Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 28, 1911, Image 5
WAYCR0S8 EVENINQ *>0000000000000000 New Line Crackers In Way cross Sunshine Biscuits English Style, Now in Stock PERSONAL M -OCAL! REMEMBER WE ARE LEADERS IN UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES The Ladies of the Msec. of the World in memoria:.: | With deepest grief we a: :.,unee llio 1 death on Auguet 1 th, l.'ll, of j Mrs. William M. Hollister I for sixteen years Supreme Command-1 er of The Ladles of the -Maccabees ot f the World, and at the time of her ■ death Acting Past Supreme Command- j Sm s^WDER Abs^hiialy Pure orsfy Safelng Powder made ^ ns Raya 3 Grape Cream of Tartar NO ALCM, rJO LIME PHOSPHATE Eggs Chicken and Butter FRESH EACH WEEK FROM TEN. NESSEE, WE ALSO SELL EGGS BY THE CASE CHEAPER THAN THE OTHER FELLOW. WILSON eROtERY CO Leading Grocers. Wilson Block. Phone 128 ♦OTOOOOOOOOOOOOOA fSmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers” and ‘Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Waycross, G«, ay PITTMAN CIGAR CO Her long years of service and devo-1 tion to our great Order had endeared tho?e who knew and loved her so YOU ARC INVITED TO ATTEND Mrs. Hollister to every one of Its One dearly as wife and mother, we express THE FALL MILLINERY OPENING Hundred and Sixty-three Thousand to these bereft ones our sense of per- PATTERN HATS ON TUESDAY Every lady in the city should visit Humphreys & Williamson’s millinery opening October 3 and 4. Don’t for get the dates. 26 2t FIRE IN8URANCE AND BONDS. Phone 135 EsL 188% PARK MOR RAND CO, •WGINEER8 AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-Hitch -Building. REINFORCED CCNCRE^E. There are twice as many electric lights as gas jets In Germany, yet. gas caused nearly three times i many fires as electricity last year. Phone No. 24 for Towels. 27 2t J. W..Adams. come to every member of The La dies of the Maccabees of the World in the passing from this life of our beloved Acting Past Supreme Com mander, Mrs. IJIltan M. Hollister, whom for so many years we reveren ced a4 leader, and loved as friend, and WHEREAS, Even In our grief we realize that in taking her to the Home beyond, Our Heavenly Father has.llft- ed from her the burden of pain and suffering which she has so heroically! borne through the weary years, and [ WHEREAS, She has now entered Into “the best that Heaven itself can give her, Rest.” RESOLVED, That we, her loving, sorrowing sisters, strive to be content j mm mm that we have yet to guide us the. NIALTED Rrl I LK memory of. her grcatne.., the Impl-j Tl» FOOd-dflnk for All Agtl. ration of her life, and HAIR THAT FA8CINATE8. Who Wants Lustrous Hflr Full of Life and Beauty. £tart now madam, September Is just the month to begin to acquire a glorious head of hair which you will be justly proud during tho social events of wintertime. If you haven’t used PARISIAN SAGE you arn’t on the high road to hair beauty. PARISIAN SAGE is the most delightful preparation that de stroys the dandruff germs and by so doing removes in a short time the cause of dandruff, falling hair, itching scalp, faded and'lifeless hair. * Dandruk germs are obstructionists; they prevent the hair from receiving it’s prope nourishment by ravenously devouring the same norlushment. Use PARISIAN SAGE for one week ana note the wonderful Improvement. O. R. Brinson Co., guarantees it, 50 cents a bottle. 7, 19, 28 3ig supply of card Doard, all col on, Just received at Herald. tx ' Good line work shirts just receiv ed. V 27 2t J. W. Adams. Raw -sugar Is going up, .. so the youngtter’s candy will be more un- Wlleyized than ever. Tour ordrrs fer^ fresh meat* will re ceive prompt attention.. 'Phone 288. W. J. Parke# X 4t 1 m members. Close personal association with the leaders and workers ot the Order had taught them to know her in her strength and dignity, her un selfish devotion to the .cause of wo man's progress. While serious Illness and suffering had been hdr portion, none heard her complain. Cheerful, self-reliant, al ways hiding and makng light of her pain, that those about her need not suffer with her, this noble woman, horn we knew* and loved as leader, retained always her unquenchable in terest In the Order’s growth and pro gress, and Its members as individuals. Her last weeks were weeks of suf fering, and death came at last, a re lease, a gently opened door into the land where pain and sorrow are not, the land ot everlasting Fence. She has passed from us, but her memory lingers, a benediction upon our labors. Let us make it our bea con, our guiding stap, that we who knew and loved her may through her example be better women, better members of the great fraternity to which she gave her life. Let her de votion, her tender regard for her friends, her zeal, and her unselfish ness be perpetuated in our lives. So shall we have a monument that no forces can destroy. He Qveth His Beloved Sleep. WHEREAS, A grievous sorrow has \ and here MISS FRANCES sonal loss that this noble heart has OCTOBER 3, gone from our lives, ns well ns our ^DONALD'S. true and deep regret that the Order! 