Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 28, 1911, Image 4
.-r-zrr - %.??-*** WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD LIOE. I Tot M«d •omcthiag to ckaa mff dkiaftct and kill panuite*. KRESO DIP No. I will do Ui« work. DEPENDABLE SURE IN?vPEN8IVE r TO USB G!M PHARMACY T. S. Paine, 1171 A GOOD RESOLUTION to make and keep is to patronize this Livery when you are m need of a first class turn out for any purpose. We can supply your wants, prompt and moderately. Give us an oppor- tunlty to show you how well we can please you. McGregor Mayo Boarding. Livery *nd Salts Stables. Tebeau St. Waycrows, Ga PHONE NO. S3. f>OCOOOOOOOOOOOOO^ Silverware] Sale Discontinued fpat- terns half regular price. rea.iioon G„o por let Joaert Spoon, $1.75 por «et Fork. $1.75 por sot Tnblospoons,.. $2.50 por aot Only Umltod quantity la atock. Seo our window for Silverware Bargains! Little & Odom IEWELERS1 & OPTICIANS Phone 5. Eggs Eggs r - Eggs fust Arrived 600 dozen Tennesee Eggs To Go At 25 cts. A Dozen - Phone 62 Or 301 J. W. S. Hardy 8UCCESSOR TO HAODY BR08. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hay moved to day from LaGrande Hotel where they have made their home for a number of years, to the cottage In front oi the W. W. Sharpe home on Gilmore street where they will keep house, Personal Jviss Carrie Perham Sonia! Editor £ Judge Perham Is confined* to his room today with his lame foot. Mrs. W. A. Wells, of Thomasvllle, is in the city a guest at the home of M r.artl Mrs. George Barnes. Ladles long coats In serge, pony skin and mixed goods, at 28 2t Miss Frances McDonald's. Special picture for tonight at the Majestic, the original Mutt and Jeff, the cnee you read so much of. Mr. J. E. Daniel will give an organ recital at Grace Episclpal church Sun day nght. Mr. Daniel's recitals are greatly enjoyed. The pipe organ 13 being installed In the Presbyterian church this week. It is yet uncertain whether it will be ready for use by Sunday. Go to W. J. Parker for your fresh meats of all kinds. Prompt deliver ies. 'Phone 288. 27 4t Born, last night to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Booth, a son. \ Mr. C. E. Scott has sold his Inter est In the b&wn shop on Plant avenue to his partner, Mr. S. T. Beaton. Mr. Scott expects to leave soon for his former home In Jacksonville, where he will again reside. Mr. and Drs. Scott have made many friends (Turing their stay in Waycross, and their de parture Is greatly regretted. OFLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COM POUND Still retains its high place as the best household remedy for all coughs and colds, either for children o* frown persons. Prevents serious re sults from a cold. Take only the gen uine Foley's Honor and Tar im pound, and refuse substitutes. Gem Pharmacy; T. S. Paine. Anyone desiring a “Monitor** gaso line Iren, i»!eajf tend order to Mrs.; D. C,. Vouny, 3f*nt Box cross, Ga. Mr. James Elder, of Quitman, has come to Waycross to make his home, and Is with the Redding drug store He is a son of Mr. Mat Elder, who lived at Waycriss for a number If years. , Mr. and Mrs, R. O. Lee returned yesterday from a visit to Hampton Springs, Fla. Rev. E. A. Geiger, of Monticello, Fla., Is in the city visiting his moth er, Mrs. C. A. Geiger, and other rel atives . Next Sunday night there will be an organ recital in Grace Church by Mr. Daniel, assisted by the Misses Per ham. The program will be published later. • Big fall and winter millinery open ing October 3 and 4, at Humphreys & Williamson. 26 2t MISS FRANCES McDONALD IN VITES THE LADIE8 OF WAYCROSS TO ATTEND HER FALL MILLIN7RY' OPENING TUESDAY OCTOBER 3. Beautiful lot of ladies coat suits, long coats and misses coats at 28 2t Miss Frances McDonald’s. Mrs. W. H. Tolbert and children have returned from Atlanta, where they have been visiting relatives and friends for some weeks. Col. W. W. Lambdtn returned yes terday from a pleasant and beneficial stay of some days ut Tate Springs, Tenn. 0‘ilON SETS. Silver : kin, Pearl and Yellow Onion sets, h st quality, at Redding's. 25 ISt Mr. S. A. Baker, a contractlr of Eastman, Ga., was a guest of the VJrdlo last night. Mr. Baker former ly resided at Jesup. Tomorrow, Frday, geing the Feast i of Saint Michael and All Angels thero f will be two services In Grace Epis copal church, as follows: Holy' 1 Eucha rist, 7:30 a. m., Litany and Menta tion, 5p.m. * DR. J. T. DIXON, ' Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to chronic disease* of women and children. OBSTETRICS, CANCER AND DROPSY. Office Third Floor Lott-Hitch Bldg. Offlce hours: 0 to 11 a. m. 4 to 6 p.m. Phone, offleo Residence 393 Waycross, Georgia. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vctenarlan. 19 Albany Avdhhe. Waycross, Cx Day and Night Phono 598. Full line Flelshers Germantown Zephve at 28 2t Miss Frances McDonald's. A sensible Valdosta woman was laughing this mt^lng because the Atlanta women are organising to mnke a fight because sugar has gone up one or two cents a pound. "Isn't It funny that women will make so much ado over the price of sugar and then turn around and pay $50 for a hat without kicking?" We agree that It Is funny, but a fact none the less.