Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 27, 1911, Image 4
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD KRESG DIP No. I will do the work. DEPENDABLE 8 U R E INrrvpENSIVE » TO USB a special book* Gf HI PHARMACY ' T. S. Paine, (771 A GOOD RESOLUTION to mako and keep is to patronize this Livery when you are m need of a first class turn out for any purpose. We can supply your wants, prompt end moderately. Give us an oppor tunity to show you how well wo can please you. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery «nd tales Stables, tftbeau St. Waycrws, Ga PHONE NO. 6*. oooO O OOOOOOoOOOOO Silverware Sale Discontinued if pat terns half regular price. I'cnspoon G5c per sot Jesert Spoon, $1.75 per set Forks $1.75 per set Tablespoons,.. $2.50 per sot Only Uniltod quantity In stock. 8eo our window for Silverware Bargains! Little & Odom JEWELERS! * & OPTICIANS Phone 5. Eggs Eggs Eggs lust Arrived 600 dozen Termesee Eggs To Go At 25 cts. A Dozen Phone 62 Or 301 f. W. S. Hardg SUCCESSOR TO HADDY BROS. THE HERALD AND THE CANDIDATES. The Herald Is a Democratic news paper, don't forget that, so long a a you live in this world, and In view of this fact wo propose to treat all Democrats fairly and squarely, with out partiality ,and with special favors to none. The campaign for city and county officers is about to open. In fact it has opened. Therefore be ft known that The Herald will charge five dollars for announcements in Its dally and weekly editions from this date to the time of the primary. And there fore be It further known that wo will charge for publication of all platforms, corres pondence or controversy In favor of or In opposition to the candidacy of any person, tho sum of ten dollars for a column, or in proportion for the fractional part of a column. personal | J* Mis* Carrie Perham Sonia! Editor The circus is coming. Get yourseh' in shape to take the kids. Mr. L. A. Harrison, of Ocala, Fla. is In the city spending a few days with friends. Mrs. O. J. Allen and little son, 03- car, will return tonight from a visit to relatives in Bryan county. Mrs. J. G. Stelnhelmer has return ed after spending some weeks In Asheville, N. C.' Mrs. F. H. McGee’s friend-3 will be pleased to learn that she Is noma bet ter, although not at all w-ell. Dr. J. E. Barnard, of Valdosta, will arrive tomorrow to attend the Baptist Association, which will be in session here several days. Go to W. J. Parker for your freak meats of all kinds. Prompt deliver les. ’Phone 28S. 27 4t Mr. J. L. Pennington, of Jasper, Fla., was among the guests at the Vlrdls yesterday. Mayor S. E. Cannon, of Folkston, was among the guesti at the Phoenix Hotel last night. Mr. Cannon is also game warden for Charhon county. ONION SETS. Silver fkln, Pearl and Yellow*bnlon sets. Best quality, at Redding’s. 25 15t DR. J, T. DIXON, * Physician and Surgeon. / - Special attention to chro-ic diseases of women and children. OBSTETRICS. CANCER AND DROPSY. Offlco Th’rd F'loor Lott-Hitch Bldg. Office ho- is: 9 to 11 a. in. 4 to 6 p. m. Phone, office Residence 393 Waycross, Georgia. Mrs. Bosworth and Miss Maude Beck are expected home tomorrow from a visit to points in the north, where they spent some weeks. News from Mr. H. C. Bunn, who 1*3 In an Atlanta hospital, where he un derwent an operation (or appendici- tel, is to the effect that he Is getting along splendidly. Big fall and winter millinery open ing Optober 3 and 4, at Humphreys & Williamson. 26 2i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roberson re turned this morning from their wed ding trip which was spent in North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Robereon will mako their home with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Joiner on Folks street \ C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetenarlan. 19 Albany Avenue. Waycross, Ga. Day and Night Phono 598. Mr. A. B. Fisher, who is engaged in the turpentine business in Florida, la spending the day in Waycross, a guest of LaGrando. He w ill go * to Ludowicl tonight to join his wife for j a visit of a few days. Mr. Burdette Loomis, Jr., of the Ware County Light and Power Com pany, Is attending the Electric Light Convention In Columbus, Ga Mr. Instils will read a paper before the convention today. OFLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COM POUND Still retains its high place as the best household remedy for all coughs and colds; either for children o* grown persons. Prevents serious re sults from a cold. Take only the gen uine Foley's Honey and Tar Vom' pound, and refuse substitutes. Gem Pharmacy; T. 8. Paine. In Memory of Pioneer Methodist Special To Tho Herald. Plainfield, Ill., Sept. 27.