Newspaper Page Text
A bank pays you
dividends on whjat
you save, we pay
you dividends on
what you spend.
For the past 15 months we
have .been returning to our
customers who bought on our
easy payment plan 10 per cent,
of the amount they paid, in
trade coupons, this has meant a
saving of hundreds of dollars to
the people of Waycross. This
plan of dividing our profits has
proven so popular that we are
going to continue It, and we
have now arranged the follow
ing plan of dividing our profits
with those who buy for cash.
We have contracted with one of
the largest manufacturers of
high grade dinner ware, for a
large amount of the handsome
ware shown in the illustration.
With each cash purchase we
give you a coupon showing the
amount. Every $5.00 worth of
these coupons entitles you to
from one to seven pieces of this
. For the benefit of our cus
tomers who buy on our easy
. payment plan, we pay you 10
per cent, of the amount of your
monthly payments, in TRADE
coupons, (as good as cash at our
st:rs> i: r treking your pay-
m:r!s r.t t!:e store instead of to
a C3l!ect?r.
Walker-HoodFurnitnre Co.
First - Class Goods,
Low Prices and oar
liberal policies, have
made this the fastest
growing store in
South Georgia.
This beautiful China Ware
is on display at our store. We
want you to come and see it.
The decorations are the newest
out, very handsome and will
never wear off; the patterns
are all matched, are neat and
attractive, it is Semi-Vitreous
ware, the best quality made in
America. We give it to you
absolutely free. The reason is,
we want your business, and we.
are willing to show our apprecia
tion of your business by divid
ing our profits with you.
If you want SPOT CASH
prices on your goods and it Is
not convenient for you to pay
SPOT CASH, you may pay,us
ONE THIRD of the amount
cash, and the balance in three
more payments, due in 30, 60
and 99 days. No extra charges,
its for your convenience.
Mr. H. J. Menton ha-J returned af-
tM* ipcndlnj tan days or two weeks
in tjie north buying lull and winter
stock* for the popular H. J. Benton
••tore. Mr*. Benton ha* returnod
from Jesup where ehe vlatted relatlv*
a during hi* absence.
X very large congregation attended
Ccntrnl BapUst Tabernacle last night
to hear Ml*a Parrish. Miss Parrish
mads a magnificent talk which no
'doubt will be helpful to all who hoard
Hr. j. Rosenthal has received nows
at the death of his father which oc
curred In pipeline several weeks
ag& The deceased was over a hun-
dnd years of age at the time of his
Mr. J. M. Riggins,, a former real
dent of this secUon. has been spend
log several days In Waycros* with
irleuda. Mr. Riggins I* now engaged
In the turpentine business at Ideal.
Dr. and Mr*. O. P. Polks n,:d MISS PARRISH’S VISIT TO WARE.
daughter, Miss Dorothy, returned yes
terday from points In the north, where | (Continued from Page 1.)
they spent the summer. Dr. Folks | . ;e t urn0{ ] t0 acC ount. Wouldn't It
bought an automobile In Detroit, and I } ;8i fi 1( i (my, further, a far more use*
ho and wife and daughter and Mr.j ful thhlg t0 te „ ch the llt fl e cI ,|i d o(
Joo Brower traveled In the machlno J th8 furmin,, districts, to understand
to Chattanooga. At that point the j t y, a( conl ervatlon.of moisture Is noth-
automobile was shipped to Atlanta. I |ng more nor than that the hun .
and from there they came through j drc(ls 0 , t | ny little streams of water
the country, Mr. Brewer driving the
Miss Mary E. Douglas returned this
morning from Michigan, where she
w— teen spending the summer.
Much 8leknete Due to Rowel Olsor-
A doctor's first question when con
sulted by n patient Is. -Are your how-
els regular?" He know* that ninety-
olght per cent of Ulnees Is attendod
with inactlre bowels and torpid Uver,
and that this condition must he re-
moved gently and thoroughly before
health can be reetored.
Rcxall Orderlies are a positive,
pleasant and safe remedy for consti
tution and bowel disorders In general.
We are eo certain of their great cura
tive value that we promise to return
Mr. and Mrs. L. 1■ Cooper and
e&Udrcn returned Saturday from Hen
dersonville. N. C. Mrs. Cooper and
the children spent the summer tn
' Kotin Carolina, and Mr. Cooler went
sip and apent a few day * and accom-
looted them home.
cn. Jease B. Mercer, editor of the
gerald Enterprise, and state game
Bah commissioner waa In Way-
a thla tnornln? end gave the Her
oBoe a pleasant cell. Mr. Mercer
not ae yet appointed a game war
for Ware county. Five appll-
s am shaking the position. Until
iidoc Is named, clerk of court, E.
.,, s*»- arr -!st*d t- act
orarily anul an appointment Is
s. Ties* co'temphttfng hunting
rVa'xe to tsntllterlre themrelves
■Le-Uw thtuld SIS Ur. Barry. I
that surround the root of the plant,
most need to to be regarded In dry
taught over forty years in the coHeg*
os of Georgia and Is well qualified
for the great work she Is doing.
Lott-Hltcb Building.
Special low prices and easy terms
on bed -room suites, lroR- beds, odd
weather, and that the simple breaking,^ w- wU , p]eaB8 „ re .
of the earth around It forms a cov- j fa nd your m0Be y.
ering for these "tiny streams" and pre) , Home ^ mltan company,
vent, them from evaporating and „ p,„ t and A , taoy Xvenua .
| that 1 am entitled to another term
I partly due to the fact that under our
new city charter I will be Ineligible to
offer again for the third’term. With
the two years’ experience in city af
fairs I v.Jll have had at the close of
this term, experience that better quali
ties me to render you more efficient
service next term.. I will appreciate
your hearty support.
