Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 27, 1911, Image 5
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD _ K>0 , 0000000000©0<*00! New Line Crackers In Waycross Sunshine Biscuits English Style, Now in Stock PERSONAL ANt M I Ml»« Frances McDonald invitee th* ladles of Waycrow to attend her fall j millinery opening Tuesday October Mr. Len C. Baldwin, t Marietta^' 3r<r. Ga., a well known trave'ing man, la* ■ —- ■ — among the visitors to Waycross to-j You are incited to attend the fal. day. j millinery opening of pattern hats on HYOMEI FOR CATARRH. 'Tuesday October 3rd., at Miss Fran REMEMBER WE ARE LEADERS IN UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES Eggs Chicken and Butter Mr. E. T. Cushing, of-.Jacksonville, jces McDonald's. Is spending today in Waycross*. Mr. * Cushing formerly resided here, and! Many delightful entertainments have has a good many friends In Waycross. i been given for Miss Cole during her —— " ■ j stay here, she being very papular ’Phone 2SS for your fresh meats, native and western. Prompt deliver ies. W. J. Parker. 27 4t FRESH EACH WEEK FROM TEN- nessee. WE ALSO SELL EGGS BY THE CASE CHEAPER THAN THE OTHER FELLOW. Leading Grocers. tVilson Block. Phone 128 ♦o^ooooooooo00+0+ Quite a Iwge dance was given Tues day night at the Armory in honor of Miss Minnie Cole, the attractive vis itor of Miss Alexander, by the young men of the town. There were a num ber of visitors from the surrounding towns, and the music was furnished by a local orchestra.—Darlington News. I with the society set. who regret to see her leave for her home at Way- cross, Ga., September 30tl>.—Darling ton News. * Mr. and Mrs. Andrew King, Dublin, Ga., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. KInfe on Ware-street AT THE MAJESTIC. Film No. 1, “Her^Way,” a dramnt production played by an all-star cast. Magnilcent costumes and beau tifully staged by the Rex Picture Com pany. Film No. 2. “Sport Restoree j Youth.” A comedy picture produced anl featured by the Itala Picture of Company. The vaudeville feature will “Allen and Kenna,” In. a comedy sketch. World’s Greatest Remedy Free Front j Cocaine, Opium and All Habit - 1 Forming Drugs. j Start right now, before the cold j weather conies, to kill catarrh germs • and get rid of catarrh. It's the best j time. \ I Breathe HYOMEI (pronounce It j Hlgh-o-me), G. R. Brinson Co., guaran tees It. It Is made of Australian eu-1 calyptus, thymol nnd other antlsep- j ^ t tics, and besides destroying the germ., j y it soothes and heals the ' sore, raw ; ♦ ! i $ L. J. COOPER, President.* J. W. BELLINGER, Caahior. Just received good line shirts, col lars and ties. 27 2t . J. W. Adams. SmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Ver Best Smokers”, and ’Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manuf.ctpred In Waycrou, Ga. By PITTMAN CIGAR CO CARRIED TO BLACKSHEAR. G. F,. Radford, the Express me3sen ger, who was lodged In Jail here Mon day night, was carried to Blackshear last night by Sheriff Roberson. He will be held for further Investigation. Radford’s shortage, it^ ii stated, with the Southern Express Company was only $16.00. It Is not known wheth er the company will prosecute him or not. It Is rumored that the friends ot Dr. Gus Folks will insist upon him entering the race for Ordinary of Ware county at the next election. Humphreys & Williamson announce that they will have their big fall and winter millinery opening October 3 and 4. Every lady in the city Invit ed to attend. 26 2t Allen and Kenna at the Majestic to night are well worth seeing. Go ou* to the Majestic tonght, you will enjoy it Big supply of card board,.all col* ora, Just received at Herald. We handle the famous Mascot cook stove, every one a winner. Cash or easy terms. Home Furniture Company, 26 tf Plant and Albaijy Avenue. Every lady In the city should visit Humphreys & Williamson’s millinery opening October 3 and 4. Don’t for get the dates. * 26 2t Humphreys & Williamson invite the ladles of the city to attend the big millinery opening October 3 and 4. 26 2t. membrane and prevents mucus from forming in the air pasasges. Breathe it a few times a day. It’s an easy pleasant treatment and re sults are quick add certain. HYOMEI Is guaranteed for Catarrh, asthma and catarrhal deafness, or money back. A complete outfit, In cluding hard rubber Inhaler, costs $1.00. Extra bottles If afterward needed cost but 50 cents. 6, 16, 27 FIRE INSURANCE AND BOND8- LOTT- Phone 135 PARK MOR RAND CO, •WGINEER8 AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-HItch Building. RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. There are twice as many electric lights as gas Jets In Germany, yet gas caused nearly three times as many fires as electricity last year. The Junior Baraca class of Central Baptist Tabernacle will entertain some of their girl friends tonight at the home of Judge and Mrs. A. P. ) Perham on Reed street. Phone No. 24 for Towel*. 27 2t J. W. Adams. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Banking Made Convenient For all at this Bank. We oro conveniently located, offer every facility for promptness in banking, and wish to do buslneia wth YOU - . For security, note our resources of more than Three Quarters of a Million Dollars. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULT8. ■ First National Bank ; OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 Good line work shirts Just receiv ed. 27 2t J, W. Adams. A Lest Opportunity. (From the New York Sun.) Lot saw his wife turned to Shit. There are seventeen kinds of sharks that Inhabit the Indian Ocean. Then this body of water is not as dangeron* to enter as the financial district of New York. —*— Most of us con And ways of being poetic without killing ourselves on a “With sugar going up!" ho sighed, flower bed. LADIES’ The newest styles, the latest models and the prettied goods known to the weavers’ art are seen in the beautiful display of Ladies’ Suits now on display at our store. The suits are in all colors and shades, with some beautiful checks among the lot. Elegantly lined with silk or satin, trimmed in the niftiest of plain tailored effects. These Suits are in a class by them selves and are easily ahead of anything ever shown in this line in Waycross. And the prices? The prices will surprise you, for we selected them ourselves and saw that The Prices Were Right. The New Long Coats T^e latest fancy of Dame Fashion. The-long coats inCaracul, double faced cloth, serge and other weaves. Beau tiful effects in green, tan, black, blues, etc. Prices to suit everybody $6.00 to $27.50 H. J. Ladies’ Shirts Dross Goods New line ju^l in Elegant line of » and more com Dress Goods of ing every day, all styles and prices, with a Voiles,' Serges, beautiful assort Panamas, in all ment of trtmm- colors and black. ings. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Todd’s Famous Shoes and H. & W. line of Footwear for Ladies and Children. Elegant line of Duck and Canvas White Button Boots for Ladies. The newest whim of lady fashion. Knee- land Union-Made • Shoes For Men. Phone No. 212 BENTON & CO. . ■ \ ‘ , v Mary Street -J_ _ . :/ .-“T; :=■'