Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 27, 1911, Image 2
WAYCR088 EVENING HERALD TtfC EVENING HERALD Published By — THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perham, 8f. , A. P, Perham, Jr. Editors end Proprietors. Miss Carrie Perham, Personal. Society and Local. The Waycrosa Herald founded in IS8C. The Dally Herald founded in 1892 by A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephones Buslnus Office 25 Editorial Offie 25 Residence 268. fvery Afternoon Except 8unday. Office No. 8 Jane Street RATE8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. i. Month | .45 I Months $1.25 « Months $2.50 $ Year j $5.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions nnd notices of entertain* Bents, where charges are made, will be charged at advertising rates of 5 •ants a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do Rot receive the paper promptly and •erly will please' ring-up the Circuit* tfon Manager and report the trouble be him, ae this is the only means that we can assure you prompt and early ieUvery THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the Uulted State# Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROSS, GA., SEPT; 27, 1911. Most of us can find ways of being poetic without killing ourselves on a flower bed. There are twice a a many electric lights as gas jets in Germany, yet gas caused nearly three times as many Arcs as electricity lust year. - “* The area of-the '‘abandoned farms” of the United States is said to be equal to ha of a strip of land from Maine to Florida ten miles wide. jos. m. Grown in the race Valdosta Times. The announcement of ex-governor Joseph M. Brown for the unexpired term as chief executive of this state was read with pleasure by his many friends in this city anil section. His platform In detail will be an nounced at a later date, and ft is saf' to say that it will be in that common- sense form so peculiar to "Little Joe." Whatever he says on any matter is eagerly read by the people of Georgia who have confidence In his good horse sense. This will up to the present time make a three cornered fight, but It is confidently believed by his former supporters that he will be the next governor of the state. His announce ment removes many probabilities for the position, who have been on the noxious bench for many weeks. * Mrs. William H. Felton has pub lished her memoirs. Here la a wo man who has not embraced any Isms or followed suffragette leaders, but who has had a good deal to do with Influencing tho*e around her to an ex tent not surpassed by many men. A new high record in the mining of phosphate rock for fertilizer was made by the United States last year, the output being 2,(15i,0gS long tons. * That Cincinnati man who offered to sell himself to the highest bidder had no right to enter competition against foreign nobility. A scientist avers that women’s feet nnd brains aro becoming larger. The sisters will doubtless set up a howl against this sugeitlon. —— The dispatches say that the Brook lyn navy yard Is to bo the largest In the world. Uncle Sam is bound to lead in every line. —*— It seems strange to a woman that a man gets so excited at a base ball game nnd keeps so cool at a bargain- counter sale. A novel tank car built In Saxony to transport live fish long distances provided with an electric motor to keep the water aerated. There seems to bo a disposition on the part of the voters of Georgia to blot out unnecessary issues nnd vote for the best man for governor. * There are seventeen kinds of sharks that inhublt the Indian 6coan. Then this body of water in not ns dnngeroirs to enter as the financial district of New York. j . ’ . —*— Those congressmen who sweat It out oil sitmmer In Washington to bring about reciprocity do not eoem to have hml their efforts appreciated j across the St. Lawrence. German •scientist has advanced j theory that hailstones are shaped j the electricity of the thunder ms* that generally accompany »• i In New Hampshire there Is a wo man 27 years of ase who is the moth er of 12 children. Her husband has run away. Like most husbands, he could stand an occasional squall at home, but he couldn't face a hurri cane. MAY’S New Corn Meal Fresh Cream of Wheat New Mackerel Hay, Corn Oats May’s Mixed Cow Feed May’s Mixed Horse Feed New Crop Garden Seed Children Cry for Fletcher’s novel fly trap attracts the Insects i solution of sugar nnd water Into j re they provide food for a captive or toad. * >bln, the dishonest New Vet* ' t president who was going to e disclosures that would turn the tela! world’ tors/tumy, t? Vmad we nearly a million and a quarter' NO NEED TO STOP WORK When your doctor orders you to stop work, it staggers you, "I can’t' you rny. You know you are weak, run-down and falling in health, day by day, but rru must work ns Ions as you can eti id. What you need la Electric T itters to give ton, strength, nnd vig. r to your system, to prevent breakdown nnd build you up. Don’t bo wcalf, sickly or ailing* when Elec tric Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bloss them for their glorious health and strength Try them. Every bottle Is guaran teed. Only 50c nt All Druggists. HOW'S THIS? v ’e o(?.*r no Hundred 1X11:.-s >.#• wave for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by I fall s Catarrh Cure.. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheqey for the lan 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Waldlng. Khinan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure «a taken Intern ally, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surface-* cf the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggist*. Take Hall's Family F:!ls for constl* patlon. WOODMEN OF, THE WORLD. • CAMP 1*1 Mw., Bru tea tblrd Tburtfiy •» -icb n^oth, JUwole Hill. . K'.chird l. Singleton, C. C. D. P. w-oley, Clerk. The lilt id You Muv'.t A’.'va~s Boat-lit, and which has hecn In use tor oroi "0 years, has homo the signature ot and hr.s been made under his per* rccia! supervision since its Infancy. Alio ir no one to deceive you In tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd “Just-ns-good” are but Experiments that trifle with nnd endanger the health of Infanta and Children—Evnerlenco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Boothlng .Syrups. It lx Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVlnd Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, gtving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS |Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 .Years THE CEWTAUH COMPANY, 77 MUWWAV STREET. NCW TOW* CITY. PARK PLACE High class Subdivis* ion for white people " only, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. W. D. Morton, Agt. ROOM NO. 4 Southern Hotel Bldg 1 looooooeoooeooooooeeoeooooooooooooo OWN A HOME WE LOAN/YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN FIVE years; monthly payments. WILL BELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE US1 Wayoross Savings and Trudt Co ♦oeoooo- v-v<y*oeooooo<xxx>ooootay>Oj Farming With Dupont High Grade'Dynamite NOW IE THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR STUMPS. THE HOTTER THE WEATHER THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKE8 TO DO THE WORK. LET ME GO OVER YOUR PROP- ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN 8HOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORE- PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATE 8 . WHEN MAY I CALL! J. C. CRANE, Expert Blaster. Ask Watt-Hardware Co. wayenws. Ga. »8*888888»88*88t8* M Ware County Light and Power Company. , We Are Headquarters Icr Everything in the HARDWARE H\E!. R. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. mUKT YOUR At LaGrande Phairr.cc t • THE "PLACE TO' 8PEND YOUR IOLE MOMENTS, WHER YOtj'CAN GET ANYTHING IN ICE CREAM, 80DAS, CANDY AND CIGARS.' OUR 8TOCK OF TOILET ARTICLES ARE UNSURPASSED. Phone 75 LaGrande Pharmacy. For First-Class JOB WCBK Try THE HERALD.