Yours very truly,
John M. Cox.
that the dryer the weather the often-
er the earth should be broken, etc.,
She also questons the common
sense of people who compel a live
healthy boy or girl to be kept back a
grade, because they didn't "pass" In
Latin or Algebra, or probably failed
to faster square and cube root.
These things are useless, and ever
will bo to the average person lllro
you or me, and To prove it hog- man7
of you who read this article can do
the purchaser’s money In every easel any of the three off hand?
when they fall to produce entire eat-
Rcxall Orderlies are eaten Ilka can
dy, they act quietly, and have a sooth-
Inc, strengthening, healing Influence
on the entire Intestinal track They
do not purge, gripe, cause nausea,
flatulence, exceatlve looseness, diarr
hoea or other annoying affects. They
are especially good far children, weak
persona or old folks. Three sixes,
50c, 55c !Cc. Fold only at our store
—The Rexsll 8tore. The S*a!« Phar
macy. AS
dr. O. U. A. M.
And suppose you do want to know
something shout the old Latin writ
ings—they are beautifully translated
Into Dnt-lish—and Algebra, bow many
times does the average person apply
It, and suppose yon do need cube
root, a table of logarithms will allow
It at a glance.
Of courss there are children who
Meets as - Moads
evening at 8:00 In
17 \V- Cut!* Hal' ?laut avs
( arm*
, ,,, Members i~ requested
7 t to ntsnd. mad visttins
Kiiigau »ra most "a*
'tally Invited to ««h ns
r H. Mines K m it t 3. a M. ol P
Waycross, Ga., Sept 9, 1911.
To the Citizens of Waycrosa:
I will be a candidate for nomina
tion u Mayor of Waycrosa In the
approaching primary. Within a few
days I will publish a short statement
of the principles that I shall advo
cate In asking the voters of the city
to support me.
(Signed) Harry D. Reed.
To the Citizens of Waycross:
In making this, my announcemen
of my candidacy for Mayor of the
City of Waycross, I beg to say I do
so with the kindest personal feeling
for those who may oppose me. I
expect, if elected, to look closely after
the affairs of the office of Mayor and
to ipend the larger part of my time
In attending to the Important duties
of the office. I expect to make a fur
ther statement Tn regard to certain
matters later.
C. W. Parker.
Big anppiy of card board, all col-
ora, Ju»t received at Herald, tl
The Herald Is authorised to annoon
that Mr. F. H. McGee will be t
candidate Ijar Mayor of Waycrosa
want the "higher education," la eo, j rnbjtct to the action of the Damo
there are schools and schools for theocratic primary,
purpose, and the one or two of these' Official announcement of bis plat
are certainly not at enough Impor-lform will be published later,
tance to counterbalance the hundreds
of bright boys and girls who stop FOR MAYOR.
school beciuse they cannot master To the Citizens of Waycroes:
these ttndies, and are kept hack a -This Is to Inform you that I will
I year In consequence. ; he a candidate to succeed myself as
Meats STary Monday srsntag tn Rad I A rally will he held at the Court Mayor of Waycrosa, subject to the
Kug.g jfgji' Lott-Hitch building gt I! House Saturday, September 30 at 19 Democratic primary, which will be
p, ^ • o'clock end every one ta urged to held tome time In December. If elec-
Visiting brothers eerdtafty lavttae make a special effort to attend. ted, t than endeavor to give yon dur-
to meet rltfc at,
snored corona. L Out CoUtto
To the Citizens of Waycross:
1 hereby announce myself a candi
date for Alderman for the Second
Ward, City of Waycross, subject to
the ensuing white primary and ask the
support of all classes of citizens. I
promise fidelity to thelrust If confer
red upon me. .
W. C. Bntler.
The friends of Mr. Scott T. Beaton
announce him a* a candidate for Al
derman from the Fourth Ward,sub
ject to tbe Democratic primary to bo
called later. We feel qnlte aure If
elected ,Mr. Beaton will make a most
j efficient and active official, and ask
the heartyjupport of the voters of
tbe city.
I beg to announce that I am a can
didate for alderman from tbe second
ward, subject to the white Democratic
The Herald la authorized and re
quested to announce that Hon. J. E.
T. flowden will he a uandtdate for the
State senator from the Waycross die
trlet in the primary to te called later
and ihal a plain statement will ap
pear some time b ter 13 6t
primary to be held later. If elected, j To the Citizens of Waycrosa:
I will do my part toward giving the j I hereby announce that I will be a
city an impartial, business admlnlstra- candidate to succeed myself, as Al-
H. Hengeveld.
The friends of Mr. T. G. Hilliard
hereby announce him a candidate for
Alderman from the Second Waycrota
Ward. Mr. Hilliard was raised In
Were county and kea llred In War th*gn as faithfully for the next two
derman for the sixth ward, subject to
the Democratic primary, to he held
some time In December. In maxing
this announcement, I wish to think-.
the good people of Waycross for their
many kind words, and warm support
while acting as their representative,
and If elected, I will try end serve
Any one hearing Miss Parrish arfil log the next two year*, aa t have done
feel- rare- than repaid as sh* holds In a* past two, a clean, honest, ini
her aadlesce* speH bound. Sheaf has conservative administration. I feel
cross many yecra. He t* favorably
knowto rh& will he warmly supported.
Very trefy y-r-r
C. A. LeCocnL