3D3 Waycross, Georgia. PATENTS M BloodV Breathitt” Wants/ Order. 8peclal To The Herald. Lexington, Ky., Sept. 23.—Tired reign of lawlessness that has 'Continuously for many hmde “Bloody Breath' the country over./'Che of Elktawa, ono of the tawr.s county joined In a ina^s today to discuss plans to re store law and order throushout that section. The meeting was preliminary to n country wide conference of the samo nature which is to be hcM at Jack- son, tho county seat, early In Octo ber. IN MEMORY OF ROGER Q. MILLS. 8peclal To Tho Herald. Corsicana, Texas, Sept. 23.—Life long friends of tho late Roger Q. Mills will unite In paying tribute to the memory jot their distinguished fellow towpsman nt memorial oxer- chea to be held in the public library in this city tomorrow afternoon. Th» Navarro County Bar Associa tion'has charge ot the arrangements for the memorial meeting and has se cured a number ot prominent speak- NMSMU 1 aSS ■wjwsMas, Whvlpyw tJ rforo applying D, SWIFT PATfNT uAWYCr -J, 303 Seventh Si., Wa*t f "r,.cn. D. I 100 gallons pure Georgia syrup as good as new. Sealed in gallon cans. Just arrived at J. W. S. Hardy’s. Beautiful line of stamped lingerie, etc., In D. M. C. packages at Miss McDonald's. Mr. W. J. Middlekauff, traveling freight agent of the Illinois Central with headquarters fn Jacksonville, was In Waycross Saturday. Mr. C. H. McRae, of Quitman, who ha3 been under medical treatment here at the home of his brother, Mr. W. H. McRae, Is Improving. ONION 8ET8. Silver skin. Pearl and Yellow Onion sets. Best quality, at Redding's. 25 15t Mrs. Mary J. Allen, widow of Rev. Dr. Young J. Allen, of IChina, and daughter, Miss Alice, are visiting Mrs. Allen's niece, Mrs. A. E. Coch ran, 60 Hicks street. GO ZD STOMACH? Keep a Cox of MI-O-NA In Your House ^nd You'll Always Have One. Some people eat too much, some drink too much, and hundreds of thousands of men, smoke too much— especially In the evening, especially In the evening. Use directions If you can, but If stltute. you can't; use wisdom. Take two MI-O-NA stomach tablets begore you to to bed and you’ll awake minus & headache In the morning. MI-O-NA stomach tablets are guar an teed to end Indigestion acute oi chronic; to promptly banish ga-*, heartburn, sour rising, # etc. They are the best remedy for dizziness, bil iousness, nervousness, headache, con stipation, vomiting of prenancy, car or sea sickness, foul breath, night eats, bad dreams, coated tongue, languid feeling. .And a box only costs 50 cents at G. R. Brinson Co., and druggists ev erywhere. ■ 4. 15, 25 * Rev. W. F. Thompson, pastor of ^ the Blackshear Baptist church, was in Waycross this morning returning from Hoboken, where he conducted a very successful meeting. Mrs. S. F. Floyd and children will move to Waycross this weqk. from Hoboken and will occupy a homo on College Hill. Mrs. Floyd moves hero j to enter her children in Bunn-Bell In- Mr. Rufus Green, who was once a resident of Waycross and held a re sponsible position with tho A.' B. & A., spent yesterday In the city, a guest of Mr. Ben W. Redding. Mr. Green is now traveling for a New York house. We Are Ready To Offer Yon Real Bargains OUR FALL 8T0CK IS HERE. JU8T RECEIVED ONE CARLOAD HIGH GRADE BUGGIES. ONE CARLOAD FARM WAGONS. A LARGE SHIPMENT OF HARNESS AND 8ADDLERY COLLARS, ETC. WE ARE MAKING SPECIAL CUT PRICE8. COME AND LET US 8H0W YOU JUST WHAT IT WILL SAVE YO'J TO TRADE WITH US. Jones Baggy Co. CLASSIFIED FOR RENT—seven room nouze. 