1s deprived of her unerring Judgment, | A P art >' of th e younger girls wore her forceful personality, and that wc. V leasant *y entertained by some of offer them deepest p.nd most heartfelt, tho l)0 - vs ot the Junior Baraca class sympathy, and the assurance that ot Central. DaJptlst Tabernacle last their sorrow is our sorrow and thatj'^kt at the home ot Judge and Mrs. their loved one will live enshrined in ( ^' **• Perham. The evening was one hundred and sixty thousand loyal plpa'aantly spent playing games in the hearts, for “To live in the hearts of l )ar,or ® an d on the lawn. The young? L. J. COOPER, President J. W. BELLINGER, Cashier. Banking fdae'e Convenient our friends is not to die,” and men then Berved the delicious'refresh- RESOLVED, That In her memory,' ment » which they had prepared fot the charter Grace May hive of The tl,e oca8,on - They were assisted by Ladles of the Maccabees of the World | Mrs - J - Walter Bennett and the Mis- be draped in mourning at the first • Bes Porham. Those entertained meeting, in September, full ritualistic j Freddie Averet, Clara Pugh, Mar> honors being given, and so remain for Collie, Laura DeLette, Eva Ives Min- For all at this Bank. We are conveniently located, offer every facility for promptness in banking, and wish to do business wth YOU. For security, note our resources of more than Three Quarters of a Million Dollars. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS ACC0UNT8. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULT8. a period of sixty days, and RESOLVED FURTHER, That these resolutions be spread upon the min utes of this hive and a copy be 'sent tene Roland, Maggie Harbin, Hettie Hilton, Katie Keudrix, Rossie Lee, Anlrew Poppeii, Pearl Faust, Jesslo Morrison, Everet Ragland, Carlton to the family of our late Past Su-j® u ^ on ’ ® us h cv ’ine, Lucius Jenklus, preme Commander. “Ah, But Think! Wo who were blest with the most, sweet, most near, Knowledge of that high nature; who could drink At her fresh spirit’s fountain, year by year— What were the past without her? And her dear Image and metaory—did they too sink Into the abyss Herself was ours, Still lives remembrance; a bright golden link 'Mid this, the visible world, and the unknown Toward which we journey, where she now doth live— She, and her lovely memory. Make no moan. What else may pass, this two-fold gift endures." Mrs. Mary Fendt, Record Keeper. William Marr, James Milan, Clifford Robins, Hnrvie Ruck, Bernlco Settles, Arthur Strlek iud. Miss Mildred Wooten returned Sat urday from Atlanta, where she spent two weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. H. 'Cowart, of Rochelle, who is in a hos pital there for treatment. Mrs. Cow art has been quite sick but is now much improved.—Fitzgerald Leader. FRE8H LOT? OF THE FAMOUS DEAKIN8 BUTTER JU8T ARRIVED AT J. W. W. HARDY’S. 28 2t First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS S200,000 CASTOR IA Tor Infant! and Children. • fhe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ju?t received good lino staple dry goods. 27 2t J. W. ONION 8BT8. Silver skin, Pearl and Yellow Onion sets. Best quality, at Redding's. 25 lGt For The Sake ol YOUR I 0*1 the Original and Genuine HORLICK’SS Appearance I Forlnfants,Invalid?,andGiowiig children. S& RESOLVED. That w.th thla thought j K^n'St&dtS ' M before ua, we atrivo to reach the Ideal Rlefi mile, malted grain, in powder form. y? which sho hold ever in light,-the true! A quick Inert, prepared In a mine*, j ’A Fraternity which 1b that greatest j Take DO institute. AlkforHORUCK’S. | la thing in the worm—Love, und " Mot In Any Milk Trust & RESOLVED, That, knowing great void which the passing ot such soul must leave in the heart? of Cut prices on all low cut shoes. 27 2t J. W. Adams. Goodness that has Spanned the Centuries M I’ •n. And to dIs who love good coffee. □ American grown berry. r Process that . Eliminates Harmful Elements while retuiningand intensifying alt the natural flavor and aroma. Until the building of the French Market Mills this rare old iiiidi Markef Coffee could be had onlv at the French Market in New Orleans. But NOW you all mar cniov it. d<*iiv, alyourou n table. For it is now sold every where in bermeticaily-kcaied tics, »a all it* natural strength and deli cious aroma. ••There is only one real old French Market flavor”—only one coffee with a history. ^ Get It At Your Grocer’s And your pocket book, you’d § better come to this store soon g ai.d look over the new styles in and Hats If you are looking for a suit that combines Style, Comfort, Quality and Service, then you 'duty dUU OCIV1LC, UlCU juu jj£ are looking for The Steele Clothing & Store. You’d Better Pick Out Your Fall Suit NOW. A great many men are flu ding some very nice things here. Let us put one away for you. The color, the weave and the style you want is here. Blnulcd, Kmlted mt enlr l>r •— French Market Mills ;^«w Cr'eaci Ccfftt Cc., New OrI“ar..\ La. % Suits From $15 to $30 The Steele Clothing Store 40 PLANT AVE. U KMSKKKKKKKKtt&fttKKift %KKKK&XMMKK%KttKtt