— 1 The dele gates to the Rock River Methodist conference in -session at Joliet camo to Plulnftold this afternoon and Assis ted at the dedication of a monument In memory of Jesse Walker, a noted pioneer of Methodism in Illinois nnd the middle West. nishop Hamilton of Boston presided over the exercises and Bishop Hen drix. of the M. E. Church, South, de livered the oration of the day. Mr. J. W. McDonald, of Vallosta, spent yesterday in Waycross, the guest of Rov. O. F. Cook. Mr. Mc Donald formerly resided here and has many friends in this section, all of whom are delighted In the wonderful improvement In --UH health. For a long time Mr. McDonald had to use crutches, but he has now discarded them nnd Is able to get around quite lively. Cut prices on all low cut shoes. 7 2t J. W. Adams. Mrs. Helen Penntman, wife of Mr. E. A. Pennlmnn, died at the family residence in Brunswick yesterday. Deceased was 64 rears/of age, and had only been sick for a few days. Mrs. Pennlman was a near relative of Mrs. J. Polk Stewart, of Way cross: Summer Colds bad a, they are, bare about the eame cbmnc« with ■ Seals’ Cold Tablets Anyone dee’rlng a •‘Monitor’’ gsso* line Iron, please feed order to Mrs. D. ■ Young, ik*nt Box 564, cross, Ga. 3 Mrs. a . Way-) 6 netj* that a caowbali does in—sunehlne. 4 Try them on guarantee. TH E:SEALS3PHARMACY3 crc~ OBEKI as RKXAL1 *TORK >♦0404 »<v»o^o»o»o»o»o»o» * ulinery Opening! October 3rd, and 4th. Our Millinery Opening of Fall and Winter Pattern Hats will be on display Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 3rd and 4th. . We will show also a pretty line of Tailored Suits. A Cordial Invitation is Ex tended to all Humphreys & Williamson We Are Ready To Offer You Real Bargains CLASSIFIED OUR FALL 8TOCK IS HERE. JUST RECEIVED ONE CARLOAD HIGH GRADE BUGGIES. ONE CARLOAD FARM WAGONS. A LARGE SHIPMENT OF HARNESS AND SADDLERY COLLARS, ETC. WE .ARE MAKING SPECIAL’ CUT PRICE8. COME AND LET US SHOW YOU »JUST WHAT IT WILL SAVE YOU TO TRADE WITH US. Jones Buggy Co. FOR RENT—seven room homo, 43 { Oilmoro street Apply W. B. E1U&2- j ton, LaOrande Building. 1 11 BOARDERS WANTED—Good | can be secured nc 64 Reed etrej i FOR RENT—Room at 51 Parallefc^L or phone 462: 13 lm WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. BRONCHITIS CONQUERED Seventy Years Old And Praises Won- , derful Hyomel. “I had a severe attack of LaGrippe It left me with bronchitis and catarrh of my throat I became quite deaf in one ear so I could not hear a watch tick. I commenced using your HYO- MEI and inhaler and soon got relief, and believe that It saved my life. I have recommended It to many. I am over seventy years old. I have told several prominent doctors what It did for me.” Wm. H. Mowder, Washing ton, N. J., R. F. D. March 16, 1911. For catarrh, asthman, bronchitis, coughs, colds and catarrhal deafness HYOMEI is guaranteed by G. R. Brinson Co. Complete' outfit includ ing Inhaler and bottle of HYOMEI $1.00, separate bottles HIOMEI if af terwards needed 50 cents. 13, 23, 4 POSITION WANTED—Young mar ried man, 23 years old, with 4 years experience in clerical work, wants po sition. Willing to work. Address 26 Clinton street, 0|ty. v ' 23 6t FOR RENT—Rooms hear court house in Parker House, also black smith shop to be used as shopor for storage on Parallel street. Apply Mrs. C. Parker, 19 Church street. 13 tf FOR SAL* 1 —Anyone desiring a nice fancy outfit it can be found for sale at Sutton Grocery Co. Horse, rubber-tire runabout and harness; all practically new, can be bought reasonable. 9 Haines avenue, Phone 7. 13 tf FOR SALE—A Columbia chainlets bicycle. In first class repair, brand new tires. Will sell at, a bargain if taken quick. Dr. W. K. MeekvWaU ker building. 26 3t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Wanted by an established firm in Atlanta, Ga., man to take an active interest In'management. Must be re liable and able to give best referenc- es. Salary $125.00 per month. Mod erate Investment required. Young man preferred, if you are In a posl tion to talk business, address G. H., 500 Forsyth building, Atlanta, Ga. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Will teach your individual case if yon have any form of kidne/ and bladder trouble or urinary irregularities. Try them. ' Gem Pharmacy; T. S. Paine. FOR RENT—Three nice up-stairs rooms, suitable for light housekeeping at 52 Brewer street. Apply J. A. S 104 Plant avenue. v25 St FOR RENT—9 room house, cold nad hot water, $27.50 per month in advance. Apply to No. 9 Haines ave nue. 26 3t LOST—Female bull puppy; color We are headquarters tot low prlcii tolld white; ears stand erect Please and *a*y terms, i IS tf Homo Furniture Co. return to 3 1-2 Tebeau street or phone 288. 4 27 2t FOR 8ALh— 1 Two building lots, cheap to quick buyer. Apply at Her- aid office. 22 3t FOR 8AL£—A nice lot lor sale, cheap, 2 blocks from Gilmore. Address pwner, Mrs. L. C. Denmark, Jackson- ville, Fla. 19 ctd ltw FOR SALE—Vacant lot on Folks SL Apply to H. J. Sweat ' • 19 tf FOR RENT—Two story bouse on Mary Street Apply Q. R. Wolfe, 35 Jane. 19 t{ FOR RENT—Two furnished room, gentlemen, with bath, electric Ugnts and phone. Apply to F. a. Bates, 60 Elizabeth itreet. --**? 1 u • FOR RENT—Fnrnlibed room, for light housekeeping, at 6 Hick, •treet. 23 6t FOR RENT—Room for young man. Apply 41 Brunei itreet 25 3t FOR SALE—Second hand sewing machine In good condition, for $3.50. 5 Apply at once to No. 2 Bob atreet It -•