43 Gilmore street Apply W. B. Elling ton, LaGrande Building. 1 t( BOARDERS WANTED—Good board can be secured ac 54 Reed street. 7 tt * FOR RENT—Store house, corner Mary and Pendleton,. formerly occu pied by J. S. Knight Apply to C. A. Bennett. 9-5-tf WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. FOR RENT—Room (or young man. Apply 41 Brunei street. 25 3t Mr. E. H. Wooten lias returned (rom Meridian. Mls»„ where bo has been assistant manager ot a big hotel for some time. Mr. Mr. Wooten eras forced to give up bis position on sreount o( his health, the climate there not agreeing with him. SPECIAL MUSIC AT MAJESTIC. The following musical program will bo given at the Majestic for the first halt ot this week: Koenlgsklnder March, on melodies (rom Humperdinck's Opera, Hildreth. Georgia Rag. Gutuhle. Stern’s Amcri- can-'Eupropoaa Hts, Medley Overture, Williams. Come Along Ma Cherie, Two-step, (rom the Rod Rose. Bow ers. A Dream c( Cleopatra, Waltzes, Knr.dt. The Tartar ot the . Xavv, Mar.a, Cobb. B.-te :acktU Ma,cb, Emerson. Chanticleer Rag, Gumblc. Love and Rotes, Waltzes, Rolte. The Winning Fight March, Hotzmann. J. J. Grat, Musical Director. FOR RENT—Two turnlshad rooms gentlemen, with hath, electric llgats and phone. Apply to F. A. Bates, 00 Elizabeth street. 21 tt FOR RENT—Room at 51 Parallel St. or phone 462. 13 lm FOR RENT—Rooms near court house In Parker House, also black smith shop to he used as thopor for storage on Parallel street. Apply Mrs. C. Parker, 19 Church street. 13 tt FOR SALS—Anyone desiring a nice (nncy outfit It can be found tor sale at Sutton Grocery Co. Horse, rubber-tire runabout ami harness; all practically now, can he bought reasonable. 3 Haines avenue, Phone 7. 13 t( FOR RENT—Store room qt 72 Plant avenue. Good stand. Apply to Geo. I. Steele, 40 Plant avenue. 20 4t Fresh meats o( all kinds and prompt deliveries to all parts ot the city. W. J. Parker. Phone 288. 21 3t LOST—Pair gold rimmed eye glass es in case. Finder will please return to c. S. Hardy, corner Mary and Pendleton streets. 23 It C. A. DOWNEY, M. O. V. . Vetenarlan. , ' 19 Albany Avenue. Weycross, Gi Day and Night Phone 198. Yellow Onion ■t Redding's. POSITION WANTED—Young mar- ried man, 23 year* old, with 4 years experience in clerical work, wants po sition. Willing to work. -Address 25 Clinton street, city. 23 6t FOR RENT—Furnished rooms (or light housekeeping, at 9' Hicks street. *3 Ct • C FOR RENT—Three nice up-stalrs rooms, suitable (or light housekeeping St S3 Brewer street - Apply J. A. B., 104 Plant avenue. FOR 8ALE—A Columbia clialnless bicycle, In first claBS repair, brand new tires. Will sell at a bargain It taken quick. Dr. W. K. Meeks, Wal ker building. 25 3t FOR SAL fc —Two building lots, cheap to quick buyer. Apply at Her ald office. 22 3t FOR 8ALE—A nice lot (or sale, cheap, 2 blocks (rom Gjlmore. Address owner, Mrs. L. C. Denmark, Jackson vine, Fla. 19 6td ltw FOR SALE—^Vacant lot on Folks St. Apply to H. J. Sweat 19 tt FOR 8ALE—Nice residence lot close In at bargain, on easy terms. Write owner, Mrs. L. C. Denmark, Jacksonville, Fla. 19 6td ltw FOR RENT—Two story house on Mary Street Apply G. R. Wol(e, 35 Jane. 19 tt FOR SALE—Hone and (arm wagon, with hamaas" tor $125.00. Apply at 2S tt Harold oBce. 31 3t