— Vallosta Times. Mr. W. P. Thompson, who has been In the city working up a special matter for The Morning News, Savan nah, received orders from hia paper to go to the State Fair to look after mat- ters there connected with The News. He will reum to Waycross and finish up his work here after the fair closes. Good line bags and suit cafes cheap. ’ 2t J. W. Adams. J BIG LOT FRYING CHICKENS JUST j ARRIVED AT J. W. 8. HARDY’S. 2* Mill; mery penin October 3rd, and 4th. Our Millinery Opening of Fall and Winter Pattern Hats will be on display Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 3rd and 4th. We will show also a pretty line of Tailored Suits. A Cordial Invitation is Ex tended to all We Are Ready To Offer You Real Bargains >% OUR FALL 8TOCK 18 HERE. JUST RECEIVED ONE CARLOAD HIGH GRADE BUGGIES. ONE CARLOAD FARM WAGONS. A LARGE SHIPMENT OF HARNESS AND SADDLERY COLLARS, ETC. WE ARE MAKING SPECIAL CUT PRICE8. COME AND LET US SHdw YOU JUST WHAT IT WILL SAVE YO'J TO TRADE WITH US. Jones Buggy Co. CLASSIFIED WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. BRONCHITIS CONQUERED POSITION WANTED—Young mar. Seventy Years Old And Praises Won-j ried man, 23 years old, with 4 years derful Hyomel. 1 eiperlence In clerical work, wanta po- i 5J1. Way-1 0 •HV Summer Colds * bad as they are. bare about the aame chance with Seals’ Cold Tablets that a saowbaU does In——sunshine. Try them on guarantee. theisealsjpharmacys - UE RXX4LI STORE "I had a severe attack of LaGrlppe It left me with bronchitis and catarrh of j&y throat. I became quite deaf in oi|'e" ear so I could not hear a watch tick. I commenced using your HYO- MEI and,Inhaler and soon got relief, and believe that It saved my life. I have recommended it to many. I am over seventy years old. I have told several prominent doctors what it did for me." Wm. H. Mowder, Washing ton. N. J., R. F. D. March 16, 1911. Cor. catarrh, asthman, bronchitis, fought, colds and catarrhal deafness HYOMEI is guaranteed by G. R- Brinao'n Co. Complete outfit includ ing inhaler and bottle of HYOMEI $1.00, separate bottles HYOMEI if af terwards needed 60 cents. 13, 23, 4 • FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Will teach your individual cue If you have say form of kidney and bladder trouble-or urinary Irregularities. Try them. Gem Pharmacy? T. S. Paine sltlon. Willing to work. Clinton ptreot, City, Address 26 23 6t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Wanted by un established firm in Atlanta, Ga., man to take an active Interest In management Must be re liable and able to give beat referenc es. Salary ,125.00 per month. Mod. erate Investment required. Young man preferred. If you are In a posi tion to talk business, address G. H., 500 Forsyth building, Atlanta, Ga. FOR RENT—Three tube up-stalrs rooms, suitable for light housekeeping at 62 Brewer street Apply J. A.' S., 104 Plant avenue. 25 St We are headquarters for low prices and easy terms. >" IS tf Home Furniture Co. FOR RENT—9 room house, cold nad hot water, ,27.50 per month in advance. Apply to No. 9 Haines' ave nue. ' 20 3t FOR SALE—a nice lot for sale, cheap. 2 blocks from Gilmore. Address owner, Mrs. L. C. Denmark, Jackson ville, Fla. is <jtd Uw FOR SALE—Vacant lot on Folks St Apply to H. J. Sweat 19 tf Humphreys & Williamson FOR RENT—seven itjorn -ftpuse, 43 Gilmore street Apply W. B. Isling ton, LaGrande Building.' 1 tf BOARDERS WANTED—Qood board can be secured uc 54 Reed street. 7 tf FOR RENT—Room at 51 Parallel St or phone 462. 13 im FOR RENT—Rooms near courc house In Parker House, also black smith shop to be used 09 shopor for storage on Parallel street Apply Mrs. C. Parker, 19 Church street 13 tf FOR 8AL*—Anyone desiring a nice fancy outfit It can be found for sale at Sutton Grocery Co. Horse, rubber-tire runabout and harness; all practically new, can be bought reasonable. • Haines avenue, Phone 7. 13 tf FOR 8ALE—A Columbia chalnlesfi bicycle, In first class repair, brand new tires. Will sell at a bargain If taken quick. Dr. W. K. Meeks, Wal ker building. 25 3, FOR 8 ALL—Two building loti, cheap to quick buyer. Apply qt Her ald offlce. 22 3t FOR RENT—Two story house on Mary Street Apply o. R. Wolbtr'35 Jane. 19 tf FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms gentlemen, with bath, electric ligate and phone. Apply to F. A. Blues, 00 LOST—Female bull puppy; color •olid white; ear* (thud erect Pletse return to 3 1-3 Tebeau street or phone Elizabeth street 21 tf FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for light housekeeping, at 9 Hicks street. 23 6t FOR RENT—Room for young man. Apply 41 Brnnel street 25 3t 288.'.. FOR SALE—Second hand sewing machine la good condition, for ,3.50. 27 2t Apply at once to No. 2 Bob street. It